A Frozen Flower Warmed by the Planet Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors notes: Uhh. I'm gonna get in major trouble for this one. Please remember that this is a love story. Not just a wham-bam thank you ma'am thing. If you're only in this for the sex, then skip to the very end or read a different story. I'd suggest that you'd better read something else because this is not going to have the greatest sex scene in the world. Trust me. This still classifies as hentai but I don't want to call it that because that's a little too harsh. Remember that this is a romance/love story and not a sex story. Be prepared for lots of reading before the sex if you decide to read it all. Just believe me when I say that it is much more rewarding if you read the whole thing. MUCH MUCH MORE!! Disclaimer:I don't own anyone here...Never have and never will. Don't sue me..you won't be up any in the money category, as I don't have any money at all. Well this is for the most part, "hentai" so if you're underage, I suggest that either, you don't let your parents see this or you should simply hit your browsers "back" button or something.(Just a note but 'hentai' is 'perverted' in Japinese but this is more of a romance and it has a bit of a story line as well.) If you're offended by descriptive sex, ever were, or think that you ever will be, DON'T READ ANY FURTHER!! Don't say that I didn't warn you. I just don't want to get in trouble for your actions past this point. Even if you're underage I doubt you will listen to me anyhow. Now, without futher delay... --- The two opponents circled eachother. One a man, the other a woman. The man had brown hair, wore a jean jacket and trail worn jeans and he held the Excalibur in his left hand. The woman wore a tight fitting green swimsuit sort of thing and a cape as white as snow. In her right hand, she held the Illumina which wasn't illumated anymore due to the lack of magic. The two rushed eachother at the same time. The woman keeping the tip of the blade close to the ground while the man did a massive overhead strike. The woman brought her blade up but it was deflected by the eavesdropping sword from above, causing both swords to go wide and leave the both of them completely open. The woman expected this and drove her knee up with great force and it hit home. The man doubled over in severe pain as it connected with his lower abdomen. She put the blade to his neck and he finally yelled "I give! You win!" and as he was standing up, muttered under his breath, "Again." She withdrew the blade from his neck and expertly sheathed it. "Ha! I win again! Are you getting old in your age Locke?" "Ha ha. Funny, Celes!" Locke replied sarcastically as he stood and sheathed his own blade. "I simply didn't want to hurt you." "Sure." Celes replied semi-sarcastically. Celes and Locke got together after the fall of Kefka. Locke and Celes both confessed that they couldn't live without the other. Locke and Celes embraced and kissed. This was almost routine after a fight. "Let's go." He said and they left, hand in hand for thier little cottage in South Figaro. They wanted to be close to Edgar incase something happened and Figaro needed reinforcements. --- That night, Celes was sleeping quite peacefully but Locke on the other hand wasn't. He had a dream and couldn't fall back to sleep. In his dream, there were 2 men and Celes. One of the men was a great figure of power. He also seemed insane. He was wearing a black trenchcoat tied at the waist. It showed his great, muscular chest off on the top as it was left open. He had wierd shoulder pads that were white with 3 black circles that seemed to mean something important. His hair was a little longer than waist length and it was white. He also had glowing green eyes that seemed to look like they seen more than was taken for granted. He had a great long sword that seemed to resemble Cyan's except that it was much longer than any of the ones he had. It seemed to have a power all it's own that could only be controlled by the man that was resting it over his shoulder. The other man seemed to have an inner hatred for the white-haired man but could not control his actions. He had spiky blond hair and wore odd blue clothes. In his shaking hands, he had the biggest sword imaginable. It was it had a crystal type of translucentcy to it. Celes was on the ground, bloodied and her sword was bent, like she had been fighting the spikey blond haired man for some time. Her platinum blond hair, matted with her own blood and his. The white haired man let a smile form on his lips and looked at Locke. Although Locke didn't feel as though he was visible but the man most surly seen him and was looking directly into his eyes. Then he let out a laugh. Slow, and nothing but a chuckle at first but it grew and soon his shoulders were bouncing to his groustique laughter. Then all at once, he stopped laughing. All he said was "Now." The blond haired man seemed to try to stop himself from raising the sword over his head but he couldn't fight it. Then the white haired man said, "Stop." and the blond man just let the sword stay over his head as a great omen of death just hanging there. Then the man spoke again. "Do you know why we are going to kill you?" And she replied with a great fiercness, "Because you're a sadistic asshole?" "No. Because you are too close to him. He is my enemy and he is dead and all that is left is you. You should have left long ago. Kill her now but remember Locke, it's your fault that she dies. If you got rid of her, she would be one less death." And then the enormous sword that the blond man was holding fell. Celes raised her own sword in defence but the enormous blade cracked straight through it and went through her chest and stomach but Locke had woken up before anything else could happen. Before blood could even start to flow. Locke couldn't remember anything about the surroundings at all. They were a complete blank but the rest of the dream had been so vivid and had burned an image into his mind that he couldn't shake. Celes who was in the bed next to him