Legal Disclaimer : All characters portrayed in this serious LEMON story are property of SNK. All rights reserved…period. Anyone under the age of 18 is not SUPPOSED to read this, but how the hell can anyone stop you if not yourself? Enjoy this LEMON, be you SNK employee or not. You have my permission to post this story provided : you tell me that you are doing so, you give me credit, and that you leave the credits intact. Have fun… Author's notes: **** indicates a change in perspective "*…*" is thought, not spoken Beauty is as Fleeting as a Rose Lost, in a snow filled sky We'll make it all right, to come undone Now we'll try to stay blind To the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry… "Come Undone", written by and copyright of Duran Duran Three warriors…chosen for bravery, honor, skill, and power…managed to fight their way far enough to face Amakusa Shiro. A battle that would once again decide the fate of Japan, France, and possibly, the world. It is times like these that bring the best of what represents goodness and purity together. When the face of evil rises, good appears. Such is the balance of nature, and of life. One sometimes wonders if perhaps the cup of good overflowed, would evil rise to stop it? Perhaps Zankuro is a product of such a need…to stop good from becoming too powerful in the eternal struggle between good and evil. But to what end do these warriors fight? With so much pain, blood, hatred, and death, where or when does one find the time for peace, healing, love, and life? Some of us find these things in our lives, and then take them for granted. Others are forced to walk a road that seems endless, just to find one moment of happiness and joy. It is within the world of ancient Japan that the battles of destiny were fought and won, and for the side of good. Amakusa failed in his plans to cleanse the world of humanity, defeated by Haoumaru, one of the strongest men that has ever lived. Zankuro was defeated in single combat against one of the most powerful warriors of the world itself…Kibagami Genjuro. Along side these rivals of blood and death stood the French woman Charlotte, a woman of great power and skill, but also of over-stubborn resolve and isolation. Her heart is a heart of seeking…seeking for the one man that she can love and live with, someone who would fulfill the loneliness that plagues her. This is her story, one that takes place after the fourth grand battle of destiny… Atop a high cliff overlooking the shattered palace of Amakusa, Charlotte stood alone, a quiet sentinel who watched for any signs that Amakusa had not perished. A weariness hung heavily upon her armored shoulders, but also a feeling of great joy and relief. France would be safe now, Amakusa and Zankuro were no more. But with her victory, came another question : Was Amakusa truly defeated for good this time? Twice now he had returned with his sinister plots and magic. Would there be a fifth battle for her to attend? She hoped not, for too long she had fought these battles. Her life had been devoted to battle and war, and she was tiring of it; she wanted to live her life again, and live it free of strife and struggle. Suddenly, Haoumaru strode into her view from behind the mountains, looking tired and a bit bloodied. But she could also see the look of happiness and triumph that was beaming from his face. Smiling, she said, "Haoumaru! You're safe!" Nodding, Haoumaru sheathed his sword and turned his profile to her, also gazing out over the ruins of the defeated sorcerer's castle. Smirking, he said, "Yeah, kind of. You were worried about me weren't you?" Charlotte felt her face go a bit red from the utter frankness of his question. Stammering at first, she said, "Me? Why should I be worried about you?!" finishing her sentence with a clear laugh. Haoumaru chuckled as well, "Heh…you never change toots!" Charlotte was taken a bit aback by his rashness, and wasn't about to take an insult from some 'peasant' warrior, "Why you…!" Haoumaru looked at his sword, the one thing that had been his companion for virtually his entire life. Shrugging lightly he said, "Well, I guess they were right when they said abstinence is best! Sayounara! (Farewell!)", and before she could react, Haoumaru jumped from the ledge, bounded down the side of the cliff, and was gone. Charlotte reached out with her hands to stop him, but it was too late. Bringing her hands together, she whispered a silent prayer, "Please, my dear father who art in heaven…Bring me deliverance and happiness…Let me one day find the man that I will love and who will love me…Amen." Sighing heavily, Charlotte couldn't help but wish that she had had the courage to tell Haoumaru her feelings for him. Despite seeing him with his girlfriend two years ago, she couldn't help but wonder if Haoumaru would accept her due to their kindred spirit, and of being fellow warriors. Running her hand through what was once long blonde hair, she remembered that she had cut it after wishing Haoumaru would see her and want her…but apparently, it was not to be. "I have the bravery to fight through the warriors who would stand in my way, the valor to do battle with the most unholy of fiends who would threaten my beautiful France. Yet I cannot summon the courage to tell one single man the feelings within my own heart…" Only the air itself answered her, as a cold wind