A Little Something For Those Cold, Lonely Nights Part 2 Murray Johnston was frighteningly stereotypical for his former profession if not his name. To be assured a Johnston, if not a Murray, had been on the beaches of Normandy and Okinawa. Had and was currently performing technical, medical or culinary artistry if not making works of art. There were also some who dug ditches, hauled garbage and mugged old ladies for a living just as anyone with or without a name was bound to do. But any Johnston, much less a Murray, would have only been too happy that an accountant who bore their name had changed it to Otto von Slegenhimer after an external audit of his work had found a discrepancy of a million or twenty point seven causing a hasty trip south. Felt pity for the von Slegenhimers of the world. Doubly so for the Ottos. Some however, namely the male half, might have been willing to trade places with the self proclaimed father of the fourth Reich for just an instant as he woke to the inverted rearview sight of a certain lycanthrobe as she attempted to clean out a clogged cave mouth. But then most would have remembered how they came to be laying upside-down against the opposite cavern wall much less who had done it to them. The cause of the current discomfort of ridding up shorts would have certainly reminded them. But then again, they weren't this Murray. Brittany Diggers for her part was too worried to think about Johnston or Slegenhimer or whatever he called himself much less that he had woken. Beyond the snow packed boulders she currently removed and chucked as wadded paper—something else Murray was willfully unaware of as he stirred his unconscious troops—was her sister as well as her sister's worst enemy in the whole world. And aside from being buried under tons of snow if not washed down the mountain by the avalanche—something the reputed luck of both would not allow Brittany assured herself—was the fact that said enemy most likely had no idea she was. Laura Croft had made her name by going places and doing things whole teams of explorers had failed to do, including returning alive. Because of this and the fact that when she returned it was often with a small fortune wearing only hot pants and a tank top, the press had named her Tomb Raider and made her the centerfold girl of archeology. By contrast Brittany's older human sibling had been branded Gold Digger by a simple play in their shared last name, even though most of her finds were more of intellectual value. And while she was younger than the other by a few years but had been an archeologist - indeed, Gina held doctorates in several fields if not creating a few - longer than Croft, when the woman had burst onto the scene Gina was quickly considered nothing more than a copycat. And since she had a bodyguard in her adopted sister she was a poor one at that. The weight of the insult had started to show at the first award one had won seemingly over the other but could now be seen at the mere mention of Croft's name. Gina was definitely headed towards psycho-ville and being trapped with the cause in a snow pocket would no doubt speed her way Brittany considered as she dug. Despite the ease the effort looked, it was still a chore. And while her natural fur allowed excess heat to escape, the busty werecheetah's parka jacket had threatened to cook her. It now lay discarded and near buried as she worked in only form fitting snow pants and sports top. And as stated before, the tall shapely girl had other things to consider than modesty. Besides, it wasn't like she was naked or anything. Not that a small fact like that really stopped a forty-something balding former accountant turned fake-nazi pseudo-major from dreaming. Sight of a certain ponytailed British, cotton shirt wearing adventuress during a muggy rainy Brazilian afternoon had made him trace half the world behind her after all. And this strangely furry exotic amazon was wounded, he remembered that much at least. From the…for lack of a better word…novels he read about this type of woman—as he ate watercress and milquetoast for lunch as Murray—dealt with that sort of thing on a ‘date’ all the time. Getting trapped and tortured, trussed up to hang precariously over pits of molten lava or cliffs high on chilly windy mountains with garments torn to scantily scraps. And while they were indeed on an arctic panicle, the man self-christened Otto could only envision rope, lather and a razor as he watched his unaware pray sway her tail from side to side. And he had to admit…her butt wasn't half bad either! Brittany only realized, remembered, that others were with her as the last of Murray's goons stirred and righted himself dislodging a lose stone or two. Black tipped feline ears prickling at the noise, drooped low and threatening as she eased a three hundred pound rock back from where she had begun to pick it up. Stood into a contemptuous slouch with a deep growling sigh before standing to her full height. Just the way they sounded behind her, making no noise, failing to scuttle away like the beaten and disarmed dime-a-half-dozen-thugs they were, told her that they were looking for a rematch. Maybe some fun from a lone woman. Only she was in no mood to play. She turned facing them with a look that said: What do wha—IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT-YOU-WANT!! The thugs by their fearful reaction clearly read and understood this. While Murray…was Murray. Or Otto Rather. "Zo," von Slegenhimer announced with casual triumph striking a dramatic pose, "I oave lost Croft, but