Eric Adams Presents Insignificant Part III - Redemption Ukyou Kuonji ran as fast she could through the crowded streets of downtown Tokyo. Her heart pounding, she looked behind her to make sure that Ryouga had not followed. As far as she could tell he was not behind her, but she continued running to make sure. When she was far enough away she stopped and caught her breath. She had run far enough to allow Ryouga's sense of direction to lead him astray. She sat down on the bench at a nearby bus stop and blinked furiously, fighting back the tears that she felt threatening to overwhelm her. She cursed herself for being stupid enough to have been caught in such a situation and her inability to regain control. The man, whoever he was, should never have been able to manhandle her so easily. She had ten years of martial arts training at her disposal. She had fought Shampoo to a standstill and had once stood her ground against Ryouga. She was not a weakling. But in that single moment of need and fear her training had failed her. She understood and accepted failure. It was expected and had often been delivered. If there was a constant in her life that she could rely on without question it was her sense of failure. It was the only thing she accepted from herself. She flinched as a stranger sat down next to her and smiled in her direction, before pulling out a newspaper. Ukyou pulled her knees up to her chin and sat trying to fight back her tears. What made matter worse was that Ryouga had saved her. He would be sure to tell someone else and it would only be a matter of time before Ranma found out what has been happening and try to intervene. Suddenly, a window opened in her mind. If Ranma felt it was necessary to protect her he may just allow himself to fall in love with her. It happened in the movies and it could happen to her. Instantly, another part of her mind shut the thought down, she had been living in his shadow far too long. She had to take a stand against him and not let him control her life or make her decisions any longer. She needed to regain a measure of control over her own destiny. She wiped at the tears in her eyes, a dull anger slowly replacing her despair. All of her life she had let him have control. Decisions that should have been hers to make were robbed from her at an early age. In another life she may never have met him or even fallen in love with him. In another better life. As the dull anger slowly filled her she realized she wanted Ranma to come, she had to face him and let him know that he no longer had control of her life. Ryouga Hibiki wandered the streets of Tokyo trying to find the Tendo Dojo. It was late but there were still people on the street that he could ask for directions. Koji's revelations about Ukyou swam in his head. The story Koji spun about her had seemed far-fetched but the look in her eyes when she saw Ryouga in part confirmed Koji's story. Also Koji's two friends had related the same tale. Ryouga was unsure of how to proceed. He did not really consider Ukyou that close a friend but he could not deny that she was an acquaintance and that it was possible that she needed help. However, he had no idea how to help her. He hardly knew her. He thought that Ranma and Akane might be able and more willing to help. As usual finding the Tendo Dojo proved a daunting task but by morning he stood at the front gates. For a second, he considered jumping over and attacking Ranma, just for old time's sake but considering the weight of the news he carried he opted for knocking at the door. Ukyou had a lot to prepare before Ranma appeared. She gave him no more than a day. Ryouga could be very persistent when he had his mind set on a goal. She considered that he had reached the Tendo's by this morning and Ranma would be on his way by the afternoon. That was considering that Ryouga had gone to Ranma. Her coming confrontation relied that Ryouga would act the way she expected him to. Ukyou contacted Nabiki and told her of her plan and Nabiki agreed to do what she could but demanded nearly double her usual fee for the secrecy that Ukyou insisted on. Ukyou had done her best to bargain but Nabiki would not budge. "You're asking me to withhold information from my brother-in-law." Nabiki had argued. In the end Ukyou ended up paying the outrageous fee because she knew Nabiki would be true to her word and get her what she needed. She had used Nabiki as a consultant before on various contracts and business dealings and understood that Nabiki was amongst the best and well worth the money. She opened up the restaurant in the morning. Hurriedly serving patrons and shooing them out as soon as they were done eating. She charged only half price for her okonomiyaki and the word quickly spread. That morning she did more business then she had done in the past month. Amazingly, Ukyou was in good spirits. She smiled at her customers and her eyes shone with life and spirit. Occasionally, she glanced at the mirror she had hung up just to confirm she still existed. She was looking forward to the coming confrontation. Around noon she closed down the restaurant, kicking the last of the patrons out. She waited downstairs, at the grill, her head in her hands, a wide grin on her face and her eyes focused on the door before her. The quiet sounds of Nerima and the restaurant filled her with unease and she went upstairs to contemplate herself on her bed. Lying on her bed she stared at the mirror above her and tried to assuage her fears. She worried that Ranma would not come. She needed this confrontation, she needed to face Ranma one last time. She had convinced herself that a confrontation with Ranma would allow her to heal. A part of her chided that he would not come, that she was that unimportant to him, that same part also whispered that she was wrong, she did not need to face Ranma or seek his