Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 23:09:02 -0800 (PST) From: Julie Hoh Add to Address Book Subject: [fict] Happy Pill pts 1-13 This is something I've been posting on GWML for a while... those of you both on here and GWML, I apologise for the spam *laugh* Sally ------------------------ Duo awoke feeling like... well... he wasn't sure what he felt like. Aside from terrible. As if someone had used a brick to break open his skull and slowly extract his brain with a toothpick. His body felt much the same. Why was it so goddamned bright? His neck hurt. As he opened his eyes, he realised why. He had slept with his head lolling of the bed. And he now had one massive crick in his neck. He was also lying in the path of the morning sun. Someone forgot to close the blinds. "Shit...." he muttered. He flopped over, so he was lying on his stomach, entangling himself furthur in the bedsheets. His mouth tasted awful, like an old sock. Not that he'd tried eating such a thing. "Awake?" came a nasal voice, strangely cheerful sounding. Duo sat bolt upright at the sound of Heero's voice, wincing as his neck protested the movement. "What the hell? How'd you get in here?" Then he realised something else. Heero was dressed in HIS black outfit. Wearing his cap. "What the hell?" Heero shrugged, "Just felt like trying this out. How can you deal with these weird pants? I mean they're mostly pocket!" Duo squinted at Heero, trying to figure out why Heero was so... obscenely cheerful. He usually was surly and grim. "You on something, Heero?" "Never felt better," the other replied, grinning. *Holy shit. He's grinnning.* Duo glanced around the room wondering if this was a case of mistaken identity. Then he spotted a little pill bottle, the one labeled multi-vitamins. The one that he stored his medication for his ultra-rare fits of depression. *Oh shit.... He didn't....* Duo staggered out of bed, and over to the table, tripping over his blankets. "Did you take one of my pills?" he asked, shaking the container. There had been six pills in there the night before. Listening to the pills clatter inside, he could only hear five. *Oh shit.... he did* "What pills?" asked Heero as he looked around the room. "Oh those? Yeah. Took one about an hour ago." Duo set the container down, and began wishing for a very stiff drink. HE never took the medication unless he was feeling insanely suicidal. When he was as suicidal as Heero usually was.... "Hey Duo, got anything to eat? I'm starved." Duo started massaging his temples. This was going to be one of those days... if reports of his behaviour when on this medication were to be believed. "Erm... just leftover pizza." Duo gestured vaguely at the refridgerator. "Great!" answered Heero. "What the hell am I supposed to wear if you're wearing MY clothes?" asked Duo, scratching his head. Not that Heero looked that bad in black. Actually he looked kinda respectable. "You could try mine," answered Heero as he pulled out the box of pizza. "I'd rather die than be seen in public dressed as you," Duo muttered under his breath. "Did you say something Duo?" "Erm. Nothing. Just wondering how I'd look." "Try it and we'll see." *I'm going to regret this....* he thought as he saw the very small pile of clothing in the corner of the room. *So much for my image....* The other three pilots stared at the two of them. "What are you two doing?" asked Wufei, his tone sarcastic. "Did you two get your clothes mixed up?" "It was his idea," Duo said with a long suffering sigh, pointing at Heero. Quatre blinked, glanced at Heero, then to Trowa then to Heero and to Duo. "Pardon?" "I just thought it'd be really neat," replied Heero, grinning. Quatre and the other two pilots glanced at each other uneasily. Quatre took Duo aside. "What's wrong with Heero?" "It's NOT my fault," whimpered Duo. He held out the container. "He took one of my anti-depressants." "...... why do you store your anti-depressants in a multi-vitamin container?" "Because the containers are pretty sturdy?" Duo shrugged uncomfortably. "Cause they're illegal. It's Thamerol." Quatre, familiar with bouts of depression, glanced over at Heero then back at the container. "He didn't." Duo sighed and nodded. "He did." Quatre smiled. Duo already felt his heart sinking, he wasn't going to like this. "Can we give some to Wufei? Trowa too?" said Quatre. "You've gotta be kidding me," whimpered Duo. "Have mercy on my soul." "Just a small dose. Phuleeez?" asked Quatre, giving him a puppy-dog look. "It might make the meeting go a little smoother. Sides we don't have to take the medication." "I seriously hope you know what you're doing." Duo handed the small bottle to Quatre. "I will not be responsible for what happens here..." Quatre beamed happily as he slipped the container into his vest pocket. "Why don't you take Heero off somewhere. Enjoy the day. We'll start up again in a few hours, hopefully Heero'll have calmed down by then." "Dressed like this?" asked Duo indigniantly. "I could lend you my clothes," said Quatre. Duo tried to imagine himelf dressed like Quatre. *Pink* He shuddered at the thought. He tried to imagine Quatre dressed in Heero's outfit. His expression turned to one of slight alarm. "Uh... no. Nevermind. I'm getting out of here before all hell breaks loose in here." "C'mon Heero," said Duo, dragging the Wing pilot out of his seat. The pilot had been trying unsuccessfully to get Trowa and Wufei to laugh at his jokes. Wufei gave Duo a dirty look. Quatre spoke up, "Listen, we'll reconvene at four o'clock, after some of the medication's flushed out of Heero's system. Meanwhile why don't we have lunch." *Three hours with ... with... psycopathically cheerful Heero?