gained a furry Valkrie? Zo be it! Come to me mine lepchin, let me…heh, heh, heh…tend your vounds ja?" "And if I don't," Brittany replied with a sneer, "who's going to make me? And, you are aware that your shorts are over your head?!" Major Otto von Slegenhimer ignored this last comment while Murray had been wondering why his toupee was fitting so snugly. Remembered that it had been shot off still dismissing it as he took in the wonderful sight of his economy sized consolation prize for losing the Tomb Raider. Considered not shaving her once he had her fully at his mercy. Not all of her anyway… "If that iz how you vish it Frauline, zo be it." von Slegenhimer said with a pleased chuckle looking away coolly with shorts on his head. Actually, he preferred it this way. This was just like one of the stories he read at night or during an hour long bathroom break when he was an accountant. Ending his melodramatic pause and musings, he went into another pose, challenging as well as commanding, as he ordered, "Go mine men! Tame me zhat wild beast! Break her! (Just remember to save some for me!)" Not for one instant did he think his men would not obey his command no matter that he had ordered them to attack a woman. A woman who was alone. A woman who was no doubt as tired as they. A woman who was just a bit on the furry side of harry. A woman, his men noted above all this, who was seven shapely feet of muscles and claws who had handed half of them their asses in nothing flat. And they had had guns then. But then he was the boss,he had underlings to consider such small details. They did. As ‘Otto’ held his pose waiting for his men to surge past him,the problematic fact that the moment was drawing on entering his mind, Brittany's sneer turned slightly amused as she commented, "Oh, I should have said, ‘You and what army?’ Sorry. My bad." "Vhat?" von Slegenhimer replied as he at last looked behind. Added in stunned, lacking an accent, shock upon sight of his retreating men. "H-Hey! Get back here! Swine…hoods." An actual German among Murray's hired goons, who Brittany now nicknamed Rommel since he obviously had more smarts than his boss, simply looked back long enough to roll his eyes as he helped a buckshot wounded Stumpy limp away. Another merc who had kissed Laura's boot, had a half swelled face to show for evidence, now known as Rambo slinked away in a cowering hunch wanting none of her tall spotted friend. And since Brittany was handing out names as ‘Otto’ bellowed something about, ‘Finding medical and dental coverage in their line of work!’ the werecat casually christened two of the remaining three thugs Lumpy for said lumps on his head and Swiss for the cheesy condition his flack vest was in after she had shredded it. The last however had named himself with the snake tattoo on his arm. Displayed a level of sophisticated intellect as he rebutted the complaints of his and the other mercenaries former employer. Turned fully around to give his staggering philosophical retort. "Dude..." It all said, he rejoined the limping and wounded retreat of his fellows. Major Otto van Slegenhimer was so cross, he began using Yiddish curses he once heard from his immigrant grandfather. A famine, but yet not dainty, cough from behind suddenly got his attention and the man once—still—known as Murray Johnston was reminded of an altercation in a hallway during his youth. A hand where it shouldn't have been followed by one that should from the reaction to the first leaving a reddened cheek. That one along with his other now went pale as he at last fully considered why his men were disobeying him. And from the feel of her huffed, irritated breath as it blew on his boxer covered scalp, even he could tell his ‘prey’ was Right behind him! "Oh no you don't von Bozenhimer!" Brittany growled as she plucked up the short man once more by his now stretched out underwear. Otto made to correct her, but Murray caught the rebuke before it left his mouth. It came out stillborn as a slight peep. The werecheetah for her part, her nose far more sharper than she would have liked at the moment, paused to hold her catch at arm's length. Thanked God—as did Murray not too oddly—that the man's mid-life crisis alterations had not included a leopard thong. "I've seen enough of you nth-rate Doctor Doom wanna-be types to know if I let you outta my sight," she considered aloud knowing she was unwillingly giving him a complement, "you'll just try something else later. Your boys will keep going, but you are gonna stay were I can see you. Once I get my sis and Croft out, you can crawl back into your little crack!" With an inward groan looking to her dangling foe, she really wished that last word had not been there… ****** Ancient architecture always amazed her, Laura Croft thought to herself in wonder as she looked about what had to be the central courtyard of the temple. In a mountain, under hundreds of tons of stone much less ice, and the spacious Spartan clearing shown with the light of full day. Looking to the distant roof of bluish crystal as it caught and brought illumination from somewhere, she could only consider it the ultimate masterpiece of indoor lighting. The surrounding structures that were the temple itself gave little hint to the passage of time. Did show some of the damage from the recent avalanche as well as signs of disuse, but was otherwise intact. An enterprising Realtor could have turned the whole thing into a condo with only a little sweeping she mused with a grin. And if it was anything like past examples, she