approval. The choice was up to her and all she had to do was make it. She refused to listen, her dull anger and calm surety were in control and she believed that her history of failure would end this afternoon. As she stared at herself in the mirror she lost track of time. She practiced her smile, alternatively switching between letting the smile shine in her eyes and letting her eyes remain empty and dispassionate. Under this close of study she could understand how both could be appealing. When she let the smile shine in her eyes she was pretty and even beautiful. With her eyes empty and dark she was more sexually appealing, an easy toy to be molded and controlled. By four o'clock she began to feel impatient and practiced what she wanted to say to Ranma. She went over the words in her mind and refined them to a cutting edge. She imagined his reactions to her anger and then formed her responses. Within two hours she had the whole conversation mapped out. By six o'clock she began to despair of him arriving. She decided that if he failed to show tonight she would go out on the town and let as many who wanted have her. Maybe if enough men fucked her Ranma might take her seriously. Inwardly she cringed at the thought, but her body began to feel hot at the thought of sex and she ached to masturbate. The thought of Ranma arriving in the middle of the act held her back. By seven o'clock she decided to move to the mirror at her dresser. She stared closely at herself and debated putting make up on. She decided against it, since Ranma had commented that her beauty was natural. She wanted him to see her as he found her most desirable. Finally, she decided that she would remove her split ends and proceeded to pluck each one out, strand by strand. By eight o'clock her despair threatened to overwhelm her, her head ached was covered in blood. anger and grief took a hold of her and she shattered every mirror in her room except for the one over her bed. She cut her hands several times on the broken shards and the pain was almost unbearable. Biting back screams of frustration, she glanced at the hundreds of shards around her and saw the teary eyed, bleeding visage of the person she had grown to hate. Unable to control her tears any longer she collapsed to her knees, shut her eyes and let out a wracking sob. Downstairs, unheard there was a tentative knock on the door. The sun was setting and it cast long shadows across Nerima. In Ukyou's room the sun fell low enough in the horizon to allow itself to shine onto the scattered shards on the floor and the broken frames. Instantly, the mirrors flared with white light and for a second the whole room erupted in brilliance. Caught in the middle of the conflagration Ukyou was nearly blinded. She screamed and threw her hands up to her eyes. Trying to blot out the bright light before it seared her eyes. Her attempts were futile and the light too bright. As quickly as it happened, the light blinked out. The sun dipped further towards the horizon. Within a moment the light faded and Ukyou's room was shrouded in shadows. Blinking furiously to regain her eyesight, Ukyou stood up and staggered into the hallway, where she heard the soft knocking downstairs. Half blinded, her hair strewn haphazardly about her head, bleeding from cuts on her hands and knees, Ukyou went downstairs to face Ranma. She opened the door slowly, no longer sure of what she wanted to say. Ranma stood there and behind him; Akane. She had not anticipated Akane's presence and it made her feel uneasy. Silently, she stood aside and let the two into her darkened restaurant. The two entered the restaurant without a word, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light. The only light was from the stairwell and Ukyou stood with her back to it. "Ranma," she said simply. Her heart pounded in her chest, she was suddenly ashamed of the way she looked and she wanted to hide before he noticed. "Ucchan-" he began but she cut him off. "Call me Ukyou," she said harshly and turned and walked to stand behind her grill. In front of her all she could make out was a purple blur and the pain in her knees and arms was becoming unbearable. Ranma walked up to the counter and sat down on a chair, Akane stood behind him. "Ukyou," he began again, "I talked to Ryouga today." "Did you?" Ukyou tried to see past the blur in front of her. "And what did he have to say?" Silence filled the room and no one spoke, Ukyou tried to focus her eyes. The harder she blinked the clearer the images before her seemed to grow. As her eyes began to grow accustomed to the light she noticed that Akane was moving along the wall in search of a light switch. She barely had time to react before the soft white light of the restaurant fluorescent's sprang to life. Akane gasped when she saw Ukyou; blood on her face, cuts on her hands, and her eyes tear stained. "Ukyou, what's happened to you?" she asked. "God, Ukyou are you okay." Ranma sprung over the counter and noticed the cuts on her knees as well. "We have to get you to a hospital or something." "No." Ukyou flinched away from his touch, "No don't you touch me. Don't you ever touch me." Her eyes flared with anger and she jumped away from him causing the pain in her knees to erupt. She caught herself on the counter but nearly collapsed anyway. "But Ukyou, you're hurt." He stepped closer and she flinched backwards. Fearing that she may do something more to hurt herself he stepped back again. "This," she gestured to herself, "is nothing, nothing compared to what you've done to me." She took a step towards him. "Nothing compared to how I feel inside or how I hurt. You promised me, you promised to take care of me always. "Is this how you keep your promises?" Her hand reached out and grabbed him by his shirt, driving some of the shards deeper into her skin. "I should kill you. I want to kill