A fic featuring characters from Devil Hunter Yohko and La Blue Girl: Dark Queen's Reign Chapter seven: Climax By: Dark Schneider He paused at the gate, looking up at the house. He still wasn't sure he should go through with it. What on earth would he say? But it had been a week now, and it was driving him mad. The steady rain poured down around him, drumming off the sheltering canopy of his umbrella as he dithered. He had to do SOMETHING. He had to at least face her. If for nothing else than to say thank you. Gathering his courage, he strode up the driveway to the front door and rang the bell. He fidgeted as footsteps approached from the other side of the door. Finally, it opened and he was face to face with her. She stared at him, no recognition in her gaze, and his heart sank. She didn't even remember him. "Yes?" she asked, her manner cool and reserved. "Uh, Miss Mano," he began, wondering how to begin. "That's right," she said. He folded his umbrella, sheltered by the porch, and swallowed, hoping his nervousness wasn't visible. "I guess you don't remember me, but I ... need to talk to you." She just stared at him. "Remember you?" she asked blankly. Someone was coming up the hall behind her as her face suddenly showed understanding. "Oh, damn. You thought I was Yohko." He blinked, uncertain. "Well, yes, Miss Mano, I ..." "Ayako, who is it?" a voice called. He blinked again. Ayako? "Ahh!" a familiar girl started, pointing at him. "Hideki!" "Chigako, isn't it? Um, what's all this Ayako business? I wanted to talk to ..." Chigako waved him off impatiently. "You'd better come in, Hideki. This could take some explaining." *** Ayako leaned against the wall casually, avoiding Kamiri's eyes as she watched the boy. Hideki Kando, Chi had told her in the kitchen. Reiko had intended him to be the blood sacrifice at the Ceremony of Convergence. His showing up now was strange to say the least, so they'd had him in. And now they needed to find out what he knew without giving themselves away. "So she's really not here?" he asked, sounding distressed. Ayako smiled thinly. "Sorry." "She'll be sad she missed you, though," Chi said chattily. "You know, she had such a crush on you last year before you transferred ..." "Chi!" Azusa scolded. Hideki looked astonished. "Did she really?" he asked, bemused. "I had no idea." "Then you were the only one," Chi snorted. "She was such a drooling idiot about it." Azusa slapped her head in disbelief at Chi's antics as Hideki smiled uncomfortably. "I'd thought she and Osamu ..." "Just friends," Chi assured him. "Her loss," Kamiri murmured, looking him over appreciatively. "Such a handsome young man." Hideki looked slightly discomfited by the praise, but Ayako could tell that Kamiri was drawing him on a primal level, making his heart beat a little faster each time he looked at her. The bitch. She was really just too much. Ayako figured she'd better step in before Kamiri took him for a tour of the house and seduced him in some quiet corner. "So what brings you here now?" she asked, earning her a sly teasing look from Kamiri. Hideki was handsome enough, she supposed. Dark, tousled hair, fine features, dark eyes ... quite a package. He shifted nervously, looking from face to face as he thought. "I, uh ... really wanted to talk to Yohko. About something that happened last year." "In the clock tower?" Ayako hazarded. The look on his face spoke volumes. "You ... know about that?" "The question is, why do you? I thought you didn't remember anything about that," Ayako said, glancing at Chi, who'd assured her of just that fact. Chi just shrugged. Hideki looked uncomfortable. "Everyone here knows that Yohko is ...?" "A Devil Hunter?" Azusa 2 asked. "Yup." At least she didn't mention the status of the rest of them, Ayako thought. Smart girl. "I didn't remember what happened at the clock tower afterwards," Hideki said slowly, obviously not comfortable with discussing this but uncertain what else to do. "Not until last week, when I had a vivid dream ..." "Just the time when Reiko reappeared," Chi said excitedly. The blood seemed to drain from the already pale boy's face, and his hand drifted absently toward his throat. "Reiko's ... back?" he asked weakly. "I didn't realize ... I mean, I didn't know." Ayako caught a glimpse of Kamiri then, and frowned. The ninja obviously had an idea. "Hideki, dear, why don't you tell us about your dream," she suggested in a low, soothing voice. He seemed to calm somewhat, and related the details to them. Kamiri nodded when he'd finished. "The same details as we've heard from Chi, which contradict the few facts we know." "So?" Ayako asked, trying not to let her distaste with Kamiri show. Kamiri smiled. "Hideki, you remembered nothing of your encounter until the dream you had recently, correct?" He nodded. "That's right. Nothing." "So. Obviously, this dream was part of the spell Reiko used to alter the memories of everyone involved. Not everyone had the dream, though. Chi didn't, for instance, but she remembers things in the altered way, so obviously the spell affected everyone involved. The dream, however, only went to Yohko ... and Hideki." "The two people present when Yohko fought Reiko!" Azusa exclaimed. Kamiri nodded. "They were the only ones with a detailed knowledge of what happened, so they needed their memories of the event rearranged. But I wonder ... did Reiko even realize that the spell would extend to Hideki?" "His memories of the event had been erased, or suppressed," Ayako nodded. "He remembered nothing until the dream." "She might not have realized that his memory of the events was gone," Kamiri pointed out. "That happened as a result of her failure, and demons are notorious for not anticipating such things." Hideki looked confused. "What are you all talking about? The dream was so real, I'm sure it happened!" "We're saying, handsome, that what you saw in your dream appears not to be what actually happened. But we may be able to find out what DID happen ..." "How?" asked Ayako. Kamiri smiled. "Hideki, how would you feel about being hypnotized?" And so, within minutes, the shades were drawn and the lights were out, all but one. Hideki lay back on the couch, Kamiri perched by his legs. In her hand she held one of her teardrop-shaped earrings, the lamp shining on it, making it glitter. The only sound was the faint drone of the rain outside as she began. "Just concentrate on the earring, Hideki. Good. Gooood. Now. Watch it closely ..." Kamiri's voice was perfect for this, low and melodic. The earring swayed gently, the light thrown off in sparkles as she continued to speak in a low, even voice. "You feel warm and safe. Warm and safe, Hideki. You feel yourself beginning to drift, but that's all right. Your eyes feel heavy. It's all right to let them droop, Hideki. And your body is warm, your arms so heavy, you couldn't possibly lift them. Your whole body is like lead, so heavy and so warm, and your eyelids are sooo heavy, Hideki. Just keep watching the light. The beautiful light. Listen to my voice, Hideki. You hear only my voice. Only my voice, Hideki. Even when your eyes close, you will still see the light ..." Ayako jerked, realizing that she'd been half-hypnotized herself. Damn the woman! She was hard enough to resist as it was! Ayako glanced next to her, then sighed and elbowed a vague looking Chi, who jerked out of her trance and grinned ruefully. That's just what we need, Ayako thought sourly. All of us hypnotized. That pervert would probably have an orgy going in no time. Presently, Kamiri had the boy mesmerized to her satisfaction. Then she began directing him, sending his memory back to the time when he'd been captured and taken to the clock tower. She let him proceed with his account of all that he'd seen, standing bespelled in that strange place between worlds. Ayako frowned. He was just telling them the same things they'd already heard. It didn't sound as if this hypnosis trick was working at all. Then he hesitated, and Ayako sat up. "Hideki," Kamiri said in her hypnotic, soothing voice. "Do you remember what happened next? Reiko was staggering towards Yohko, wounded, and then what happened?" Hideki struggled, a frown appearing on his heretofore calm face. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. Kamiri leaned forward. "You are in a calm, safe place, Hideki. No harm can come to you. But you must tell me the truth of what you witnessed." "Reiko ... was faking. She attacked ... Yohko, trying to bite her ..." Ayako was amazed. This was different! Could he really have retained his memories of the incident at some level? "Yes, Hideki. And then?" "Yohko brought ... her hands up, and summoned a strange energy. Reiko was flung away ... toward the giant clock hands. She was ... was ..." "Was what, Hideki?" "Impaled. She ... screamed and dissolved ... flowing away on the wind ... and then everything began to get hazy ... and I had to forget. I had to ..." "All right, Hideki. I'm going to count to three ..." Slowly, Kamiri brought him out of the trance while the others watched. Finally, he sat up, rubbing his face absently. "Well?" Kamiri asked. "Do you remember?" He nodded. "I remember the dream, but ... it doesn't seem right any more. What I told you now seems to me to be what really happened. But, how can it be? I remember Reiko dying, and you said she came back." "She did. Maybe that's why she changed everyone's memories, to explain her reappearance," Ayako said. "Somehow, she didn't die in there." "Now we know for sure," Chi agreed. "But does that help us?" "I'd say so," Kamiri said confidently. "For one thing, Reiko can make mistakes. Her spell should never have included Hideki, since he was safely unaware of what had happened to him and she never sought him out. A small mistake, but even those can bring down a scheme if exploited properly." "You still haven't told me about Reiko's return. And where IS Yohko?" Hideki asked. "It's better if you don't know too much," Ayako said flatly. "You don't want to end up as a human sacrifice again, do you?" He grimaced. "Not really," he admitted. "It's unnerving, realizing only now how close I came to dying. But I feel guilty. I owed Yohko my life, and I never even thanked her." "You couldn't, dummy! You didn't remember!" Azusa 2 chided him. "Anyway, what are we gonna do? Midnight tonight's the ..." Chi began. Ayako cut her off with a glare, but it was too late. Hideki's eyes widened with understanding. "It's happening again, isn't it?" he asked. "Like before!" "Not like before," Ayako said, which was true as far as it went. "And it's not your problem. There's nothing you can do but go home and wait it out. Okay?" "But ... I want to help!" he insisted. Kamiri smiled tolerantly. "I'm afraid Ayako's right, dear. There isn't anything you can do now to help. But we'll certainly let you know if that changes. You should probably just go home for now. We'll be in touch." When it became clear that arguing wouldn't help, Hideki finally relented and left. That left the others to ponder what they'd heard. "Something saved Reiko's essence before it could be scattered between the realms," Kamiri mused. "The succubus?" Ayako asked. "Could be. Whatever it was, it probably took this long to get Reiko back in action. And tonight, she'll be after the Book, and its power." "Can she open the gates to the demon's realm with it?" Azusa asked anxiously. "That Book is rumoured to have great power. I would have to assume that she could, given time. I think we have to face facts here. We have no clue where to look for Reiko, but we know where she'll be tonight. We'll have to meet her there, and fight them for the Book." "But what about Yohko?" Azusa cried. Ayako felt uncomfortable. "She'll be there," she said. "Likely under Reiko's control by that point. Reiko needs her to get the Book out of its protections. She won't kill her before that." "This is news," Chi frowned. Ayako just glared at her. She didn't really want to explain the circumstances under