blew through the broken valley. Turning away from the cliff, Charlotte began the long journey back to Kyoto, for a much needed spiritual healing and relaxation before returning the safety and well welcomed sight of France. She walked away, never noticing a third figure that had been watching silently from the shadows. As she faded away into the smoke and rubble, the well- muscled form of Genjuro slowly walked forward. He replayed the scene that had just played out once again in his mind, and smiled to himself. Brining his slashed and bloodied tunic over his shoulders, Genjuro walked slowly and silently after her. <2 Months Pass…> Daigo-ji temple, Kyoto Charlotte walked through row upon row of rose bushes, all carefully planted to make a spiraling maze. Her thoughts were of Haoumaru and his parting words. Her business in Kyoto was almost complete, but she was lingering on a few last points, hoping that he would change his mind and come back to see her. She found her step to be much lighter due to her not wearing her heavy armor anymore. She left it behind, its job temporarily finished. Her sword, however, never left her side. As Charlotte walked along the path, she finally spoke aloud to the roses, hoping that they would answer her, "This time I will not be so hesitant, I will simply say the words that I have been longing to for so long…" But it was a voice from the other side of the rose wall that spoke, "Why do you waste your time on a man who does not see you as he should, as a woman? Why do you long for a man who cannot love you, for he sees beauty not in your face, but in battle?" Charlotte responded haughtily, "And why should I answer a man who has not even the courage to say such things to my face?" A rustling of the roses indicated movement, and the voice continued, "You just did answer me, even if it was just with another question." "Show thyself! It would do the monks of this temple no honor to destroy the painstaking task of planting these flowers so carefully." >From ahead of her on the path, Genjuro stepped fully into view. As always, he held his katana in his right hand, and had his tunic tucked inside his wide legged pants. It hung behind his back, exposing his well developed chest and arms. His face had his eternal look of seriousness, but his eyes were questioning. "I ask again…why him?" Charlotte whispered, "Kibagami, Genjuro…" Then her voice spoke again, louder now, "Of what concern are your questions to me?" Genjuro shook his head, "You yourself said you have the courage to do battle. Why do evade the simplest of questions? They are but words, and words can only damage the heart…the soul…not the body." Charlotte considered for a moment, then said, "I admire Haoumaru for his strength of both sword arm and will. His willingness to fight any opponent, no matter the power, to better himself and defend what he holds dear." Genjuro smirked, "And what might that be? What does he hold dear, if not battle? He is samurai, no…ronin rather. He walks this earth seeking the strongest and worthiest to do battle with. His heart cannot see anything but the sword. He certainly does not see you." Charlotte huffed, "Why do you waste my time with these trivialities?! I need to explain nothing to the likes of you!" Genjuro shrugged, "You are right…you do not. You can simply run away from the glaring reality that you face. You cannot run forever though…for in time, death claims us all, and our legs will take us no further. I see you though…right now…here, in this place, and I've always seen you." "Hmph…and what do you 'see'? What am I, in this place, standing here?" Genjuro's eyes became as cold as stone, and his voice did not quaver, "I see a young woman, searching for love to fulfill her life. I see beauty in your face and in your spirit. A beauty that is being squandered on hopeless dreams and lies. Lies to yourself and to your heart." Charlotte's eyes narrowed, "Are you out of your mind? What do you hope to accomplish with your foolish words and your attempts at poetry?" Genjuro regarded her for a moment before answering, but finally said, "I hope to bring you back to reality. My reality, the reality that is the world. You are beautiful Charlotte of France. But your beauty is wasted when the man you long for so does not join you in your search. Beauty is fleeting, like a rainstorm that turns to snow. But the seasons change, and the sun returns, melting that snow away. In time, there is no trace that the snow was ever there at all." Charlotte blinked in amazement at Genjuro, "Haoumaru can love, this much both you and I know. Wasn't it you that spared him because of love?" Genjuro laughed, "You saw that little event eh? Well, no matter. Yes, I spared him for my own reasons and because I thought that he loved that woman. But later, I realized that I was a fool. Haoumaru left her, just as I thought he might. I realized too late that he had abandoned her because he does not see beauty in life. He only seeks combat, the strong. That is where the beauty of his life is painted, upon the canvas of the battlefield. Surely even you can see this?" Charlotte realized that though his words hurt, he was correct. She had known Haoumaru for nearly four years, but the most common phrase uttered from his mouth was, "You are so WEAK! Is there no one stronger?" So often he was on the road, looking for warriors