[rom] [mf] The following is (kinda)hentai story. That means its protagonists (or antagonists) can and will engage in seXual intercourse. Now, this means you will find seXual scenes that may offend some of the readers. It means you might find eXplicit language, violence and/or overall adult situations, not suitable for minors. If you are offended by such written material or can't, won't and/or shouldn't read on... don't. All characters here were created by Kosuke Fujishima. This is the second part of my Aa!MS Trilogy, but has no connection whatsoever with the prior story, so, FORGET WHAT YOU'VE READ!!! This story explores Belldandy's feelings and lusts, both for Keiichi and a new character I'm sure you won't recognize. But it IS ME! Hehehe! This is the first story in which I use myself as third-person character, and it works, so you can rest assured it won't be the last! Oh, and you'll also meet another "new" character in this fic: Miranda! (Yoooooooooooosha!) If you never heard frm her, don't be alarmed. Unless you actually know me, you don't necesarily have to know that she's my real-life girlfriend. Love you babe! Don't forget that! ENJOY DAMMIT! (You too, love!) "... el placer es un alivio, el orgasmo un abismo." "... pleasure is a relief, the orgasm is an abyss." Héroes del Silencio. Avalancha, 1995. Jealousy [Soundtrack: Eifersucht!] It was an early Tuesday, day to go shopping for groceries. Belldandy returned home with two paper bags in her arms, She stopped momentarily at the front steps of the entrance to the Morisato residence: she could not see in front of her, the grocery bags blocking her vision of the floor where she stepped. Carefully, her foot searched for the first step. -Here.-A voice came from behind her.-Let me help. -Oh, thank you, Keii...-She said as both bags were taken from her hands. But it wasn't Keiichi. In fact, Belldandy had no idea of who he was. The stranger smiled warmly at her, before walking right into the house without even a glnce behind him. Belldandy just stood there, wondering who that might be. The boy must hav been around Keiichi's age, but looked very different from him: he had long auburn hair, and looked a tad thinner than Keiichi, although Belldandy couldn't shake off the feeling he was much stronger. He was dressed in jeans and a black, long sleeved T-shirt, over which he wore a dusty grey vest, full of pockets. It was until he came back out of the house, that Belldandy had a chance to se his face: fine factions, thinly outlined eyebrows and playful, even mischievous-looking yellow eyes. -Ano... Keiichi wa... uh, mata koko ni... imasuka? Morisato Keiichi?-He asked with a troubled Japanese, with an accent Belldandy couldn't quite place. -Yes.-Belldandy answered in english. She started towards the house.-I'll go look for him... -Don't bother. I already searched the whole place. He's not in. -You mean you..?! -ey, we got here an hour ago. We honked the horn, we called... We even rang those stupid little bells!-He pointed at the good-luck charm that Belldandy herself had hung in the poch.-Nobody answered, and we got bored... so, I decided to go in and see if he was still asleep. It's so early yet! -You..?-Belldandy seemed a little upset.-Wait a minute. How many are "you"? The boy pointed a finger at a red Mustang parked on the opposite side of the house from which Belldandy had arrived. A couple of legs hung lazily out the rear window, wearing white socks and blue sneakers. Just the three of us. Belldandy was about to speak, but her voice was drowned by the roar of an engine and the racket of discussion. It was Keiichi, in his jeep, along with the ever-fighting Urd and Skuld. -Belldandy!-Keiichi raised his voice over the others.