further concluded, he wouldn't even have to worry about indoor plumbing. Just set up a dish outside, run in the cable and power and find a place for the TV's. Of course there were still the booby traps that the former residents had left behind to contend with, but then the avalanche had tripped most of them. The ones at the front door anyway. Not to mention the location was lousy... As she looked to inscriptions and refilled her canteen from a babbling fountain, she let her mind wonder into further quips and thoughts of research as she often did when exploring. It was something she did when alone that not only kept her sane, but her mind sharp for the odd verbal retorts she had to give out at times. Before she resorted to more speedy, solid and overt means of debate. Never in the habit of talking to herself, she unconsciously surpressed an urge to voice serious conclusions about the find much less her less than serious antidotes. Had an odd feeling she indeed would be doing just that though she was now with a companion. Who, unaware to Croft, would have throttled anyone who used such a term to describe their forced paring. Especially the infamous Tomb Raider herself. If, as her British counterpart, her mind was on setting rather than companionship, Gina Diggers would have been far more enthralled than the other. Might have been inspired to create an improved solar cell after inspecting the reflective and recessed gutters that lined and lit the corridors they had come up to from darkness. Rediscovered ancient secrets of indoor track lighting. At least would have been held In awe at the works of bronzed aged builders who structures still stood where the steel and artificial stone of post industrial man still failed to compare in durability. As it was, she inwardly seethed at the presence of her more well known college. That when this discovery that she herself now ignored came to public light, it would bare Croft's name over her own. If hers showed up at all. By simply moving around a few pebbles and glancing at some young monk's graffiti, Laura Croft would lift the veil from the ancient world telling the modern all it's secrets. Become second only to Einstein as the best known nerd. Even though she came with better packaging Gina found herself admitting with a jealous frown. "At least I won't have to go through my flares," Croft said at last despite herself. Pointed to passages that lead deeper into the temple which glowed with soft light. "I wonder why ours was so dark. That one looks like it goes lower." Gina gave a shrug in lue of an answer. Drank from the fountain after the other was well away. Croft noticed the cold shoulder with a smirk as she tried to decide on which path to follow. Concluded on her own it was more damage by the slide. "This one looks like it leads into the commons. The Library." She said of one portal that was larger and more elaborate that the rest. "But the monks of this region are notoriously paranoid. Would you have any suggestions?" It's obviously laden with traps, Gina thought noting the warning hieroglyphs above the opening. Illiterate barbaric invaders would have missed it in their hurry to pillage. She was midly surprised the Englishwoman wasn't rushing through. Put on a mock grin as she suggested of another, "That one is the same size but they specifically put it out of the way." Croft examined it. Stooped to take a handful of dirt. "You might be right Dr. Diggers. This one looks more used. And recently too." Well aware of their ambush. That she as well as Croft were without weapons, the comment snapped the arrant explorer to full attention. "What?!" she said looking to low level structures for snipers or erupting attackers. Croft managed a full smile as she noted the other's fright. "Relax Gina. There's a trail here, but it's months old. Most likely the hermit's," Croft said as she stood. Tossed dry dirt to the ground. "and from these tracks, he was moving out." "Whatever," Gina dismissed grumpily as she made her own survey of other corridors. "I just don't want to meet anymore of your trigger happy boyfriends." "That should have been all of Murray's goons. And from the earlier encounters I had with him," Croft was paying more attention to Gina's suggested path. Checked for any signs of traps. "He concentrates on the competition. Not the prize." She said not knowing what his true objective had been. "Didn't you say something like that while he was shooting at us? Then your Nazi lover started tossing rockets!" Croft took the comments as double amused blows to her ego. With the second carrying far more weight than the first. "No one's perfect dearheart." She reproached with hands held up defensively. Grinned as she gave a nod to the passage she stood before. "Shall we get going? We can discuss each other's shortcomings after we get out of here." Gina was paying her no visible attention. "Go were you want to, that's your shtick right? Lone wolf?" If Gina was right, if Croft went down that corridor, she'd end up in the temple's monk's quarters. The outskirts at the very least. The path she had found however would take her right to the library. Inwardly cheered at the other's gullibility. "Later." "Gina wait!" Croft called jogging over to the other, "This place is bound to be a maze regardless of what path we take. It's best if we stayed together. And you are going to need my help." I'm going to need YOUR help?!? Gina mentally growled just checking herself. Pshyically gave the other a mild reproachful look. Let out a centering breath with a lame