============================================================== ============================================================== Trinity Part 5 of 5 Last time: Aeris and Tifa explain their behaviour and frustration. Cloud then agrees to "do things their way." As soon as he says that, he commits himself to something he may not be able to live up to. ============================================================== ============================================================== And now for something completely different. -- Monty Python's Flying Circus ============================================================== Aeris was sipping her cup of broth as Cloud stumbled into the villa's living room. "Feeling better?" she smiled as he collapsed groggily in the chair across from her. "Hey tiger," Tifa's sing song chimed from the small kitchen, "You finally decided to come out?" He let out a tired groan, "You two are going to be the death of me." Tifa laughed and turned back to the stove as Aeris broke into smiles. "Oh tiger. You and your honeyed words," Tifa scraped whatever she was frying onto some plates, "If you're trying to seduce us, that's not going to work." "I'm not trying to," Cloud sighed, "For once in my life I think I can say I've had enough sek---" "Cloud!" "Huh?" He looked up and saw Aeris looking past him. He followed her gaze and saw Marlene tottering unsteadily towards them. "Hey sleepy head," he took the sleepy child by the arm, "How y'feeling?" "Huwwo," the girl rubbed her eyes as Aeris set her cup down and took off her spencer. "Stop fidgetting," the small woman said sternly, "You keep this on until you've had breakfast okay?" Cloud helped Aeris loop Marlene's arms through the outfit. "She looks better in it than you," he gibed playfully. "Hmph," Aeris sashayed her hips and bumped the part of the chair at his head. "Who's trying to charm who now?" he asked wryly. "Hey lovebirds," Tifa's laugh drew their attention, "Breakfast!" Aeris led Marlene to the table as Cloud poured himself a cup of tea. The small girl yawned several times before she began to talk incessantly. "Auntee it's too hwot!" "Auntee it's too cwold!" "I wanna go shoppwing fwor beadies again!" Cloud amused himself by watching Aeris and Tifa patiently tend to their young ward. Whenever Marlene turned the other way, Tifa snuck out a hand to pinch her cheeks. "Stwop!!" the tiny girl's utensils clattered as her hands flew up and covered her face. "Tifa!" Aeris scolded, "Don't encourage her now! Let her finish her breakfast first." Tifa pouted and looked intently at Marlene as she cautiously picked her fork back up. Cloud chuckled as he sat down with them. "So where are off to today? As if I didn't know." "I don't know," Aeris grinned wryly, "I think we made a visit to every store in town." "Not every one," Tifa smiled back, "We missed the materia stand --- oh, bad choice." Her mouth snapped shut as her companions cast their gaze downwards. A strange silence descended upon them before someone decided to speak up again. "Hey I know," the small woman suggested, "Let's head for the beach. That's why we shopped for yesterday right, Tifa?" "Actually I was about to suggest that earlier," Cloud made a face at Tifa, "But she shut me up with that fur pelt of hers." Aeris gasped and gave him a wide eyed stare but Marlene kept on eating as if nothing was wrong. He gave his wife a sly wink before he yelped with surprise. Tifa had elbowed him in the ribs. "You're gonna get it," she maintained her smiling facade for Marlene's sake, "You just wait until tonight." "Okay, okay. Enough potty talk you two," Aeris blushed, "We all need some rest anyway." "Yeah, well," Cloud swirled his cup blearily, "I could use a day of doing nothing." "Hmph," Tifa snorted, "Just consider it a recess from your nightly duties tiger." "In that case," he lolled his tongue, "I hope the sun never sets." ***************************************************************** Cloud lay lazily on the beach towel. The sand felt agreeably warm and very cozy as he drifted off. A nice change of pace from the -- how many restless nights has it been? Ah, who cares? At least they're not pestering me for a while. "Tiii-ggerrr!" Oh great. He tried to feign sleep as someone knelt beside him. "Should we wake him? He looks tired." Thank you Aeris, he told himself. You're a life saver. "No way! Everything we touch gets slimy after that. I don't want to clean anything when we get back!" Slimy? What the hell are they up to? Cloud fluttered his eyes and saw Tifa with her head tilted aside. "So you're finally awake." "Had to," he grinned wryly, "I can't stay asleep when you two are around." "Hmph. Darn right," she huffed, obviously not getting the joke, "We've got a favour to ask you." "Does it involve nudity?" Aeris smiled as Tifa's eyes flashed angrily at his impudence. "No Cloud! Not that!" the small woman giggled. Aeris looked both cute and coy in her red two piece swimsuit. The top ran around her small breasts and the bottom though slim, was not vulgar. The ensemble allowed her to show off her smooth tummy with great effect. "Yeah, you pervert," her companion thumped him across the chest, "We need you to rub some lotion." Tifa by contrast had donned a blue one piece outfit. While it was nothing extraordinary in the front, its back showed off ample areas of flesh. Her boobs had stretched the costume to its fullest extent as well. Everytime she raised her arms, Cloud could get a partial glimpse of those big soft puffballs he'd come to know and love. "Why me?" he cringed slightly, "Can't you do two it to each other?" "I don't want to make a mess," Tifa frowned, "You know how I hate having everything oily and all. It's plain nasty." "And besides," Aeris began tugging him fondly, "We like your hands." "Yeah," Tifa put a hand on his crotch and felt his limpness, "It's the only thing strong and hard right now." Cloud shivered despite the warmth of the tropical sun, "Okay. Anything as long it doesn't make me thirsty." "Thirsty?" "Yeah," he rummaged through the beach bag, "I get really dry mouthed when we're ---" "Cloud." He looked up and saw Marlene had tottered amongst them. "-- done," he finished lamely. "Come here dear," Aeris drew the girl close. The small woman brushed off the sand from her ward's hair and bottom before consenting to let her go. "Y'know come to think of it," Tifa spoke up, "I am a bit thirsty." "Me too," Aeris gave Marlene a squeeze, "What about you dear?" The tiny girl nodded as she held up two sea shells for her aunts to see. "Hey, that's pretty nice," Tifa took a look, "Where'd you get them?" "Ower therr!" She followed her ward's tiny pointing finger to a pile of sea shells several children had collected. One of them waved at them and Marlene timidly waved back. "Are they your friends?" Tifa grinned. "I dunnwo," the girl mumbled. "Speak up so we can hear," Aeris chided gently. Marlene gripped the shells tightly with her tiny hands. "Would you like to go and play with them?" "May I aun-tee?" she paused slightly and looked at Tifa and Aeris, "Pweese?" "Go show 'em what I taught ya," Tifa gave her a thumbs up and a broad grin. "And be polite!" Aeris called out after her as she raced away. "Who's letting her run off without supervision now?" Cloud asked. "We'll go and watch her," Tifa waved her hand casually, "Go get us something before we die from thirst." "Okay what?" "How 'bout a Cosmo Candle?" "Tifa," Aeris pursed her lips. The young man shrugged it off, "It's all right, Aeris. She doesn't mean it." "Okay, okay," Tifa said quickly, "I'll have a Mythril Ice." "Make it two, please." Cloud nodded, "And Marlene?" "Three then," Aeris smiled and handed him a note. "Don't," he shook his head, "This one's on me if you two leave me alone for the night --- Hey!!" Tifa suddenly grabbed him and stuffed her money down his pants. "Not a chance tiger!" Aeris hid a grin as Cloud shook his head ruefully, "I was