and ninja that he could pit his skills against. Haoumaru had gained much notoriety as being a "dojo destroyer", one who traveled the lands and defeated the master of a school of swordmanship. But Charlotte was now more intrigued by Genjuro, and his rather odd way of opening his heart to her, "What do you want of me Genjuro?" Genjuro balked, "Is it not obvious? Must I use plain words? I love you Charlotte of France. I wish to hold you in my arms, run my hands through your hair. I wish to cherish your beauty before you become not an old woman, but a haggard woman. A woman that is being torn apart from the inside due to unfulfilled longing." Charlotte could barely believe her ears. She had known of Genjuro for almost three years, but he had never before seemed to be interested in anything other than battle, much like Haoumaru. But like all things he did, his methods of speaking to her were blunt and direct. No subtly, no confusion. He confronted her with his feelings directly, leaving no space for misinterpretation or doubt. But to love this man, which might even lead up to wed-lock…with THIS man? Not even she could fathom it. "I've had enough of these silly games. I'm returning to France. I'm going home." Genjuro seemed to expect that answer, "To who?" Charlotte paused, "What do you mean?" Genjuro asked again, "To who? Who awaits you in your France? Definitely not Haoumaru, of this I can assure you. You will return to your battlements, hailed as a hero. 'The Rose of Versailles has returned triumphant!' they will scream. But no one will come to your bed at night. No one will be beside you in your travels. You will be alone, alone in love with a man that might as well be a shadow, a specter. I seek to save you that pain." Charlotte's head swam as she realized faster and faster that Genjuro's words were making perfect sense. That was what her mind told her. But her heart labored against it, fought it. A deep feeling of pain seemed to wrack her body, and the pain originated from her heart in turmoil. But she hid it well. Looking him dead in the eye, she said, "I thank you for your time Genjuro, but I think you are wrong. I will find my happiness in this world, and I don't need you." Genjuro nodded slowly, "Very well…I will not force you. Your mind is yours to make. But remember this…beauty in this world is not eternal." Genjuro stopped to pluck a rose from the living wall, not caring that his finger had been pricked in the process, and a small stream of blood began to flow from his finger. Taking a deep, inhaling breath, Genjuro smelled the delicious fragrance of the rose. Then he nonchalantly tossed it forward, and with a quick flick of his wrist, he slashed through the flower, causing it to explode into a flowing cloud of petals. "Like that rose, it is a fleeting thing…there one day, and gone the next. Do not discover this too late Charlotte of France, for the seasons change in both life and in the world. I will be waiting…" Genjuro stepped back, gave her a deep, respectful bow, and then walked off the path and out of her vision. Charlotte simply stood there as she watched the petals flow around her body, caught by the breeze. A single petal fell against her cheek, and she reached up and took it into her palm. Gazing down at it, a single tear from her heart that had made its way to her eye fell onto that petal. But when she looked up, Genjuro was already long gone. Charlotte searched high and low to find Haoumaru. She traveled to sword fighting dojos in an attempt to locate him, but she seemed to always be a step behind. Through Osaka, to Tokyo, and even further towards Hokkaido, Charlotte sought to see him just once so that she could spill her heart out to him. Finally one day, while riding a horse up through a forest road, she spied the battle hardened ronin walking down the same path. Calling out to him loudly, Charlotte spurred her horse forward. Haoumaru turned to face her slowly, cautiously taking his sword off his shoulder and half drawing it. But then he smiled broadly and returned his sword to his shoulder when he realized who it was. Dismounting her horse, Charlotte stood before Haoumaru as he said, "Heh…Afternoon Charlotte, long time no see!" Nodding, she said, "I've been searching half of Japan to see you!" Smirking, he said, "Oh? Well, now that you've found me, what do you want? Want to fight me again to see who's the best?" Charlotte hesitated for a moment. "*Even now all he can think about is fighting.*" "Not at all! I just wanted to talk…" Haoumaru looked disappointed. "Oh…Too bad. Well, I don't really have much time for chit-chat. I've been real busy honing my skills of late. I think that the next time Genjuro and I meet, it's going to be the last!" Charlotte sighed deeply, and Haoumaru continued, "So…what did you want to see me about that took you all over Japan? Worried about me again?" Charlotte tilted her head back a bit and smirked, "Not really, I wanted to tell you something that I've been wanting to for a long time…" Noting her sentence trailing off, Haoumaru waved her on with his arm in a circular motion, saying, "Well…? Just say it!" Charlotte's voice came out again as a whisper, "I…I…really like you Haoumaru…" her voice raised a bit, "You understand what I mean right?" Haoumaru thought for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Well…Sorry toots. I