smile. "Yeah, I guess we better," she managed realizing she should keep an eye on the other. Waved her on to take the lead. Croft's grin was far more jovial and honest as she accepted the gesture with a courtesy. Thanks Gina, I just hope we get there quickly." She moved on failing to note Gina's growing dull ire and frustration. All she needed was time alone in the library with certain scrolls, tablets or whatever medium it's information was stored on. Check to see if it was accurate. And then—thought it went against everything she believed—alter certain records of the locations of two certain lost cities that were host to two lost yet still living civilizations. Civilizations the world at large might not take to kindly too if they knew they existed. If she had had a choice, vandalizing history was the last thing she wanted to do. If she had been the first, and only, one here those records would either go safely into her own vault or to the people they endangered. But Croft the well known exploiter had met her at the entrance. The woman held as much reverence for the past as she did life. She'd sooner kill the inhabitancies of Atlantis and El Dorado as sell them off to a zoo. The woman absolutely had no scruples! Yes she had saved Gina's life, the young woman thought darkly, but it obviously had been for her own good. As soon as she came to a trap she couldn't get past without tripping, in Gina would go. Everyone knew Croft did that sort of thing to her guides all the time. She was nothing but a heartless cow who deserved to get back what she had done to others for so long. "Gina!" Croft called testily, "don't dottle there, let's get moving!" A nervous tick that had grown over years of being overlooked and outstaged showing itself, Gina began to follow with a rather dark expression. Wished she had gone with her first impulse and shoved Croft into the trapped corridor. The smile that suddenly yet slowly took her features was frightening in it's honesty. Her choices were getting more and more limited after all. Her opportunities however, were starting to look very good indeed… ****** The limbs of the body were at odd contorted angles. As broken and shattered as the rubble it lay upon. No matter what sights she saw during all her explorations with her older sister, Brittany Diggers considered as her heart beat a mad tempo in her ears, death was a rarity she never wanted to see nor get use to. "I…I don't know what happened…" Gina Diggers droned emotionlessly of the corpse behind her. Shoulders slack, head drooping with eyes hidden in shadow, she looked more the unfortunate's ghost than the specter itself would have in the afterlife. Even with her long blonde loose locks as opposed to the other's ponytailed brown. "She…she just went crazy…" Gina went on as Brittany went past her as if drifting on her shock. The words seemed a horrid calm narration to the scene. "I…I had to do it…" Drawn as if against her will, Brittany lent close to the body of Laura Croft wishing her sister would not talk. She wanted to believe it was an accident, but Gina's words seemed wrong. Practiced and rehearsed for an audience. "You believe me don't you Brittany…" the girl seemed to beg with a delight bubbling in the throat of the act of protection. Of the 'accident' that had claimed her hated rival's life. "Please say that you believe me…" And then she saw them. The bruises about the twisted neck. A contortion of terror on the face as life was slowly, pleasurably, taken. A shade caught in the dead Englishwoman's wide brown eyes. A shade with outstretched hands bent into claws. "I'd…" Gina only went on. Then her tone changed as the shade in Laura's eye gained features. "I'd hate for something to happen to you too…" Brittany turned from the reflection of the shade with flowing blonde locks only to meet the creature itself as it's claws found her throat. Looking into it's stark stare with bleak pinpricks for pupils, she at least tired to assure herself that this insane thing was not going to take as much delight in killing her as it had it's first victim… ****** "NO!!!" Brittany Diggers screamed as she woke. Sat blot upright putting hands to her neck to ward off the assault of her nightmare. Gave a shiver that was not part of the cold of the cavern. Tried to assure her conscious mind that her sister's jealousy of Croft was no were near the level her subconscious had portrayed. She was tired and hungry and wanted to take a break from digging but she didn't mean to doze off. Just rest her eyes for a minute or two, which was now a few hours by her watch. The still weary cat-girl let out a groan as she slid from an alcove that was a little warmer than the cavern. And took her from view of Murray. Unwittingly fulfilling the repressed lecher's desires—just not the way the had intended—she had left him bound against a rock pillar well in view as she went back to clearing the tunnel. Putting on airs only made the task all the more trying. Knowing that a pervert was drooling at her wearing on her already frayed nerves. But she couldn't show weakness just like she couldn't let him go or toss him down the chasm that dominated the cavern and lead down the mountain. So a break to the sandbox had turned into a catnap. If she was lucky, he'd be well asleep himself and she could dig with some piece of mind at least. And in a way she was very lucky indeed and didn't have to worry about the pseudo-Queens Nazi from ogling at her. Murray was gone… Taking pains to rip up his thick coat before him and use the scraps to tie him up with, it