afraid you'd say that." ***************************************************************** He wandered into the sun baked bar. The place was sparsely decorated, the client base though, wasn't. Patrons sipped their drinks shaded from the hot sun. Several fanned themselves with cards, boards, or anything else that was handy. Cloud ambled up the bar and rapped against the counter. "Yessir!" the barkeep held up a finger, "Be with you in a minute!" The young man contented to sit himself down on an empty stool as he waited to be served. He yawned and tried to snooze a little when a voice interrupted his nap. "Woman troubles?" "What?" Cloud snapped awake. A burly man sat in the stool next to him, thoughtfully rubbing his bronzed chin. The young man rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as the barkeep came bustling past him. "Hey I need ---!" "In a minute buddy! I'll be right with ya. Don't leave me!" Like I can, Cloud thought sourly. He had been up and down looking for a decent bar to order from. Mythril Ice tended to get people sick if the lemon greens were spoiled. "You look like a man who needs some help." Cloud stared at the bronzed man next to him, "You're talking to me?" "Who else?" the stranger stuck out a hand, "Esro." The young man shook the brawny hand cautiously. "I help people. Especially the young." "Meaning?" Cloud finally caught the barkeep and shouted, "Four Mythril Ices!" The fat man nodded and scribbled something down on a greasy notepad. Esro nudged him, "I have something you may like." "What are you selling?" Cloud asked, now wary of a pitch. "Well, it isn't for everyone," the man mused, "But you sir --- You are one of a kind." "I'm jus' like everyone else," Cloud began to move away. Something about the man made him feel uncomfortable. "I bet you ain't," Esro slammed his fist down on the counter with exuberance, "You got two of what most men have one of." Cloud narrowed his eyes as he realized what was said, "Who are you? What do you want?" "Hey," Esro waved his hands, "I'm nobody. Just a man making a livin'." "Off what?" the young man asked coldly. "Off medicine." "Oh," Cloud relaxed, relieved the man was not a ponce. Or worse. "Yea!" the man nodded vigorously, "I sell'im medicine for ---" he gestured. "Love potions," the young man said flatly. "I call 'em wife helpers," Esro cackled, "Seriously toadie, you keep those two happy all the time?" "How'd you know about it?" Cloud was stone faced. Dammit, what was keeping those fucking drinks? "Overheard one of 'em talkin'. At the diner yesterday. Fancy seein' you agin' so soon." "Not interested," the young man said simply, "But thanks." "You think you can do it yerself, toadie?" Esro chortled. "I can," Cloud said stiffly, "It just takes a little more -- time and effort." "I used t'hear that all the time too," Esro shook his head, "Back in Sector 2." "You're from Midgar?" "Yea. Had me a shop where I sold this stuff out to the whole city. Plate an all. They even heard of me in the so called Market." "But Sector 6 is all the way --- oh," Cloud whistled, "I guess that's impressive." He paused, "That is if you're telling the truth." "It'tis. It'tis. Look," Esro brought out a small box, no bigger than a small egg, "You can have this one for oh --- five thousand." "No thanks," the young man snorted, "With that kind of money, I can put my kid through school for a year." "All rite, all rite," the bronzed man shook his head, "Seein' as how money is tight and all. A thousand. I aim t'please your sleaze." Cloud winced at the bad rhyme and looked at the box. It's fake you know, a voice inside his head sang out. The son of a bitch is just bumming for money. The young man eyed the stranger curiously and decided to humour him, "Twenty five." "Shit," Esro laughed, "I'm not that kind hearted. Seven. Hundred." "Four." "Five." "Fine," Cloud passed out a hefty 500 Gil note. The young man stuffed the box into his pocket as the barkeep arrived with his order. "Damn toadie," Esro grinned as he pocketed the money, "You haggle like a woman." "Thank my wife." "Which one?" the burly man guffawed and left as Cloud's order arrived. ***************************************************************** "Clooooouuud! Come to bed, Cloud!!" "In a minute!" he opened the box. A small ampoule lay nestled in the wood chip packaging. "Hey tiger! How long are you going to be in there?" "Forever if you don't stop bugging me," he threatened. The protests sloughed off as he threw away the box and held the vial to the light. It was filled with some sort of blood red fluid. By now, he could hear them gather outside the door, whispering. Aw crap, Cloud wondered. What are they doing now? The knob to the bathroom rattled slightly and he thought he heard mild cursing on the other side. "What are you doing in there? Are you playing with yourself?" "No Tiff," Cloud growled and inspected the glass capsule for tampering or breakage, "Now gimme another minute!" He broke the wax seal and downed the contents with a single gulp. YEECCHH!! Cloud instinctively swallowed before he could retch out the bitter contents. He quickly rinsed his mouth of the awful, awful taste. Aw crap. It figured to be a hoax, he lolled his tongue ruefully. And I'm out 500 Gil. Damn. Live and learn I guess. He heard a knock and a soft voice asked, "Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything right?" "I'm fine, Aeris," he replied and tossed the empty capsule into the trash. So much for miracles. He unlocked the door and saw his two wives standing outside. Tifa was tapping her foot impatiently. "Well, here I am," he smiled sheepishly. "About time too!" she clapped a hand on his shoulder, "C'mon!" ***************************************************************** "Stop it!" A skilled hand batted Cloud away. "What? Tired already?" "For once in my life, YES!" Tifa leaned against the headboard, her hair a total disaster. Sweat gleamed off her melon sized boobs as she tried to preen herself. "Well that's a first," he winked, "For you." Her eyes flashed slightly as she gently took hold of his manhood. "Don't cocky with me tiger," she growled and yanked slightly, prompting a sordid grin from Cloud. Tifa sighed and leaned back, "Why don't you go bug Aeris?" "Now there's an idea," he stopped and looked around, "Say, where is she?" The two cast their eyes about the bedroom. "Aeris?" Tifa called out, "Aeris!?" Cloud noticed the pile of bedsheets piled on one corner of the sprawling bed. He cautiously lifted up a corner and saw a pair of tiny, rosy pink feet. A muffled groan came from the crumpled mass as he tickled the soles. Aeris finally gave a squeal and popped her head out from under the sheets. "I can't walk!" "Wh-what!?" he blinked at her outburst. "You wore me out," the small woman rolled over lazily, "No more, Cloud. At least not tonight. I'm really tired down there." "Yeah, me too," Tifa eyed him suspiciously, "Y'know, this isn't like you tiger. What'd you do? Take some vitamins or something?" "Maybe I did," he grinned wryly. I guess that bar fly was selling real shit after all, Cloud mused. But I'd better not let them on to it. He maintained his best face as he went on, "Or maybe *you* two finally met your match." "That's doubtful," Aeris said absently, "I mean, you weren't like this the last two nights." "Hey!" Cloud planted himself over her, "What's that supposed t'mean?" She let out a short cry as she tried to flee from his advances. "Arr-har-har!" he let out a baritone growl as he started to reach for her, "Tis no use m'lady. Thar be sharks in the water as well as on this ship!" "Cloud! I'm warning you!" Aeris couldn't help but smile even as she held up her hands to fend off her husband, "Stop it! Don't! --- you! --- dare!!!" The two tumbled off the bed as Tifa laughed at their antics. "Yar-har-har!" Cloud began to tickle her silly, "Let'see if m'lady like this!" "Aaaaah! Stop! Stop!" Aeris was laughing so