which she'd learned that particular fact. "Well I don't like it!" Azusa announced stubbornly. Ayako tried to hold her temper. "I don't like it much, either, but we don't have much choice. All our leads are dead ends. Reiko's been very careful up to now. Hideki appears to have been her only mistake. We've been unable to locate Yohko by any means, either magical or mundane.. There's no sense in wasting our strength in useless efforts like door-to-door searches, which is about all I can think of at this point. We've got to conserve our energy for the fight we know is coming." "But Yohko ..." Azusa moaned. "Is strong. She'll be all right," Ayako reassured her, wishing she could be as certain as she sounded. "Tonight, we'll free her and get the Book, and this time we'll make sure that Reiko goes down for good. Okay?" Azusa pouted, but finally nodded. "Okay. I guess you're right, Ayako. I don't know what else to do, either. I just hate waiting." "I know. But it'll all work out. Hey, with three Devil Hunters and a ninja, we'll have them outnumbered, right? Now come on, let's get some lunch. We've got lots to do today." *** It was time. Reiko took one last look in the mirror, taking in the sleek black dress that hugged her body like a second skin. The sleeveless outfit hugged her body from the stiletto heeled boots to the high, slim collar. She smiled, then turned and walked over to the bed. Yohko was naked, bound spread-eagled to the bedposts. She was struggling weakly, redoubling her efforts when Reiko perched on the bed beside her. "You look just delectable, Yohko," Reiko said huskily. Yohko could barely move at all, her lithe body held tightly by silken bonds at the wrists and ankles. Her ripe breasts jutted enticingly, and Reiko couldn't resist a quick, teasing caress. Yohko moaned and tried to thrash, but she had absolutely no leverage. "Reiko ... stop this. Please ... it's not too late!" Reiko leaned over the girl and placed a finger against Yohko's lips. "Yohko, I won't stop. You must realize that by now. I'll never stop until you belong to me, utterly. But right now, sweet, I've got to get you ready for tonight." Yohko gasped as Reiko let her fingers trail from her mouth down her arched neck, her lovely brown eyes glazed with helpless lust as she tried valiantly to resist Reiko's attentions. "To-tonight?" "Yes, sweet. Tonight you are going to do something for me. A wedding present, if you will. And afterwards, we can finally stop playing this game. I'll swallow the last of your bright little soul, and you can finally join me on the throne of darkness. Won't that be lovely?" Yohko shook her head slightly, confusion in her eyes. "I won't ..." "Oh, pooh. You've said that all along, Yohko." Reiko leaned in closer until her face was hovering just above Yohko's, watching with delight as the girl fought against the forbidden longings her posture evoked. Reiko's conditioning had proceeded well. She let one of her hands seek out Yohko's breast, kneading it until her captive cried out in sweet surrender. "You see? Each time now, you submit to me more and more easily. Soon, you'll come to me freely. But that's for later. I'm taking you out tonight ..." "Out?" A flicker of hope appeared in Yohko's eyes. Reiko smiled. "Yes. And I need to ensure that you'll ... behave. Don't worry, you will enjoy this ceremony. We're going to be in bed until after sunset, you and I, just like newlyweds. You just relax and let me pleasure you." Yohko tried to turn away, but Reiko easily held her face up for a searing kiss, feeling the girl's resolve crumble quickly. It was so sweet, seeing the culmination of her efforts, she thought as she finally released Yohko and sat up. Yohko's been so stubborn to start, but look at her now. Pliant, barely able to look away from her dark mistress, her body answering eagerly to Reiko's caresses. Reiko had become quite fond of her lovely bride. Yes, this was definitely how she wanted to conquer ALL her enemies. Reiko easily straddled the captive girl, reaching one hand up to her mouth to nick her own finger with one razor-sharp fang. Then she reached down and drew a symbol on Yohko's forehead with her blood. Yohko cried out in pleasure as the symbol was completed, beginning to glow. She arched her back, her breathing becoming more laboured as a thin sheen of sweat broke out on her fevered flesh. "Wh-what's ... happening to me? What are you doing? R-Reiko? Stop!" Reiko just smiled sweetly, reaching down to tilt Yohko's head back so she could trace another symbol on her throat, below her collar. When that symbol was completed, Yohko cried out again, with more abandon, and the symbol began to glow a deep blood red. Reiko sighed with delight. "You're so sensitive, sweet. This should be a great deal of fun. After all ..." Reiko bent down to stare deeply into Yohko's wide, startled eyes. "We've only just begun." So saying, Reiko began the next pattern. *** Liliss stood outside Reiko's bedchamber, arms crossed. Anyone seeing her would have said she was pouting, although if such a person was wise he wouldn't say so to her face. She could hear the clear, sweet cries of Yohko's pleasure and the low, answering murmur of her mistress's voice. Liliss was pissed. Jealous hardly began to cover it. Reiko had hardly spent any time with her since this whole crusade to take the Devil Hunter as her bride had begun. Liliss was a succubus, and she had needs. In the heady days after Reiko's resurrection, they'd played for days on end, and for the first time Liliss had found a lover capable of bringing her to heel. She'd found she quite liked being forced to submit to her mistress; it was a delicious surrender, quite unlike what she was used to. But now, she had to content herself with scraps of Reiko's attention. And all because of that brat Yohko Mano. It just wasn't fair! She was pretty enough, but hardly an earthshaking beauty, Liliss brooded. And she did nothing but whine and resist, not appreciating the dark pleasures bestowed upon her, pleasures which many of her kind would have killed to experience! What a waste. Still, perhaps when she was finally broken completely, Reiko would tire of her at last. And if not, well ... Well, life amongst demons was dangerous. The girl could always have an accident. Liliss was quite sure that, once her Dark Queen had gotten what she wanted from the girl, she'd get over her loss. With a little help, of course. Smiling evilly, she listened to the sweet sounds coming from the bedchamber, considering all the ways, pleasant and unpleasant, that her rival might meet an untimely demise. *** Supper had been a quiet affair, with most of the crew eating barely anything. Kamiri had been an exception, showing no loss of appetite because of the imminent confrontation, a fact that had annoyed Ayako. Of course, everything Kamiri had done that day had annoyed the girl. Kamiri had been watching her surreptitiously all that day, waiting for an opportunity to get her alone. No opportunity had yet presented itself, but Kamiri was patient. She knew she'd get a chance. "So, how do we find the entrance to the hidden shrine?" Ayako was asking her. Kamiri smiled secretively. "I'll lead you there tonight," she said. Ayako scowled. "And what if something happens to you? Then we won't be able to find the damned thing!" "Then you'd best ensure that nothing happens to me," Kamiri said smoothly. Ayako slammed her hands on the table. "What's the matter, Kamiri? Don't you trust me?" Kamiri smiled back. "You mean do I trust you not to try to get to the shrine without me? Look, it's simple. We have to go out tonight under the light of the full moon. Only then will the final path be revealed. Unfortunately, that means we won't be able to arrive early and wait for our opponents to arrive. However, they are under the same restrictions, so we won't have to worry about them doing the same to us." That pronouncement hadn't made any of the girls particularly happy, but Kamiri didn't care. Magic had its ways, and those ways had to be respected. Besides, even if she had known where the shrine entrance would appear, she wouldn't have told them. They were just impulsive enough to try something stupid. Dinner broke up, Azusa and Chi getting the dishes, the other Azusa heading to the downstairs bathroom. Ayako went upstairs, and Kamiri's eyes narrowed. She waited, then slipped up the stairs behind the Devil Hunter. She timed things perfectly with practised ease, catching Ayako as she left her bedroom, pinning the startled girl against the wall with her body before she could react. "Kamiri!" she hissed, panic, anger and arousal all flaring in her dark eyes. "Get off!" "Shush, kitten," Kamiri teased, raising her fingers to Ayako's cheek. "If you make a fuss, someone might come look, and in our present position, well, an innocent young girl might get ... the wrong impression. Or the right one ..." Ayako was caught, wanting to struggle but not wanting to draw attention to her situation. The others were just downstairs, after all. Ayako glared into Kamiri's eyes, just inches from her own, and growled. "What do you want?" she hissed. Kamiri smiled slowly. "Just this," she responded, darting in to catch the girl's mouth with her own, kissing her long and deeply. Caught off guard, Ayako reacted instinctively to the kiss at first, moaning lightly, before finally regaining control and pushing Kamiri back. Kamiri let her ... for the moment. She made sure, though, that her full body was pressed hard against Ayako's lithe form, holding her against the wall in a sweet prison. "Stop that!" Ayako's eyes gleamed dangerously. Ah, danger, Kamiri thought. I do so love it. "Why?" Kamiri teased in a low voice. "You liked it. Don't bother to deny it, kitten." She ground her hips slowly against Ayako's, smiling as the girl gasped at the delightful friction. "See?" she whispered. "Your body knows what it wants." "No, you ... try that again and I'll ..." "Ayako!" Ayako's eyes gained a trapped look as one of the Azusas called up the stairs. Kamiri watched her with amusement as the girl considered her predicament. "What is it?" she called, and Kamiri noted with satisfaction that the girl's voice was a little shaky. "Are you coming down? We're looking up extra-dimensional access in one of Auntie Madoka's books!" Kamiri ground her hips into Ayako again, leaning in to nibble at the girl's earlobe while she struggled with restrained fury. "Um ... in a few minutes, Azusa. Start without me, okay?" Ayako's voice was thick and slightly strangled, and Kamiri suppressed a laugh. "Are you okay? You sound funny ..." "I'm fine! I'll be ... unh ... right down!" She writhed against Kamiri as Azusa reluctantly agreed and moved away from the stairs. Finally, Ayako pushed her tormentor back, her face beet red. "What do you think you're DOING?" she whispered furiously. Kamiri gave her a sultry smile. "The bedroom's unoccupied," she said suggestively. "I thought you might need to release some tension." And if she didn't before, she certainly did now. Ayako glared at her, palms pushing against Kamiri's shoulders. "Dammit, Kamiri! This isn't the time or the place!" Kamiri just gave the flustered girl a slow, insolent stare. "What's the matter, kitten? You weren't shy last night. Remember? In fact, I seem to recall you particularly liked it when I did ... this." Kamiri's hand moved slowly and Ayako stiffened, her eyes wide, a tiny whimper escaping her throat before she finally managed to pull herself away, crossing her arms in front of her and breathing raggedly. "Why are you being so righteous, Ayako?" Kamiri asked with a sigh. "You enjoyed being with me last night. It was obvious. If you're worried about repercussions, don't be. I won't judge you; sex to me is a casual matter, remember. Just come around and ask if you find yourself craving it." "Don't hold your breath," Ayako said weakly. Kamiri moved closer again, and the girl tensed up. "Deny yourself for as long as you can, then, it's your judgement