had never occurred to her that the mousy man could get free. Only he had. But since she had not woken to have the tables turned, to be at the mercy of the little rat, Brittany also concluded that she was safe. After all, he was nothing without his men and she had thrashed them well and good. Even if he chased them down the mountain and gave them an inspiring peep talk—complete with a lot of zeros—and they charged back up with whatever they could scrape up for weapons, she'd still kick all their butts. Of course she wasn't a hundred percent right now. Would be even less if she went back to digging. But waiting for an ambush if and when it came would be just as exhausting. The image of a demon phantom Gina choking the life out of Laura Croft, a new friend who did not deserve such a fate, past before her eyes. Brittany blinked and shook it from her head. More than likely, it would be Laura standing over her sister's body looking to Brittany with true remorse. That or her hysteric and insane sibling writhing in better knots than her own as the British explorer suffered bewilderment. And besides, pure and simple, Gina wasn't a killer. No matter what, Brittany thought calming herself in that regard at least, her sister would never actively hurt another living being. She'd might think about it sure, but she'd never do it. Not that this said trust had kept the werecat from losing the key's to her blind aiming sister's armory. Brittany sat on a bolder with her face buried in her hands. It was exhaustion making her think like that. Hunger. She couldn't risk getting more sleep, but she was sure she had enough energy left to get down the mountain and to her sister's third self-named Ginamobile for spare supplies. Maybe even use the car's communicator to order some pizza from Shangri-La. The hidden paradise/library was a good distance away but was still apart of the Himalayan range. It's chef librarian, a former boyfriend of her sister's, had given Gina the secrets of lightgate teleportation. They could have a super-duper tuna and anchovy with extra mozzarella to her in no time. That would more than recharge her batteries to finish digging and rescue her sister and Croft. For a second or two, hope showed on her raised face as she licked her lips at the idea of food. For the remainder of the minute it was blank as communicators, Shangri-La and working lightgates actually made the first item take a back seat. Easy, available aid that she could have called on hours ago managed to latch on to the train of thought as eating as others did the work became a caboose. "DO'H!!!" she chirped with a grimace. Slapped her forehead. While not the brightest of the three Diggers sisters, she was far from being a dummy. Or had thought she was. It was all the stupid tension and worry. The running around and dealing with Murray. Inwardly, she had been just as tightly wound as Gina. After globe-hopping, the long climb and the attack, a nap had been just what she needed. That and meeting Croft, realizing that she wasn't the opportunistic, amoral crazed gunwoman her sister saw her as. "Okay girl," a centered Brittany told herself, "now that we've got that figured out, let's get on the horn to Kahn and get a rescue party up here. Shangri-La has to know more about this place than…" Brittany suffered another revelation. One away from the frenzy of trying to find one library as she remembered another. Her new dumbfounded expression was far more pronounced than the first. "Well," she admitted to herself dully of another's blunder. One she would remind her sister of again and again in the months to come, "at least I'm not mom and dad's dumbest kid anymore." That fact wouldn't do Gina or Laura any good as they broke out in a catfight or a just plain bloody rowel in a snow pocket or some room of the temple. Brittany had at least caught some of their scent in the packed snow which only fueled her belief that the avalanche had not killed them at least. Just get down the mountain and to the car she told herself and get in contact with Shangri-La. They probably had a portal to the place for crying out loud! Brittany stood to flex and work kinks out as this new awareness gripped her. Murray and his goons might have regrouped and could still be a problem to contend with, but no way would his small band of thugs be expecting to meet any competition coming down. And her senses could not only detect which paths they took, making her egress all the more easy, but would warn her if the mercenaries were coming. Now if only Laura and her sister did their part and stayed alive. The first indication that at least some of her conclusions were in error, that Murray would not fail to return, came to Brittany's feline nose with as rank organic stench drifted up from the chasm. Of course he would come back, he was trying to be a villain. A second rate perverse villain, but a villain nonetheless. Only the odd smell caught her at a loss. As did a slight vibration she felt from the floor. That Laura Croft was not a blatant murderess had been evident in her act of saving her attackers. Though her guns had been all but empty before encountering Murray and his ambush. Of course she had spent the bullets on someone, just as Murray had hired more goons. In murky light, looking over the side with natural eyes better than many night-vision goggles, Brittany could make out shapes moving farther down below on the opposite side of the chasm and the spiraling path. They were casual in their approach. Did not yet suspect an enemy had caught sight, much