-Why did you leave so early? I could have driven you to the market... Hey, who's that? The other boy turned to face Keiichi. -You dare ask, Morisato?! For a second nobody moved or spoke. Then Keiichi's face lit up. -Alfa! What are you..? When did you get here? How've you been? How's Miranda? -Whoa, whoa! One question at a time! I'm fine, but pretty tired! I just drove all the way from the coast! Miranda's fine, she's in the Machine! The "Machine" was a ten (that's right TEN!) cyllindered 1979 Ford Mustang Mac One. It was painted red with two thin, black lines running over it's middle. Alfa and Miranda loved that car as if it were their son. Which in a way, it was. They had both put their hearts and souls in the upgrade of an old car Alfa had stolen. The Machine's engine roared, and it slowly advsnced towards the house. Out of the driver's window, the red-haired head of a girl poked out. -Oi! Kei-kun! Genki? When the car pulled over, the girl jumped out and ran to Keiichi. They hugged and greeted each other (and in perfect japanese, no less!), and then she stood beside Alfa, placing an arm over his neck. Belldandy noticed the girl's odd beauty: she had very darkly tanned skin, like Urd's, contrasted by her bright red hair and her beautiful green eyes. Also, she couldn't help to notice her exquisitely contoured frame. The top half of her body was clad in a cut tank T-shirt and a black leather jacket that hinted her womanhood and her full, firm breasts. -Belldandy-Keiichi's voice made the girl snap out of it.-, I'd like you to meet Alfa. He's a... parts supplier and a very good friend. He really gave me a hand when I went to race to America. Alfa bowed and took Belldandy's hand to kiss it. -And this-Keiichi said, pointing at the redhead.-is Miranda. She's into, uh... another kind of club. She likes mechanics a lot and's been hanging around with Alfa for some years now. -Yoroshiku ne!-Miranda shook Belldandy's hand. Belldandy felt a shock as she touched the girl. Something was... Terribly wrong about her. Miranda seemed to noticed, and she forced herself to smile as she let go of the other girl's hand. -C'mon, Miranda-Keiichi aid as he took her hand and guided her into the house.-,I'll introduce you to the others. Alfa and Belldandy stayed out. -Hmph! Living with three women. Who'd have thought that of Morisato? Belldandy turned madly to him. -Keiichi is not at all like that! How would you know..? Alfa laughed out a heartly, shameless laugh. -Whooo girl! I've known Morisato for a considerable longer while than you! There's little yu know about him that I don't! -How could Keiichi pssibly meet someone like you? -Ooh, That hurt. Well, when we were just kids, we used to write each other. You know, actually WRITE each other. We'd go to the mail and lick stamps. Remember..? Well, then when his racing teams needed parts and replacements... well, I just supplyed them. -You... stole? -And got a pretty penny for it. And when his team went to America to race, I ofered them my home. They won, celebrated and got into trouble with the local mob. And Miranda and I got them out. -That girl... Miranda..? -What a piece of work, huh? Yeah, my kind of girl..! -She feels so... violent. -Huh? -She has done something terrible. In her past. She has taken a life. She has... killed. Alfa stared at Belldandy. Then he sighed. -Yeah. es, she has. That "club" Morisato was talking about. It was an assassins guild. Here in Japan. You may have heard about it, the Akai Arashi, Red Storm. Belldandy was never interested in such subjects, but yes, she had read or heard about it on the news sometimes. They were, after all, famous for never failing a job and for their secrecy to outer society. -But...-Belldandy almost whispered.-she's just a girl... why? -Hey. I never agreed to it. In fact, it was me who convinced her to quit. I worried she might get hurt. -But you might get hurt as well. -Me?-Alfa chuckled.-Seriously? -The life you lead... so full of danger... -And excitement! -Do you expect to live long? -No. I hope to die young. -That's sad.-Belldandy said, taking one of Alfa's hand's in between hers. -There's nothing sad abouth my life. A life should not be measured in how long you live, but in how much. Belldandy smile, and Alfa sensed an inminent rush of tears. Then he too smiled, and patted her hands. -C'mon, Belldandy. Let's go in before Morisato suspects about us. ____________________________________ For about week, Alfa and Miranda had stayed in Keiichi's house. They seemed to be great friends, as well as long time acquaitanced. Urd quickly grew fond of Alfa's roguish ways and free lifestyle (and no few suspicions were in the air, regarding they had shared more than one episode only IN the house!), while Skuld and Miranda spent great pariods of time holed up, crating or modifying machinery of all sorts. On the other hand, there was something Belldandy still didn't like about the couple's irresponsible way of living together. But she couldn't feel but