that will suffer. But remember this. Whatever your personal feelings about me, when you see your friend being controlled, remember last night. Remember that only I can free her. But for that, I need the Book. Don't let your confusion over your feelings endanger Yohko." Then she stepped back, much to Ayako's obvious relief, and walked away with her slow, pantherish stride. She shot a coquettish glance over her shoulder, and the already flustered girl blushed even harder and spun angrily away, making Kamiri smile in satisfaction. It was a lie about the Book, of course. It wasn't necessary in order to free Yohko from any mind control. However, she needed to convince Ayako to get the damned thing for her, and she believed she had. What would happen after that was still unclear to her, but she'd improvised before. Kamiri was somewhat frustrated by Ayako's refusal of her attentions, however. She'd thought to have a quick tussle with the girl to work off some tension, but Ayako had turned all tight and reserved on her again, just because the others were right downstairs. She thought ruefully that the very thing that had drawn her so strongly the night before, Ayako's ability to resist her, was now a source of irritation. And, she had to admit, she still felt uncertainty about her ultimate goal. She was quite surprised by the realization that she was reluctant to drive a wedge between Ayako and herself. She sensed something of a kindred spirit in the girl, something she hadn't felt in quite some time, and the Book was at best an unknown quantity, an artifact which contained great if unspecified power. She'd set out to gain that power for its own sake, but now ... She shook her head, chiding herself. Such maudlin sentimentality was hardly worthy of her. If this artifact possessed power, then she had to have it. The quest for power was what kept her going when she had nothing else. It wouldn't do to forget that. She sighed, glancing out the window. Whatever the case, it wouldn't be long now. The sun was going down, and soon the moon would rise. The full moon. And the way to the hidden shrine would appear. Let the best woman win. *** Unnoticed by anyone, Azusa 2 walked into the downstairs bathroom. Once the door was locked, her eyes suddenly went blank, and she moved over to the mirror. She traced a symbol on it, and soon the figure of a beautiful woman with bronzed skin and tiny horns appeared. "Well?" she asked abruptly. "This one is strong," Azusa 2 said, her voice flat and without inflection. "I have fed well, but it is still too early ..." "Tonight," the succubus snapped. "My Mistress's instructions were clear. Tonight, you must delay them from reaching the shrine. If you fail, you will suffer the Dark Queen's wrath, wretch. Clear?" Azusa hesitated. "I understand," she said finally. "I will obey." The image disappeared, and Azusa 2 stood there a moment until her eyes cleared. "Whew," she said, yawning. "Why am I so tired?" Then she washed her hands and went out to see the others. *** Reiko stood over the bed, turning as Liliss entered the room. "Ah, there you are. Is all in readiness?" The succubus nodded. "All is as you instructed, Mistress." Reiko followed Liliss's gaze to the bed. Glowing red symbols covered Yohko's body, which jerked and trembled in a state of almost constant orgasm. Her beautiful eyes stared, blank and glazed, at the ceiling, and Reiko sighed happily. "The sun's down," she said. "It's time to go." She bent down, taking Yohko's face in her hands. The girl gave no resistance as Reiko bit into her own lip, then pressed a lingering kiss on her bespelled captive. Yohko's lips parted easily under the gentle pressure of her mouth, and the girl moaned softly as Reiko's tainted blood seeped into her. Reiko pulled back as, with a sudden flare of ruby light, the symbols all vanished, sinking into Yohko's beautiful creamy skin. The slave collar flared with an answering light, then subsided. Reiko sighed with contentment and waved one elegant hand, causing the bonds holding Yohko to the bed to release. Yohko just lay there, panting, her body limp, her eyes totally empty. "Yohko," Reiko called gently. "Time to get up, sweet." Obediently, Yohko stood, naked, beside the bed, wearing only the enslaving wedding collar and her ring, its power still contained. Reiko walked behind the girl as she stood perfectly still and bound her hair up into the familiar looped braids with Yohko's hair ornaments. "Yohko and I have shared quite a bit of pillow talk, Liliss," Reiko said as she worked. Liliss fought to keep her expression neutral. "Indeed, Mistress?" "Oh, yes. I prefer her hair down, but these trinkets are actually power amplifiers, and since all her power is at my command, I think she should have as much as possible, don't you?" Liliss shifted. "Certainly," she said shortly. "Jealous, golden girl?" Reiko asked gently. Liliss started. "No, Mistress! I ..." Reiko stood, satisfied. "Liliss. My dear, faithful Liliss. You can never be replaced." Reiko reached out to caress the succubus's face gently, smiling in a way that she knew would make Liliss go weak in the knees. "I do hope you aren't worried on that score." "Of course not, Mistress," Liliss told her, pressing her face into Reiko's palm. Reiko didn't believe that for a second. Liliss's distress at Yohko's place in Reiko's affections was not hard to sense. "That's good, my golden girl. Because I owe this, my chance to grasp the power that should rightfully be mine, to you. You saved me when my own arrogance led to my downfall. You nursed me on your own strength, brought me back from the brink. And now, you will rise with me as I ascend to the throne of darkness. Worlds will tremble under our feet, Liliss. You, Yohko and I will sate ourselves on the darkest pleasures. Would you like that?" Liliss's gorgeous golden eyes shone in the light as she gazed worshipfully at Reiko. "Yes," she whispered. "Then let us seal our pact with a kiss. Dominance over all." Reiko kissed the succubus fiercely, her blood aflame with the realization that victory was within her grasp. Liliss's mouth parted under hers, hot and silky and eager, and it took some effort to finally pull away. But now was not the time to be overconfident. She'd been quite angry to learn that Kamiri could find the shrine entrance. Angry, but somehow not surprised. She'd come to expect the worst, after all, and plan for it. Their enemies would find themselves beset at the eleventh hour by the hidden enemy in their midst. Even if they managed to defeat her surprise, she would reach the shrine first. Once the Book was in her hands, she would use its power to destroy her enemies. She pulled back from Liliss, whose attitude was much brighter than it had been, and turned to her bespelled captive. "Yohko, go get your sword, would you?" Liliss gasped. "Mistress!" "Oh, it's quite safe, golden girl. Quite safe." They watched as Yohko walked slowly over to the low table and picked up her sword. Reiko noted with some amusement that Liliss kept her distance from the enslaved Devil Hunter. "There's still a bit of silver left on the blade," she said cautiously. "A necessary evil for the moment, Liliss. I'll take care of that last sliver of light later. Yohko ... your dress." Light flared around Yohko's form, and when it cleared she was wearing her red Devil Hunter dress. But with one difference. The round yin-yang symbol on the chest was now just a black circle. Reiko smiled again. "See, Liliss? Nothing to worry about. Now come, both of you. We don't want to be late for the party, do we?" *** The moon was rising, full and bright, no sign of the strange red light that had shone only days earlier. Kamiri, Ayako, and both Azusas moved silently through the trees, heading deep into the park. A strange stillness seemed to be in the air, and everyone was edgy. Chi had stayed behind, reluctant but realizing that her presence would only be a hindrance. "Are you sure you know where you're going?" Ayako asked. Kamiri nodded. "Oh, yes," she said. "See there, isn't that the clock tower at Yohko's school?" Sure enough, through the trees, the top of the tower could be seen. It was just after eleven, according to the clock. "That's a landmark?" Ayako asked suspiciously. Kamiri laughed. "These things all intertwine, dear. The writings I have pre-date that clock tower by centuries, so they don't mention it specifically. But it is over a point of power. Don't worry, I'll find the entrance easily enough. Just worry about what happens after that." They continued on through the park, pausing before a pool of light beside a paved path. "All right," Kamiri said. "It's time." She removed a cup and filled it with purified sake from a sealed flask. Then she pulled a thin wooden stick from her pouch. It was covered with incredibly thin writing, symbols in some unknown language. Ayako didn't recognize them, but they were obviously magical. The girls watched as Kamiri sat cross-legged on the grass, checking over her shoulder to make sure that she was directly in line with the moon and the clock tower. Finally, she dropped the stick in the sake, watching intently as it bobbed gently on the surface. "Well?" Ayako asked after a moment. Kamiri didn't move. "Patience," she said. "It will point the way for us." Sure enough, after a few more moments, the narrow pointed end of the tiny stick quivered and swung like a compass needle, coming to rest pointing off to their right. "That way?" Azusa asked. Kamiri nodded. "The entrance lies along that path," she said, getting up. "How will we know it?" Ayako asked. Kamiri just smiled. "The best thing would be to travel off that way and take another sighting," she said. "The intersection of the two paths is where the entrance will be." "Well, you really do know how to find the entrance," Azusa 2 said glibly. "That's too bad." Moving swiftly, she slammed the butt of her spear into the stomach of her twin, who was closest to her. Then she launched herself at a startled Ayako, who barely managed to get out of the way. "Azusa, what are you doing?" she cried as she rolled away. Azusa 2 had used her momentum to try to skewer Kamiri, and only the ninja woman's incredible speed had saved her. Azusa lay crumpled on the grass, trying hard to draw a breath, as Kamiri and Ayako faced off against a grinning Azusa 2. "Azusa, it's me! Ayako!" The girl turned, spinning her spear rapidly, and Kamiri cursed. "Somehow, the girl is possessed!" she spat. Ayako shook her head slowly. "I'd know!" Azusa 2 charged, and Ayako was forced to dodge. Azusa hadn't been holding anything back; she'd been going for a quick kill. Ayako felt a cold sweat break out on her body. "Well, it's not a spirit possession then, but she's under their control!" Azusa spun easily, springing toward Kamiri, forcing her to dodge as well as she took a wicked swipe at the woman. Ayako gripped her whip tightly, a cold sensation in the pit of her stomach. Whatever had happened, Azusa was attacking them gleefully. And they couldn't fight back with all their power, or they would risk killing her partner and friend. And as they struggled, time was ticking away ... *** Hideki couldn't sleep. He stared out the window at the clear night sky, a feeling of dread in his gut. He recognized the feeling; it was the same sensation he'd had after his dream of Reiko and Yohko's battle. It had been that intangible feeling, more than anything, which had convinced him that his dream had been more than it seemed. It had been quite undreamlike, after all, more like reliving an experience. And now, just as then, he was utterly helpless to stop what was happening. Whatever it was. He glanced again at the phone. It was very late, but suddenly he didn't care. He KNEW, in a way he couldn't explain, that something was happening, something bad. He snatched the handset up and dialled the Mano residence before he could talk himself out of it. The phone barely rang before it was answered. "Hello?" a breathless voice said