less scent of them. Smelling old blood from tended wounds the werecat suspected Croft had at least whittled many from their original number. At least two or three of the ones she had bounced around were among the now twelve. They had found more guns and by the looks of their faces in their electric torch light, they wanted payback and were going to get it. Brittany tried to put some confidence in an anticipating smirk. Lost it as a bestial hiss rose from the true darkness of the cavern. A limb, massive long and black, reached up to cling to a sloped craggy wall. Was eventually joined by several others that tethered and pulled a massive hour-glass like shape at their center. Murray rode it's back like a king as his men lead the advance. "Eep…" Brittany managed as her flesh crawled under her yellow, white and black spotted pelt. It wasn't that she was frightened by the odds she now faced. Though this was a cause of great concern. Nor was it terrified worry that after taking a sever beating from his goons, that she would be turned into Murray's love-slave—not that she wouldn't jump and accept the pain of the fall if the latter was an even remote possibility. No, the cause of her fear was something even worse than her nightmare of Gina turning into the bastard child of Jason Vorhese. Something wholly unexpected. And spiders just scared the Willie's out of the girl. Especially the monstrous, giant black harry kind… ****** Laura Croft hated ancient architects. Sure, they designed the structures others had built to withstand the ages. Looked awe inspiring covered in growth in some muggy jungle or gathering mold and dust in some underground tunnel complex in a remote corner of the world. But then that was part of the problem wasn't it? The smug ripe bastards didn't layout places for easy living or access in mind. Oh no she thought huffingly as she pulled at her umpteenth bloody lever hanging inverted on the ceiling. They built to really piss off the people who in the ages to come would come and explore them! "That's got it!" she announced in triumph as a stone slab swung open revealing a passageway. Thousands of years old, and the mechanism functioned perfectly. More proof that the planners made sure either young monks got a good workout, or future archeologist would earn the secrets they found. She had had to climb twenty feet, jump to five ledges then shimmy along a light gutter before she reached handholds set in the ceiling. Seeing an easier return, the nimble and lathe explorer swing to an angular rock crop and used it's slick surface as a slide to the floor. Mountaineering boots causing a halted decent, she stood after landing patting off the dirt her firm rump had collected. "Yes I know," she said with a cheeky grin to Gina Diggers, "if I had a shilling for every shoe slide I'm suppose to land semi-gracefully from..." No sedate snap. No insult inserted. The other young woman just gave her a look, the same irritating look she always gave when Laura tried to start a conversation, then walked over to the opening. Stopped short of entering. "(Most impressive Croft. Well done Croft.)" Laura whispered hissingly to herself on behalf of her ‘companion’. "(Mind seeing if there's a pit of vipers or impaling spikes in the next room Croft?)" to which she answered, "(Why no Gina, I'd love to.)" Went past in not quite a stomp forcing herself to pay attention to any possible danger before her adding in correction, "(What? We're not on a first name basis? I'm terribly sorry. Yes I quite agree, I'm such a stupid ninny!)" The hopeful straight path had lead to proof that even in the past they cut corners on building materials. Cave-ins lead to some wondering and for hours Laura found herself doing most of the work while Diggers stood and watched giving grunting commentary. If Croft was even that lucky. The room, chamber, beyond was dimmer than the first lighted area. Others dark and truly gloomy showing that the lighting system was in disrepair and supplied from other sources than the courtyard. This one, which had a sloped channel ten feet deep, had a dusk atmosphere to it. A rope suspension bridge was set along it's width and lead to a dark opening set in the opposite wall. By the cemented crust and lime that trapped a small stream in the center of the channel Croft judged it to be part of the temple's waste system. There was no real smell. Downstream lead out, but would most likely end in a cliff and a passage she really didn't want to go through even if it was worth it. Up had to be a floodgate and of little use. Across the bridge lay the other end of the temple. Living rock and very elaborate traps no doubt. But it was what they were looking for. At least that was her conclusion. Before the condition of the bridge could be determined however, to Laura's surprise Gina was doing this, a growl from the channel got the attention of both. A blur leapt before the blonde and began to bark with bared teeth. The girl showed fear naturally but was wise enough not to run. The only thing going through her head; that this was it. Croft was going to make a run for it and leave her for monster chow! "Easy fella," the coward in question softly urged slipping between Gina and the creature in a careful duckwalk. "That's a nice fella," Reached into her backpack. Carefully tore open a produced food packet. Broke off a piece offering it to the animal. "Laura's got treats for good little dogs. And you're a good little dog aren't you?" The now identified medium sized brown dog sniffed at the offered chunk of brown