hard, tears came to her eyes, "TEEEFAAAA!! HA-HA-HELLLLLP!!!" "All right you pirate!" the busty brunette grabbed the young man by his shoulders, "That's enough. I'm taking you in!" "Yaa!" he twisted around and grinned wolfishly, "Two against one, eh? I'll have to make you both walk m'plank, harr!" Tifa's eyes flew wide as he grabbed her ample chest, "OOOH! I'm reining you in for assaulting a peace officer! A beautiful one at that!" "Oh yeah?" he grinned wickedly as he playfully smacked her pretty ass, "You and what army?" She smiled seductively and said nothing, but he heard shuffling behind him. "Oh no you don't," Cloud spun around and caught the slender woman by the waist as she began her sneak attack. Aeris gave a shrill yelp as he tackled her to the ground. "Haha!" he gave them his best cackle, "Now I got --- yaaagh!" Tifa had taken hold of his shoulders again and wrestled him to the bed. "I've got his arms!" she cried, "Get him!!" Aeris quickly jumped on top of him as he tried to break free from Tifa's hold. "Oh, you've been a bad, bad boy," the healer planted her small hands on his chest, "We're gonna have to punish you." "What ever will you do?" Cloud tried to sit up for a kiss but they held him down tight. The raven haired woman's eyes held a wicked gleam as she bent over and whispered fiercely in his ear, "We're going to fuck the hell out of you." Aeris scampered off him as Tifa positioned herself so she was facing his feet --- and other extremities. Cloud's eyes widened as she began backing her big beautiful butt towards his face. "Oh no," he feigned terror, "Not that. *Anything* but that!" "Oh yes!" she gave him a saucy smile as he buried his face in her hairy muff. That was when he felt someone's lips wrap themselves around his prick. But it felt strange. What the--? "Unnggghhff!!" he tightened his grip as he felt two pairs of lips swarm over his crotch. Oh man. Those two were working in tandem. Oh fuuuuuuuck. He felt one caress the head of his fat dick head as the other planted a wet kiss on his groin. The one servicing his dick swirled her tongue several times around the rim slowly and topped him by flicking his pee slit with the tip of her tongue. Cloud gritted his teeth as he held back the urge to shoot his wad right then and there. He instinctively reached down to take hold of her head when she gave a groan of protest. Fuck me. Aeris was the one sucking him off. "Don't," he heard Tifa say as she worked his grip free, "Just let her do it herself." "Ohh--kay," he whispered hoarsely as she planted his hands on her bountiful ass. Cloud gently squeezed her buttocks as he inhaled her cunt musk. Her ragged breathing urged him to continue. He breathed in through his nostrils and exhaled through his mouth. His breath poured over her dank crotch in a rush of hot, excited air. Tifa moaned again when he licked her rapidly moistening cunt. "Oooh Aeris. He's doing funny stuff to me back there!" "Let's --- mngkkh! --- make --- him ---- slurp! --- mmmnnn!" Aeris stopped her sucking to nuzzle the young man's balls. Tifa saw the vacancy and took up Cloud's dick herself. "Auuugh!" His hips bucked slightly as Aeris gathered his testicles in her mouth and take them for a lip massage, one agonizing nut at a time. Tifa began to move her head up and down on his veiny cock and he let out another cry of pleasure. Each time she raised her head, her teeth would graze the crown of his fat dick head just slightly before she would swallow him all over again. "Oooh, Tifa," Aeris panted lightly, "Gimme some." "Knock yourself out," the brunette contented herself to resting her head on Cloud's loins as her companion began teasing their husband's rock hard dick. Suddenly, Tifa got a wicked little idea. "Hey, Aeris. I'll race ya." "Humh?" Tifa couldn't help but giggle when Aeris knitted her brow, her mouth full of cock. "Race me?" the healer let Cloud pop out of her mouth, "Where?" "To the top of 'Tiger's Peak'," the busty woman winked, "Tongue only." "Oh," Aeris reddened slightly, "Um, okay." Cloud gasped as he felt both their tongues run slowly over his cock. When he felt them reach the top of his sperm choked dick, he couldn't hold back any longer. His ass tightened and bucked forcefully as he shot his load. "AAUUUUUGGH! AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Cloud came hard as a mass of wet slurping came from below. "Great Planet have mercy!" Aeris panted, "H-he's still hard!" "All --- hah!" Tifa's voice came out in short breaths, "hah! --- All the better." She wearily picked herself up and slowly impaled herself onto her man's cock. "Mmmnn!" she let out a lusty sigh as she settled down. "Oh fuck yeah Tiff," Cloud gritted his teeth, "Fuck yeah." His hands slid over his wife's lithe tan body, from her slow rocking hips to her jumbo swinging breasts. Aeris brushed her hair back as she sat to the side and watched, exhausted. Her husband took notice of her inactivity and pulled her foot gently. "Oh no more Cloud, please," she shook her head and pointed, "I'm sore in there." "Okay," he licked his lips hungrily, "But how 'bout here?" "Where?" "Here?" the young buck stroked her little nub of a clit. "Wha--- OH!" she gasped as she spread her legs a little to let him stroke a little easier. "Hmph," he grinned wryly, "So much for not being able to walk." The petite woman blushed slightly as her husband worked his magic on her little pussy. "Come on," his voice was hoarse, "Let me at you." "Oooh o-okay. Since you're d-d-doing it so n-n-niccce-mmmmmmnnn---" Aeris yielded to his advances and allowed herself to be guided atop his waiting mouth. Cloud groaned as he feasted on her pink, hairless cunny. Tifa's relentless bucking continued as she slowly writhed to some silent beat. Her mane of dark hair thrashed about as rode herself to an orgasm. "Oh fuck," Tifa frantically gulped the warm air, "I can still feel you tiger." "M-m-me too," his teeth chattered as sweet, clear drops of fluid began to drip from Aeris' rapidly widening cunt. "Don't stop Cloud," the healer started to plead, "Don't you dare stop ---ummnh!" The slender woman grabbed the headboard to support herself as she moved her hips back and forth along the length of his face, forcing her clit to run from the tip of his nose all the way to the end of his chin. She gasped everytime she hit a bump along the way. Cloud somehow managed to tear his eyes away from the action in front of him to sneak a peek at Tifa. White cloudy ooze ran down his shaft and caked his prickly blond pubic hair as she kept poling up and own on his unyielding fuck stick. The busty woman's hands were all over herself as she peaked again. "Oh Plah --- oh fuck! A-A-Aeris," Tifa fell off to the side, letting Cloud's dick pop out of her with a wet SHHLURRP! "It's your turn. I gotta rest!" The brunette collapsed lazily to the side as she tried to gather her breath, her body awash in a new layer of sweat. "Okay love," Aeris braved a grin and kissed Cloud, "This better finish you off." "I hope so," Tifa rolled to the side and moaned, "Or we'll never get any sleep." Cloud snorted, "Welcome to my world for the past two days." "It's actually not so bad as long as you're doing the work," Tifa bent close and grinned. He kissed her and let out a muffled groan as Aeris slid herself onto his manhood. ***************************************************************** "Oh crap," he muttered blearily and cranked his eyes open. The room was still relatively dark. Good. We didn't stay up and fuck the whole night away. Cloud tried to move but Tifa wouldn't let him. Her arm stretched across his chest, pinning him to the bed. She stirred slightly and he froze, afraid of waking her. He looked to his other side and saw Aeris had her head on top of his arm. Oh damn, he winced. No wonder I'm so sore. "Easy now. Come --- on," he held a breath as he wiggled free from his wives. "There we go," Cloud slowly slid off the end of the