quickly. "Chigako?" he asked. Well, she certainly hadn't been sleeping, had she? "Hideki? What's going on? Do you know what time it is?" "It's happening now, isn't it?" His voice was calm, certain. He heard Chigako hesitate. "Soon, Hideki," she sighed. "Listen, it won't do you any good to think about this, you know? Neither of us can do anything to help." He nodded, forgetting that she couldn't see the gesture. "I suspect so. But I just can't stop thinking about this. For so long, I had no idea what truly happened to me that night. Now, I just can't let it go. It's maddening." "Believe me, I understand. But I won't know much of anything until it's all over." She paused, then sighed loudly. "I tell you what. Come over tomorrow morning. If everything goes well, Yohko should be back and you can find out all about it." He glanced out the window again, seeing the yard lit by the bright silvery light of the full moon. "And if everything doesn't go well?" He heard a mirthless chuckle from the other end. "Well, in that case I suppose we can comfort each other while we wait for the end." "That's not very comforting, Chigako," he said sombrely. "No," she replied. "No, I don't guess that it is. Good night, Hideki." The line went dead, and he stood for a few moments, the buzzing handset forgotten in his hand. All things considered, we wondered if he mightn't have been better off not having regained his memories after all. *** "You're certain?" Reiko asked. Liliss landed gracefully, nodding. "Yes, Mistress. The large hill in the centre of the park. There is a sizable boulder lodged in one side of it. That is the place." Reiko nodded. "No sign of our enemies?" she asked, concealing her apprehension. If anything was going to go wrong, she would know it soon. "None, Mistress. And the site is not far." Reiko nodded impassively, turning to Yohko, who stood motionless. "Come, my sweet. We mustn't dawdle." Yohko fell obediently into step and Reiko felt a warm tingle in her belly. Yohko was under her control, but she would enjoy it so much more when she finally bound the girl to her completely. Then such measures would be unnecessary, and Yohko would gladly serve her. Still, first things first. "Liliss, fly ahead and keep an eye on the site. Make certain you aren't spotted. I want no surprises, no slip ups. Clear?" Liliss nodded, the moonlight gleaming in her eyes, then launched herself into the air. Reiko and her puppet continued toward their goal. Soon now. So soon, the power Reiko desired would be within her grasp. After that nobody, not her parents, not her teachers, not even the demon lords themselves, would ever have power over her again. She would be utterly unfettered. Free. Her dream would be realized at last. Together, she and Yohko walked toward their goal as the moon continued to rise. *** Yohko cursed as Azusa 2 dodged her whip. She was trying to entangle the girl without hurting her, but whatever was in control of her moved without hesitation, propelling Azusa's body in a series of athletic flips and bounds. And while they were worried about hurting Azusa 2, their opponent had no such handicap. She attacked gleefully, showing no compunctions about using deadly force. Every time Kamiri tried to cast an entangling spell, Azusa 2 managed to attack her, breaking her concentration before she could finish. "We're wasting time!" Kamiri spat as they circled warily, looking for an opening. "We have to get to the shrine! If this thing's been among us for any time, Reiko probably knows everything we're planning!" "I know!" Ayako shouted back. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Azusa, struggling to rise by leaning heavily on her spear. "But we have to handle this first!" "Then let's HANDLE it!" Kamiri shot back, dodging Azusa 2's spear as it was hurled at her. The spear returned to Azusa 2's hand as she leapt into the air, dodging Ayako's whip once again, and Ayako cursed. Her partner wasn't fighting in her usual style, and that made her harder to anticipate. "I won't let Azusa get hurt!" Ayako gritted, dancing away from an attack. "If we let Reiko get that book, it won't matter if we save the girl! Don't you understand that? We're running out of time!" Ayako knew Kamiri was right, but she couldn't use deadly force against Azusa 2. She just couldn't. Kamiri took things out of her hands by spinning away from a spear thrust and launching herself at Azusa 2. Her ferocious attack didn't connect, however, and Azusa 2 laughed as she landed, spinning her spear defensively in front of her. "It's already too late," she taunted. "Surrender to me now, and I'll make things ... pleasant for you. You'll make attractive homes for my daughters." Ayako didn't know what the thing was talking about, but suddenly a shaky Azusa rushed her twin from behind. Azusa 2 was ready, spinning to block her counterpart's spear, kicking under their locked weapons to send Azusa flying back. In the seconds that she was distracted, however, Ayako acted, sending her whip out to snare the possessed girl, binding her arms tightly to her body. She slowly reeled in the struggling form as Kamiri walked over. "It's about time," the lovely ninja growled. "We'll have to leave her behind, Ayako." "What? We can't ..." "There's no more time! It's almost midnight, and Reiko is certainly at the entrance already!" Kamiri stalked over to the bound girl, who was glaring darkly at them while still struggling, then glanced back at Ayako. "I'll put her to sleep. Azusa is hurt, she can stay with her." She turned back in time to see Azusa 2 grinning at her in a most disconcerting way. "Too late, bitch," she said sweetly. Then her mouth gaped open and a greenish-yellow tentacle speared out, looping around the startled ninja's arms. As Azusa 2's eyes rolled back in her head, more and more of the horrible stuff streamed out of the girl's slack mouth. Ayako tried to jerk her whip loose from Azusa 2's body, but a tentacle lashed out before she could, slamming into her chest and sending her flying back. The creature continued to enwrap Kamiri's limbs and body, finally sending her crashing to the ground. Azusa 2 followed suit, collapsing bonelessly as the last of the thing exited her mouth. The creature began to pulse and coalesce, pulling its mass together on top of Kamiri as several whip-like tentacles continued to hold her immobile. Through a haze of pain, Ayako gasped as the thing took shape, legs straddling Kamiri's waist, arms forming quickly, a head ... It was Azusa. Her form, anyway. Now Ayako understood. The creature that had impersonated Yohko must have implanted some sort of parasite into Azusa 2 when she'd been unconscious. Now it was powerful enough to emerge itself, and had taken on its former host's form. "Hmmm," the thing mused lazily, stretching its arms above its head, then running its hands over its naked body. "Not bad. But too young for my tastes ..." Slowly, the form changed, shifted, growing taller, more mature looking. Its curves became more pronounced, its breasts fuller, cheekbones higher. It's black hair grew down to below the shoulders, and it chuckled in a deeper, more resonant voice. "Much better," it sighed. Ayako struggled to stand, amazed by what she was seeing. Was that what Azusa would look like as a woman? She was ... beautiful! But this was not Azusa, and now Ayako could attack without holding back. If only she could STAND ... "Ah, Kamiri, I've longed to have you under me like this," the beautiful shapechanger sighed. "I have something for you. I think you're going to enjoy it. A very special kiss ..." The creature leaned forward, twining its fingers into the helpless ninja's hair and drawing her face up. Then, smiling sweetly, it let its own lush lips part to let a strange, penile head emerge. It quested blindly for a moment, then quivered and pointed unerringly at Kamiri's mouth. As the horrified ninja struggled in the vise-like grip of the thing's tentacles, it drew her mouth up to its own, pressing the parasite's slick head against Kamiri's helpless lips. Held tightly, Kamiri couldn't turn away, and Ayako staggered to her feet, desperate. If Kamiri was taken, then she'd stand no chance of winning here, much less of stopping Reiko. She started running toward Azusa 2's fallen form, where her whip still lay. Azusa, meanwhile, had regained her feet again and was charging in directly at the strangely erotic tableau. Ayako saw the thing look up at Azusa, which gave her time to snatch her whip up off the ground, disentangling it from Azusa 2's body with a deft motion. Suddenly, the thing was caught between Azusa on one side and Ayako on the other, while still holding Kamiri. It hesitated, and that hesitation proved deadly. The clawed tip of the Whip of Distraction burst through the thing's chest, and it threw its head back in agony, slime gushing out of the wound as yellowish bolts of energy danced along the whip's length. The double edged head of Azusa's spear bit into its exposed neck seconds later, and it screamed hoarsely, its form shifting and flowing rapidly. It slithered off Kamiri, but couldn't free itself from the enchanted weapons that had impaled it, and finally it burst into cold flame, becoming dust that was swept away on the breeze. Ayako glanced down at Azusa 2's barely moving form, then at Kamiri. "You okay?" she asked. Kamiri nodded, climbing to her feet. "The time, Ayako! We've got to hurry!" Ayako turned again to look at her fallen partner, and Azusa spoke up. "I'll stay with her," she gasped. "I ... wouldn't be able to keep up anyway." Ayako was torn by indecision, and Kamiri grabbed her by the arm. "Come on, damn you! If we fail, they'll ALL die!" Ayako knew she was right. Nodding gratefully to Azusa, she followed Kamiri, running in the direction of the shrine. *** In the bushes nearby, the parasite that the creature had been trying to implant in Kamiri lay motionless. It had been thrown, unnoticed, when its queen had thrown her head back in agony. Weak and newborn, it could do little more than lay there, already dimly aware that its link to its queen had been severed. That meant that it would begin to change, becoming a queen itself. If it survived ... *** Ayako and Kamiri ran full out through the warm spring night. Ayako was worried about the Azusas, but she'd had no choice but to leave them behind. They had to make it to the shrine before Reiko. If she got her hands on that Book, as powerful as Kamiri said it was, they'd all be in big trouble. She could see the clock tower again as they cleared the trees, and her gut clenched painfully. They were almost out of time. Only five minutes left until the shrine entrance opened. And since they'd had no chance to take a second bearing, they didn't know how far it was to the shrine entrance. They might already be too late. "Kamiri! Any idea what the entrance will look like?" she asked as they ran. "According to the writings I had, it's a stone in a hillside," she answered. "Not very helpful." Ayako felt a sudden rush of hope. "There's a hill at the centre of the park!" she exclaimed. "It's a favourite picnic spot! That could be it!" Kamiri glanced at her. "Is it far?" "No!" "Then I hope you're right. Look!" Ayako glanced over her shoulder to see that the full moon was almost directly over the school clock tower. And even from here, she could see the hands of the clock on its lit face. Three minutes. "Hurry!" she shouted. They ran. *** They stood in front of the hill, watching the moonlight as it washed across the grass, still damp from the earlier rain. "Soon," Reiko breathed. "Almost there." As she spoke, they heard the tolling of bells in a distant clock tower, and a low grinding began deep within the earth. A dark line bisected the boulder they faced, quickly running from top to bottom. Reiko smiled widely, raising her pale arms to the skies while Yohko watched, expressionless. Liliss cast a nervous glance about her, looking for trouble but finding none. It was beginning. *** "The bells! It's