foodstuff and her hand before taking it into it's jaw to chew. Was looking to Croft with ears up as she held out another. Took it with more soothing urging. It's tail began to wag as the adventuress gave it a tender scratch behind an ear. It licked and bit happily at the rest of the nutrition bar. "My, you are a friendly one aren't you," she jibed rubbing at it's jaw once it was done eating. Which it replied to by licking the women's face while Gina stood behind her stunned. Croft replied taking it's head in both hands in a rubbing frenzy adding, "Who's a good dog then? Who's the good dog!" "uh…" Diggers managed after a time as her rival turned a beast that was going to rip out the other's throat into a pet, "uh…aren't you going to shot it or something? um…break it's neck?!" The dog was on it's back with legs lazily sticking up as Croft patted it's tummy. It had defiantly fallen in love. She looked to the other woman with a hurt expression. "Why would I do something as horrible as that?! He's only protecting his home." then once more addressed the now placid animal with, "Weren't you? Yes you were!" Which Gina refused to accept this. Inched forward to lean over Croft perplexed. "But you…you…" to which the other let out a breath that made the dog look up. Tired of the long, silent treatment, the other felt a sudden wave of irritation at Gina's reproachful and timid tone. "Yes. I'm suppose to come across rare and endangered animals such as lions, gorillas and tigers and blow then away. Forget the minor fact that they are in places that can't possibly support them and wouldn't bother you unless you bothered them. I also pump two or three slugs from each of my trusty firearms into blood thirsty crows, snakes and spiders. Not that a good boot stomp would do just as much damage…except for the crow of course." "But how did you know this dog wouldn't attack?" Diggers asked with both her and the dog exchanging glances. Croft's petting made it look away. "I didn't, but he was in a strict threat posture. As long as you didn't do anything stupid or he was the only one, he wouldn't have come right at you." The dog, seemingly realizing the passage, the way to the temple, was clear, bolted first to all fours, then leapt into a run. Paused to turn and give a questioning yelp before running out. Laura stood with an expression of amused hurt. "That's most of my dates right there. A little heavy petting and then out the door. At least he thanked me." "Where's he going?" Diggers managed. Croft gave the shy and timid girl she saw a reassuring look. "Off to find his master and tell him about us. It's not often an intruder gives belly rubs but loyalty does have it's place. We better get going." "What a minute," Gina urged shaking her head in disbelief of many things, "You said there was no one else here. And why are we going this way? It's no were near the library!" "Doubtless he belongs to our late, lamented and mouthy hermit. Either was trapped or put here or some reason. Looked in good enough condition considering how long he's been here…" Once more mystified at how crotchety old men could easily work levers she herself had to perform minor gymnastic feats to get to, Croft found herself ill prepared to have her college back away from her. More than just worried concern showing on her face. "But…" Gina asked once more with a tremble. Chided herself for acting like a sheep all this time. A lamb lead to slaughter. "But why are we here? Away from the library?" Didn't bother to wait for an answer as she pulled out her gun. Croft was more than a little surprised. "G-Gina?!" "Don't move!!" the blonde ordered as the other took a step. Took a more ridged stance with both hands holding her weapon. Gave a grin. "You honestly think I'm stupid?!" "With ten times my academic credentials?" the other said making a gesture of putting up her hands, "Hardly." "Damn straight!" "That is," Croft added as she saw that Gina had managed to hold onto her grapple gun, "till now of course. Gina," she added noting the suction cup was aimed at her chest, "unless you're planning something kinky, I suggest you put that thing away. And even if you are, for one thing this is hardly the time and place for it. For another: contrary to what The Sun says, My bread isn't buttered on that side." "What does toast have to do with anything? And that's Doctor Diggers to you, you…you grave robber!" Right, Croft thought with a raised eyebrow, that's it! "Hear now, there's no need for name calling! Thank you very much…Miss Gold Digger!" "Tomb Raider!" "Stereotypical blond! (If you really are!)" "Augmented British tart with extensions!" "Silicone injected American!" Gina Diggers paused to physically level her aim before verbally firing off, "Cold blooded murder…" to which Croft reacted as if truly shot. "It's true isn't it?" Gina went as the other reeled. "Everyone who's ever gone against you. Has ever been with you, has died. And now you want to kill me!" Croft's expression was truly wounded. "The only time I've killed is in self defense." she answered in a hush. "And the last thing on my mind was hurting you or anyone." Gina was unconvinced and inching towards the opening they had come from. "Oh, is that why you've been leading me here? We share in the risks till I just happen to break my neck, skewered or feed to the old man's pets?! Then I get turned into the next villain in your game series!? Probably make me into some psycho lesbian while you sell off everything here!" "At least you're half way there." A deflated Croft dully retorted with