don't really know how to say this other than, I'm a warrior. I live and die by the sword. It's the path in life that I've decided to take, and I will accept nothing less. I don't have time for love or that sort of thing. I refuse to do anything with anyone unless it will hone my blade skills." Charlotte's eyes dropped to the ground, and her heart dropped away into a black void. All she could say was, "Oh…I see…" Haoumaru cleared his throat, "I still like you and all as a friend, but I can't return your feelings Charlotte…Sayounara.", and with that he turned around and walked away into the forest. After a while Charlotte looked up as she got a slightly better hold on herself. Dazedly, she remounted her horse, and rode back to Kyoto. She didn't know why she chose that destination, but she couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Kyoto, for all its beauty, for all its sites, did nothing to ease Charlotte's pained heart. She wandered the streets aimlessly, not knowing or caring where she was or where she was going. However, two days after arriving, Genjuro found her again, sitting on a stone bench in that same arbor maze of Daigo-ji temple. Not bothering to hide behind the rose wall this time, he strode out and sat down cross legged in front of her, laying his katana beside himself. Her face was noticeably tear streaked, and she looked as though she hadn't brushed her hair or slept well in days. Charlotte didn't speak, and Genjuro simply sat there studying her. Finally, he broke the silence by saying, "I take it you met Haoumaru at last." Charlotte nodded, and Genjuro continued, "It doesn't take much to see what his answer was. I told you Charlotte of France. We are the same, he and I…ronin, warriors, swordsmen. There is little difference between us, save two key facts. One, I will kill simply for the sake of killing if it aids me. Two, I am capable of feeling and returning emotions. If you do not believe me, I can give you a demonstration…" Charlotte looked up in surprise as Genjuro rose to his feet and embraced her in his arms. His arms locked her into a grip that was so strong, she could barely believe it. But she resisted it as best she could. Genjuro simply whispered into her ear, "Imagine I'm Haoumaru if that will make this easier. But nothing in Hades or on Earth will break my hold on you!" Charlotte looked up into his eyes, but saw nothing but determination. Realizing that Genjuro was right, no matter how much she wanted to deny it, he was right. Resigning, she gave into his embrace and returned it. Suddenly, tears came…tears of longing, tears of pain, tears of hope…they all flooded her eyes. Burying her face against his shoulder and chest, Charlotte wept heavily. But Genjuro simply rocked her back and forth in his arms, and ran one hand through her hair. As Genjuro inhaled the fragrance of her hair, of her body, he spoke, "The Rose of Versailles... Indeed you were aptly titled. Hush my dear...Tears from a rose are tears of blood, from pricked fingers, and from drenched hearts." Charlotte tried her best to stop her tears, and after a few minutes, she managed to break away from his chest and look at him. Whispering, she asked, "What now...What happens now?" Genjuro looked at her seriously, "You and I both know. There is a void within us that only the other can fill. Come with me...and tonight...let us fill that space. Be with me tonight, Charlotte of France...What is your answer?" Charlotte thought of Haoumaru, but the very words from his lips haunted her, "I don't have time for love or that sort of thing...I refuse to do anything with anyone unless it will hone my blade skills...I can't return your feelings Charlotte…Sayounara..." Without another thought, she said, "Yes..." Genjuro brought Charlotte to the inn he had been staying at all the time he had been waiting for her to return. Managing to just beat the rain before it began to fall in a heavy downpour, he lead her to his rather plain and moderately furnished room. The room had a small fire-pit, a writing desk, a single futon, and two lit, oil burning lanterns. Genjuro paused a moment to lay his katana on a small stand, and Charlotte did likewise by removing her sword-belt and dropping her sword gently to the ground. Charlotte tried to get comfortable, and began to remove her long gloves. But as she rolled her left one down her arm, she could see Genjuro watching her with hunger in his eyes. Feeling her heart begin to beat a bit more rapidly, she pulled the glove off and tossed it next to her sword. But as she went to remove the right one, Genjuro stepped forward and said, "Allow me…" Holding her arm out straight, Genjuro moved his mouth down to the crook in her elbow. Kissing it, he nuzzled the leather of the glove with his mouth, and rolled it forward as his mouth moved down her arm. Charlotte gasped a bit from the heat of his breath, but allowed him to continue his attentions. As he rolled it down further, he continuously planted kisses down the length of her arm. Finally, he pulled the leather glove off her hand, and kissed the back of it. Without ever breaking his gaze on her hand, Genjuro tossed the glove over his shoulder onto the small pile of her sword and other glove. Looking up to her eyes, she could see that he had had enough of waiting…he wanted her, and he wanted her now. Not waiting another minute, Genjuro