stirred slightly at his commotion but never woke up. --- The next night, Locke had the same dream. The exact same. The same 2 men. The blond one under the control of the white haired one. The white haired man blamed it on Locke the same way again and the great sword of the blond crashing through Celes's sword and into her chest and he woke up immediatly again. This happened the next night again. Locke was getting that there may be some message here that was very important. The next night, when the name Locke was mentioned, it seemed oddly underlined that it was his fault yet nothing changed. Now Locke was getting worried that maybe something would happen to Celes as a result of him and that it would be prevented if she wern't part of his life. Now, Locke is dense but even he can take a hint that is that underlined. He resolved that maybe he should talk to her about it the next morning. --- The next morning, Locke had already been awake from the dream and decided to make her breakfast. He had decided that she needn't know about the dream and simply tell her to leave him. If she refused to leave, he would. All he wanted was the best that he could give her and her life was the most important thing of all. A while later, she woke up and he presented her the breakfast after she had sat up. Celes instantly knew something was up. Locke always did this when he wanted to talk. She looked at him. "What's up?" she asked quizically. "Eat first." Was all he said. He seemed shaking slightly but she dissmissed it almost immediatly. So she ate her breakfast. After she was done her baken, eggs, toast and orange juice, he silently picked up the tray he had presented to her with food, left the room with it and returned without it. Now she was worried. "What's up?" "Now this will come as a shock to you but it has to be done." He said, trembling slightly but of what, she didn't know. "What is it?" She asked as she sat up straighter. "Remember when Edgar offered you that job in Figaro?" Locke asked, while stuttering slighly. "Yeah. What about it? What's wrong?" She asked. They had both been very adamant about not taking the job as placements were offered to them both. "You think we should take them?" "No. You should it." Was all he said. She got the picture but was in denial. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Take the job. I'm going to stay here. Better yet, maybe I'll go to Nekiah." (Don't remember if that's the name but you get the picture.) Not only did he want to get rid of her, but he also wanted to be on the opposite side of the world from her. "You mean that you want to be as far away from me as possible." "Go Celes. Maybe if you don't want the job that Edgar has to offer, you can go back to Mobliz with Terra because she is in Figaro for a while to get more supplies. Go Celes. I'm dangerous. You have to get as far away from me as possible." Locke had to stop to catch his breath and Celes had tried to cut in. "But--" Celes started but he put a finger over her mouth to silence her. "You have to go. Bye Celes. I'm going out for a while, get packed and leave or I will have to kick you out with force. I don't want to have to do that. Just go." Locke got up with watery eyes. "Maybe there will once again be a day that I can love you again but don't count on it." Locke left the room in a hurry before he had to take his 'offer' back. All he wanted to do was protect her. Celes just stayed there in complete shock for a few minutes. Then she got dressed and packed all of her personal belongings that she had gotten over the time. Then she came to the head band that Locke had given her and remembered his words on the crumbling tower. "Don't worry so much about silly little trinklets." Celes left the headband there and continued to pack her backpack. She didn't carry much but it still took time to pack. She was in such shock that she didn't shed a tear. She never thought that would ever happen. And with no reason other than "I'm dangerous." What did Locke mean by he was dangerous? Was there something that he had been keeping from her for a while? Her head had raced with questions but she was unable to come up with any real answers. After she was finished packing, she walked out the door and never looked back because she knew that if she did, she wouldn't be able to leave. One thing that had passed through her mind was his last words to her. "Maybe there will once again be a day that I can love you again..." Was he saying that he didn't love her anymore? Celes was quite sure that Locke was saying that he didn't love her anymore. She never looked back. She never stayed to ask questions. She never cried. She was too strong for that. It hurt but she felt she could take it and maybe she could, with a little help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Frozen Flower Warmed by the Planet Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Celes walked up to the grand castle of Figaro. It had been a long hike but she had been able to fair it. She had walked through the desert many times before. Celes was welcomed by the guard that guarded the main gate and he stepped aside allowing her entrince. She walked on in and went straight up to the throne room where, most surely, King Edgar had seated himself. Sure enough, Edgar was sitting there, chatting with the councellor about something but then he noticed her. "I'm sorry chancellor but I have a guest. You may be excused for the time being." The chancellor bowed slightly and left. "Hello Celes. What brings you here?" Edgar asked with his usual smug smile. "About that job...Is it still open?" She asked. "Umm..Lemmie thing.." Edgar struck a thoughtful pose for a moment then snapped out of it with an answer. "Which one? Jester, Guard, Assistant Chancellor, or Honor Guard?" "You only offered me the Guard position? What's with all of the others?" "Oh. Thoes are all of the free positions right now. I really need a jester. I've been a little down since Sabin left to train some more." Edgar leaned foreward in his chair expectantly. "Umm, no thanks. I'd just prefer to be an