* thought Duo as he pulled Heero along. "Let's go try to work this stuff out of your system." *I'll either like him this way or I'll kill him* Heero walked along with Duo, his hands laced behind his back and whistling off key. Duo tried to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. *At least I'm not wearing those damned spandex shorts anymore* He had upon first opportunity, hit a clothing outlet and bought a pair of pants. He'd have bought a shirt as well but he wanted to save money. The weather was nice enough for a tank-top, so he left it at that. "Say... Duo. Want some ice cream?" "Huh?" asked Duo, snapping out of his thoughts. "Just thinking you're usually more talkative." *He's actually encouraging me to talk?* "Uh. No," replied Duo, grinning weakly. "I didn't know you liked ice cream?" *This has potential* "Everyone likes ice cream," replied Heero. "What do you say?" "Sure. Why don't we get some for everyone? We can pick it up later on our way back." Heero smiled. "Rodger. So where to?" "I don't know." "Duo, at a loss?" asked Heero. Duo felt that little stirring in his blood as he glanced at the Japanese pilot. Heero looked so much CUTER smiling. Especially when those blue eyes that weren't brimming with cold resolve. Long thick lashes, chiselled features. *I'd fall for him if he was a girl...* Duo grinned. "We could shoot hoops for a while." "That sounds fun." *Heero actually willing to have fun! I could definitly get used to this.* By the time Heero and Duo got back, armed with a quart of vanilla ice cream. The medication had already kicked in for Wufei and Trowa. Both were trying to outdo each other with rude jokes. A very embarassed Quatre sitting there, as the two other pilots rejoined them. Duo smirked. "Ice cream anyone?" "I'll pass," answered Wufei. "Vanilla ice cream reminds me of you know what." "What?" asked Quatre innocently "Ejaculation" replied Wufei. Quatre's blue eyes began to brim with tears, "I'll NEVER be able to eat vanilla ice cream again!" he wailed. "There there," replied Trowa patting Quatre on the arm. "It's not as if it tastes like it." Quatre started sobbing even more. *Why are they so mean to me?* wondered Quatre. "How would you know?" asked Heero. "I'd prefer not to reveal my sources" Trowa replied quietly. "Duo.... get me out of here?" whimpered Quatre. "Hell no. You're the one who decided to give them the pills?" "What pills?" asked Wufei sharply. Duo clapped his hands over his mouth as soon as he realised what he'd said. *oh shit* "Well... you see... Duo had some Thamerol with him... you two always seem so grim so I decided to give you some with your lunch...." Quatre tapped his forefingers against each other in his lap, his face pink with embarassment. "I'm sorry...." "Well... I guess that means we have to do something to punish the two of you," replied Heero, taking hold of Duo's arm. "What do you mean the two of us?" asked Duo, his voice cracking. "This was Quatre's idea and you were the one who decided to take the pill without checking with me what it was!" "Yes, you're right Heero, we should punish them," replied Trowa neutrally, taking hold of Quatre's arm. "Whatever. I'm going to go work off this medication," declared Wufei as he stood up. Without looking back he walked out, leaving Duo and Quatre in the hands of Trowa and Heero. "Trowa... got any handcuffs?" asked Heero. "No but there's some rope around here somewhere." "Just as good I suppose," replied Heero. "Just what the hell do you guys have in mind?!" asked Duo struggling in earnest now. Heero however twisted the long haired pilot's arm back. Quatre was likewise trying to pull away from Trowa but apparently not as earnestly. Duo glared back at Heero, although they were the same height, they're weren't in the same.... position. Duo was tied to a metal chair that had been flipped over. His wrists were secured over the top while his legs had been lashed at the knees and ankles to the legs of the chair. It was overall a very uncomfortable position. He was also as naked as the day he was born. Quatre was somewhere just out of sight. He could catch a glimps of the tow haired boy but not that well, considering his hair had been pulled up and tied in a manner that gave him a couple inches of leeway. "What the fuck are you going to do to me?" asked Duo. Somehow he regretted even making that comment, as he saw the gleam in Heero's eyes. *Oh god this can't be happening!