"B-ko?" wondered A-ko. "Is that you?" "DIE, A-KO!" screamed the demonically mutated B-ko as she dove at A-ko. A-ko leaped out of the way. "I don't know what's happened to you, B- ko," she informed her arch-enemy, "but you don't seem to have changed that much!" The B-ko demon said not a word. But her tentacles did the talking, as they rushed towards A-ko and grabbed her arms and legs. "Say," noticed A-ko, "these look like dicks!" Sure enough, a couple ejaculated into her face! "Yuck!" exclaimed A- ko. "That was disgusting!" Suddenly, the tentacles grabbed at A-ko's school uniform and tore it off! "Hey, B-ko!" exploded A-ko at that moment, as the tentacles started pulling her toward the demonized B-ko. "I always thought you were a lesbo or something, but you chose a helluva time to prove it!" The B-ko demon still refused to speak. Instead, it plunged a limb into A-ko's pussy, and another into her ass! A third was shoved into her throat, and other disgusting slimy limbs started to caress her breasts and buttocks. I can't believe I'm being fucked by B-ko, of all people, muttered A-ko mentally. She was helpless to fight the demon, despite her supernatural strength. And worse, she could feel an orgasm being forced on her unwilling body. But the demon had forgotten that superhuman strength of A-ko's, which applied to ALL her muscles. Her clit pounded the tentacle within, crushing it, as her ass did the same thing to the member there. As A-ko climaxed, the demon raping her screamed in agony as its limbs were smashed to bloody paste. A-ko gritted her teeth, biting off the limb raping her throat. A-ko gagged and made puking noises as she forced the deep-throater up, while the other raping members slid out of her holes. The dying demon slumped to the ground, where it seemed to melt into ooze. Beneath the slime of the demon was B-ko, human again -- and nude. I gotta get her to a doctor, thought A-ko desperately. Maybe I should check in as well, in case I got pregnant from that thing. Skuld said, "I'd better check up on my oneesamas. They might need me." "I'd better come with you," said Amano. "Those bastards might still be around." Skuld opened a dimensional portal. Amano stepped through first to check for demonic activity, Skuld timidly following behind. Urd was sitting at Yggdrasil, Belldandy lying in a cot. "Hi, Skuld," said Urd cheerily, as if nothing had happened. "I managed to waste that big bastard." "Is Belldandy alright?" asked Skuld. "Physically, you mean?" asked Urd. "Checked her out myself. She isn't even pregnant." "That's a relief," said Skuld. "So, can I talk to her?" "She's sleeping right now," said Urd. "Cried herself to sleep. That demon attack was real traumatic." Then she looked over at Amano. "So who're you, handsome?" "Amano Jyaku," said the young man-beast. "You can call me Amano." "I'm Urd, and she's Belldandy," said Urd. "Skuld I think you already know." "She never told me she had such lovely sisters," complimented Amano. "My, you're smooth," giggled Urd. "Did Skuld tell you about this...problem we're having?" "Yeah," said Amano. He proceeded to tell Skuld everything about his home dimension, and the Overfiend. "I can't believe I used to think the guy was some kinda messiah," he commented rather angrily. "If he's as bad as you say," figured Urd, "we're gonna need some heavy-duty mystic firepower." Suddenly, a binging noise was heard. "Yggdrasil's found it!" exclaimed Skuld. "It's found the main leak that caused all this in the first place!" Back in A-ko's universe, the superheroine and B-ko were being subjected to a comprehensive examination, complete with a gynecological check-up. "Neither of you are pregnant or anything like that," said the doctor. "B-ko's cured of whatever caused her mutation." "That's a relief," said A-ko. "B-ko, do you remember anything?" "The last thing I remember," said B-ko, "was summoning a demon." A-ko did a double take. Then she got pissed. "You did WHAT?!" she screamed. "What the hell did you do a dumb idiot thing like THAT for?!?" B-ko sighed. "You know...the usual thing. I figured the occult would give me an edge over you." "Didn't work too well, did it?" snapped A-ko angrily. "No," B-ko sighed in frustration. "Sorry." "There's no time for 'sorry'!" yelled A-ko. "We've gotta figure out how to clean up this mess!" "Maybe WE can help with that," said a voice. A-ko, B-ko, and the doctor spun around. Stepping out of an interdimensional portal were Skuld, Urd, and Amano Jyaku. "Who the hell are YOU guys?" demanded A-ko. "We'll explain on the way," said Amano. "You two fit to travel?" "Except for the fact that we're wearing only these hospital gowns, yeah," snapped B-ko. "God, I'd love to have my Akagiyama-23 suit!" "Maybe I can help with that," offered Skuld. A golden light glowed, a thunderous voice boomed, and then Skuld said, "They decided it was a reasonable wish." Magically, B-ko's hospital gown was replaced by the Akagiyama-23. "Yeah!" she cheered. "Time to kick some ass!!" "Hold on," said Amano, "you have any idea how?" B-ko frowned, then she snapped her fingers. "The occult book's back at my mansion. Be right back." She flew off to retrieve it. Ten seconds later, she returned. "Here it is," she said, presenting the book. "That was fast," commented A-ko. "It IS an emergency," stated B-ko. "Okay," said Amano. "Get ready, everyone. I'm homing in on the demons' base of operations!" A portal opened. "Everyone get in!" shouted Amano. The potential heroes jumped through the gate...