midnight!" Ayako cried. "I heard! Faster, we're almost there!" The bells rang three times, then four. Then five. *** The boulder began to split open, an unearthly light stabbing out into the expectant night. Reiko licked her lips, watching with anticipation. Six times the bells tolled. Then seven, eight, nine. And the entrance opened wider. *** Ayako could see a bright light through the trees just ahead. That had to be it! She sped up, but Kamiri kept up easily, bounding through the confining trees like a gazelle. Ayako counted the bells in her head. Reiko would certainly already be there. They had to stop her, and save Yohko. They just had to. Ten bells. Eleven. *** Twelve. As the last echo of the bell faded away, the entrance stood fully revealed, stone steps leading deep into the earth. Reiko and Yohko started forward, only to be stopped by a cry from behind them. "Well," Reiko sniffed. "Two of them made it this far. Too bad, really. Liliss, hold them here. We'll get the Book." Liliss nodded eagerly, and Reiko started down the stairs, Yohko following obediantly behind. They descended deep into the earth, and Reiko could tell that they were entering a place between the worlds, much like the altar where she and Yohko had done battle so many months before. When they finally reached the end of the stairs, Reiko gazed out with satisfaction. From the wide ledge where the stairs ended, a narrow stone bridge led out to a large circular pedestal that rose from the swirling depths of chaos below. Above them, where no sky should have been, shone three strange moons, all full. Reiko raised her arms to them and screamed triumph. "MINE!" she challenged. No one contradicted her, and she turned to her captive, looking lovingly into the girl's glazed, blank eyes. "Come, Yohko. My present awaits." *** Ayako ran full tilt at the doorway and the waiting succubus, ignoring the creature's wicked grin as she spread her wings and flashed her long, sharp nails. She didn't intend to let anything stand in her way. She'd seen the way Yohko had meekly followed that woman down the stairs. Kamiri had been right; Yohko was under the Dark Queen's control. They needed to act fast, before Yohko did something they'd all regret. And that meant getting past the succubus. Ayako twisted the handle of her whip, letting it lash out at her target. Liliss dodged her blow easily, springing up, wings extended, to attack Ayako from above. She caught the young Devil Hunter a glancing blow, knocking her sprawling, then came around at Kamiri. The ninja clashed with the lovely succubus, trading lightning fast blows. Liliss staggered back, but her long nails had drawn blood on Kamiri's arm and shoulder. As Ayako regained her feet, Liliss sprang at her, only to be brought up short as a low chanting caused the grass to ripple and lengthen, twining up to capture the succubus in its mystic snare. "Hurry!" Kamiri shouted. "She's just trying to delay us! I'll finish her and join you soon, but you've got to stop Reiko from getting that book!" Ayako nodded, sprinting to the strange staircase and beginning her descent with reckless speed. As she ran, one thought kept repeating. Last time she'd fought Yohko, they'd been evenly matched. This time, Yohko wouldn't be holding back at all. She'd be fighting to kill. Ayako needed that damned book. *** Kamiri drew a long, thin blade from the back of her belt. She could feel the strain of keeping Liliss trapped as the enraged beauty struggled to break her bonds. Given time, Liliss could indeed break free, which was why Kamiri had to act quickly. She moved closer, staggering as she felt Liliss's power lash put at her. The succubus's sexual compulsion flowed over Kamiri's senses like liquid silk, and she gasped at the sensation. Liliss stopped struggling, giving her a sultry smile as she fixed her captor with a lidded gaze. "Well, I'm your captive once again," she breathed huskily. "Certainly, though, a woman such as yourself can think of something better to do with me than just kill me. After all, I am ... helpless. What could it hurt?" Kamiri took a deep, calming breath, then another. Liliss pouted, her lush lips glossy and kissable in the moonlight. "Oh, come now. Whatever our differences, I know you are a woman who appreciates ... the finer things." Even in her bondage, Liliss managed to arch her back, making her full breasts jut enticingly against her tight black top. Kamiri felt a sudden rush of need, and fought it down. Dammit, you're a sexcraft mistress, not some green girl, she told herself sternly. Don't get distracted! She moved in closer, trying to decide the best way to kill the creature. Decapitation, she decided, was the quickest and most certain way. Creatures of the demon realms were quite resilient, after all. "Oooh, are you going to ... stick that in me?" Liliss asked, her voice perfectly pitched to drive Kamiri wild. However talented Kamiri was, a succubus was sexual desire incarnate, and not even she would be able to resist one indefinitely. Fortunately, she wouldn't have to. Fortunately, because after losing their previous encounters, Liliss seemed to have perfected her plan of attack. "If I had the time, we could settle the question of which of us would win in a battle of sexcraft," Kamiri informed her as she drew near, trying to ignore the sensations the succubus's mesmerizing eyes were eliciting in her. She wouldn't show weakness in front of this one, though. Her pride wouldn't allow it. "What's your hurry?" Liliss asked huskily. Kamiri just shook her head. "What a waste," she sighed, bringing her arm back. Suddenly, Liliss's wings flexed, and the talons on their tips managed to shear through one of the enchanted bonds, freeing the succubus's right arm. That arm flashed out as Kamiri swung, catching her wrist. The shock of the impact threw the knife from Kamiri's hand, and Liliss took advantage of the moment to grab the startled ninja's wrist and pull her forward sharply. Her free hand slipped with practiced ease around behind Kamiri's neck, and she pulled her opponent into a bruising kiss. Kamiri's startled moan was swallowed by the gorgeous demoness whose expert kiss shattered the ninja woman's concentration and released the bonds that held Liliss immobile. Kamiri found herself bent back, the succubus's hands roaming freely over her struggling body, and she knew that she was in serious trouble. For the second time that evening, she found herself flat on her back under a beautiful enemy who wanted to dominate her. Liliss knelt on one of her wrists, holding the other with her hand, and gazed triumphantly at her captive. "Oh, how I wish I had the time to play with you," she sighed, a hungry look in her eyes, "but my Mistress will be angry if I don't chase your friend, even though she'll never get past her fellow Devil Hunter. My Mistress has this thing about taking risks, you see." Kamiri tried to regain her focus, but Liliss's free hand was doing things to her heated flesh that made it impossible to think. Liliss licked her lips slowly, hooking her fingers under Kamiri's chin. "Let's see," she mused. "How about a kiss ... as I tear your heart out? Hmmm, that sounds fun, no?" Smiling broadly, she leaned forward, backlit by the entrance to the shrine, to claim her prize. *** Ayako reached the bottom of the stairs, pulling more of her retractable whip out as she gazed across the bridge to the island of stone. A dark haired beauty that must have been Reiko was there, standing outside of the large pentagram enclosed in a circle marked in the middle of the island. Yohko was inside the pentagram, walking towards a large hand of stone which was thrust up from the ground. In the palm of the hand was a book ... THE Book. The Tome of Craxus. It must be. Ayako dashed across the bridge, nearly reaching the other side before Reiko turned and saw her. The woman smiled, and Ayako felt the woman's dark lust hit her like a physical force. Kamiri had been right; she had no time to waste refusing to acknowledge the woman's power, or the way it made her feel. She would simply have to overcome the seductive draw of Reiko's personality and get right to the matter at hand. "So, you must be Ayako," Reiko said. Her voice was rich, like being caressed all over with silk. Ayako suppressed a shudder. "What have you done to Yohko?" she demanded angrily. Reiko gave her a sultry smile. "When we're finished here," she purred, "I'll be more than happy to show you, sweet." Ayako advanced slowly. "I have a better idea. Why don't I see if I can't finish what Yohko started in that clock tower?" Reiko was unperturbed, materializing a sword out of thin air. "If you think you can," she smiled. Ayako scowled. Reiko was between her and Yohko. She needed to get by ... Then she noticed Yohko reaching for the Book. "Yohko! Stop! Don't do it! Fight her, Yohko!" Yohko didn't even slow, and Reiko laughed musically. "It'll take much more than that to break my hold over her, my sweet," she smiled. Ayako went into a crouch, preparing to strike at the arrogant Dark Queen with her whip, feeling her power flow into her. Then Yohko picked up the Tome of Craxus. Ayako and Reiko were both blinded by an intense flash of light. When Ayako could see again, she gaped out at the centre of the island in shock. Streams of light were flowing out from the pedestal where the Book had lain, and within those streams faint, distorted forms were visible. Their mad tormented laughter and weeping filled the dead air, and Ayako felt a chill trickle down her spine. Demons. A lot of them. They must have been trapped by the Book when it had been placed there. Now ... Now they were free, and the odds had just gotten a lot worse. *** Kamiri fought to keep Liliss's enticing power at bay and free herself, but she knew it was too late. Then, as Liliss drew near, a mocking smile on her beautiful face, Kamiri was dazzled by a flash of light from the shrine entrance. A stream of light poured out of the hillside, racing towards them. Before either woman could react, the chaotic swirl hit them, knocking them away from each other. As Kamiri pulled herself frantically to her feet, she could see the light resolving itself into the forms of demons. They gibbered madly, attacking each other with abandon. And attacking Liliss. She'd caught the worst of it, being carried some distance off by the force of the impact. Now, despite her angry screeching, she was caught in the middle of a mad tangle of berserk demons. Kamiri had no idea what could have happened. She knew nothing of any demons guarding the Book. However, these creatures were quite mad, and they showed no compunctions about attacking one of their own. And, not incidentally, there were none of them between her and the entrance. She decided to make herself scarce before that situation changed. Ducking her head and ignoring Liliss's increasingly enraged screams, she ducked inside the entryway and dashed down the stairs. She wondered just what sort of scene awaited at the bottom. *** Ayako sprang, flipping in the air and letting her whip snake out to knock the Book from Yohko's hands. She landed inside the warded area, casting a quick glance over her shoulder. The streams of light had split up, and though at least one had found the exit, the others had swirled like a living wind around the island, finally coalescing into individual demons. Their presence had turned out to be a mixed blessing, however. They wouldn't obey Reiko. And she was furious. She was also distracted long enough for Ayako to launch herself into the warded zone with Yohko. She'd noticed that the demons, once out of that area, could not seem to re-enter. That meant that Reiko would have to deal with the storm of demons, apparently driven mad by their long imprisonment, and she would not. At least not as long as she was in the warded area. But she would have to deal with Yohko. She stared at her friend, taking in the blank stare as Yohko looked at where the Book had fallen. The yin-yang symbol on her chest had become a solid black circle, and there was a slim black collar around her neck. Ayako began to edge closer, holding her whip nervously. "Yohko? Yohko, it's me. Ayako. Come on, Yohko, answer me. Don't let her control you, Yohko. You're a Devil Hunter, fight her!" Yohko looked at her impassively, then turned to where Reiko was defending herself from several airborne attackers. Reiko's only saving grace was that the demons were attacking not only her, but also each other. "Mistress," Yohko said in a dead tone that made Ayako's skin crawl. "Kill her, Yohko, and bring me the Book!" Ayako took another step, sneaking a glance at the fallen Book out of the corner of her eye. "Don't, Yohko," she urged. "Let me help you ..." Ayako broke off as Yohko's soul sword appeared in her hand. The blade was almost completely black, and Ayako felt her pulse quicken. There was no way to avoid it, she would have to beat Yohko to save her. Unless Kamiri could make good on her promise ... Suddenly, a light tremor rumbled through the stone they were standing on. That fact had barely registered when, without warning, Yohko attacked. *** Azusa 2 opened her eyes. She felt ill, and weak. For a moment she wasn't sure where she was. Then it all came back to her. Everything. Now that the parasite was gone, she remembered how the fake Yohko had trapped her in a foul kiss, how she'd fought against her friends, how ... "Hey, are you all right? Can you talk?" She looked up, surprised. She realized belatedly that she was cradled in someone's arms. A familiar face gazed down at her, concern etched plainly on its features. "A ... zusa," she said hoarsely. The other girl looked relieved. "Thank goodness," she sighed. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd be okay." Azusa 2 took a deep breath and forced herself to sit up, despite her twin's objections. "That ... thing?" she asked, fighting down a shudder. Azusa smiled thinly. "Blown away. Don't worry, it won't be back." Azusa 2 closed her eyes, feeling again the slick, hot thing pressing against her lips, sliding into her, stealing her strength and her will to fight ... "Where are Ayako and Kamiri?" she asked, fighting off a sudden panic. "They went on ahead ..." Azusa broke off as light flared deeper in the park, lighting up the sky. "What the ...?" Azusa 2 asked. "Trouble," her twin gritted. Azusa 2 nodded and climbed slowly to her feet. "We've got to help them," she said. Azusa stood also. "Can you run?" she asked worriedly. Azusa 2 smiled. "If I can't keep up, then leave me behind, Azusa," she said. Her twin smiled back. "Azusa," she repeated. "If our parents were each going to take one of us at birth, you'd think they could have at least made sure they didn't both pick the same name." Azusa 2 started to run, fighting off the terrible fatigue that threatened to drag her down. "I get the feeling they didn't agree on a lot," she said sourly as they ran. "Come on, let's hurry!" They ran side by side towards the light, both consumed by the same thought. Please, don't let us be too late ... *** Kamiri reached the bottom of the stairs in time to see a scene of utter chaos. Demons swirled through the air, attacking each other without any regard for their own safety. Out on the island in the centre of the chamber, Reiko stood, regal and fiercely beautiful, flinging black fire off her sword at the things that beset her. A stray bolt hit an invisible barrier around the centre of the island and bounced away, and Kamiri could see now that Yohko and Ayako were fighting in that area. Yohko attacked with abandon, blocking every attempt Ayako made to snare her with the whip. They were quite evenly matched, and under other circumstances, Kamiri might have enjoyed watching them. Now, though, she wondered where the damned Book was. As the two girls clashed desperately, fighting within the relatively safe confines of the warded zone, she caught sight of a strange stone pedestal in the centre of the island. It looked like a giant hand, but something was strange about it. A shudder seemed to run through the stone ledge Kamiri was crouched on, and a chunk of stone detached from the edge of the island on the far side and fell into the bottomless abyss. Then she caught sight of the hand again, and knew what was strange about it. It was closing. Slowly but surely, the stone fingers were beginning to curl into a fist, and the tremors began again, stronger this time. Kamiri swallowed. None of this had been part of the plan, but it appeared that they suddenly had yet ANOTHER problem to worry about ... *** It wasn't her imagination. The shaking was getting worse, and as she danced around Yohko, she caught a glimpse of the stone hand slowly closing. Something told Ayako that it would not be healthy to still be in this place when the hand completely closed. Unfortunately, things weren't exactly going well. She had to fight Yohko without stepping outside the central ward, otherwise she would be vulnerable to attack from Reiko and the demons both. The stone island they were standing on shook with increasing frequency and severity, and she had to add the possibility of losing her footing to her list of woes. She feinted and spun, desperately trying to get through Yohko's guard. Even though Yohko was under Reiko's control, she still fought with skill. If Ayako could just bind the girl, she'd be able to grab her and make a run for it. Not much of a plan, granted, but she had the awful feeling that time was running out. Yohko lunged without warning, and Ayako jumped back nimbly, spotting an opening. When she landed, though, her foot came down on something that shot out from under her, and she lost her balance, falling heavily. She barely got the whip up in front of her in time to catch Yohko's sword as it cleaved down towards her head. Yohko was crouched over her, putting all her weight into trying to push her blade through to the fallen Ayako. While even Yohko's sword couldn't cut the Whip of Distraction, Ayako's arms were already starting to tremble under the strain of holding Yohko back. They were locked in a death struggle now, both weapons sparking against each other with mystic fury, and Ayako knew she was at a huge disadvantage. Yohko's blade edged closer to her face, a chilling lack of expression in Yohko's eyes, and Ayako felt the muscles in her shoulders burning with the exertion. She needed to do something, and quickly. The island shuddered again, and Ayako blinked away hot stinging sweat as Yohko's dark blade edged ever closer ... *** Kamiri's head snapped up as disaster struck. Ayako, dodging a blow, stepped on the Book and lost her balance. The Book shot toward the far side of the warded area, while Yohko cleaved her blade down on her fallen double. Kamiri was already sprinting over the narrow bridge to the island as the Ayako caught the descending blade, and she mentally kicked herself. She couldn't get into where they were fighting, so why had she revealed herself? Reiko screamed in rage, throwing off several attackers as she spotted Kamiri's approach. Kamiri barely had time to dodge as a bolt of black energy was flung her way. She ran around the other side of the ward, safe for the moment, and eyed the Book. It was still just inside the edge of the circle that closed the pentagram, and Kamiri's hand was stopped dead by an invisible force. She cursed under her breath, looking up to see Reiko struggling towards her. A scaly demon swooped down, grappling with her, and she snarled, grabbing its face with one hand, running it through with her sword. Kamiri glanced back at where Ayako and Yohko still struggled, then at the Book, still out of reach. This was not good. "You," a low, throaty voice snarled. She met Reiko's eyes, shocked at the how powerfully the raven-haired beauty drew her without even trying. Not even the succubus had drawn Kamiri so powerfully. Kamiri knew then that Yohko hadn't stood a chance once this woman had set her sights on her. "Well, Reiko. We meet at last," Kamiri said, trying not to let her emotions creep into her voice. "You have caused me trouble, lovely ninja," Reiko breathed. "Had I more time, I would make a proper example of you. This time, however, I am determined that nothing shall be allowed to interfere with my victory." Kamiri set herself, knowing the Dark Queen's attack would be swift and brutal. There was no place for her to go, though. The abyss loomed at her back, and her only avenue of escape was to run around the ward, trying to stay ahead of the enraged Reiko. Hardly a good plan. Then, to make matters worse, Liliss flew into the chamber, shaking off a couple of lesser demons that tried to attack her and swooping down behind Reiko. "Mistress, allow me ..." she began, giving Kamiri a hungry look. Reiko ignored her, raising her sword as she pinned Kamiri with a dark stare. Kamiri knew her sexcraft would be no match for this woman, and there was nothing around to respond to her entangling spells. She prepared to strike with all her combat skill, hoping she could get through the other woman's guard. Then several things happened at once. *** It came to Ayako with startling clarity. A beguiling spell, Kamiri had said. It completely countered her sexcraft. An idea. A desperate gambit, actually, but she had no other options. If Yohko was being controlled by some sort of sexcraft, then maybe this would work. Maybe. She summoned the power, letting it fill her as Yohko's blade edged closer and closer, the razor sharp edge gleaming in the strange light. Finally, she took a deep breath ... and let the power flow out in a burst. Her eyes locked with Yohko's as she released her beguiling power, willing her to break free. Yohko hesitated, her eyes flickering uncertainly, and Ayako took advantage of the opening to push upwards with all her strength. Yohko's sword went flying as she fell backward, and Ayako scrambled to her feet. "Yohko!" she cried, aware of the commotion outside the ward but unable to spare the attention to check it out. "Fight, Yohko! It's me, Ayako! Yohko, come back to us!" Yohko struggled to her feet, her expression uncertain for a moment, but then red-tinged black fire flared around her collar, and her eyes went dead again. "So that's it, huh?" Ayako muttered. She was between Yohko and her fallen sword, and knew she had to act fast. She summoned another burst of power, releasing it as she sprang forward. Once again, Yohko was temporarily staggered, and this time Ayako was ready. Praying that she wouldn't misjudge the distance, she struck with the sharp curved guard of her whip's hilt, slicing at Yohko's exposed throat. Distantly, she heard a scream that sounded like Azusa as Yohko stumbled back, her hands coming up reflexively to her throat. For one horrible instant that seemed like an eternity, Ayako was certain she'd struck a fatal blow. Then, sparking angrily, the collar separated along a surgically precise line and fell from Yohko's throat, leaving a thin trickle of blood behind. Yohko stumbled again, unsteady, and looked around with a glimmering of awareness. "Yohko?" Ayako asked hopefully. "Ay ... a ... ko?" Ayako felt a surge of triumph. Then the world started to tilt. *** When Ayako unleashed her power on Yohko, Reiko was distracted. Whether it was because Yohko was bound to her or not Kamiri couldn't say, and she didn't care. She took advantage of her opponent's momentary distraction, charging her and throwing her back into Liliss. Both went tumbling to the hard stone, and Kamiri heard a scream, turning to see Ayako striking a blow at Yohko's neck. She was startled, only understanding when Yohko's collar fell away. Before she could call out to the girls, though, another tremor struck, the worst one yet. The whole island seemed to shift, and a large part of the stone behind her cracked and fell away. Yohko stumbled back towards the edge, and Kamiri saw Ayako diving after her frantically. Reiko and Liliss struggled to stand, and the demons renewed their attacks