* thought Duo in a panic. Heero knelt and ran a finger lightly along his ear, down along his cheek. Stopping at Duo's chin, he curved his finger using it to keep Duo's head immobile and leaned to kiss him. Duo made an indignant sound as he tried to pull back, his motion limited by his tied hair. The kiss sent little shockwaves running through Duo's body. Heero drew back a bit, his blue eyes burning with a new intensity. "Let me love you, please... Duo?" he asked softly. Huskily, as he ran a gentle finger down Duo's other ear. He leaned foward and gave Duo a second kiss, this one more intimate as the Japanese pilots's tongue traced the contours of Duo's lips. "Get away from me you.. you.... inhuman deviant!" exclaimed Duo. "What about Relena?" "She's a gem that I can't touch. I'm not worthy of her." Heero laughed lowly, "Besides it won't hurt _too_ much." Heero kissed him once more forcing his tongue past Duo's lips and began frenching him in earnest - starting Duo on an indignant slew of muffled protests. Quatre was a brilliant shade of pink as he tried not to watch Heero kissing Duo as Trowa regarded his handiwork. Quatre's arms were tied behind his back with a colourful scarf. He liked it simple. Nothing fancy like the creative use of furniture that Heero had employed with Duo. No. Anything more complex might intimidate Quatre. "I won't hurt you," whispered Trowa softly, brushing back a lock of Quatre's hair. "I've wanted to do this with you for the longest time... but I could never bring myself to do this until now...." "T... Trowa..." stammered Quatre, blushing, his eyes downcast. "I'm so afraid..." Trowa smiled and kissed the arabic pilot on the forehead, "Don't be." "I'll try..." said Quatre softly summoning the courage to stare into Trowa's depthless green eyes. Trowa brushed back his hair to keep from spearing Quatre with his hair and leaned over to give Quatre a gentle kiss even as he began pushing the boy to a supine position. "Trowa..." "I won't hurt you," Trowa whispered reassuringly as he straddled Quatre and started kissing Quatre, his lips making slow progress down the other boy's neck. Quatre giggled faintly squirming, unable to move out from under his tormentor. "Trowa! It tickles!" The brown haired pilot paused for a moment and smiling blew gently on Quatre's neck, eliciting a shiver from Quatre. "Trowaaaa~!" whimpered Quatre squirming a little bit more. Quatre's whimpering and moaning in the background was not helping Duo's situation at all. Heero had thankfully stopped kissing him but the Japanese pilot was running his hands up and down Duo's sides in slow suggestive patterns. Duo's grimly stared at the white wall before him as he tried to think of as many un-arousing things as possible. *Scrubbing the john.... washing the dishes.... Doctor G's face..... a really fat woman in a bikini... Quatre dressed in Heero's clothes....* The last thought unfortunately coincided with the Japanese pilot reaching over to caress his thighs and buttocks. Duo let out a small gasp and a convulsive shudder as Heero's hands moved deliberately upwards using his thumbs to stroke the hollow points of his hips, then moving to his naughty bit and rubbing it slowly and arousing it fully. *Where did he learn to do this?* wondered Duo in bewilderment, half wishing feverently that his body wouldn't react like this. Half-wishing that Heero wouldn't stop either.... "Do you like?" whispered a warm breath just by his ear once more. Hair prickled at his shoulder as Heero shifted and traced with his tongue the outer edge of the American pilot's ear. When Heero's tongue reached the earlobe, the pilot began to nibble on it gently. Duo squirmed uncomfortably trying to fix the most unarousing image he could into his increasingly unresponsive mind. *Scrubbing the john.... sex with..... NO NO NO.... scrubbing the john....* Heero smiled inwardly as he drank in the sight of the bound pilot's rear end twitching in a vain attempt by to break free once more. *My bonds are perfect, there's no way you can extricate yourself, Duo. But DO keep squirming.* Trowa bent down to kiss Quatre, starting from the instep of his foot, working his way up the fair skin slowly and deliberately as Quatre twitched even more trying to cope with the conflicting sensations running through him. On one hand Trowa was tickling him to death on the other, the sensation was strangely arousing. "Trowaaaa," whimpered Quatre. "I feel funny!" "Don't worry," mumured Trowa from somwhere in the vicinity of Quatre's naval. Quatre felt the wonderful sensation fade and ventured to open his eyes to see what Trowa was about to do. A single green eye stared back at him in anticipation. Then quite slowly and with all deliberation, Trowa lowered his head and dipped his tongue into Quatre's naval and tickled. Quatre went very pink and cried out, "No FAIR Trowa!!!!" "Fair has nothing to do with this," said Trowa calmly, moving fluidly so that he was now lying hip against hip with the blonde pilot. "It's about how happy I can make you..." "T...Trowa...." breathed Quatre in a shaky voice. "Kiss me?" "Your wish is my command," said Trowa, leaning over to give his love a kiss. A kiss that left the bound pilot gasping for air when their lips parted. Where had Wufei gone, some of you ask. The Chinese boy had found a secluded glen in a forest and one there proceeded to strip himself of the clothes that seemed