moved past her hand and kissed Charlotte's lips passionately, if not roughly, and ran his hands through her short blonde hair. Reaching up to his arms, Charlotte kissed his palms as he kissed her cheek and the side of her mouth. Gently holding her cheeks in his hands, Genjuro titlted her head back and began trailing hard kisses on her neck and throat. Charlotte's breath began to become a bit ragged as she felt the heat of his lips rushing over her. While Genjuro kissed her neck and chin, he removed his hands from her face and brought his right hand down her back, making small circles as it made its way down to her buttocks. Charlotte's eyes snapped open in surprise as Genjuro took her left buttock entirely in his hand an began squeezing and kneading it, gently at first, but then with increasing speed and intensity. Charlotte moaned huskily, but the sound was quickly muffled as Genjuro found her lips once more and pressed his against them. Forcing her mouth open so that her gentle murmurs flowed into his, Genjuro thrust his tongue into her mouth and found hers. Charlotte closed her eyes again, allowing the pleasant feeling of Genjuro's treatment wash over her. So long she had wanted to do something like this, but not with him, but Haoumaru. But Haoumaru would not have her, so now Kibagami Genjuro, the one man she had never though capable of passion, was igniting the flame of desire that she had for so long wanted to burn in her. As Genjuro's tongue played with hers, his other hand moved between her ass cheeks, caressing them with a rough rhythm. Charlotte's left hand moved up to his cheek, and it trailed slowly down to his neck. Genjuro's left hand suddenly moved from her neck down to her chest. Delicately finding her firm right breast, Genjuro quickly enclosed it within his hand. Feeling the corset she wore underneath her tunic, Genjuro made a quite curse and broke their kiss. Charlotte marveled at the small line of saliva that connected their mouths. Bringing his hands up, Genjuro's face split into a mischievous grin. Grabbing her tunic on either side, he pulled apart sharply, creating the tell-tale sound of ripping fabric. Charlotte gasped as Genjuro roughly pulled her now ripped jerkin off her shoulders, revealing her rose and flower embroidered corset. Genjuro's smirk only widened into a sly smile, and he while glancing at her undergarment, he said, "You truly ARE the Rose of Versailles! Such treasures deserve to be found, and revealed!" Not wasting another minute, Genjuro brought up both hands to caress her breasts in his hands. Charlotte's voice began to moan out as Genjuro's rough hands had their way with her, causing her corset to become more and more dislodged. Finally, her left breast fell from its confinement, and Genjuro brought his mouth down eagerly. Trying to engulf its entire fullness in his mouth, Genjuro began licking and rolling his tongue around the areola, but denied her nipples satisfaction…for now. Charlotte's cries of pleasure suddenly escalated, and she began to shudder from excitement and longing. As Genjuro worked on her, he found himself moving his feet forward. Charlotte could only move in time with his steps until her back found itself against the wall. Just as she touched the barrier, Genjuro finally stopped teasing her and took her nipple fully into his mouth. Letting his tongue fly over it, he cupped her left breast in his hand and moved his head back and forth in time with his tongue. Charlotte cried out loudly and put her hands onto his head and into his top-knot. Reaching up with his left hand, Genjuro placed her wrists together, and then reached up so that he pinned her against the wall. Charlotte was a bit surprised at that, and as she struggled lightly, she found that Genjuro had her locked into a grip of steel that she had no hope of breaking. Genjuro finally decided that Charlotte was wearing too much clothing, and used his right hand to undo the straps of her corset. When it finally had enough give, he pulled it forward, tearing it slightly, but managing to get it off her. Tossing it aside, Genjuro moved his head back a bit to admire her large, womanly breasts. Charlotte looked away shyly, and Genjuro moved his head up to give her another kiss. Then moving his head down, he began to use his mouth on either breast, quickly moving back and forth between them. While his mouth was on one nipple, Genjuro used his hand on the opposite breast. Charlotte's breathing became more ragged and quicker as she felt the longing in her heart begin to ease. Without thinking, she quietly whispered out, "Genjuro…" Genjuro's head snapped up as she uttered his name. Feeling an enormous, smug smile break through his face, Genjuro decided it was time to move on. Lifting her off her feet, Genjuro slowly placed her onto the desk and laid her out before him. Kneeling down, he grabbed her skirt at the hem and tore it. Pulling the now open garment from underneath her, Genjuro looked out at Charlotte as she was now clad in only soft, laced panties, delicately stitched with rose patterns. She arched her back up a bit to see what he was doing, and seeing that she was more or less exposed, she quickly snapped her legs together and blushed furiously. However, Genjuro would have none of that. Holding her knees in either hand, he quickly forced her legs apart and moved his