honor guard or something." Celes was in slight shock. "Hahaha! Don't be so serious, Celes. I'd never make you a Jester! You wanna be an Honor Guard? You will be working with Terra for now then. She took up the job as well." "Ok. That's great! I'd be happy to take the job." Celes said although it was evident that she wasn't too happy. "Alright. Umm, one problem." Edgar looked a little troubled. "What's that?" Celes asked, in confusion. "I'm don't have an extra 'shack' for you. Would you mind shacking with Terra?" Celes found his choice of word's odd and didn't understand fully. "What? What's a shack?" "Room. I don't have a room. You will have to share a room with Terra." Edgar corrected himself. "Oh? That's ok. As long as she doesn't mind." "I doubt that she minds. Maybe she'll enjoy the company. She seems pretty lonely." "Ok. Where's the room?" Celes asked. "I'll have a guard escort you there." Edgar snapped his fingers and the nearest servant came up right away and waited for orders. "Show this lady to Terra's room. They will be bunking together for the time being." The guard spoke an affirmative and told Celes to follow him. He led her down a hall, turned down a newly installed corridor, and passed 2 or 3 doors. Then he stopped at the next one. He tapped on the door lightly and there was a female voice that said "Come in." He opened the door and motioned for Celes to enter. Terra was on her bed reading a book and looked up at Celes and her eyes almost brightened at the sight of someone that she knew other than Edgar. "Hey Celes! Come in, come in!" Terra placed a book mark on the page that she was on, closed the book and stood up to motion Celes in. The guard left and closed the door behind himself. Celes was fairly quiet and just stood there rather dumbly. Terra noticed that something was wrong and asked, "Hey. Something bothering you?" What happened next was totally out of the blue. Celes dropped her backpack on the floor and started to cry. Tears started to stream down her cheeks openly. Celes hadn't ever cried for as long as she could remember. Terra was worried about her friend and grabbed her by the arm and led her to the bed where she was sat down. Celes took this time to look at the room a bit. The floor was a greyish carpet. The walls were made of concrete. There were a few shelves with books and hand drawn portraits of some of the children from Mobliz. The window was small but was enough to let someone know when it was day or night. The door was large and wooden. In the corner, there was a cabinet which Celes figured was for clothes. Celes thought that Terra had a fair chunk of spending money but this was rediculous. Hand drawn portraits that were that good were a fortune each and Terra had quite a few. The bed was large and neatly made with a few light blankets. It also seemed really comfortable. Celes took all of that in simply by looking from one end of the room to the other but now to the matter at hand. "Celes? What's wrong?" Terra asked again. Celes cried even harder. "What happened?" After a few minutes of waiting. Celes finally calmed down enough to speak. "Locke." was all that she was able to get out before she started to cry again. "Locke? What about Locke? Did he hurt you?" Terra was genuinly impressed that Locke could be the cause of all of Celes's troubles. Terra did feel a little jelous towards Locke but never really knew why. After a while of waiting, Celes was able to continue. "He-he..doesn't love me anymore." and she broke out into a racking of sobs again. Terra simply embraced her friend. Terra had a billion questions going throught her mind at once. She couldn't help but ask one. "Are you sure? When did he say that he didn't love you anymore?" Terra was careful to be as soothing as possible. "He-he (sniffle) said that (sob)'maybe there will once again be a day that I can love you again but don't count on it.'" And she broke into a worse crying fit. "Are you sure he ment it?" Terra asked Celes. "Yeah. He kicked me out. Basically said that he wants to be as far from me as possibile." Celes had pretty much stopped crying by now but tears still wetted her cheeks. "I came here so that I'd have a place to stay and work to keep my mind off of him but Edgar is all out of rooms. I don't want to be a burden to you." "Nonsense. I'd be more than happy to have you here with me. I sometimes get lonely without anyone to talk to." "Thank you, Terra. You're a great friend, but there is one bed and two of us. It doesn't add out very well you know." Celes was slightly concerned about sleeping space. "Uhh. I can sleep on the floor. I'll let you have the bed." Terra offered. Celes shook her blond head from side to side in a 'no' gesture. "I wouldn't feel right letting you sleep on the floor. You were here first. I'll take the floor." It was Terra's turn to shake her head. "No way! It looks like either we both sleep on the bed or the floor. The bed is big enough and much more comfortable than the floor." Celes's eyes passed over the window and she noticed that it was pitch black out. It was obviously night time. "Since we're on the subject, I suggest we think about sleep." Terra stretched and yawned. Terra had green hair, wore a similar outfit to Celes's except that it didn't have a cape and that it was red with green shoulder-pads. Celes was a little older than Terra and was marginably taller than her. They were of roughly the same build though. Celes's stomach made a grumbling noise and said, "My stomach needs a little attention though." Then Celes rummaged through her back-pack and withdrew a few select items. A comb, a fork, some night clothes, and the remander of her food from the journey. Celes had left the house early in the morning and spent the greater portion of the day hikeing here. Celes, competely stopped crying now and climbed off of the bed and sat on the floor to eat her food. Terra used this time to get undressed for bed. She had removed all of her garments except for a few select articles and threw a night shirt on. The shirt went to her knees, was white, and had in big black letters "We love you Mommy Terra!" and had a drawing of each of the children as stick people in a crayon. It was obviously made by the children of Mobliz. "That's such a nice shirt, Terra!" Celes said after she was done eating the food and seen Terra. "Did the kids of Mobliz make that for you?" she asked. "Yeah. They're a great bunch of kids. Very intellegent. They can suprise even me with thier knowledge sometimes." Terra had removed her hairband and was combing her hair out. "Yeah. When are you going back?" Celes asked, with a hint of something in her voice but it was impossibile to place a finger on it. "I'm going for a visit next weekend. The weekend is when I get time off, Setzer will be here and so he will be able to take me there and back." Terra explained. "Huh? You won't be staying there? I thought that you were simply here for a visit." Celes said "No. Dwane and Katarin have everything under control there. The kids behave well anyhow. This is a perminant job for me now." "I see." Celes then stretched and yawned. "It's time for sleep now. You don't mind if I get undressed here?" "I don't see why not. We're both girls." Terra said kinda idly. She was reading that book again. Celes got undressed and put her night clothes on. While Celes was undressed, Terra stole a glance at Celes's naked body but Terra returned her eyes to her book immedatly after realizing that she was looking at another girl. She didn't know why but she was blushing as well but it was light and went away quickly before Celes noticed. Celes wore simple, pink and white striped PJ's. She sat down on the edge of the bed and started to comb her hair out but was cut short when she felt a soft hand on her arm, stopping her and taking the comb out of her hand. Then Terra whispered "Here. Let me do it." Terra took the comb and started to comb Celes's long blond hair. It was real silky even through it hadn't been washed or anything since she had been through the desert. To Celes, it felt quite nice and oddly relaxing. After Terra was done, she handed Celes the comb which Celes set on the night stand that was near the bed and climbed under the blankets. Terra shuffled over to the other side of the bed and jokingly said, "Now remember, keep your hands off!" Terra blushed slightly at the thought but they both laughed at it. Celes blew out the candle on the night stand and shuffled back under the blankets. After a few moments, she fell asleap. Terra fell asleap a few minutes later. --- Locke walked around the town aimlessly. He came to the outer city limits and said, "Don't bother trying to hide. I have something for you to do anyhow." Then, a man in black ninja garb seemed to show up out of nowhere. "How'd you know that I was here? Broken branch? Scent? I was sure I took all things into consideration." "No. I'm not telling how I knew. Just remember that I used to be a thief. I know all of the tricks of the trade." Locke was leaning against a tree with his arms folded over his chest. "Whatever. You said that you had a job for me? What is it and what does it pay?" asked the ninja. "I want you to spy on Celes. If there's trouble, I also want you to dispatch it imediatly and above all, avoid detection. Name your price." "How long do you want me to do this for?" "A few days." "I'm, guessing 15000 gold peices. This isn't an easy job you know." "Yeah. That'll be fine. I can pay that." "Good. See you on pay day! Take care for now, Locke." "You too Shadow. You too." and the ninja Shadow was gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Frozen Flower Warmed by the Planet Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terra woke up the next morning halfly sprawled over the entire bed. Something oddly warm underneith her alerted her somewhat. She also found that her left hand was gripping something. Upon opening her eyes, Terra was quite shocked. She was practially lying on top of Celes and her hand was full of Celes's right breast. Celes had her left arm around Terra's waist and was hugging her somewhat. Terra looked at Celes's face and she had a peaceful expression on her face. Terra instantly felt a pang of sorrow for her friend. She had been dumped in one of the worst ways, came here and is now back in paradise before Locke kicked her out. It would end once she woke up. Now the only thing on Terra's mind was to get out of this without embarassing them both. Terra was being as careful as possible when she lifted her trembing had from Celes's breast. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of Terra's mind, she didn't want to let go but common sense told her to and she obeyed common sense most of the time. After getting her hand back to herself, Terra felt an incredable blush flow through her face. Celes muttered something and shifted slightly. Terra, not wanting to be in that position any longer, untangeled her legs from the blankets and Celes's legs. She sat up and climbed out of the bed. Standing in the middle of her room, Terra looked out the window to find that it was morning. Looking at the clock Edgar had made for her, it was 10:30. Breakfast would be starting in half an hour. Terra quickly got dressed into her usual clothes. Celes would have about 20 minutes to wake up and Terra had hoped that Celes was more of a morning person. Terra walked over to the bed where Celes was sleeping and at first noted that Celes didn't have that peaceful look on her face anymore. Terra noted that Celes was really attractive and this wouldn't be the first time that she had thought about this, honestly. Terra sighed slightly. What was she thinking? Celes was another woman just like herself. She sighed again and shook Celes awake. Celes grumbled something about 5 minutes and turned on her side so that her back was facing Terra. Terra shook her again and said, "C`mon Celes! Get up. Breakfast is in 15 minutes." Celes grumbled something akin to a swear word and sat up. Celes was obviously not a morning person. And to think that Celes used to be a general! Must have had an alarm clock that the empire had made to make sure that people got up on time. Celes