too constrictive all of a sudden. Something didn't feel right, he thought shaking his head trying to clear it of that cheerful miasma. Damn Quatre, he thought as he folded his clothing into a neat pile. He stood once more - sword in hand, the wind causing his flesh to goosepimple as he began to practice, stark naked. Unknown to him however, was that Treize Khushrenada was riding nearby. Duo gasped as he felt a finger touch that most private part of him, tracing a circle around his sphincter. "H-hey! Cut that out!" He twisted his head to it's limits to try to see what the Japanese pilot was doing. Duo twitched, wiggling his rear end as he tried vainly to steer Heero's finger away from it's current target. "Stop that! You listening to me? Heero! Ah!" He gasped as he felt a warm moist object touch his crack. "That's disgusting! Quit that! Ah!" The American pilot struggled to evade Heero's probing tongue even as he felt his will erode even furthur. Heero slapped him on his butt, hard enough to elicit a startled yelp from Duo as fair skin turned red in the shape of a handprint. "Quit moving," answered Heero. "I can't do this if you're twitching around like a dying cockroach." "Cockroach?!" exclaimed Duo indignantly. "What the fuck do you think I am?! You know how disgusting what you're doing is?!" "Quiet or I'll spank you until you can't sit down for a month." Duo facefaulted at the imagery. Telling Howard that he couldn't pilot a MS because he'd been spanked? << I don't THINK so! >> he thought to himself. << I'd be the butt of the mechanic's jokes. Literally... >> "Besides... I thought you liked this kind of stuff," said Heero. "What?!" asked Duo, as he jerked his head in an attempt to look at Heero. He winced as he nearly scalped himself. "What the hell gave you that idea?" "Those Homo Erectus mags under your bed," mumbled Heero as the Japanese pilot began probing Duo's crack once more. Duo turned beet red his ears changing color as well, "Shit! You found those?!" "They were very informative," said Heero. "Heero... uh... you mean this is your first time?" The Japanese pilot didn't answer, instead he proceeded to pull out one of the magazines from a pocket and set it on Duo's back as he skimmed it. "Ninmu Ryookai" he said as he sped read a section and stuck his face back into Duo's buttcrack and hummed really loudly. "Waaah! Heero! Q-Quit that!! Ah! Heeeeeero!" wailed Duo as he struggled futilely against his bonds. Quatre must have heard Duo's question to Heero as he asked, "Is this your first time?" Trowa regarded Quatre silently, as if unsure of what to say. "Who was it?" the blond boy asked. "Someone who was alot older and uglier." Quatre conjured up an image of some old woman, like the witch from one of those fairytales his nannies used to tell him as a child. "Er... how was she in bed?" Quatre ventured to ask. "It was a he," answered Trowa. Quatre tried to imagine what this man looked like. Unfortunatly, old and ugly were two very non-descriptive words. In the end he envisioned someone that was a cross between Doktor S and Sadar. Quatre fainted. Trowa blinked as Quatre fainted. "Did I say something wrong?" wondered Trowa outloud as he tried think of a fun way to awaken his sleeping beauty. Tickling? No. That wouln't work. Last thing he wanted to do was for Quatre to get a stitch in his side. His gaze fell upon the container of ice-cream on the table. A predatory smile settled on Trowa's face as he stood up and went to retrieve the carton. He paused a moment to watch Heero and Duo. The American pilot's hands were balled into fists, his face a mixture of rapture and repugnance. Resting on Duo's back was a magazine that Heero occasionally glanced at. "How informative is that?" Trowa asked. "It seems to work," answered Heero, as he glanced at Duo's trembling form. "Hmmmm.... I'd have say so," remarked the taller pilot. "Hey... Trowa.... get me out of this? Please?" begged Duo, tugging at his bonds. "I'm sorry," said Trowa. "But Heero would be unhappy if I did that. Heero... Duo wouldn't happen to have another magazine would he?" Heero wordlessly handed over the magazine he had been reading and digging once more into the pockets of Duo's clothes he was still wearing. He came out with two more magazines resting one on Duo's back as he began researching some more. "Could you like STOP rummaging through my things?" asked Duo, his face beet red. Last thing he needed were the other pilots to intimately know the contents of his belongings. Thankfully Wufei was not here to see this. It was bad enough to know that Quatre, Heero and Trowa knew he had these magazines.. << I'll never hear the end of this.... >> Treize was riding alone. Something he could enjoy only rarely. His men were overzealous about protecting him. "Still... today is a fine day for riding." The forest was strangely void of normal sounds. Instead of birds, he heard sounds like someone working out their frustrations. "I wonder who that is?" he said to himself as he dismounted, his curiousity piqued. He led his horse over to a tree and tethered it, before continuing on foot. He moved silently for one dressed as fancily as he. He stopped as soon as he