you; I want you to feel how I feel. I want you to feel dead." Before he could move or react she had one of her mini spatulas by his throat. "You gave me hope and then you robbed me of my dreams." She liked the look of fear in his eyes and she smiled wickedly, "You ruined my childhood, you made me fall in love with you and then you left me. I was there for you when you needed me, I stood by you when you needed a friend and you left me." Her eyes flashed with anger and she drove her spatula deeper, breaking his skin and causing blood to start seeping out. Akane grabbed gently on to Ukyou's hand, "Please stop." She appealed, though she held Ukyou's hand she did not place any pressure to make her move it away. Ukyou looked up at Akane and her pleading eyes, and saw the fear in them and then Ukyou's eyes snapped back to focus on Ranma. There was uncertainty in his eyes but no fear and no remorse. Ukyou could feel the world collapsing around her and the precipice she was on was slight and crumbling already. She was alone and helpless with no one to rely on but herself. The sudden realization dawned on her; she had always been alone. When she was young she had been forced to rely on herself and she had stood alone, with no help from anyone. She had strengths that she had never even considered. In an instant her world changed. She gave one more angry snarl and released her hold on Ranma, "Go," she whispered softly. "Ukyou," Ranma started towards her, but Akane grabbed his arm and started to pull him out of the restaurant. Ukyou stepped closer to Akane and was ashamed to see her flinch. "You take good care of him, because if you don't then I will" she whispered in Akane's ear. "He came here because he was worried about you," Akane replied with resentment and anger in her voice. "I know, but it doesn't help the pain." Ukyou paused the continued, "But for what it's worth, thank you." Akane nodded sharply and then she and Ranma were gone. Ukyou's joints ached in pain and she climbed the stairs and sat down in her bathtub and began the painful task of removing the shards of glass from her skin. Over the next week Ukyou began the thankless job of cleaning up the restaurant. Everyday she had sales and sold her Okonomiyaki for half price. Word had spread quickly that Ucchan's was going out of business and everyone was rushing in to take advantage of the sale. Ukyou stayed open primarily during the lunch hours. As promised Nabiki had gotten her a more then fair offer from a potential buyer and Ukyou anxious to sell had quickly accepted. Throughout the day Ukyou left the door to her restaurant open and often spent many hours sitting on the porch step waiting and scanning the passing crowds for a familiar face. She -- Ukyou stopped and pursed her lips. She tapped her pencil thoughtfully on the tab of paper before her. Beside her was a small stack of her writings; her story. She glanced out the door when she thought she heard someone approaching but a couple passed by instead of who she was waiting for. Sighing, she stood up and stretched, writing was hard for her, she had never tried so hard to put her feelings down in words much less write them out in story fashion. It had proved to be a cathartic and exhausting experience. Her hands and knees were wrapped in gauze and when she had first picked up the pencil two weeks ago it had hurt to hold it. The lights in the restaurant were low, and her eyes hurt from the strain of writing. She ran her fingers through her hair again and marveled at how much softer it felt short. A week ago she had gone to the stylist and asked to have her cut to her shoulders. The stylist had done an excellent job and the short bob haircut she now sported looked rather appealing. At least she thought so but she had not sought anyone else's opinion. She sat back down at the table, wincing slightly at the pain in her knees, and picked up her pencil. She had tonight to finish the story because tomorrow she would be leaving and putting Nerima and all its heartache, hopefully, behind her. -- she -- I decided to leave Nerima for a variety of reasons. That it hurt to stay here though was my primary reason. It was not an easy decision I came to, a part of me did not truly want to leave. I still wanted to believe in Ranma's love. But when I had held him in my grasp I had come to a certain realization. The choices that I had so long blamed on others had ultimately belonged to me. I had let Ranma make those choices for me and I hated him for it when the blame rested solely on me. I choose the easy path for so long allowing others to make my choices instead of facing the more difficult ones on my own. I hid behind my anger and my hatred first and then I hid behind my love rather then face the consequences of how I had decided to live my life. I lost someone throughout all this though. Someone who might have helped me hold my head high, someone who might have allowed me to see reason, if I had let her. I had grown to hate that person and turned my back without giving her a chance. I don't know where I lost myself, but I think it may have been almost ten years ago. Right now I need to accept myself and I need to find out who I am. If I can accept these things, if I can someday wake up and look at myself in the mirror without hating myself, then maybe I can learn to love someone else. Ukyou put down the pen. It wasn't a good ending but it was an ending nevertheless. It was an ending she could accept and one rife with possibility. Outside she heard the sounds of the night and relaxed. It was an ending she could live with. Leaning back in her chair she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face. The next morning she cleaned out the last of her personal belongings. Nabiki had found her a decent storage location for the items that were to big for her to carry. She would contact