stood, removed her PJ's and put on her regular clothes with a little trouble. Celes then grumbled with her eyes half closed, "Lead the way." Terra led Celes out the door of her room, locked it behind herself and continued down the hallway. Celes couldn't walk in a straight line for the life of her at the moment and had trouble standing on her own feet. Terra grabbed Celes by the shoulders and controlled her down the halls and said, "This way." at a turn. Terra had delt with many non-morning people and found that getting them started was one of the hard parts but this was the best way to do it. Once they arrived at the Caf'teria, Terra sat down near the head of the table where Edgar sat and made Celes sit down beside her. Edgar was munching away like there was no tomarrow, (as was the usual.) and had his other hand wrapped around the his coffie mug. It wasn't in the best of shape and it was obvious that Sabin had made it for him. It said in big yellow letters, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!" Terra's plate was already half empty by the time Celes had ate a bite. It seemed like Celes was looking for something that wasn't there but it all seemed to be there. Baken, eggs, toast and milk. What was missing. Then she figured it out. "Where's my pot of coffie?" She asked Terra and Edgar. "Uhh...pot? Isn't that a little much?" Edgar and Terra asked at the same time. Terra beat him to it "Jynx..You can't speak untill someone calls you a commoner. If you do, then you own me a bonus on my next paycheck." The wierd thing was that Edgar kinda liked participating in these wierd kiddy games and he didn't say a word. It was sometimes hard to get someone to call him a commoner just because he was a king. Then Terra finally asked, "You want a whole pot?" Terra asked and made aproximate measurments with her hands for a rather large pot of coffie. Celes then burst out, "YES!!" And she grabbed her head with her hand and started to cry slightly. Terra thought that it was more approprate to take Celes out of the Caf'teria and talk to her. "Please excuse us." She said politly and walked out of the Caf'teria with Celes, drawing stares from other people at the table that they walked by. After they were out of the doors, and anyones earshot, Terra asked, "What's wrong? Thinking about him again?" All Celes did was not and started to cry a little more. "Listen to me Celes. I know what it's like to lose a loved one. General Leo is a prime example. You are too." Celes stopped whimpering for a moment. Then Celes asked, "What do you mean, 'you are too.'" Terra thought to start from the first and said, "Celes I have a confession to make. I love thoes kids in Moblez and I love you too." A little of the worry on Celes's face dissapeared as she thought that Terra was going to say that she loved her like a sister. Celes is quite wrong, however. "I love thoes kids in Moblez like a parent loves thier child, but you're different. I think that I loved General Leo like a brother but your also different. The love that I feel for you is stronger, deeper." Terra blushed deeply. "What are you saying Terra?" Celes was perpelexed and was getting a little scared about what her friend was leading on. Terra's eyes roamed the room for a moment and then stopped on Celes's dark blue eyes. "What I'm saying is that I'm *IN* love *WITH* you. Just like how Locke used to love you. Just like how you loved him back. Now, I understand if you don't feel the same way. We're both girls. This sort of thing isn't even socially acceptable but I honestly don't care. I love you Celes. And I have for a long time. I've been in denial but not anymore." Celes was in complete shock and was blushing slightly as she knew very well what Terra was saying. "This is my only chance to do this.." Terra advanced slightly closer to Celes. Now blushing profusely, Terra went for gold. She leaned foreward, thier faces just centemeters apart. Terra could feel Celes's hot breath on her face and her heart started to race at speeds unknown to any normal person. Terra's hand cupped the side of Celes's face and Celes rubbed against it slightly. Celes's breath was caught in her chest and found it near impossibile to breath. What she didn't notice was that she was breathing harder and faster than Terra. Terra brought Celes and her face's together and thier lips touched. (Author note: I'm blushing something major by simply writting this. I'm a guy as well!! It's my guess that guys get aroused normally.) The light touch of their lips was electric. It was at first gentle and careful. Terra was doing all of the work and Celes was too shocked to respond at first. Terra started to get a little deeper into the kiss when Celes finally responded, her hand going up to cup Terra's cheek. Terra was about to get a little bolder when Celes tore her face from Terra's and said "No! This can't be happening!" Celes's fingertips drew themselves across Terra's face as she turned and ran the other way. She was gone before Terra could take notice of where she went. Terra knew it was true. She was madly in love with Celes. Celes loved her as well, but was still in denial. 'Give it time, Celes. Give it time.' Terra thought. Her hand rose up to touch the spot where Celes's hand was. She turned around, still cupping her cheek, her eyes slightly glazed over. --- 'This can't be happening to me!' Celes thought as her hand subconciously went up to touch her cheek, where Terra had been (Author note: Whew! Glad that's over!)holding it. Celes turned down a corridore not really caring where she ended up. She was really awake now. To hell with coffie! Celes had found a corner that looked like it was abandoned and sat down against the corner. 'Talk about a string of bad luck.' Celes thought. 'I have just lost my boyfriend. The only person that I ever felt really cared about me. Then, one of my best friends takes a liking to me?! What's worse is that I like her too. No. I don't like her. I love her too. Just like she said. I guess I always have. I was in denial as well. Locke just helped make that denial easier to keep a denial. I can't believe it! What the hell am I gonna do?' Then Celes started to cry again. All of the pain and confusion was too much. 