torso between them. Placing the thin strap of her panties between his teeth, Genjuro jerked his head to one side quickly, easily shredding the silk. Pulling the moist fabric away, Genjuro took a moment to gaze at Charlotte's delicate nether region. Charlotte said pleadingly, "Please…Stop looking at me like that…I'll die of embarrassment." Genjuro scoffed, "Only one thing of yours will die tonight…" and with that, Genjuro thrust his face into her pussy and began licking her hardening clit. Charlotte began to cry out in ecstasy, which only made Genjuro increase his speed. As she tried again to shut her legs, Genjuro moved his hands onto the soft skin of her inner thigh and held them apart firmly. Her body began to slowly rock back and forth, relishing the pleasure, and yet wanting to get away from the maddening rush. Reflexively, Charlotte moved her hands down on top of his head and tried to push him off. But Genjuro simply moved his hands up and grabbed her wrists. Hoisting her legs up at the same time, Genjuro pinned each wrist to her ankle and held them there, causing Charlotte to be able to only buck about on top of the desk. Genjuro never ceased his licking of her clit, which caused her breath to be inhaled quickly, and exhaled in little moans and gasps of pleasure. Despite her inexperience in this particular field, Charlotte knew what her body was doing, and she knew the point she was rapidly reaching. Sure enough, Charlotte felt her body finally wind up into an orgasm, and her whole body began to rock with sexual spasms. Her voice raised to a howl of ecstasy, and her arms and legs relaxed, although her legs still tried to close reflexively. Feeling her arms go slack, Genjuro reached up to massage her breasts, the entire time never stopping with his tongue so that Charlotte was given the longest time for release. As she finally wound down, she fell gently back against the desk and lay there, panting. Her entire body was covered in a glistening layer of sweat, her breasts were heaving up and down with ever breath, and she delicately bit on the tip of her finger from the euphoric feeling that still rode with her. Genjuro leaned back a bit and wiped his mouth off on the back of his hand. Quickly undoing the draw string of his pants, he pulled them off himself and kicked off his sandals. Leaning forward again, Genjuro massaged her shoulders and then began to run his hands down to her hips. Charlotte's eyes finally opened and she looked down to see Genjuro's fully exposed body. Despite her feelings for Haoumaru, she still took the few moments she had to admire Genjuro's well sculpted body. But Genjuro interrupted her admiration by pulling her more towards him on the desk. Giving her a hard, serious look, Genjuro poised on the verge of entry. Seeing his intentions, Charlotte lifted herself into a sitting position. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered into his ear, "Onegai…atashi o ki-te…" ("Please…come to me…" I hope you don't need a literal translation… ^_^) Genjuro didn't pause another second. Using one hand to position himself, he pushed slowly, yet firmly, into her. Charlotte's hands tightened around his neck from the odd feeling of his entry. As Genjuro continued moving himself further and further inside her, Charlotte's hands moved from his neck to his shoulders. Her voice began to moan out in little whimpers of pleasure, and her nails began to dig into his skin. With one last, sudden push, he fully penetrated her to his hilt, and Charlotte cried out in mingled pain and ecstasy. Ripping down his back with her nails, she drew blood, but that only caused Genjuro's mouth to widen into a sly grin, and he slowly withdrew, seeming to savor every inch of entry and exit. Drawing back a few inches, Genjuro suddenly pushed back inside her, filling her again. Charlotte collapsed against him, letting him do to her as he willed. Genjuro seemed to be having difficulty in controlling himself. But he knew enough about women, especially on their first time, that they needed time before they would be fully ready. So Genjuro lingered on every thrust, drinking in the sweet sound of her voice pleading him to keep going, but not saying it in words. But as the pained looked eased from her face, and her hands relaxed from clawing his back, Genjuro began to increase his speed. But despite his lust, Genjuro realized that he was in a bad position to fully get up his speed. So Genjuro, using his massive arms, picked Charlotte up and lifted her into the air. Charlotte yelped a bit in surprise, but then simply brought her legs and arms around and latched fully onto him. Getting a good, wide-legged stance, Genjuro began to buck his hips back and forth furiously, filling and exiting her in rapid, broad strokes. Charlotte hugged his head to her chest as her voice again begged him for more without the words. Genjuro once again took her nipples into his mouth as best he could, but he was more focused on the feeling of being inside her at long last. Charlotte took this opportunity to quickly remove the hair ribbon from Genjuro's top-knot and marveled as the purple strands began to flow down like the rain outside. Genjuro hardly noticed though, for his attention was well focused on her and her body. Once again, Genjuro's feet couldn't help but more forward, and soon he pressed her against the wall. As