caught sight of a blur in the clearing ahead. Treize reached into a pouch and brought out opera glasses, lifting them up to his eyes. He was treated with a truly beautiful sight. << It's that young man. >> thought Treize recognising the gundam pilot who had challenged him to a duel and lost. << He is magnificent. Like a stag who has just come into the prime of his life. >> So Treize stood there watching the naked young man dance with his blade. Trowa sat next to the uncounscious Quatre and flipped through the magazine as with his other hand, got the ice cream carton open and started carefully smearing Quatre with vanilla ice cream. He paused as he located the article that Heero had been reading. Rimming. He would have to look into that. He glanced at the other articles and found one on blow jobs. He too quickly read through the articles committing them to memory, before the icecream all melted. Carefully he placed the magazine aside. It wouldn't do to dirty other people's property. He leaned over and slowly began lapping the ice cream off of Quatre's chest, taking extra care to tease the boy's nipples. Quatre moaned faintly, apparently beginning to awaken. He picked up his pace, his tongue flicking at the hardening nipples. Quatre roused at last, in more ways than one. "Trowa?" began Quatre, not quite aware of his surroundings. "I'm here Quatre," he replied. "Waaah! I'm... we're-" began Quatre, as it came flooding back to him. "Do you want me to stop?" "N... no!" stammered Quatre. "I want this.... Please Trowa... don't stop?" Trowa smiled reassuringly and bent once more to licking up the remaining dots of ice cream. "Trowa... why do I smell like ice cream?" "I was trying to wake you up," replied Trowa, scooping up another spoonful, this time putting it in his mouth before he bent down and took Quatre's penis into his mouth and began to work on it with slow gentle strokes. Quatre gasped. "Trowaaaaaa~! That's cold!" Wufei froze, sensing he was no longer alone. He the downward arc of his blade incomplete. "Who's there?!" he demanded. Applause greeted him a familiar figure came into view. "Treize!" exclaimed Wufei, going into a defensive crouch. "That was magnificient, young man," said Treize. "You have a fine form. Truly you must the the finest of all your clan." "What do you want, Treize?" snarled Wufei. Why was this man here? And why did he feel so funny seeing this man? "More like what do you want," said Treize, a condescending smile on his face. Wufei scowled as he realised he was getting an erection. He could not be so weak as to show as base an emotion as lust! He glared at his member as if he could shrivel it with just his force of will. Treize strode over to the pilot, taking hold of Wufei's wrists so the Chinese pilot couldn't accidentally stab him with that sword, leaned down to kiss him. Wufei was too surprised to do more than drop his sword, letting it embed itself in the ground. "What the hell was that for?" asked Wufei, jerking back from Treize, wiping his lips on the back of his hand. "I just thought you might enjoy sporting with me.... a show of endurance." The leader of OZ quirked an eyebrow, challenging him. << Is he mocking my manhood? >> thought Wufei. "Very well!" he snarled. Something didn't sound right but his mind wasn't working very well. Treize smiled, as he took off his gloves and carefully stowed them away before slowly taking off his uniform jacket. Wufei leaned against the tree trying to act disinterested as he watched Treize shed his uniform piece by piece. Treize folded his clothing neatly, laying them atop his cloak, and stood revealing his manly physique. Wufei sized him up and suddenly felt very jealous. The SIZE of Treize's manhood! "My justice is greater than yours," said Treize, laughing. Wufei suddenly had a very bad feeling about this.... but it was too late to run. His pride wouldn't let him. Duo moaned again as Heero gave his crack a very thorough washing, fondling his throbbing member and balls every once in a while. Duo tugged and twisted at his bonds, wishing feverently to get free. He was feeling so horny now.. if only he could get it off... so close but not quite there. Damn Heero! "Heero.... untie me please?" Duo whispered. "Not yet," said Heero quietly. "Not yet..." Duo let out a strangled half-sob half-moan. "Please... you're driving me nuts..." Heero gave Duo a silent smile as he nipped gently at Duo's buttcheeks. "Then say it." Duo whispered something barely audible. "I can't hear you," replied Heero. "Please? I want you to fuck my brains out." Heero smiled. "Ninmu ryookai." Duo shuddered. << Maybe I shouldn't have said it that quite that way... >> Still... he felt the rope that secured his legs to the chair being untied. When he was free, he pulled his legs together, nearly sobbing with relief. His hips hurt from being in that unnatural position. He also felt a heavy familiar weight drop against his back as his hair was freed and he could move his head about once more. He turned his head this way and that, sighing with relief as he heard the dull popping of joints. But his hands were still tied down as Heero's tongue trailed down his spine. "Uh... Heero... my