bed and stretched. He cast a glance at them in the dim light and mouthed a silent, 'Wow'. Their hair was an unrecognizable tangle and their bodies reeked of sweat and sex. Dried spit and cum caked both their loins and the sheets were entangled in a hopeless mess. What a night, he yawned as he stumbled into the bathroom. ***************************************************************** Tifa felt a hand on her as she slowly adjusted to the gloom. "Hey." "Hey yourself," she barely managed to whisper, "You're up early." "He woke me when he took my pillow," Aeris smiled at her. "How rude," Tifa slid closer and stroked her cheek, "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah. Why'd you ask?" The brunette chewed her lip, "He was pretty rough with you that last time ---" "I'm FINE," Aeris said with an air of finality, "Now stop worrying over nothing, okay?" "Oh, all right," Tifa knocked heads with her and grinned, "If YOU say so." They both smiled dumbly as they gazed into each other's eyes. A sudden ear shattering cry jolted them out of their peace. "Wh-what was that?" Aeris sat up, her eyes full of fear. "I--I don't know," Tifa wrapped a sheet around herself and got up. The healer suddenly remembered something just as the busty woman headed for the door, "Marlene!" "I'll check on her," Tifa had her hand on the door knob when she heard Aeris gasp. Tifa spun around to see an ashen faced Cloud come out of the bathroom, his hands together in front of him. "Tiger?" she made a face, "What's the big idea!? You gave us a helluva scare!" He didn't reply as he sat on the edge of the bed. Tifa's heart jumped when he stared mutely at her. His mouth tried to form words, but nothing came out. "C-cloud?" Aeris' voice rose in fear, "You okay?" "I---I don't know," the young man said in a tiny voice. "Cloud," Tifa sat beside him with a faceful of worry, "What's wrong?" Both women gasped as Cloud moved his hands away from his crotch. Aeris simply sat slack jawed as Tifa stared in shock. "Wha--!" "What happened?!" "See?" Cloud managed a weak smile, "At least you didn't scream." The dark haired woman rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Great Planet! While her husband's dick was still intact, a second one had seemingly grown from above it. Or was it below? She couldn't tell. Both looked pretty real. "They feel real too." Tifa saw Aeris had her hands on it. The healer looked like she was in a trance, but it was really more from the shock of the sight before her. "I've never seen anything more alive," the small woman's eyes held a mix of fear and wonder. "Okay tiger," Tifa let her companion continue her examination, "Out with it." "Out with what?" "You know," she twisted his ear, "It has something to do with tonight didn't it?" Cloud looked dejectedly at the floor as Aeris let go of his pricks and gazed at him. "Cloud," the healer placed her hands on his, "We're your closest confidants. There's no shame in telling us what you did today." "Okay, okay," the young man sighed, "I bought something today from some guy." "What?" Aeris gripped his hand. "It was supposed to help me in--," he paused, a little ashamed, "In bed." "A love potion," Tifa made a face, "Didn't I tell you before that stuff was fake?" Cloud gave her a wan smile and she wrinkled her nose. "All right, all right!" she threw up her hands, "So I was wrong --- just this once." "Tifa please," Aeris sighed, "He doesn't feel that great right now so be easy on him." "Now," the healer turned to Cloud, "What did you do with it? More precisely, where'd you hide it?" "In the bathroom," he mumbled, "I drank the stuff and tossed it in the garbage." "So that's why you were in there so long," Tifa accused, "And for me to think you were toying with yourself in there!" Cloud stayed silent as Aeris got up and headed to investigate the restroom. "Cloud!" the woman's voice came back shrill, "You made a MESS in here!" "Sorry," he made face, "I wasn't used to having piss come out of two places at once." He heard Aeris grumble as the faucet was turned on. Wet splashing and mild cursing quickly followed as Tifa sat silently beside Cloud. "Here," Aeris came out with several damp rags, "Go clean up. You too, Tifa." The two mumbled a quiet thanks before the small woman headed back to the bathroom. Tifa watched the young man wipe himself off as he sat glum and silent. "I--I'm sorry tiger," the dark haired bride murmured, "About what I said. I shouldn't--" "It's all right," he folded a towel and sighed, "I'm used to it, remember?" "Still," Tifa stroked his back gently. Cloud continued to wipe himself in silence. "Here," she took a rag, "Lemme help you." "Thanks." Tifa ran the rag down his back and across his well built shoulders. She scrubbed the nape of his neck where she and Aeris had buried themselves so many times before to muffle their cries of delight. "Don't forget yourself," Cloud bared a clean side of his rag and reached for her. "Thanks," she smiled as she spread her legs. His hands wiped away the spit and seed that had accumulated on her loins. "Don't mention it." Tifa gathered the dirty rags and balled them together on the dresser. "Why'd you do it?" she finally asked. He looked away, "It felt necessary." "No it isn't," Tifa said stiffly. Cloud fidgetted slightly. "Come on, you can tell me," she knelt before him, "Why?" "I thought you two could use it," his words came pouring out, "I thought I couldn't meet both of your expectations, realistically." Tifa sighed and shook her head, "I'm sorry. It's our fault too." "No it isn't," Cloud tipped her chin up, "It was my call. Hopefully I'll learn from it as soon as it wears off." "Um --- I hate to tell you this, but I don't think it'll wear off." "What!?" Tifa and Cloud looked up as Aeris came out again, her body squeaky clean. The small woman was holding the small box Cloud had discarded earlier. "Didn't you read the warning?" Aeris admonished. "I was in a hurry, remember?" The small woman bit her lip and said nothing. Tifa ignored Cloud's snide remark and held out a hand, "Lemme see that." Tifa turned on the lights and read aloud the small print on the box: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!WARNING!! Use of this product may incur permanent side effects inclu- ding: impotence, constant diarrhea, compulsory sexual behavior, frequent masturbation, gen- ital leprosy, and other mutations or bizarre behaviour. Use at your own volition. His Majesty's Board of Health St--lund, Alb--n Aug---, AD 199- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bottom part of the label was scratched out and was unreadable for the most part. Tifa pursed her lips as Cloud held his head in shame and worry. "G-g-genital leprosy?" he croaked, "I don't like the sound of that. Whatever that is." Tifa set the box down beside the pile of rags and sat back onto the bed as Aeris consoled him. "C-can you fix this?" he asked. "I--I dunno," Aeris swayed unsteadily, "If there's nothing wrong in the first place ---" "Nothing wrong?!" Cloud chortled, "I've got two pricks for Planet's sake!! I wonder if anyone else has something like this?" "Well, I'm sorry!" the healer's voice rose dramatically, "What do you want me to do? Wave my hand and hope everything goes back to the way it was?!!?" Cloud blanched like he was just slapped in the face. Tifa jumped in alarm as her friend brought herself under control. "Well?" Aeris swallowed hard and levelled her voice, "What do you want me to do?" "Nothing for now," he slowly shook his head, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to do something you didn't---" "It's okay," Aeris took a deep breath and chewed her lip, "I--I shouldn't have yelled like that." "Don't worry about it," he stood with conviction, "Maybe I can still catch the guy and hopefully--- oh no. Wait. I can't." He sat back down as fast as he got up. "What now?" Tifa asked softly, "Don't you remember his store?" "I can't