her right leg dropped from his waist, Genjuro grabbed her left and lifted it so that she was still spread out before him. As her foot touched the floor her breasts came away from his mouth, but his didn't care that her nipples were replaced with her lips once again. Genjuro's voice began to lower into to grunts of pleasure now, and Charlotte could feel herself easing away from the initial pain of love-making into the pleasure of it. Genjuro's hips now fully pounded into her, entering and exiting Charlotte roughly. Her cries would sometimes come out as moans, sometimes as grunts as Genjuro did not waste any movement. Despite the harshness of his love-making, she could see the genuine interest in his eyes, and she knew that, regardless of her first doubts, he had been wanting this for a long time. Her own desire was starting to surface, and she started moving her hips back and forth in time with his thrusts. She began pleading into his ear, "Motto…motto…ahh…ki…kimochi ii…Motto…tsuyoku…" (Ahem…^_^; "More, more, it…it feels so good…More, harder…") Genjuro was more than happy to oblige her. Taking her from the wall to the futon, Genjuro gently put her down and began ramming into her with the all the intensity and lust of years of waiting. Charlotte's eyes opened briefly, then squeezed shut. Tiny tears from the pain had managed to flow past onto her cheeks, but her voice denied that pain. As Genjuro began increasing his intensity to an animalistic hunger, Charlotte lifted both her legs up and wrapped them around his torso again. Charlotte could feel herself beginning to wind up into the feeling of release again. Sure enough, Genjuro's increased passion pushed her past her own limits, and she began cumming again, causing a small rush of warmth to flow onto Genjuro's shaft. As her body rocked in orgasm, her vaginal muscles clamped down tighter on Genjuro, causing him to lose himself. With loud grunts of pleasure, Genjuro began to fire off his pent-up longing into her. Charlotte could feel the hot rush flowing into her, and her legs only tightened themselves around him. She was his, but he was hers, and she would not chance letting him go…not at this moment, nor at any other. Finally, Genjuro was completely spent, and collapsed heavily onto her chest. His face turned in the valley between her breasts, and he nuzzled her, making himself comfortable. Charlotte lay on her back, breathing in and out heavily. Genjuro lifted his head to gaze into her eyes, but then replaced his head back to her chest. Charlotte brought her hands up to the back of his head and stroked his loose hair. She then looked down and traced the enormous, jagged scar that trailed across his back. "*A 'gift' from Haoumaru…*" She also noticed the thin, red lines of blood that she had created, although Genjuro had not seemed to have minded. One thought now shined through her entire soul…fulfillment. She had finally filled that emptiness in her heart. As Genjuro had stated, the void within her had needed to be filled, and only he could do it. Charlotte felt more elated than she had in almost an entire year. The biting pain of Haoumaru's rejection was being washed away with the loneliness that had plagued her for so long. "*At last…at long last…I can live again…Tonight was a making of a new me…and tomorrow, my life will begin again.*" Taking one last look at the hulking frame of Genjuro lying on top of her, Charlotte ran her hands down his scar one last time and drifted slowly off to sleep. Her last thought before it claimed her was, "*Arigato, Genjuro…Abayo…Haoumaru…*" ("Thank you, Genjuro…Farewell, Haoumaru…") **** <2 Hours Before Dawn> Genjuro awoke, still in Charlotte's arms. Gently dislodging himself from her, he walked over to his tunic with quiet steps, and retrieved his pipe and smoking tobacco from it. The room was silent, save for the intruding sound of the rain from outside. Walking over to the window, he opened the shoji an inch or two and lit his pipe. Genjuro then sat on the windowsill and smoked his pipe slowly. Deep in thought, he remembered back to when he had fought Haoumaru and had received the brutal scar that even now he wore. Fingering the slash in his tunic, he remembered how he vowed to never wear another until the favor had been returned. In the mean-time, the dried blood served as a reminder to him that no matter how much time passed, he still had a debt to pay…to both Haoumaru and Caffeine Nicotine. As Genjuro savored another draw off his pipe, he began to think aloud, "That doddering old fool. Cast me out will he? Well…his time will come one way or the other. But Haoumaru…you are an entirely different problem. The worthiest hunt I have ever had. I know that one day I will kill you, but I hope that you don't die too fast, for I relish this battle. I am simply relieved in the fact that I now love a woman, and that she loves me, despite her lingering thoughts of you." Gazing outside onto the Kyoto street, Genjuro watched as the rain began to come down harder, soaking the street with its merciless downpour. Charlotte stirred a little from her sleep, rolling over onto her side. Genjuro paused to look at her for a moment, then, sighing, he continued, "How long Haoumaru…how long has it been? Two years? Three? I spared you when I had the perfect chance…But I'm glad I did. Not only did you spurn your woman, you allowed