hands?" "Later," mumbled Heero, as he flipped Duo around, so they were looking at each other. Duo was now arched uncomfortably over the back of the chair now, his arms crossed over his head in some weird manner that hurt. Perhaps Heero noticed his discomfort and with a display of strength, carefully lifted the chair and him so that it stood upright. Now Duo was leaning against the back of the chair, his arms just above his head. << I guess... it's an improvement... gah... spoke too soon.... >> He watched the Japanese pilot strip. Nothing sensual, just Heero taking off the jumpsuit, although he had to wiggle a bit to get the pants off. If it was supposed to be a show, for Duo's benefit it was a failure. On the other hand, Duo was relieved to notice that Heero didn't have an extra long and large penis. Average, or something like that. << At least I won't feel like I'm getting split in half.... >> He was also awarded the sight of Trowa giving head to Quatre. Quatre shivered in delight as Trowa gave head. He moaned squirming as the pleasurable sensations ran through his body. He felt all fuzzy especially whenever Trowa's tongue ran around the rim of his penis then teasing the tip of his cock. "Don't stop," moaned Quatre, feeling the skin on his penis grow cool as Trowa pulled away. "I want to try something," said Trowa, as he carefully turned Quatre over and untied the boy. "It looked interesting." "What did?" asked Quatre. "You'll see," said Trowa enigmatically as he flipped Quatre over, untying the boy as he did so, and positioning him so that his baby soft bottom was sticking straight up in the air. "Waaah Trowa!" exclaimed Quatre, jerking away in surprise as he felt Trowa's tongue touch him down there.... He peered back at Trowa his eyes wide with surprise. "Don't worry," said Trowa as he took a firm hold of Quatre's thighs and continued to lick slowly. Quatre's bottom smelled so wonderfully of baby power, the smell serving to excite Trowa even more. Quatre blushed. It felt even better than the blowjob, so he let Trowa continue. Maybe it was a good idea that he made a regular habit of cleaning himself out down there. He wouldn't have to worry about Trowa running into anything... disgustingly unsanitary. Still he felt a little guilty. He hadn't done a thing for Trowa yet. All those wet dreams he'd had about the svelte pilot of Heavyarms. He closed his eyes and let himself float with the sensation. He'd have time to please Trowa.... His eyes opened. << Why am I letting Trowa do all the work? >> "Trowa..." he said, screwing up his courage and blurting out. "I want to give you pleasure too!" Trowa felt a curious thrill at hearing Quatre say that. "You're sure?" Quatre blushed and nodded. Trowa slowly unbuttoned his jeans, revealing a pair of striped boxer shorts. Quatre blushed as he watched, completely mesmerized. Trowa had a natural grace in his movements that Quatre found absolutely sexy. Quatre drank in the sight of Trowa's athletic form, as the other pilot slowly divested himself of clothes. Quatre giggled and blushed as he stared at Trowa's hard-on. A soldier standing at full attention. Trowa straddled Quatre in a 69 position, so that Quatre had access to his cock while he leaned down and once more resumed his attempt to please Quatre. Treize strode over to Wufei, taking the gundam pilot into his arms as he whispered, "Come, my beautiful dragon. Let us make sport in this wooded glen." Wufei gulped, wondering why he didn't toss his pride and run while he still had the chance. Well, it was too late. Then again, he was beginning to miss sex. He hadn't seen any action for at least a year. It might actually be fun. Duo moaned as Heero ran his lips over his chest, turning into a gasp as he felt something cold being smeared against his butt. "Hurry it up," he muttered, writhing in misery as he pushed himself against the Japanese pilot. He wanted release like now... Heero stared at him silently and then deciding to take him literally, jammed his member up Duo's ass. "Shit! OW! FUCK! OW! WhatTheFUCKdoyouthinkyou'redoing?!" screamed Duo, as he arched upward in pain. "Owowowowow! I didn't mean to be quick about THAT!" "Make up your mind," said Heero. "Quick or slow?" "Slow," sniffled Duo, a tear trickling down his chin. Heero licked it, savoring the slightly salty flavour. He moved downwards, to Duo's mouth. Kissing, licking. Hungrily, like a flower in sunlight, Duo accepted the kiss, returning it with equal passion. His tongue running over Heero's lips. Heero slowly began to fuck Duo. Duo meanwhile was trying to decide if he was in seventh heaven or in the nineteenth pit of hell as he was rocked slowly by Heero's movements inside him. Quatre choked a couple times until he got the hang of it. It was harder than those books had said. It was actually kind of fun. Aside from the slightly bitter taste to the clear fluid that came from the tip of Trowa's cock, it was as if he were sucking on a tasteless popsicle. He played around with Trowa's balls, rolling them around slowly in their sack, trying not to giggle in embarassment. Still, with his airway slightly obstructed by this rather large sucker, he began to feel