'If only Terra were here, she'd help a lot.' Celes couldn't figure it all out. After a while, Celes remembered a story from her child hood. It suited her predicement quite well. It was about this flower. It was a red rose. Now someone was playing with the rose and left it in the cold winter. Soon it froze. (A frozen flower) A while later, A man came by, and noticed the naturally red rose, a light blue. Although the rose looked real nice, the man knew that it was as good as dead if it didn't get heated. Not wanting to damage the rose, the man took it home in a silk cloth. Then he planted it in some warm earth and soon the rose revitalized but would never be able to live again without the proper care of the man and the earth. (warmed by the planet) In Celes's case, she was the flower. Locke was playing with it and left it out to freeze. Terra was the man and the earth who would be able to warm up the frozen flower and keep it alive. The fact of the matter is that Celes can live without Locke. She however, can't live without Terra. Celes looked up. She could both see and think straight again. The first thing on her priority list was to confess her love to Terra. But what would Terra think of her now that she ran way from her just a while ago? That didn't matter right now. She was sure that Terra would forgive her. At least she sincerly hoped so. The last thing on Celes's mind was that they were both women ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Frozen Flower Warmed by the Planet Part 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terra didn't have to work for the day so she decided to return to her room. There were a thousand things running through her mind. She absently reached up and touched her lips. She could still feel the electricity of the kiss. Terra had always known that she loved Celes but had pushed them aside. How could she not? Celes was always so strong and intellegent. Although Celes looked cold on the outside, she was a very caring person who deserves a better fate. Locke was a fool to give her up, no matter the reason. He had made a wound in her that was impossible to fully repair. Terra turned around a corner and after taking a few steps, she turned and the door to her room was right in front of her. She turned the handle and noticed that it was unlocked. That was odd. Terra walked in and to her suprise, Celes was in the center of the room, with her back to Terra. She turned around and had obviously been crying. Terra closed the door and took a step further into the room. Celes walked a little closer to her but they were still a fair bit out of arms reach. Celes decided to start talking. "I guess I owe you a bit of an apology. I really shouldn't have ran out like that. I should have at least said something." "Nonsense--" Terra started but was cut off. "No." Celes took another step forward. "I was wrong. I love you too. I was in major denial before. I guess I have always loved you. Something hit me, like a ton of bricks, when I first saw you. I felt so bad when the Emperor showed you off like a toy. To him, you were another way to get power. I wanted to get you out of there but I was too afraid of my feelings about you. I didn't know how to cope with them. I thought that feelings were a weakness. I know now that they are a strength and should be embraced. I thought that I loved Locke but maybe I was wrong." Terra was shocked by this news and Celes took a step foreward, they were both just out of arms reach. "The main facts are that I can easily live without Locke. Sure he hurt me but I can take it. You are different. I can't live without you. If I don't get you, then I won't be able to live. I love you. I love you more than life itself. You are so strong willed. You are so brave. And so beautiful." Terra blushed at the compliment in slight embarassment. Celes continued. "Terra, I love you. I don't really know why but I just do. I want you. I NEED you. I want to love you. I want to make love to you. I just need one thing from you. Your love..." Celes was blushing a bright red at her own confession. "I love you too Celes. I want to know what it feels like to be made love to. And to make love. And I want, I NEED your love..." Tears of happyness and joy were streaming down both of their faces. Both Terra and Celes took a step closer to each other and hugged tightly. It looked like not even a god could break them apart. Both of them were simply happy to know that they were loved by the person that they loved. "How about we start from the top?" Terra whispered into Celes's ear. Celes moved her head from Terra's shoulder and Terra did the same. Thier faces were about an inch apart and they could feel the other's warm breath on their faces. Both of thier breathing speeds increased dramatically as did their heart rates. Terra started the kiss again. And she started it pretty much the same way. Soft, light, feathery kisses. Everything was the same except that this time, Celes was kissing as well. Both of them had thier eyes closed. The kisses were even more electrifying than last time. Celes couldn't help to giggle as the kisses were tickling her lips. Then the giggles turned to a slight moan when Terra started kissing more deeply. Instead of lots of light kisses, this was more like one long kiss. After a moment of this, Celes was getting a little bolder and stuck her tongue into Terra's mouth, seeking Terra's to come out and 'dance.' with her tongue. Terra obliged and the tongues started a type of dance and they kissed like this for some time. --- 'Hmm. This is getting a little too much for me to watch.' Shadow thought to himself. 