Nabiki and have her deliver those items when she knew where she would settle down. That morning, she had handed over the keys to the new owner, who had a crazy idea of selling Mexican food. Carrying only a slight backpack she had walked towards the park. She had been waiting a month and Ryouga still had not shown up, but she would give him till the end of the day before she went on. She ate the meal she had prepared for lunch silently. Listening to the birds and the sounds of summer. In the distance she thought she saw someone walking along a fence but she did not have the courage yet to find out if it was who she thought it was. Quietly, she finished her meal and started packing up her belongings. Looking up suddenly, she noticed Ryouga standing across the park staring at her. Holding her breath, she waved him over. He approached tentatively. When he was close she took his hand. "Ryouga," she began, "thanks." She stood on her toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. His nose spurted blood and he promptly fainted. "Now there's a reaction I've never had happen." She smiled down at his prostate form, "must be my hair." She knelt down beside him, wincing at the pain in her knees, and waited for him to come to. Within a few minutes his eyes fluttered open and he looked up at her shock on his face. "Ukyou," he started, "what happened to your hair." "I got it cut silly," she smiled and fluffed the back of it with her hand, "Do you like it?" Ryouga nodded, "It makes you look pretty." She blushed and turned away. Reaching into her bag she produced another sandwich that she had made just for this occasion. "I thought you might be hungry." She said as she handed it to him. "Anyway, thanks." He took it from her, "For what?" "For saving me you idiot." She sighed, her heart racing and her thoughts in turmoil. She was excited that fate had brought the two of them together on the day she would be leaving Nerima behind. "Oh, well it was my duty -" "Just shut up and say you're welcome." She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. "You're welcome." He replied simply and tore into his sandwich. She sat silently by his side her eyes focused on the horizon. She took a deep breath. "Ryouga, do you ever get lonely on your trips?" "Sometimes, but its amazing what you can see out there." Ryouga gestured with his arm indicating the horizon. "I get to sight see a lot, I've been places that so many people here never get to see. I've seen the Great Lakes, and the Lover Volcanoes in Mexico. I've taken a ride in the canals of Venice and walked up the Loire Valley in France. Sometimes I get lonely and sometimes hate consumes me, but truthfully, sometimes I would never give it up. "Besides it makes it worthwhile when you run into friends." This was a side of Ryouga that Ukyou had never noticed before, she had never considered that he might have appreciation for the things he had witnessed. "So have you given up your vendetta against Ranma?" He looked at her curiously, "Yeah, well, after he married Akane, it seemed kinda pointless. I mean I always screamed about her well being and stuff, but she did chose him and if I respect her at all then I should accept her choices." Ukyou kept her question about how P-Chan fit into his curious notion of respect silent. "But yeah, I've stopped hating Ranma, you can only hate for so long I suppose." He stopped and took another bite of his sandwich. "Ryouga? Maybe, if you get lonely and stuff, maybe you and me we could -" Ukyou struggled with the words she was about to say next. She had considered this for a while. She wanted to ask him if she could go with him. She didn't think he would turn her away and she didn't particularly want to be alone. She looked at him eating his sandwich and staring at the horizon. She ached to fall in love with him. She opened her mouth to speak again and then thought better of it. It was an easy trap to fall into, she could replace her ache for Ranma with Ryouga. But she realized he deserved better and more importantly she deserved honesty to herself. Sighing she started again, "Maybe we can get together sometime." There was always hope and Ryouga was a very nice guy. If fate had intended them to be together there would be future chances, right now she just needed understanding. He swallowed hard and looked at her, "Do you mean like a date or something?" She smiled, "I don't know what I meant. Let's find out if we ever actually see each other again." "Won't you be here in Nerima?" he asked. "Actually," Ukyou stood up, "I'm leaving today." "Where you heading?" "That's the funny thing, up until last night I didn't really have a plan." It was a small white lie but no sense in revealing her original plan to him. "I had a dream with Shampoo in it, I mean I had one before but this one kinda stood out. She told me to come to China and gave me directions where to meet her." "It seems odd to be chasing a dream. I myself might crash tonight at the Tendo's or -" a pained look crossed his face, "Is it the Saotome Dojo now?" Ukyou shrugged, "Don't know sugar, I haven't talked to Ranma in a month and that wasn't a pleasant conversation." She hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders. "Anyway, some dreams are kinda vivid. Besides I kind of miss that purple hair bimbo. "Maybe I'll see you around." She gave Ryouga a quick hug. She smiled when he tensed up and was afraid he might pass out. Ryouga quickly regained some of his composure, "Yeah maybe some place we'll meet up or something." She smiled at him, letting it reach her eyes. "Yeah, maybe." She took his hand, smiled into his eyes then turned around and went to face her future.-- "I always hated stories that ended poorly. I always felt cheated. But you can't feel cheated forever. And then she woke up...I suppose there are worse endings." --Rose Walker, Lost Hearts