a warm fuzzy sensation spread across his loins in response to Trowa's tender ministrations. Giddily, he began to think that this might not be as hard as he had thought it would be. Oh how Rasid and the others would be tearing their hairs out if they could see him now. Quatre giggled and promptly choked. Or maybe not.... He decided it would be better if he gave Trowa his full attention, this really WAS quite tricky. Trowa was worried for Quatre as the blond haired gundam pilot choked a couple times, and nearly gagged a couple more. Maybe they should switch positions. He was about to suggest that Quatre be on top when it seemed that the boy had caught the hang of it. Damn... Quatre was doing a pretty good job, teasing him. It was nothing like jerking off.... Had Quatre been reading books on this? Trowa couldn't imagine the gently shy Quatre actually doing this with anyone... Well he could. With himself. He wasn't going to tell Quatre how often he'd imagined doing this with him. This was certainly much better than jacking off in the bathroom, just imagining doing it with Quatre. Staring into Treize's eyes, Wufei felt his iron will eroding. Was this man a hypnotist? A magician? He didn't know. The blood pounded in his head, it felt as if he was going to burst a blood vessel. He was no child, that Treize could just play with and discard. he was the pride of the Chang Clan. He took the initiative, forcing his tongue down Treize's mouth, giving the OZ leader one of the wilder tongue kisses of his life. << That's the spirit, >> thought Treize, letting the Chinese pilot take the initiative for now. << Show me your spirit, dragon boy... >> Duo was panting like a dog, his lips parted as Heero elicited another moan from the American pilot. Duo was incredibly frustrated. Heero had been keeping him on the verge of release for what had felt like an eternity. Slowing down until his passion abated slightly before continuing. He felt Heero shudder and something hot spill into him. Heero had come before him! Duo let out a whimper of frustration. It wasn't FAIR! He ground his teeth as Heero slowly withdrew. Hot sticky fluid trickled from his ass, running slowly down his legs. Heero regarded Duo silently while he cleaned himself off, letting Duo stew for a few minutes before he leaned down and took Duo's member into his mouth. Duo drew in a shuddering breath, as he felt Heero's hot mouth engulf his sex. "Heeeero," whimpered Duo, trying to push himself on the Japanese pilot. He arched himself upwards, only to be held down by Heero. His dark blue eyes glared back at Duo darkly. "Stay still," the Japanese pilot commanded. "Or I leave you here to suffer." Duo nodded miserably, wringing his bound hands. Would the torture ever end? Duo moaned as Heero slowly teased his swollen member, it felt like he was going to explode soon. He'd gotten incredibly sensitive down there, so when Heero started teasing the rim of his cock and playing with his balls, that was the last straw, and Duo finally toppled over the edge that Heero had been holding him at. He stiffened as he felt all his pent up frustration come bubbling out. He gasped, biting down on his lip, his seed spurting into Heero's mouth. It was the fuck of his life as everything went white for a moment. Spots still danced in his vision as he blinked furiously, trying to shake his head clear of the fuzz that usually accompanied sex. Heero straightened up, a thin trickle of while ran down the side of his mouth, to his chin. The Japanese pilot used a finger to wipe the sticky liquid from his own mouth and brushed it against Duo's lips. Duo licked at his lips, grimacing at the slightly bitter quality to his cum. "Hey, you gonna let me go now?" asked Duo weakly, tugging at his his bonds. Heero regarded the boy silently and stood up. "Hey Heero! Did you hear me?!" asked Duo in a panic. The Japanese pilot walked over to one of the ratty matresses that lay around the place and lay sprawled out. "That's... that's low! D'you hear me?!" yelled Duo, angrily. He was going to kill that boy when he got free. He got to his knees, slowly turning around so that he faced the chair once more. He studied the knots that held his wrists tied to the chair. Yes.... with a bit of work.... he could free himself. << Fuck Heero. I'll get him back, if it's the last thing I do... >> Suddenly bitter fluid erupted from Quatre's member. Trowa nearly choked with surprise, but managed to gulp most of it down before it spilled. Quatre was sensitive! He filed that into his mind, as he slowly cleaned the fluid that he hadn't managed to catch off of Quatre. He'd come before Trowa! Quatre felt so guilty as he felt his ears and neck flush with embarassment. He jerked upward to see what Trowa was doing and choked as his movement (with Trowa's sex still in his mouth) triggered a gag reflex. Luckily he didn't have much to heave up. Trowa sat there, watching Quatre, disturbed. This was not.... quite what he had in mind. Where did he go wrong? Why had Quatre suddenly thrown up? "I'm sorry-" he began. "It's my fault-" said Quatre at the same instant. The two pilots paused as they stared at each other and started laughing. Duo was