'I'm gonna have a major arousal problem if I don't leave now. My work is done here. Time to go collect my pay. Besides, they deserve their privacy. But man, I gotta find a new line of work. Maybe a farmer will be good. Yeah I'll be a farmer for Relm and Strago....' Shadow was still thinking of things to do as he walked away from the window. --- Still kissing, Terra and Celes made their way to the bed. Celes was lying on top of Terra whos legs were dangling off of the edge of the bed. They rolled the rest of the way on to the bed, leaving Terra on top this time. Terra moved up and down slightly so their breasts rubbed against each other. Both of them let little sighs of pleasure escape thier mouths. Terra sat up a little and started undoing the buttons of Celes's shirt as Celes did the same to her. Soon all of the buttons on Celes's shirt were undone and she started to tremble in anticipation. Terra folded the shirt over Celes's shoulders revealing a pair of breasts that were of fair size. Terra started to blush. She had no idea where to go from here. Then she remembered when she had her hand on Celes's breast in the morning and the contented look that she had. By this time, Celes had finished with the smaller, more annoying buttons on Terra's shirt and had folded it over her shoulders as well. Terra's breasts were a little firmer than Celes's but about the same size. Both were trembling slightly as Terra bent down to feverishly kiss Celes. Terra brought a hand up to Celes's breast and squeezed slightly. Celes involintarily arced her back and let out a slight moan. Terra decided to experement a little when she felt Celes's hand come up to squeeze and massage her own breast. Terra felt almost like she was going to pass out by the heat that the two bodies were making. Terra moved her head from Celes's and buried her face into Celes's left shoulder. Terra started kissing her neck and slowly made her way up to Celes's ear where she stopped and whispered "Oh god, do I ever love you." Then she left out a soft moan into her ear when Celes started to rub her nipple. Terra moved her other hand up and started to massage both of Celes's breasts and played with the nipple. Celes arced her back again and let out a louder moan. Celes started to lose concentraition on what she was doing to Terra but she held on. Celes brought her right arm up (her free hand) and started to massage Terra's other breast with it. Celes cocked her head and rubbed her face into Terra's hair which was real soft and smelled nice. After a while, Celes decided that it was time to move on. As nice as it felt like, what they were doing wasn't getting them real far, real fast. Celes flipped Terra over gently so that Celes was on top. Celes kissed Terra on the lips again and then started moving down, leaving a wet trail of kissed down her throat and kept going down farther. Soon, she was in the valley between both of Terra's breasts. Celes took a in a breath of the 'valley' air and decided that it had a nice smell. Celes removed the hand that was toying with Terra's right breast and started rubbing her side. After a moment, Celes licked from the valley to Terra's breast that didn't have a hand occupying it. She licked all around it but never touched the nipple. It was Terra's turn to arc her back and let out a moan. Terra felt like she was oddly being teased. It still felt good, what Celes was doing to her but it didn't seem fulfilling at all. Terra decided to inquire. "Celes, are you teasing me?" Celes giggled a little and her eyes went to look at Terra's face and then while still looking at Terra, she moved her whole mouth over Terra's nipple and started to suck lightly while swirling her tongue around the nipple. Terra let out a rather loud moan and her head fell back to the bed. "Figures." What Celes was doing felt unlike anything Terra had ever felt in her life. And it felt downright good. After a bit, Terra could feel a heat rising up in her belly and between her legs. She also felt an odd need for some sort of release. Release of what was beyond her but it was still there. Terra couldn't reach Celes's breasts once she moved down so she started to rub her head to encourage her. After some time of that, Celes found that she wasn't going to get any further there and it was, once again, time to move on. Upon removing her head from Terra's breast, Terra let out a little yelp of dissapointment but decided not to ask because Celes was the more experienced of the two of them. (quite obviously) Celes finished removing her shirt and removed Terra's as well. Then Celes moved down to Terra's legs. Celes removed Terra's pants (I know they aren't pants but lets just say that they are for loss of a better word.) and the aroma of her arousal assulted her sense of smell. Terra wore red panties which just seemed to fit her perfectly. They would have to go as well. Due to thier being soaked through, Terra's pubic hair was visible and a light green. Celes had found this *VERY* erotic. Celes looked up at Terra to find that she was blushing a red that was near impossible to precive seeing on a persons face, but Terra was looked at her, quite perplexed. Now Celes had remembered Locke doing something to her with his tongue some time ago but she just had to remember what it was. Celes started to rub Terra's inner thighs almost subconciously. Rubbing from Terra's knees to just near the green patch of hair that was between her legs but never touching it. Then she remembered what he had done. He had actually licked her private parts. It felt just as good as the sex itself was. And before she ever lost her virginity, she used to 'masturbate' as it had been called. She decided to do to Terra what she liked having done. Celes moved her head down and decided to lick at various parts. First, the outter lips. She ran her tongue along the outter edge and quickly decided that she liked the taste. Terra also liked what she was doing. It was evident when Terra squeeled in delight. It was soon time to move on to the next step and Celes decided to lick the clitoris. Terra bucked her hips and downright screemed in pleasure. Celes continued to lick at the clit when she inserted a finger deep into Terra's moist wetness. Terra was very wet and tight. Celes had a little trouble getting the digit in. Terra was screaming and moaning constantly now, her back was arced and her hips kept bucking. It wasn't