with vigour, swooping down through the air or rushing across the unsteady platform of stone. Kamiri blinked. Rushing across. Across the middle. The ward was gone. *** Ayako dove forward as Yohko was thrown off balance, reaching for her desperately. The disoriented Yohko stumbled and fell, plunging over the edge, and Ayako barely managed to snag her wrist, sliding on her stomach as Yohko's weight pulled her to the crumbling edge. She managed to stop herself, but not before she was halfway over herself. She had little leverage, and gripped Yohko's hand with all her strength. If one of the demons came after her now, she was dead. "Yohko!" she cried out. "Yohko, try to climb up! I can't hold on much longer, Yohko, come on!" The girl hung limply, and at first, Ayako wasn't certain that her friend could hear her. Then, slowly, Yohko looked up into Ayako's eyes, and Ayako knew that her friend was back. "Yohko," she breathed. "Yohko, come on. Hurry!" Yohko's throat worked for a second, then she whispered something that was lost over the din of crumbling rock and screaming demons. "What? I can't hear you!" Ayako shouted, sweat pouring off her body as she looked past Yohko into the chaos of the abyss. "Let go," Yohko repeated quietly. Ayako gaped. "Wh-what?" "Save yourself," Yohko said calmly, a tear running from one of her eyes. "I'm not ... worth it." Ayako gritted her teeth. "Idiot!" she growled. She tried to pull Yohko back up, but the edge threatened to crumble under her stomach, and she could feel herself start to slide again. "Ayako ..." Yohko pleaded dully. "I won't!" she gritted. "No way! No damned ... KAMIRI! HELP!" *** The demons seemed drawn to Reiko somehow, which gave Kamiri a chance to regain her feet unmolested. She cast around for the reason that the ward had failed, finding it quickly. The last tremor had caused the Book to slide to the edge of the island, where it teetered precariously. The ward's integrity was breached, and without the Book to power it, it had failed. She was just beginning to move towards the Book when she heard Ayako's cry. Ayako was dangling dangerously several feet away, trying to pull Yohko's dead weight back up to the trembling stone island. Kamiri hesitated. She was roughly the same distance from the Book and Ayako. She could get to one, but not both. The edge was crumbling, and Reiko would recover in moments. The decision she had dreaded had arrived, and now there was no more time to think about it. She made her decision. *** Ayako bit back a scream, trying desperately to pull her friend back up to safety. Yohko just stared at her, not helping, and Ayako knew that she wasn't going to make it. She felt herself starting to slide, but she couldn't make herself let go of Yohko. She just couldn't. As her free hand scrambled to find purchase, a strong arm suddenly slid around her waist, and she felt herself being drawn back up. She and Yohko were pulled to safety, and as Yohko's limp form cleared the edge Ayako fell back against a shapely female body. "Kitten," a voice sighed in her ear, "you are a most troublesome girl. What on earth am I going to do with you?" You came, Ayako wanted to say, but there was no time. She hauled the unresisting Yohko to her feet, turning in time to see the Tome of Craxus slip off the edge of the shaking platform and plunge into the abyss. "Damn," Kamiri whispered. Then they saw Liliss spring off the edge and dive down after it, wings spread. "What are we going to do?" Ayako asked, looking up at Kamiri. "You are going to die," a voice informed her. "Both of you." Reiko cleared a space around her with her sword, facing the threesome with an expression of rage. "Yohko is mine, little Devil Hunter," she snarled at Ayako, and once again Ayako felt the force of the woman's power pulling at her. "You had no right to take her wedding present off." Ayako blinked. Wedding present? "I will have the Book and Yohko, and you two will trouble me no more," she continued, black flames dancing along her sword. Kamiri slipped her foot under the whip which was lying on the ground and easily flipped it up for Ayako to catch, scooping Yohko up into her arms at the same time. That left Ayako free to battle Reiko. Unfortunately, it would have to be a short battle. The stone hand was almost closed, and Ayako suspected that when it closed completely, so would the entrance to the shrine. If they didn't act fast, they would be trapped. Ayako stepped in front of the other two, and Reiko smiled. "Oh, so you'd like to be first? Perhaps you will survive my attack after all, Ayako Mano. Then I could show you exactly how I got your friend to obey me." Ayako tensed, then caught motion out of the corner of her eye. Behind Reiko, on the ledge, something ... "Mistress!" Liliss came streaking out of the abyss, something clutched to her chest, and threw herself against Reiko. The startled beauty was thrust out of the way, just as Azusa's spear knifed through the space where she'd been standing ... impaling the succubus. Liliss staggered, the tip of the spear protruding from between her breasts and through the Book she had clutched to her chest. She gazed down in frank amazement, gasping in pain as the spear pulled itself back out. The Book fell to the crumbling stone, green eldritch fire spewing from the hole the spear had made, and then Liliss fell to her knees, blood gushing from the wound in her chest to spatter against the stone and the Book. "Come on!" Azusa shouted from where she and Azusa 2 stood as her spear returned obediently to her hand. "The entrance! It's closing!" Ayako and Kamiri ran like hell, racing past where Reiko was just beginning to recover from being thrown to the ground. Another wave of demons, smaller but still frantic, closed on her, and she screeched as she batted them away, incinerating them with her power. As they ran, Ayako could see why the Azusas hadn't tried to join them. A large section of the span between the ledge and the island was missing. They would have to jump to make it to the stairs. "Reiko," Yohko whispered, reaching her hand back as they ran. Ayako felt a cold chill at the expression on Yohko's face, and knew that even if they got out, this wasn't over for Yohko. Still, first things first. "Run!" she shouted at the Azusas. Azusa nodded, and the two girls whirled around, running up the stairs. Ayako glanced at Kamiri. "Can you make it?" she asked. Kamiri grinned. "Ninja training includes a lot of jumping, kitten. I'll make it." They were forced to dodge a small group of demons that were tearing each other apart, then they ran at the gap full out. Ayako hurled herself over first, making the other side easily. Kamiri followed, stumbling as she landed, leaping ahead as the edge where she'd landed began to crumble even further. They chanced a look back, seeing the panicked demons flying frantically in every direction. Reiko turned from dispatching one and caught sight of them. "Yohko," she called, her dark gaze marking them. "You'll always be mine, Yohko. You are my dark bride." Yohko whimpered in Kamiri's arms, reaching blindly out toward the sound of Reiko's voice, and Kamiri spun, charging up the stairs. Ayako caught one last glimpse of Reiko, standing regally amidst the carnage over the fallen succubus, death in her dark eyes, then she followed. Past Kamiri, she could see the light at the top of the stairs narrowing slowly but surely. Azusa was trying to wedge her spear into the opening to stop it from closing, but couldn't make it fit. The entrance had already become too narrow. Ayako's lungs and legs burned as she ran, the entrance seemingly not getting any closer. We're not going to make it, she thought. After all that, we're not going to make it. She put on a burst of speed, catching up to Kamiri as the light continued to narrow. She heard one of the Azusas shouting to hurry, and then Kamiri disappeared and Ayako was hurtling through the air, having turned sideways at the last moment to barely scrape through the narrow stone opening. She hit the cool grass on her back, rolling away and finally regaining her feet. The entrance was closed. The boulder sat whole once again, and Ayako knew that even if it was pulled out of the hill, nothing would be found behind it. The shrine was sealed again, and Reiko was trapped. Trapped, but not dead. "YOHKO!" Ayako blinked as an Azusa-shaped bullet rocketed by her to where Kamiri knelt, Yohko cradled in her arms. Azusa threw herself down, grabbing at Yohko's arm, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Yohko, I was so worried are you all right how could you go off alone like that Yohkooooooo!" Ayako moved closer, noting with relief that the emblem on the front of Yohko's dress had returned to normal. Yohko was still trembling weakly, but seemed to pull herself together in the face of Azusa's outburst, trying to give a comforting smile. "I'll be fine," she muttered to the girl, then promptly fainted. Azusa cried out, but Kamiri gave her a comforting smile. "I think she'll be all right, little Devil Hunter. She is strong, after all." She stood easily with Yohko still in her arms as Ayako walked up behind Azusa 2. "How about you?" she asked quietly. "Are you okay?" The girl looked a little shaky but managed a grin and a thumbs-up. "I'll make it," she said. "Hey, did we win or what?" Ayako glanced at the others, feeling her racing pulse finally beginning to slow. "Well, it wasn't pretty, but I think you'd have to say we did," she sighed. Azusa was trotting along beside Kamiri, gazing with touching concern into Yohko's face, vulnerable in sleep, and Ayako smiled. "It was good that you two showed up when you did, or we might have been stuck down there," she said as they began to walk. She let Azusa 2 lean against her, sensing the girl's exhaustion. After her ordeal with the parasite and the run to the shrine, she didn't seem to have much strength left. "I nearly had her," Azusa grumbled. "If that stupid succubus hadn't gotten in the way at the last minute ..." "Still, Reiko is trapped. She won't be causing us any trouble for quite a while, if ever," Kamiri sighed. "That's not good enough," Azusa insisted. "I bet she hurt Yohko plenty. I wanted to send her to hell!" Ayako hid her concern from the others. The fact that Reiko was still alive didn't please her much either. The first thing she was going to do when they got back was try to find out when the shrine could open again. But for the moment, they had Yohko back, the Book was still sealed, and Reiko was trapped, at least for the immediate future. Considering the night they'd had, the outcome could have been worse. A lot worse. "There'll be time enough for second-guessing later," Ayako sighed. "Come on, it's late. Let's get back to the house. Chi will be worried sick." The silvery light of the full moon shone down on the five female warriors as they walked away from their hard-won battle and towards home. *** Ayako knocked lightly and entered, seeing Yohko sitting up in bed, propped up with many soft pillows. The other girl gave her a small smile as she came in. "Thank goodness. I thought it was Azusa with more pillows. I'm running out of places to put them." Ayako smiled back. "She's enjoying fussing over you," she said. Yohko sighed. "I know, I know." Then her smile faded somewhat, and Ayako went over to perch on the edge of the bed. "So, how do you feel?" she asked. Yohko fingered the tiny cut on her neck. "Lucky," she said. Ayako gave her a comforting smile. "Hey, I never miss." "Good thing for me. I'm okay, just kinda weak." She looked away, her face colouring. "Azusa keeps asking about what happened." Ayako understood, even though she didn't want to reveal to Yohko just how much she understood about the methods Reiko had used to control her. Not yet, anyway. "It's not your fault, Yohko. She used powerful magic to control you. It could have happened to any of us." Yohko looked away, darkness lurking in her eyes. "I trusted her," she whispered. "And she used that against me. And then ..." She broke off, crossing her arms tightly under her breasts. Yohko had slept most of the night, and had been the centre of attention since she'd woken up. Ayako hadn't had a chance to talk to her privately yet, but that could wait. She still wasn't sure what she would say, after all. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Yohko had reached for Reiko even after she'd been freed, or the dark despair in her eyes when she'd told Ayako to let her go and save herself. "Well, it's over," Ayako told her gently. "She's gone, and everything's going to be okay." Yohko looked back at her, and her expression softened. "I wish I could believe that," she said. "Believe it. You'll get over this. We'll all help." They locked gazes, a strange bond seeming to flow between the look-alike Devil Hunters. The moment was broken when Chi stuck her head in the door. "Yoo-hoo? How's the patient?" "She wants to get out of bed!" Yohko grumbled good-naturedly, the darkness in her mood receding. Chi grinned. "You won't want to, not when you see what your best friend has for you!" "I hope it's not more pillows," Yohko sighed. Chi looked terribly pleased with herself. "Nope! Better! Heeeeere's ... Hideki!" She stepped aside, and Hideki Kando stepped in, a shy grin on his face. "Miss Mano," he said, obviously a little embarrassed by all the fuss. He came forward, holding out a dozen red roses. "I heard you were back, and a little under the weather. These are for you." Yohko took the roses, looking dazed. Ayako sat back, wondering if this was a good idea. She watched Yohko carefully for her reaction, but she seemed more surprised than anything else. "H-Hideki Kando. It's been ... a while," she said, flushing with pleasure. She clasped the roses tightly to her chest, breathing in their perfume deeply. "Thank you. But ... why? I mean ..." "I never got a chance to thank you," he said with a wry grin. "For saving me from being sacrificed by Reiko." Yohko gaped. "Oh, did I mention that Hideki's memory was restored by Reiko's memory spell?" Chi asked innocently. "He knows you're a Devil Hunter." Yohko was flabbergasted. Ayako chuckled at the sight as Yohko struggled to find something to say. Ayako had to admit that Chi had really outdone herself. Yohko's ordeal appeared to be the furthest thing from her mind all of a sudden, a feat Ayako hadn't been able to accomplish. Azusa entered just then, Azusa 2 behind her. Even those two were managing not to fight, at least for the time being. A detailed examination had showed that no trace of the parasite remained in Azusa 2, although she had woken the previous night screaming and covering her mouth. Ayako supposed bad dreams would be a fact of life for them all for a while. "Chi didn't mention something else, too," Azusa said saucily, putting the flowers in a vase. "She told Hideki all about how you had a crush on him when he was at your school ..." Yohko's face turned as red as the flowers. "CHIIIIIIIII!" she bellowed. Chi wisely ran from the room ahead of a barrage of pillows, and the girls all laughed as Hideki blushed furiously. Ayako watched Yohko and Hideki, and although she was no expert, she thought perhaps Hideki was looking at Yohko with more than friendly interest. Well, good. After a long week of darkness, a ray of light finally seemed to be shining through the clouds. That was a beginning. She walked out of the room and down the hall, heading down the stairs to the kitchen. Kamiri was seated at the table sipping her tea contentedly, and Ayako felt a rush of contradictory emotions at the sight of the seductive ninja. Kamiri glanced up at her and gave her a sultry smile. "Well, how did Yohko like Chi's surprise?" she asked mischievously. Ayako sat across from her and sighed. "It does seem to have taken her mind off things, at least for the moment," Ayako admitted. Kamiri nodded. "She will need your friendship and understanding," the ninja said soberly, and something about her expression told Ayako that somehow Kamiri truly understood what Yohko was going through. "She'll have it," Ayako stated. Kamiri sipped her tea again, her expression contemplative, and Ayako leaned forward. "Kamiri, I never got to thank you. For helping me when Yohko fell and ... everything." That sounded lame and awkward, and she cursed inwardly. Kamiri just smiled again, gracefully rising from her chair and strutting around the table until she was standing beside Ayako. "Well, kitten, you know my policy on the proper reward for good deeds," she purred throatily, and Ayako felt a pleasant tightening in her chest as Kamiri moved to straddle her chair. She lowered herself onto Ayako, her arms twining around the girl's neck as she brought her lush mouth close to Ayako's. "A kiss," Ayako murmured, having trouble breathing. "A PROPER kiss," Kamiri corrected her. With agonizing slowness, Kamiri closed the tiny space between them, her breath hot and enticing on Ayako's parted lips. Ayako let her hands come up, her fingers luxuriating in the silky softness of Kamiri's hair as their mouths moved together, tongues teasing lightly as their lips slid and caressed with barely restrained heat. When they finally parted, staring into each other's eyes, they were both breathing hard. "For a few moments, back in the shrine, I thought you were going to go for the Book instead of me," Ayako whispered. Kamiri smiled slightly. "For a few moments, I considered it," she admitted. "The temptation was great." "You were after the Book the whole time, weren't you?" Ayako asked. Kamiri curled her fingers in, letting her long nails scratch lightly behind Ayako's ears, and let her lips curve up into a smile. "Not at the end, and that's the only part that matters," she said, watching with obvious pleasure as Ayako arched slightly at her touch, making a small whimpering noise in the back of her throat. Ayako tried to fight the seductive sensations long enough to frame a coherent thought. "The hell of it is, I'm still not sure I can trust you," she sighed. Kamiri looked amused, leaning close while keeping up her attentions. "Kitten, I've already told you I'm a dangerous woman. My past is dark and twisted in ways you can't imagine. You'd be wise to trust your instincts." Ayako stared into Kamiri's eyes, a mesmerizing amber colour, and swallowed hard. "What is this thing between us, Kamiri?" she asked hoarsely. Kamiri nuzzled the tip of her nose lightly against Ayako's. "Oh, what does it all mean?" she asked mockingly. "Tell me kitten, how do I make you feel?" Ayako continued to toy with Kamiri's hair idly, a pleasant tingle infusing her everywhere Kamiri's body touched hers. "Hot. Strange. Passionate, confused, aroused ..." Ayako trailed off helplessly, and Kamiri nodded in satisfaction. "That'll do for now," she said. "I'm not planning on leaving town in the near future. There'll be time to explore this. Who knows where it will lead?" Ayako felt her mouth being drawn inexorably to Kamiri's and sighed. "You'd better get off me before someone comes down," she said at last, mustering all her willpower. Kamiri obliged, but slowly, letting her fingers trail along Ayako's flesh, staying in heated contact until the last moment. Ayako shuddered as Kamiri slowly, teasingly backed away. "Damn it," she said, her mouth dry. Kamiri chuckled. "There's so much I want to teach you, kitten ..." "Kamiri, do me a favour." "What?" "Don't call me that in front of the others." The ninja woman smiled. "Believe it or not, I do understand discretion. Don't worry, that's just between us." Kamiri went back to her chair as Ayako got up to get herself some tea, her body still tingling from Kamiri's teasing. "Kamiri, I'm a little concerned ..." she began as she poured. "About Reiko?" Kamiri asked. "Yes. She's still alive in there, isn't she?" Kamiri shrugged. "She seemed more than a match for those other demons. My guess is yes." "Is there any way she could get out?" Kamiri sighed. "My knowledge is sadly lacking. The writings I possess didn't mention the demons sealed with the Book, for instance. With the Book damaged and the main ward destroyed, the shrine is unstable, but as far as I know she is trapped there until the entrance re-opens. And I DO know that won't happen for another 86 years. Yohko's grandmother, or yours, may be able to find out more about the shrine itself, though." Ayako nodded. "I'll call grandmother tonight and have her start checking," she said. They were distracted by the sounds of laughter from upstairs, and Ayako smiled sadly. "This too shall pass, Ayako," Kamiri told her. "Put Reiko out of your mind, help Yohko do the same, and get on with your lives." Ayako stared out the kitchen window. If only it were that simple, she thought ruefully. Still, she thought as another burst of laughter erupted upstairs, even if just for today, they could forget about battling evil and just heal. "Come on," she told Kamiri, "let's go give Yohko some pointers on how to land Hideki." Kamiri shot her a predatory grin. "That poor boy," she murmured. "He doesn't stand a chance." Ayako considered just how close they'd come to never hearing Yohko's laughter again as they climbed the stairs, and she smiled. Whatever troubles lay ahead, they would handle them. Together. After all, wasn't that what friends were for? Epilogue: Akemi sighed, holding the leash in one hand. "Slippy! Come back here!" she called impatiently. The stupid dog had been sniffing around and had suddenly charged off excitedly into the bushes. The park was starting to fill up as the morning warmed, and she didn't want the dog to get into any trouble. Suddenly, she heard a startled yelp from the bushes, and she started forward. "Slippy?" she asked tentatively. There was no hint of motion, and she felt a sudden sense of unease. "Slippy? Are you there?" Suddenly, just as she was reaching out to part the bushes, Slippy came walking out. She frowned. "Bad dog!" she scolded him. "Stop running off like that!" She noticed that Slippy seemed uncharacteristically calm, allowing her to re-attach the leash with no fuss. He looked up at her with an oddly intelligent look in his eyes, then allowed himself to be led away by the beautiful young woman. She would be a very entertaining home for a fledging Sylyte queen, Slippy's new friend decided. Just as soon as they were alone together ... The End? Author's notes: Well, that's the first draft of the story. If you liked it (and if you're reading the notes at the end of the last part, I assume you did or you wouldn't still be reading) you might want to read the revised version when it comes out ... which won't be for a little while yet. I'll be adding a fair amount of material, especially in between the period when Reiko and Yohko first meet and the time when they fight. Also I'll be expanding on a few other things, trying to explore some of the characters more and plug up some plot holes at the urging of my pre-reader/editor. I think these changes'll make the story a lot better. Wow, I really did it. I really wrote a lemon. When I first had this idea, I wasn't sure that I could actually pull it off. Anyway, I have some vague plans of writing a sequel, bringing in some more LBG characters (Miko Mido is a good guy, but she's half demon ... how would she get along with a Devil Hunter, who is sworn to destroy ALL demons?) and of course, exploring what happens to everybody next. If there's sufficient interest, I'll consider it. Thanks to everybody who read the story and wrote me to comment on it ... judging by the comments I got, there aren't enough lemons with plots out there (something I agree heartily with!) That's it for now. Oh yeah. Thanks and acknowledgement to the creators of the series Devil Hunter Yohko and La Blue Girl. I borrowed their characters without permission, but only cause I was inspired and for non-profit entertainment purposes only. Any comments can be sent to me at: drkschneider@ibm.net Later. DS Usenet Web 1.0.3 (development) / webmaster@netimages.com