wonder... about their relationship... and their feelings for each other. Alfa, despite his reckless behaviour, slowly managed to creep into Belldandy's liking: he seemed... nice, deep down. ____________________________________ Tuesday came again. Day to go shopping for groceries. And just as every Tuesday when she felt she needed to think, Belldandy woke up very early and, after taking a bath, left for the market downtown. There was something about Alfa and Miranda that made her uncomfortable. It was not like she didn't like them. In fact, she felt slightly... jealous of them. Of everything they were together. They just seemed so close, despite their mutual independence. So free of worries and problems and so... unlike Keiichi and herself. After shopping, Belldandy walked in the busy streets. Then she saw them: Alfa and Miranda. Again she noticed how close to each other they were... how often their bodies rosed each other... how proud Alfa looked, being with Miranda, and how happy Miranda was, having Alfa close. Her arm rested over his shoulders, while his hand was wrapped around her waist, seductively caressing the tanned skin beneath her shirt. Both of them smiled ana talked and flirted (inadvertedly, at times!) with every worthy passer-by. Suddenly, Belldandy realized what was what bothered her about the young couple. It was not their carefreeness. Nor was it their lack of respect for customs. Or their scarce responsabilities. Or their lives, so filled with fun and sin. It was the fact that none of this could ever be for her and Keiichi. Their destinies were to be together... forever. Tied. Bound. Enslaved. Belldandy came to the realization that their relationship lacked the liberty only Alfa or Miranda could give... -Oi! Belldandy!-Alfa called, at last aware of the girl's presence.-What are you doing here? -Huh..? I, uh, I... -Belldandy stammered, for no apparent reason.-... I came shopping. -So early?-Miranda asked with an amused tone.-I thought we were the only maniacs who'd think of going out at this hour. It's not nine a-m yet! -I usually come at this time when I'm... bored.-Belldandy said.-What are you two doing out of bed at this time? Alfa and Miranda gave each other a quick look, making Belldandy blush after she realized what she had just said. -We thought of going out for a walk.-Miranda explained.-It's been a pretty long while since we are not together in a new town. We can't miss this occations... Alfa and Miranda held each other for a few seconds, but immediately turned their attention back to Belldandy. -Well.-Alfa said.-Are you done with your shopping? Should we head back? Belldandy agreed, and the three walked back to Keiichi's home. Even though it was a long walk, there was much to see and much to talk about. Belldandy wished Miranda was not there. Alfa was usually an interesting boy to talk with, but Miranda seemed to keep absorbing his attention, leaving Belldandy, at times, talking to herself. The walk ended much sooner than any of the three would have liked, and Belldandy went right into the kitchen. She took out what she needed to prepare breakfast, and then she heard someone behind her. -Hey.-Miranda greeted her.-Need a hand? -Uh... yes. Thank you. Miranda stepped into the kitchen, and put some water on the stove. -Listen, uh... Belldandy. You seem to like Alfa, don't you? -Me?-Belldandy was startled by such a direct question.-Well, no, I mean, he's an intelligent, interesting, cute... why? Why do you ask? -Oh, it's nothing.-Miranda shrugged her shoulders.-It's just he seems to be becoming rather... fond of you, that's all. -Really? I had no idea. -No? Well, I wasn't expecting you to just tell me, anyway. But I think it's fair to warn you. I've been hanging around with Alfa for quite a while, so I know he does a lot behind my back. Even though we're supposed to be a couple, he still likes to fool around when he thinks I'm not looking. I know I shouldn't put up with stuff like this, but the way I deal with him is my business. Anyway, the point is, you're a nice girl, so long I can tell. I really like you and I wish you no harm. I'd really hate to see you hurt. -I don't think I understand you.