long at all before all of the pleasure overwhelmed her and an earthshattering orgasm ripped through her body. She was yelling at the top of her lungs but she didn't hear it. All of Terra's muscles contracted and then there were fireworks. Celes removed her finger and licked up all of the orgasmic fluids that were flowing out of Terra. Celes let a smile form on her lips and felt real good at being able to give her lover such pleasure. The beautiful, naked, sweaty and heavily breathing but otherwise quiet by now, Terra. Now, Celes needed release and wasn't sure if Terra would be feeling up to it. Celes climbed on top of Terra and kissed her. Terra could taste herself on Celes's tongue and found that she tasted real good. Now she wondered what Celes tasted like. "That was...simply mind-numbing." Terra managed to gasp out even though completely out of breath. "I'm glad you liked it." Celes replied. "Mmmm. I love you." Terra said affectionatly. "I love you too, Terra. I'm so glad that it's you that loves me as well." "Hmm. I liked my taste. I wanna get a taste of you too,..." Terra bent her head up and kissed Celes. Celes turned around so that her crotch was in Terra's face and Terra's crotch was in her face. (AKA. the 69er) Terra licked at Celes right away. Celes was about to start licking Terra again when the electric touch of Terra's tongue on her privates made her stop short. Celes let out a low moan as Terra licked without abandon. Before Celes could finally get enough mind to bring her face down to start licking Terra again, Terra had already inserted a finger and was pumping it in and out. Between Terra licking her clitoris, fingering her 'hole', all of the pent up desire, Celes's orgasm came a lot quicker. It hit her more or less like a freight train, fast and hard. Celes could swear that she heard Terra say something like "my, you do taste real good." but she could have been mistaking as the orgasm was real powerful. Amoungst the most powerful ones that she ever had. After calming down, Celes turned again and kissed Terra passionatly again. She could taste herself on Terra and decided that Terra tasted a little better than herself. Both of them were sweaty, tired and it was late so they fell asleap in each others arms. Not having to say a word between them but they already knew. This was magical. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Frozen Flower Warmed by the Planet Part 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "What do you mean, they were 'getting busy'?" Locke threw his hands in the air in anger. "What the hell do you think I mean? They are obviously infatuated with each other. I was not 10 feet from them when they were kissing in the bedroom." Shadow was an assasin and his eyes never lied to him. Locke knew this but was still in disbelief. "I don't believe it! Are you sure." "Locke, I'm sorry but my eyes and ears never lie to me. I'm a highly trained assasin, the best in the world. I've yet to make a mistake. If you have a problem or don't believe me, we can go right here, right now." Shadow unsheathed the striker from its scabbard at his side. Locke looked down at his feet in defeat. "No Shadow. I believe you. I just don't believe that she would hook up with Terra. Thank you Shadow. You may go now. Here's your pay." Locke threw a rather large sack of coins at Shadow and turned and walked away from the town. Shadow opened the sack and there was over 20000 coins there. Shadow, one never to turn down a bonus, walked away with his pay. He was going to pay a visit to Relm and Strago. --- After a while, Locke arrived at the place were he wanted to be. He was at the southern cliffs of Figaro. He stood at the edge of the tallest cliff. "Heh. I can't believe I'm gonna do this." Locke said to himself. "Well, I always hurt thoes around me. I won't be of any help to the 'invasion.' No more lives will be lost because of me. I've only got one thing left to say. Celes, I didn't want to lose you, and to of all people, Terra. I simply wanted to protect you. Terra, please take good care of Celes for me. She's yours now. Just keep her happy, and I'll be happy." Locke looked over the edge. Many jagged rocks, and a near 200 foot drop because the tide was down. There was -NO WAY- he could live after he jumped. Locke, spread his arms like wings and jumped, head first... --- Somewhere, somehow, Terra heard Locke and replied, "Don't worry Locke. I will keep her safe. Don't worry..." --- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEE TTTTTTT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEE TTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTT HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNNN DDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNN NNNN DDDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEE NNNNNNN NNNN DDDD DDDDD EEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNN NNNN DDDD DDDD EEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNN NNNN DDDD DDDD EEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNNNNNN DDDD DDDD EEEE NNNN NNNNNN DDDD DDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNNNN DDDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNN NNNN DDDDDDDDDDDDD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, what'd ya think?? I want a little feedback on this. I bet your all thinking that I'm a major pervert but really, this is more like a number of different stories that I have read and rolled them up into one story based on Final Fantasy 6/3. I know that my grammer isn't great but there aren't that many mistakes. Honestly, I'm quite proud of this for a first time thing. I haven't wrote any type of hentai stuff before. You also have to remember that I live in North America. Well, I'm probably gonna get hundreads of flames for this but I tried my best to keep it in good taste. Well, if you liked this, please send me E-mail to bmoon1@hotmail.com and if you can, send constructive crittisizm there as well. If this goes well, I may continue to write, if it doesn't, you probably wont hear of this nickname again. Thanks! Bye!