seated in the chair rubbing his wrists when he heard the sound of someone puking. He turned around, to see Quatre blowing chunks and immediately felt sick. "Shit.... I did NOT need to see that..." Still he was free and he wasn't about to let this chance slip, as he took hold of the rope that had once held him prisoner and padded over to where Heero slept, oblivious to everything. "D... Do you want to try again?" asked Quatre He really wanted to make it up to the other pilot for this rather embarassing scene. He knew Trowa hadn't cum yet and he felt REALLY REALLY guilty. Trowa regarded his friend. "No," answered Trowa. Quatre still looked like he could throw up again any moment. "You look terrible still..." Quatre sighed, a single tear making it's slow route down his face. He was a failure. He couldn't do anything right! Trowa, sensing the blond pilot's depression, bundled him in his arms. "Just promise you'll stay with me forever...." he whispered into Quatre's ear. Quatre's eyes widened, staring into the taller pilot's green eyes. Trowa still wanted him? Even after this dismal failure? "T-Trowa.... You're serious?" "I've never been more serious in my entire life," replied Trowa. Quatre broke into a happy smile, "If... you have no problems with me.... then.... I'll gladly." Trowa, smiled and he bent to give Quatre a tender kiss. Treize and Wufei's sporting had turned into something more of a rough and tumble romp, the two of them biting and nipping at each other. Something about the cold grass and having a warm body on top of each other. Treize sat atop Wufei, giving the Chinese pilot a huge hicky on his neck, while the other was fondling his shaft, exploring it's length with his hands. Treize shifted slowly, his lips moving slowly downwards. Wufei's breathing quickened. "Treize..." he whispered feverishly. "Fuck me... Show me your justice." "Even a rose takes time to bloom, little dragon. All in good time," breathed out Treize as he ran his hands down the young pilot's sides. Wufei shuddered in delight, all rational thought clouded by the colourful motes of light that danced in his mind. Heero awoke sluggishly, wondering why he felt so strange. He tried to ease the cramped muscles in his shoulders and discovered he couldn't. His arms were bound behind him. Wrists tied to the opposite arm. Something or somone heavy was resting across his midriff, and raising his head, he saw Duo, straddling him. "It's time for your payback," replied Duo, bending down to kiss the Japanese pilot. Heero froze, feeling his face grow uncharacteristically warm. "Free me," commanded Heero, scowling. "Not until I get my payback...." Duo licked Heero's nipple, his agile tongue darting in and out lapping at Heero's cool flesh. The sensation was electric, Heero's body arched upwards as he exerted as much force as he could to the rope that bound him. His arms protested the movement. They must have been tied for at least an hour to be as numb as they were. He could feel rope cutting into flesh. The sensation of flesh tearing as the ropes finally snapped. The wash of red that filled his vision as the pain hit him. He then grabbed the shocked Duo and reversed their position so that Duo was now beneath him. The American pilot stared at him mutely, his mouth agape. Heero leaned over and kissed Duo. He could feel his life's blood trickling down his arms, onto the American Pilot. Heero used one hand to hold Duo's hands down, and the other, he used to pinch Duo's nose shut and kissed. Autoerotic asphyxiation was NOT on the list of Duo's favourite things. He began struggling in earnest, finally bucking Heero off as his vision began to swim. He scrabbled to his feet panting, he was NOT going to stay in here a moment longer with this psycho non-human pilot. He scrambled for the door, only to feel someone tackle him. "Ooof!" He went crashing to the floor, cracking his head against the cold concrete. He saw stars. That was enough time for Heero to deliver a good solid whack to the base of Duo's skull and knock the American out. Ignoring the fact that he was dripping blood all over the floor, Heero went in search of something to tie Duo up with. Quatre watched Heero, worried. The gundam pilot seemed to be losing alot of blood. "Heero... shouldn't you get those injuries tended? You are bleeding alot." "Don't worry about me..." replied Heero. "Life comes cheap... mine especially." Quatre facefaulted. "Quatre... see if you can't find some bandages," said Trowa, standing up to take hold of Heero's arm, the unbloodied portion of course. Quatre nodded and went to find the first aid kit. It was in one of the boxes... the one marked with orange paint, he thought. Treize placed his meaty sex against Wufei's mouth. "It would be a pity if you could not savour my flavour." He rubbed the tip of his sex against against Wufei's lips. "Come... taste the bounty." Wufei wasn't sure what he was doing but he licked it experimentally. Slightly bitter... but something about it made him feel even giddier as he engulfed the OZ leader's sex with his mouth and began sucking in earnest, trying to get some more of that fluid. Was this the ambrosia of the gods? To be Continued