because he doesn't have a store," Cloud replied lamely, "I met him when I was buying our drinks." "Oh tiger. When will you learn not to buy everything under the sun?" "Like you don't?" he flashed a wry grin. "Well that's different," Tifa reddened. "How?" "The stuff I buy won't give me another set of boobs." "And if she does," Aeris quickly added, "She'd put 'em to good use." "Hey!" Cloud grinned despite his condition as Tifa hurled a pillow at her friend. Aeris stuck her tongue out as it landed in a heap behind her. "Okay, okay! Stop!" the healer held up a hand, "I yield!" "Do you surrender?" Tifa stood ready to toss out another round. "Yes, please! And to show my good faith, I give you this peace offering. One everyone's gonna enjoy." "Huh?" Cloud blinked. Aeris grinned coyly at him as her hand began stroking one of his dicks. "Oh no," he began to gently push her away, "I'm not making it worse. You two can forgeh--- HEY!!" Tifa caught on fast as she planted her knee on his chest and pressed him to the bed. "Tiff! Aeris! For Planet's sake!" he pleaded, "We don't know if -- if this will wor----waaaaaaagggghhh!" He gasped for air as his wives went down on him. It was a sensation unlike any other he had felt before, and one he was sure no other man was capable of ever feeling. It was as if he was having two of his fingers being sucked on at once, except that it wasn't his fingers being pleasured. The feeling went right into his head as his wives took him into theirs. Cloud gripped the bedsheets tightly as he glanced down his body and watched in horror and fascination as they bobbed alternately on his two dicks. He somehow gathered the will to reach for their love canals with his hands. They both paused briefly to utter lusty moans and muffled squeals as Cloud began to work his fingers into their warm vibrant cunts. "Oh yeah baby," Tifa urged as she jacked his dick, "Keep it up tiger! Keep --- it --- UP!!" He clenched his teeth as she lowered her head and started to play with his engorged dickhead. Aeris caught her partner's antics and quickly slowed her pace. With one hand fondling his two balls, the healer began to tease his throbbing dick shaft with her tongue as her lips kept a tight seal all around. "Oh man!" Cloud shut his eyes tight to keep from cumming, "Oh man!" Fair is fair since he was not making it easier for them either. His fingers were poling in and out of their juicy cunts and he could feel their pussy ooze all over his hands. He had them in at such an angle so that he could rub them just right with his thumbs as he finger fucked them. Aeris' little clit felt like a small hard pea while Tifa's was more like a stumpy nub amidst a forest of prickly hair. Both women began to shudder and shake as their respective orgasms took hold of their quaking bodies. But Cloud wasn't ready to come just yet. His fingers slipped out of their trembling snatches with a wet SLURCH. Both of them were dripping with pungent juices as he put his hands up to his nostrils and inhaled. He closed his eyes as he rubbed it over his face and lips. Ah, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah. That hit the spot. "H-hey," Tifa craned her head back, "Wh-what's the big idea?" "Yeah," Aeris said a little out of breath, "We ---hah!--- were just ---hah!--- warming up." Something in his mind clicked as he gave them a wry grin. "I got an idea," Cloud sat up, both his dicks standing more or less erect. Aeris tried to squeeze in another taste but he held her back. Turning to Tifa, he nudged her gently on her back. He looked at the healer, "Okay get on top of her." Aeris blinked, "O-on top?" "Tiger what are you--?" "Trust me. Hurry," Cloud said as Aeris awkwardly lay on top of her friend. "Oh," Tifa whispered as the woman settled on top, "I get it. I get it now. Only our tiger, hmm?" Aeris turned to look at her and smiled sheepishly. Tifa grinned back as she felt her companion's nipples begin to harden from the excitement and novelty of their new found way of doing things. Her own pulse quickened as Cloud stood at the apex to their legs. "Hey you two. I need a little room please." "He said please," Tifa smiled foolishly, "I guess we should, right Aeris?" "Oh yes. Come on!" the slender woman's mouth was slightly open as she lay on top of her. Tifa felt Aeris' thighs part between hers. The look on the healer's face was priceless as Cloud push himself into both her and the woman under her at the same time. "Oh. Oh! OOH!!" Tifa couldn't help but cry out as Aeris swooned with pleasure. Aeris' hips pressed into hers and she took hold of Tifa's hands as Cloud began to move. The small woman gasped as Tifa instinctively wrapped her long, tan thighs around her friend's slender waist. Aeris' breathing was becoming ragged and her moans rose as Cloud kept pumping away with furious determination. "Oh Teef--! Oh Teef---aahh!" Tifa felt her friend's fingers intertwine with hers as her own hips struggled to meet her man's cock. Aeris and Tifa's hips slowly melded together in one wet morass of cunt hair, pussy juice, and moving dicks. To the dark haired woman, it seemed as if her companion was trying desperately to not lose herself in the frenzy. Tifa instinctively let her mind drift as Cloud grabbed her by the ankles and thrust himself even deeper into them. "Ungghaah," she shuddered a little from the brief contact he made with the tip of her cervix. Braving a look at Aeris, Tifa saw the small woman was writhing in a mix of pleasure and pain as their husband buried himself ever deeper into their bodies. She saw the healer holding back even as Cloud slapped his hips against theirs. With the warmth of Aeris on top of her and her man inside, Tifa couldn't restrain herself anymore as she began to slowly gyrate her body. "UHMMMAHGWAAHH!" the small woman cried out with pleasure as she felt her companion's new motions. Reacting to Tifa's clandestine activities, Aeris gripped the brunette's hands even tighter as she herself began to wriggle. "Like it huh?" the busty woman smiled as she kept up her motions. Aeris suddenly looked at her straight in the eye. The glimmer was one Tifa never saw before. She gasped when she sensed what Aeris was about to do. "W-wait!" Tifa whispered fiercely, "I didn't mean---!" The healer's eyes were filled with lust as her head moved lower and lower. She blinked away some tears as she gulped frantically for air. "Don't---!" Tifa squeaked fearfully and pressed her head flat against the mattress. She shut her eyes as Aeris ventured close enough to bathe the busty woman in a wash of hot breath. "Ti---Teee--FAAAH?!" Tifa opened her eyes and saw Aeris' mouth hanging wide open and her face flushed. The woman's whole body committed to the forceful pumping of Cloud and the unseen writhing as she struggled to hide her feelings. "I---I n-n-need --- you!" Oh Planet, Tifa suddenly realized. No wonder she's acting so weird. Lili and Cloud. She loves them both. She loves me, she gulped. And not as a 'friend' either. Tifa felt Aeris' lips brush against her face as the slender woman's body began to writhe uncontrollably. Tears ran down the healer's eyes as she softly whispered, "Oh Ti-faa---- s-s-s-s-so-sorry. I c-c-can't help --- ummm -- aaahh!" "Ulp--" Tifa's eyes widened like saucers, "N-N-NO AER---MMMMMMMNGH!" Her protests were quickly muffled as the slender woman forcibly pressed her lips onto hers. It was electrifying. The healer wrenched her hands free as she kissed her partner savagely. Tifa gasped when she felt Aeris' tongue flick apart her lips and run through her mouth like a feral cat. The busty woman's heart pounded like never before as she yielded to her companion's advances and touched her tongue to hers. "MMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHH!" Aeris suddenly broke off contact. Tifa hurriedly unclasped her legs around the woman on top, fearful she had made a bad mistake. But Aeris did not wear a mask of