-A confused Belldandy said softly. Miranda clenched her fists, and her eyes flashed a furious stare. -Okay. Read-my-lips: STAY-A-WAY! She got out of the kitchen and stamped her way to the bedroom she had been assigned. Belldandy breathed in relief. She thought Miranda was about to punch her out at any time. The water inside the pot was boiling, even though Miranda never turned the stove on... _______________________ Night fell. Belldandy had trouble sleeping. She kept on thinking of what Miranda had told her. She wasn't afraid of the girl, but every time she closed her eyes, she felt her warnings came true. She felt Alfa's light, silent steps approaching her bed. Once and again, she tried, but, just as she was about to fall asleep, her visions would return, only to disappear when she awoke completely. Then one time, when she opened her eyes, she could still feel his steps. Outside, in the hall. Approaching her room. Belldandy snugged in her bed, expecting. She could hear the faint contact of Alfa's bare feet with the wooden floor. The she saw him, through her open door. His hair was tied back in a ponytail, hanging to his back. His top half was bare and his thin, muscular body was clearly visible through the shadows. Belldandy sweat in anticipation as Alfa... walked past her door. Belldandy sat up, wondering if she felt disappointment. She didn't move until she heard Alfa's footsteps move away. Then she walked to the door. She peeked out and watched Alfa walk away... but where? Belldandy couldn't help it. She had to know. Carefully and silently, Belldandy tiptoed after Alfa, wondering... and worrying. Where could he be going? What could he be planning? What if he meant harm to Keiichi or Urd or Skuld? Alfa stopped briefly at one of the bedroom doors. He looked around (failing to see Belldandy, the idiot!) and opened the door. Belldandy watched him walk in, and she knelt close to the door to better see whatever happened inside. She saw Alfa coming close to where Miranda slept, and, after walking around her a few times like a dog, gently nudged her awake. -Aijin...-He whispered in his imperfect japanese.-... mezamete yo, aijin... Miranda slowly awoke and yawned sweetly. She rubbed her eyes and smiled at Alfa. She sighed and sat up, speaking in a very low voice that Belldandy could not hear. The redhead brushed Alfa's hair out of his face and caressed his cheek with one hand. The boy responded her caresses accordingly, and leaned to kiss her cheek, and gradually down to her neck. His hands were hidden from Belldandy's view, but she knew they were between his chest and Miranda's. Belldandy's eyes opened wide as Alfa pulled Miranda's shirt down. Even though the redhead was turning her back to her, Belldandy was impressed when she saw her naked shoulders and fine, strong arms. But even more by the sudden tenderness that had sprouted between the two. Now, Belldandy realized a new feeling that grew inside her. She had felt it the very first time she had met with Alfa, and every time she saw him. But it wasn't until now, that she watched him make love to Miranda, that she realized what she felt. Belldandy felt lust. Belldandy's body felt heated and sweaty, as if it was her, Alfa was making love to. One of her hands went down between her thighs, and found het panties wet and slippery. She went under the fabric, and slowly slid into her entrance, her gasp drowned by Miranda's screams. Belldandy forced herself to stand up. She limped back to her room, slightly ashamed for her feelings and her body's reaction to them. As a goddess, she thought she'd have some... control. She turned on the light and took off her clothes, throwing them beside her bed. She didn't like the way she smelled, so thought of taking a bath. As the water washed over her, she tried to keep her mind clear. Clear of Alfa, of M iranda and of the muffled voices that came from the girl's room. But even the water from the shower could not cool of her flushed body. Her thighs and breasts felt uncomfortably ho, and yet her nipples erected and felt so sensitive that even the shower excited them. Her hands unconciously began to touch and feel her breasts. Unable to stop herself, they began to move up and down her heated body, until one of them reached down over her pubic hair and to her slit. Again, she realized what she was doing, and again she felt ashame and desperate. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she stepped out of the bathroom, draped in a towel. She let herself fall on the bed, weeping in a low voice. -No... no, no, no... What's happening to me..? Belldandy stayed very still. Her body acted totally independent of her mind, and every little movement only seemed to further arouse it, in spite of herself. She just laid, immobile, crying. Silent. -Belldandy? The girl looked up, hoping for Keiichi's comfort. Instead, she saw Alfa standing at her door and, for the first time, not smiling. This time, his face reflected a deep concern for the reason of Belldandy's tears. -Alfa... -Belldandy wiped her tears and smiled a sweet, stupid smile.-What are you doing up? Alfa made a face. -I saw your room's light on and I heard you crying.-He lied.-I wanted to know what was wrong, so I came... uh, you might want to-Alfa pointed at Belldandy's exposed breasts.-cover up. -Oh!-Belldandy sat up and pulled the towel up over her chest, a deep blush flooding her face. -So-Alfa sat on her bed, next to her.-Wanna talk about it? Belldandy looked up at him, with one of those sweet looks of hers, smiling through her tears. Alfa felt slightly guilty (something that rarely ever happens!), even though not sure why. He used his right hand to caress the girl's cheek, and she took it between her own and kissed it softly on the palm. Alfa didn't know what to make sure of this gesture. But, as instinct took over, he pulled Belldandy's hands up and pressed her against his body. The towel fell to the floor, and he could feel the girl'd warm, thumping chest pressed up against his. -Belldandy...-His hand snaked around her waist. She didn't resist, but she didn't act, either. Alfa looked into her eyes, and found them filled with fear... and longing. Gently, he kissed her, but seeing he got no response from her, he pushed his tongue past her lips, tasting her and prolonging the kiss as much as his lungs could bear. Finally, just as he wanted, it was her who pulled back. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. -Alfa...-Her feeling were tearing her apart. The knowledge of this gave Alfa a small, perverse sense of satisfaction, knowing what this could, and most likely would lead to. His left hand moved to the front of her waist. Alfa looked into Belldandy's eyes, not really sure if he wanted to, but following a protocol he had force himself to accept. Belldandy smiled at him, and he slowly started to touch the inner sides of her thighs with his fingers. Alfa anjoyed as he felt her body respond to his touch. Her temperature raised noticeably, and she gradually began t feel damp and slippery. With one finger, Alfa traced closing ovals around her entrance, finally sliding a finger over her slit, leaving her hungry for his touch. Slowly, his finger slid up her body, leaving a wet, sluggish trail, and delicately touched her breasts, all around her pink, soft nipples. Even though she tried to be completely silent, Belldandy's breathing had become very ragged, hinting Alfa how much he was, in truth, teasing her. And so, his finger continued moving up over her shoulder, and then down, slower even, down her back. Lower, until he reached her rear. His whole hand squeezed one of her buttocks, making her gasp in surprise. Almost unnoticeably, Alfa's finger snaked inwards, low between her legs and into her pussy. Belldandy bucked as she felt his fingers inside. Alfa anjoyed Belldandy's silent pleasure and the submissive way she let him do whatever he wanted with her. He made her turn around, with the same hand he fingered her from behind with. Feeling her legs weaken, he let her fall, face down on her bed, never taking his hand out... until she was about to reach her climax. Then he took it out. He hesitated, wondering if he should or not penetrate her. She was, after all, his frined's girlfriend, and obviously a virgin (wimpy Morisato!), plus, the least he wanted was to leave her pregnant. -Alfa...-He heard Belldandy's gasping voice.-... onegai. Alfa looked at her, startled. She had turned her face to him and was smiling. Then he looked town between her legs at her tender, dripping pussy. She was so aroused that her lips gaped and her juices slid down her thighs... inviting... calling out... screaming to be penetrated. Oh, well, it wasn't like she didn't ask for it. Alfa took her foot with his hand and forced her to spread her legs wide apart. For a moment, he contemplated her, innocent and tender, as she was in such perverse and vicious hands. Poor girl. Belldandy gritted her teeth, waiting for Alfa's long awaited intrusion. Slowly, she could feel as his member entered parting her virginal lips. Slowly, until it began to hurt. -Aaa... Alfa...