eyes cast down. Paid no attention to Gina as she hugged herself. Took in a breath. Let it out. "So, that's what you think of me…I’m just some murdering bitch in it for the money? I'm probably nothing more than Wile E. Coyote with breasts. Heh…I should have seen it. I should have known. All this time at the ceremonies, I just thought you didn't see me waving to you. You were never around after I accepted and I told myself something other than the obvious fact…I am such an idiot…" Taken aback but still fearing an attack, Diggers relaxed her stance almost to the door as Croft took a deep inhale. Drew in strength. "Right!" she said loudly expelling the breath, "Now that that's out, can we go now? As you've well pointed out, clever girl that you are, I have a habit of losing colleges. I'd hate to lose their sisters as well." she made to cross the bridge. "Ho-Hold it! Where do you think you're going?! What are you talking about!?" Laura Croft turned around with a prim smile on her lips. Talked as if addressing a simpleton. "Why Mario, I'm going to go rescue the Toadstool Princess of course!" "Huh?!" "Oh, I'm terribly sorry," Croft corrected herself with a dismissive wave, "wrong game. But you know the girl. Tall. Athletic. Can get away with wearing fur the only way animal rights activist won't complain about? I think she's an adopted relation to you or some such. Lucky her…" "What…who are you talking about!? Brittany?!" "Ooo…we are the genius of the family aren't we? And if you recall, she was last seen trapped in an avalanche with a dwarf and six other mental midgets who would just like that kind of set up." "But she can take care of herself…" Gina heard herself say with little confidence. "Well, six to one odds not including a falling mountain? I guess you would know better than me, she's suppose to be your sister and all. Still, if you don't mind your moral majesty, I'd like to see for myself. Even if she is okay, she's probably sick with worry. You being trapped with a murderess and all…" "But you're…" Gina began as a notion came to her. Laura filled the silence as her ‘victim’ at last lowered her gun. "…going the wrong way? Oh! How stupid of me! Or the monks rather. Making only one way into their temple. You'd think that if they could figure out the secrets of the universe, they'd be smart enough to put a secret backdoor in somewhere. Use it only in an emergency and make so it can only gotten to from one side. Say…the back of their temple in the service areas. Even the last of their number would have forgotten about it." Clapped her hands to together in mock awe. "Why Doctor Diggers! What a brilliant observation! I wish I had thought of it, but I was just so busy trying to stab you in the back and steal all the credit, that it just went over my scheming limey head! I wouldn't even think about seeing to your sister who right now could be dead for all we know. Or worse. But things like that wouldn't bother me now would it?! I'm a heartless murdering real life bitch accurately portrayed by a bloody video game character!!" After a huffing pause in which Gina could not meet her stare, Laura Croft turned and crossed the bridge. The shamed blond held her grapple gun to her chest for comfort. "A…Doctor Croft…" Gina managed humbly as the other was two thirds across. Croft didn't even bother to turn. "Sod off…" "La…Laura…" "I SAID SOD OFF!!!" Croft barked giving the other one last glance. "You know, right now I am very tempted to live up to your expectations of me." Croft growled. Added with a snort, "Goodbye doctor Diggers, please enjoy your find…You're more than welcomed to it!" And she was gone. Feeling microscopic, Gina Diggers just stood there looking to the dirt replaying every thought and conclusion she had ever had about her better known college. Reconsidered that all she really knew about her, really knew about her, was gleamed by a four by four inch pamphlet that told you more about how to make a character run, jump and die over and over and over again. Before her sisters copy of the game broke ‘accidentally’. Something on the ground caught the girl's attention and she picked it up having a remote idea it did not belong there. And while the folded piece of yellowed paper did indeed look old, she highly doubted the ancient monks would have used modern day newsprint to inscribe their records. Thought the fragile looking wax paper it was sandwiched between would have confused a lesser archeologist. Unfolding it however made her try and deign it's probable origin as she accepted the information it contained. Her reaction was mixed: her stunned face going pale with shock, then gaining a blush. She refused to believe it. A growl from the returning dog awoke her from a stunning revelation. It looked to her with it's head lowered from a safe distance, then came closer seeking the one this other intruder was with. At Gina's side however it sat on it's hindquarters taking a more friendly posture. Wagged it's tail more as she knelt to pat it's head. Her own face a frown. Gun with no real offensive ability on the ground, she let the dog sniff the paper and confirm her own suspicions with it's hopeful whine. Looked to it, then the bridge and the passage beyond before holding up her chin and offering the mutt her throat. "Right here friend, just bite down right here. Do me a favor." The dog licked her cheek instead. Then showed it's belly for patting as it wiggled in the dirt. Gina complied absently. "Lets hope some of us can make a better second impression just as easily…" To be concluded...