anger. Rather, she was holding back a coy grin even as Cloud grunted and bucked like a wild choco. "AAAAUGH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" The splash of hot spunk squirting into her womb drew a small gasp from Tifa as she gazed intently into Aeris' sea green eyes. "Sorry. I got carried away," the healer mouthed silently as Cloud gripped her by the waist and continued to writhe with pleasure. "Lili was more than a friend, wasn't she?" Tifa murmured softly as she traced her fingers gently along the woman's face. "Yeah. Sorry," Aeris whispered and averted her eyes. "It's okay. It's okay," the dark haired woman stroked her cheek tenderly, "It felt great." "R-really?" the slender woman looked up, "Y-you're not mad?" "Yeah. And no, I've never been happier." Aeris smiled shyly as Tifa rubbed her heels gently across the back of the healer's legs. The two touched noses briefly before Cloud brought his weight crushing down on them. "Cloud!" Aeris squealed, "Air!" "Tiger! OFF!" "Whoops, sorry," he rolled off, "Habit. But you gotta admit, that was pretty neat." "I'll say," Aeris lay panting for breath, "That was --- was ---" "---Wild!!" Tifa licked her lips, "Even I got to admit I was impressed." The busty woman suddenly became suspicious, "Where'd you pick that up anyway? You're not learning on the side are you?" "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Cloud looked hurt, "I just figured it was the only way I could bop you two at the same time." "Sssh," Aeris consoled them both, "Let's not ruin things now. That was wonderful what --- whatever we did." "Thanks," Cloud lay beside them and grinned. "Sorry tiger," Tifa smiled absently and sighed, "I guess he does have some ideas afterall." "Oh, I don't doubt it for a minute," Aeris stifled a yawn, "Or you for that matter." Tifa reddened slightly as her companion gazed at her with loving eyes. "Hey, you two," Cloud winked, "Tired already?" "Oh no," Aeris wailed, "Not again!" "Oh yes again," he kissed them in turn, "That way, you two won't ask me to plug you for at least another couple days." "Oh I don't know about that," Tifa gave him a lewd grin, "If you get to keep that extra dick of yours, we may be tempted to come out and play twice as often." Aeris laughed as Cloud comically fell over and groaned mightily. "Oh, don't be such a baby." "Oh all right," he sighed, "You know I'd do anything for you two." "And besides," Tifa smiled wickedly, "You can think of it as a vacation with us everynight!" "Ugh." "Oh come on, love," Aeris pouted at Cloud, "We're the ones who have to move around." "Yeah right," he placed his hand on her cute little butt and squeezed softly, "Not with this new one you don't." "Oh don't whine," Tifa chided him, "Once more and you can go to bed a happy, well rested man." "Happy definitely," he wore a crooked smile, "But not well-rested, from the looks of you." Tifa and Aeris both laughed and smothered him with kisses. Cloud sighed and ran his hands down their glistening naked bodies. "Okay, you ready?" "I get to be on top!" Tifa grinned as Aeris blushed. "Hey! I just got a thought," he paused, "What if one of 'em falls off while---?" "Eww Cloud! How could you think of something like that!" "Don't worry tiger. If they do we'll get 'em bronzed as a keepsake!" "Tifa! That's gross!!!" The sound of laughter was quickly replaced by those of pleasure as the warm sea breeze blew through their room and into the silent streets . . . ***************************************************************** "Oh wow," Yoko sat in silent awe. "Oh wow," she repeated when Cloud drew himself straight and stretched. "Well, there you have it," the young man rubbed his neck, "The truth and how it happened." "And -- you never found out how that --- that potion worked?" Yoko blinked. "Nope," Cloud knitted his brow, "Aeris doesn't want to mess with success, and Tiff--" She saw his eyes roll but his face betrayed his enjoyment. "---Tiff likes stuff a bit 'wild' anyway." "Wow," the girl's eyes glittered, "What about that guy?" "Who?" "The potion peddler." "Never saw him again," Cloud shrugged, "Frankly, I don't see why we need to." "So they both---work, huh?" "Yeah." "Oh wow," the girl felt her pulse quicken as she tried to work out where everything went. "Hey Yoko?" "What?" she looked up. "I got a favour to ask you." "What is it?" "I gotta duck out early. Anniversary," he sighed, "Presents and stuff y'know? Cover for me." "Humh? Uh, sure," she sounded a little unsure. "Great," Cloud said quickly, "Thanks." Yoko remained silent as he got on his bike. "Hey, I owe you lunch tomorrow then," he said from his mechanical mount, "And don't worry about the report. The chief and I know you're new, so I'll work with you on it tomorrow." "Um. Okay." Cloud gave her a wave and roared away as Yoko sat on the warm grass and pondered over the day. Her hands quickly reached down to inspect her uniform. The wetness was more or less gone. Yoko sighed with relief that her partner hadn't noticed her accident. That would've been embarrassing. Well, not as much as Cloud had to go through though, and she couldn't help but smile as she remembered how his wives initially freaked out at his --- condition. No wonder all the cadets wanted to be his partner. Male and female. Everyone wanted to know what was it exactly that man had to keep two wives so happy. Bed wise at least. Wow, I guess I know now. Yoko looked fondly towards the direction Cloud had ridden off to. "Wow," she giggled to herself, "Two dicks. What a man!" ============================================================== It's strange how people can be blind to what's in front of them. Now . . . 'Eddie's on the Waterfront' is gone. Bulldozed in the name of urban renewal and progress. Where the bar once stood, they built expresso shops and luxury condominiums. Our ghosts haunt those places; Forever doomed to roam the spot where our dreams died. -- Bad Mojo ============================================================== . . . The sounds of pleasure drifted over the dark and silent avenues of Costa Del Sol. They quickly drowned in the noisy bar a few lots down from the villa. Inside, a host of characters, some sordid, some not, sat drinking and talking in conversational tones. Many were law abiding, many more were not. It was near closing time when Consuela bussed the table for the last few customers. More attractive than beautiful, she had almost ebony skin and dark, flashing eyes. Enough to pass for more than a mere hooker, but not enough to draw too much attention to herself. She gauged the lone man keenly as she had earlier through out the day. He had come in just past afternoon to sit and drink. And drink. And drink some more. Yet the man's movements were not a bit slowed or made awry by the spirits he consumed. He appeared more of an enigma than a potential client. Still, he could have what she needed, provided she could pitch herself well. Not that she wanted to do this again. But with the disaster at Midgar and all, the soldiers just didn't come in to tip anymore. They were all dead. And with almost nothing to eat ---- Consuela edged herself closer to resume her inspection. The burly, bronzed man sat at the bar, nursing his silvery metallic concoction as he had throughout the day. More or less dressed in the light, tropical clothing like many of the other customers, she noticed the one thing most others didn't seem to have: a thick wad of Gil stuck partly out of his jacket pocket, almost begging for someone to take it. She saw he had a small gadget before him and he was watching it intently. Three small blobs of yellow danced on the screen in some bizarre motion. They were too fuzzy to make out on the palm sized display, but Consuela thought they looked almost human-like. Presently, one of the blobs 'sat' up and positioned itself at the 'feet' of the other two. The three quickly merged into a single giant blob as a small smile crept across the man's features. Contented to have seen enough, he snapped the gadget shut and pocketed it. She saw that he also had a small scrap of paper before him. Consuela tiptoed over his frame to catch a glimpse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . narrowly averted by interdiction from Council. Though the Cthon have taken responsibility for the coup, it is doubtful that they will incite further any incursions in the area. Currently the second planet of the WuSon system is neutral. Council has stated that it is unlikely the status will change anytime soon. The planet in dispute is Gamhe IV, once a research and holding facility of the now extinct Cetra Empire. Moritz -- Sixteen worlds were pacified by Council enforcers in the Avell March area today. Sources say while loss . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hallo." Consuela visibly jumped back as the man turned around. His voice sounded hollow and icy. Quite unlike the demeanor he presented. "Ay, mista," she forced a smile. She promised herself she wouldn't talk much since she had horrible pronunciation, but for the sake of the Gil . . . "You need something?" the man narrowed his dark brown eyes. Consuela dredged up her best grin, "Yeah." "I do not," the man stonily turned away. Her smile faded fast when he lost interest. So much fo'him, she thought. "Hey girl." Consuela turned around and saw a haggard drunk ogling her. "Need'ah drink, suh?" "I 'needs' mo'than that guhrl," the man ran his hands behind her ass. The Gil. Think o'da Gil, she put him her best face. The dark skinned barmaid slipped him a toothsome grin when she realized that the man was too besotted to even know what she was. "You gots'da munny?" she checked to be sure. "Don't needs no 'munny'," the man cackled, "I'm the Prezz-dint o' Sheen--- UUURRRP!" The dark woman winced as she tried to extricate herself form the man's grip, but the drunk had his arm around her waist. "Watchoo 'fraid of?" his breath reeked of the noxious greens in his drink, "I ain't gonna hurt'choo." She put on her best face as she tried to push herself away. Leave before things turned ugly. Or worse. "Let her alone," a voice said suddenly. Consuela turned her head and saw the bronzed man standing by them. Still the drunk was too inebriated to notice. "I said leave her be." The intoxicated man turned and sneered at the big man. "You wan'her huh!?!" the drunk roared, "HUH!? 'Choo know'hoo ah am?!" "No. Need I?" "Man, fuck'you!" the wino lunged. The swing went wide as the bronzed man swayed to the side and the drunk sprawled over the bar floor. He refused to get up, even when prodded by a nearby patron. "Sonovabitch's down and out," someone shouted. "Get him in the back and keep him there until he can pay the tab." "Hey Connie." The barmaid looked up and saw the barkeep nod at her. "G'wan. It's been a night. You can go home now." Consuela allowed herself a pale smile as she tore off her apron and tossed it in the bin. She looked around the bar and saw that her prospect was still at the bar. "Ay, you." The bronze man looked up from his drink. "Still hee-ahr?" she smiled and slid onto the seat next to him. At the corner of her eye, the barkeep turn a blind eye to her activities. The big man said nothing as he turned back to his drink. "Whass yo' name?" she was determined to get something out of this man, no matter how small. The question though, seemed to give the man pause. "Whass yo' na---" "I heard you the first time," the man snapped, "Esro. The name is Esro." Consuela shrugged, "Well ah, Ess-row --- You ah, feel like wantin' cump'ny t'night?" "Are you a whore?" She froze as if she had been immersed in a bucket of ice. "Well?" Her eyes dimmed as she nodded slightly. The bronzed man glanced up at the wall clock, then at back at his drink. Consuela sensed this was going no where. She stood to leave when Esro grabbed her gently by the arm. "Where are you going?" "Home," she looked away. "So soon?" Esro tossed a packet of Gil on the counter for the drinks, "Where to then?" She eyed him fearfully then shrugged, "Yo'r place." "I have none." "At th'inn?" Esro shook his head, "I am merely passing through." "Connie!" The man and girl looked up at the barkeep. "Do something for me would'ja?" the balding man soured, "Check if I locked the door in the back." "But'choo don't have a ---oh." Consuela pursed her lips as the barkeep hurriedly swept up the money and the shot glasses. She avoided eye contact as she led her customer outside. The night felt warm despite the occasional sea breeze that swept through the city. They headed around the back of the bar just past the ominous glow of a makou lantern. "How much?" "Huh?" she swallowed. Esro folded his arms and glowered at her, "How much do you ask?" "T-two thousand," she croaked. Enough to pay for a month or two, but she knew the man would bargain down with her. Like last time. "Here." Consuela's heart skipped a beat from the quickness of the reply. Her eyes glittered as the man produced a thick wad of Gil. Her fingers clasped the money as she hiked up her skirt over her skinny legs. Esro hesitated briefly before stepping in close and pinning her to the wall. The girl shut her eyes and braced herself for the inevitable pain. Except that it didn't come. "How old are you?" She opened her eyes and saw the man's piercing gaze. "H-how old'choo want me t'be?" her voice quivered, "I kin be any age y'want." "How many times have you done this?" he rasped. "Mor'in you had hot dinnahs--urk!" "How many?" Esro had his hands around her throat. Consuela looked at him fearfully. The street was just a few feet away, but they were out of sight enough that she could die and not be seen. Not like the barkeep would not notice, but would he even hear until it was too late? Oh Puh-Planet hawlp me, she pleaded silently. I'll never do dis agin' I swear! He pressed his thumb slightly on her neck and whispered, "I am not here to kill you." She looked at him wide eyed with fear. "Answer me," he said softly, "How many times have you had men pay for you?" "Wh-whunce." "Once. Did you like it? The truth now." "N-no," she stammered hoarsely, "I did'dint." "Why did you do it then?" "I---I needed th'munny," she whispered, "My baby---" Consuela clammed up immediately. The man last time had told her roughly that no one wanted to hear her say such things. 'Take it as some free advice' was what he had said as he continued to rut over her body. "Who is your mate?" Esro released his grip from her neck. "M'wha'?" she blinked. "Your --- husband." "Don' haff'whun." "And your child?" "F-f-fr'm lass time," tears welled in her eyes despite her best efforts. The girl hung her head in shame as she wept uncontrollably. Her arms instinctively wrapped around the man as she buried her face in his shoulders and sobbed. The man remained impassive as she stood there crying in his arms. "You are not lying," his voice quiet. Consuela lifted her head and looked up with a mix of fear and anger. "Why woot ah'lie?" She gasped when she realized the man's face was different. Even in the dim light, she could see the bronze tone of skin was fading, as did the colour of his hair. The ridge of the man's nose straightened and buckled, along with the rest of his face. Consuela wanted to scream, but the man somehow knew what would happen. His gloved hand clapped over her mouth as the terrified girl closed her eyes to the horror before her. She found she was praying to Planet again for the second time that night. "You may look now." Consuela slowly opened her eyes, expecting a monster holding her to the wall with her legs parted. Instead, she found an unremarkable, middle aged man before her. She swallowed hard as he released his hand from her mouth and stepped away from her. She could see his eyes were no longer the brown, rather they were a uniform blue. The color apparently hadn't restricted itself to the man's corneas; the