-She whispered.-i... ta... i... Alfa pulled back, just a little bit. His free hand moved forward and kneaded on Belldandy's clit, making her loosen up... -Aaaa..!-Belldandy's scream scared herself and made her feel dirty. But it was not without reason: she felt as if something inside her was torn... and yet, she liked it. She liked the way it made her feel. Each time Alfa moved, back and forth, inside her tight and tender cunt, she felt little traces of pain between the waves of pleasure that assaulted her, and devoured them. She began to rock her hips, in perfect and opposite rythm with Alfa, each time almost making him pull out completely, only to bring him back in with growing strength and depth. Belldandy cried out with each new intrusion, and loved it. -... ah! ... ah! ... ah! Alfa was glad Belldandy was finally responding. He decided to let her take control and see. Gradually, his thrusts became less violent. Belldandy Felt this and, passing the leg she had in the air over Alfa, made him lie on his back, slamming down on him, and forcing him even deeper into her. Alfa was about to cum, but realized the importance of this experience for Belldandy and held back. At last, her screams became loud moans. -Uhn... uhmm... hnng... And she made him drive into her with less force. She felt her orgasm build up inside her abdomen. -Oh... Alfa... She placed both her hands over her pussy and screamed as she came, seconds before Alfa sprayed his seed inside her. -Aaaaaaaahh! Belldandy stayed there, kneeling over Alfa, without making a move or saying a word. She just panted, trying to catch her breath, as she leaked down on Alfa. She could still feel him inside her, but little else. -Oh.-She said at last.-That was... wonderful. He sat up and held her. He kissed her on her cheek and quickly pushed her up a bit, pulling out of her and releasing the rest of their mixed fluids to stream out from between her legs, and a moan to escape her throat. -Nmf! -Belldandy. I can't really say I know what this was about. I didn't mean to make you... -Sshhhhh...-Belldandy put a finger on Alfa's lips.-I'm fine now, Alfa. Keiichi will know nothing of this and neither will Miranda. You may not be fully aware of what you really have done, but that doesn't really matter. You have my thanks. Alfa didn't understand a word, except for the part that Miranda was not going to know anything about this. He thought of how he had obviously gotten himself used. But he couldn't really complain: he had just comforted a weeping girl and, even though that wasn't his intention (really!), made love to a beautiful young woman. He stood up and pulled his pants back on. He looked down to Belldandy, who smiled again, making him feel stupid. -Well-He forced himself to say.-, it was fun tonight. But we will leave tomorrow, so this is... Belldandy stood up and hugged him warmly, still naked as she was. -Thank you, Alfa. This has meant more than you think. She turned around and walked into the bathroom. In a moment, Alfa heard the shower running again. -You got it.-He whispered. Alfa walked out of Belldandy's bedroom. Maybe it was the darkness, maybe it was his self-absortion. But he didn't even notice the figure who sat beside the girl's door. Holding her arms in silence, Miranda cried softly. -The End Yipe! Well, there you have it. That makes one scary story. Imagine: Bells and me. Makes me wanna holler. Well, at least it was fair for her. It MUST be tough being stuck in a teenaged female body with noone around but that wimp, Keiichi. How about Miranda's role? Miranda says she should get into a fight with either of the three goddesses. She wants to get her ass kicked. ^~^ Again, feel free to send any feed back, threats comments or flames to me: aa_yagami_sama@hotmail.com (cute, isn't it?) And don't be shy! DO gimme some new ideas for future fics, I don't wanna dry up. Remember, if it's manga or videogames, it's got a sexy side. Even if only I see it. (This does not apply to Slam Dunk! or any Yaoi faggotship work by ANYONE!!! But I DO like Ranma ^~^) Mata ne! xXx-MAN The ultimate latin lover! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com