whites were seeped in the deep hue which gave her an eerie, discomforting feeling. "Boy or girl?" It took her a few minutes to know what she was being asked and it took a few minutes more to find her voice, but she managed to answer. "S-son. I haff'a son." Consuela shut her eyes again as he reached into his long, dragging cloaks. She felt him press a large mass into her hands. The young whore dared a peek and almost fainted from the sight. Gil. Gil notes. All wrapped in a bundle as thick as her neck. All she could see were the multitude of zeroes on all the corners and sides. It took all her will power to keep it from spilling from her two quaking hands. Consuela looked at him like a scared chocobo. "You live only once, girl," the man's eyes held an menacing gleam. She backed away fearfully from the specter looming before her. "Now get out of my sight before I kill you." His blue tinged eyes followed Consuela as she turned on her heel and fled. The girl ran down the street, in terror or relief the man did not care. He was beyond such trivialities. A tinkling voice suddenly invaded the night air. :: incoming message from council :: The dark cloaked man lit a thin black reed before whispering, "Connect." :: stand by to receive :: "What is it?" he ran his gloved hand through his neatly groomed hair. :: we have another incursion at Viis 3946 :: The new voice was deeper, more languid in nature. "And?" the tone was more annoyed than angry. :: it is cthonian :: "What of it?" :: specifically r'lyeh :: "I seem to remember," the blue eyed man said with no emotion, "The last time you harboured such a suspicion, you made a mistake that took me thirty millennia to correct. Only now, have I righted what went wrong." :: you acted on our behalf, we did nothing more :: "You set me on a genocide mission," the man hissed with rage, "Something I told you I have no intention of completing!" :: you never did :: "Thanks to what I discovered," he said coldly, "Before it was too late." :: if it is about your pickup ---:: "No," the man snapped, "Nothing so trivial." :: --- we miss taiim's presence as we do his skills :: "Of course you do." There was a brief silence before the languid voice spoke again. :: we take it then that you reject this mission? :: The dark man stumped his reed against the adjacent wall and shook his head gravely, "You know as well as I, I will not overlook any chance at R'lyeh. No matter how remote." :: then you accept? :: "Yes," the man's lips curled into a snarl, "Open the portal. I am on my way." At that, the air at the end of the alley began to ripple. It was as if the space somehow acquired liquid properties. The distortion looked like water in a pond. Undaunted, the man stepped towards it --- or more precisely, he stepped into it. The anomaly swallowed his towering black form and he vanished, along with the ripple. Tiny scraps of paper drifted over the spot where the man had disappeared. They hung in the air for a moment before being swept out by the passing breeze. ============================================================== ============================================================== Never mind the comments. Just tell us if you're a guy or doll and how many times you jerked off while reading. Anything else you include, we'll consider it a 'naughty' bonus :D Grey228@hotmail.com Rattlesnakedick@hotmail.com Subject line: deej-ecchi OR Subject line: FF7-ecchi M. Zhang R. Richardson ============================================================== ============================================================== Notes for the Otaku (and truly curious or insane): ============================================================== ============================================================== Originally meant to be the end of the piece 'Deus Ex Jenova', Trinity was hacked out and made into a semi-autonomous episode due to the prudishness of American Christian society. That and ratings. Everybody needs ratings. We wanted the main piece to be highly exposed before Aeris would slip into memory when Final Fantasy 8 was released in August 1999. Visions of Squall and Rinoa doing the nasty will fill our minds soon, and we didn't want Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa's story to go untold. So much for Nomura and Sakaguchi. To paraphrase the Japanese insult to American POW's in WW2: To hell with Nomura To hell with Sakaguchi And to hell with their doctrine Well, enough of this. You're probably wondering why we decided to continue to add to this fucking long piece of work. We'll tell you (or rather me, since the other guy ain't here). There were other scenes too, in the main part of the story that were cut out as we ran through editing it for content. But for the truly perverted, here are brief descriptions of the scenes that were cut, as well as thoughts on other things as well. -- In 'Choice and Consequence', Red XIII mourns over Yuffie. What happened was back in Midgar, the stilted warrior accidentally catches the young kunoichi masturbating in the shower. Red's kinda just staring at her when Yuffie realizes she's being *watched*. Imagine the surprise when she catches and seduces Red XIII. Beastiality and pedophilia aside, we thought the scene would complicate matters more since Yuffie dies at Kalm. Besides, does she really like him that much? :P -- 'Words in Stone' After the part where Cid, Shera, and Reeve finished talking, the men were supposed to admit their own faults. Cid admits he never loved anyone and Reeve, well--Reeve tells how Scarlett raped and did a bunch of S&M shit to him while he was held captive by Shinra (end of Disc 2). Obviously, we were going a bit overboard since we already included a non-consensual sex scene with Cloud and Tifa. -- 'Choice and Consequence' Oh yeah; aptly named since the title of the episode relates directly to Tifa's little plot. We were going to have Cloud and Tifa have another of their little spats, but it somehow mushroomed into this -- thing we couldn't get rid of. I remember writing the scene when Aeris first learns that Meteor fell rather than being zapped apart like a rock in Asteroids (luv that game). Her emotion ran wild and we seemed to have ran with her; the same went for the so-called 'rape scene' between Tifa and Cloud. Ah, the vagaries of human emotion. -- 'Deus Ex Jenova' For all you CNNBCBS dicks out there in TV land, deus ex machina was a means for crappy writers in the 17th Century to use mythological gods in their plays to smooth out intricate plots (i.e., fuck this smelly shit and just bend the outcome into shape; be damned the consequences or the logic). While this is certainly not a sizable piece of work or a complicated plot, the deity's presence (Greylorn) certainly serves the purpose of creator, destroyer, enforcer, and adminstrator of justice and fate. Thus the title. Ah, the vagaries of the decisions made by two drunk and stupid kids. -- 'Trinity' Hee hee. Yeah. What a name, huh? We've all heard the reasons, the arguments, and all that other crap about this and who'd wind up fucking who. Speakling for Max, he is an A/C fan, although I now argue otherwise (A/C/T ?). If you still doubt our resolution, he wants to ask you this: Why not? If things exist for a reason, then polygynandry must provide some kind of a benefit. Where else can it be better applied than in this situation? Then again, it was Max's idea to do things this way and since his grandfather and great-grandfather practised it, the bias may come from there. Really, people. It's over for me. Aeris now resides with her husband, co-wife, and surrogate daughter in Mytreheim. They live that giant house at the end of Wilhenn-Seide, where the hill just crests. It's the big one, with the light blue window sashes. And on a sunny day, you may sometimes see them out for a stroll in the park along with their four other children as well. Remember: Omnia vincit amor (L.) R. Richardson June 1999