the chase to continue. I would have killed her if I had thought that you would fight me with your heart and mind clouded. But what can you take from someone who has nothing? I hate you more than any other swordsman alive because you have not only fought me and lived, but I carry your mark on my body and you do not carry mine. The odd thing is that I do not hate you as a man, but as a warrior. What hate can you hold for one who cannot love another? I know that one day my blade will drink the life's blood from your soon to still heart, but when does a man die when he has not really lived?" Genjuro laughed, realizing that his dreams would soon come true. Smirking to himself as a flash of lightning ripped through the night sky, he said, "I know I will defeat you Haoumaru! I have proved it today. There are battlefields other than the ones drenched in blood. I tried to deny this, but even I could not ignore that one glaring fact. But I found love in a woman that loved you. And not only that, I took her from you. Even if one day you opened your eyes, she will not be there for you. I have won." However, that bright flash of light had awoken Charlotte, but he hadn't noticed. **** Charlotte had only overheard that last part, that last thought, before a crash of thunder rattled the shoji of the room. But a different kind of thunder echoed in Charlotte's mind, and in her heart. "*I…can't believe…how STUPID I was! I, in my moment of weakness, was taken in by Genjuro, and he USED me! He doesn't love me…he just used me to create some imaginary victory over Haoumaru! I'm such a fool to think that Genjuro was capable of anything but bloodshed.*" Rising to her feet, Charlotte barged up to him, and as Genjuro turned to face her, she slapped him as hard as she could across the face. Startled at first, Genjuro's face quickly darkened into a glower, and he wiped the small amount of blood that appeared at the corner of his mouth. His head turned back towards her slowly, but before he could say anything, Charlotte screamed at him, "How DARE you! HOW DARE YOU!! You bastard!! You used me for your own personal gain! How could I be so blind, so stupid?!" Genjuro's entire body began to tremble in anger as he stood to his feet. He quietly growled out the words, "Have…you…lost…your…MIND!?" Charlotte could tell that he was having extreme difficulty in controlling his temper. "What in the name of Hades are you babbling about?! You are lucky that my feelings for you run deep, for no one, man or woman, strikes Kibagami Genjuro without paying for it in BLOOD!!" Charlotte didn't back down, and no more than four or five centimeters separated the two warriors' faces. "I heard you! You cannot deny what you just said. Admit it, you care nothing for me! All you wanted was some silly mind game victory over Haoumaru…and I was taken in by it!" Genjuro's eyes burned with the fire of anger, "Is that what you think?! You think I would go to all the trouble of finding you, fighting for you, just to love and leave you?! Are you deranged woman?! Believe whatever you want, for I know my feelings!! DO YOU?!" Genjuro's voice was gaining in volume until he was shouting. Charlotte glared at him, "I DO NOW!! ABAYO!!" and with that, Charlotte spun on her heel and grabbed her ripped clothing lying on the ground. But before she could get out the door, she felt Genjuro's hand grab her roughly on the shoulder. His voice was as calm as he could make it, "I will not allow this…I will not allow you to leave." Charlotte smacked his hand away, "You cannot stop me. If you 'love' me as you say, then you will let me do whatever I wish!" Genjuro stared into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity. But finally, his head dropped as did his hand. With a voice dripping with checked anger he said, "Very…well…go…if that is your wish…then go…GO!" Charlotte dressed as quickly as she could and grabbed an extra cloak to cover the holes in her outfit. Slinging her sword around her waist, she stormed out the door and into the raining night. But no sooner had she hit the street, she heard the sounds of smashing wood and curses that were so loud that they could be heard over the downpour. "KUSO AMA!!!" ("Damn Bitch!") rang out loud and clear into the night, and Charlotte was startled to see a hanafuda card of ki energy rip through the window and out into the night. A moment or two later the desk of the room followed suit, smashing into the middle of the street and splintering into hundreds of pieces. More crashes and sounds of destruction could be heard in the room, and the terrified residents of the inn did not even attempt to quell Genjuro's anger. Charlotte's mind began to race with the one thing that she feared the most : doubt. She now doubted her actions to the very root of her soul. She worried that maybe she hadn't heard the entire story that Genjuro had painted in his thoughts. But she knew that she could not go back now with him like this. Haste can destroy lives, dreams, and hearts, and hindsight is always perfect. Pulling the cloak over her head, Charlotte rushed into the rain of the night, a rain that was soon joined by her tears. <1 month passes> Charlotte trudged through the street of Kyoto dejectedly, cursing herself for being such a fool. The rain was coming down harder now, and the air that day had been becoming colder with each passing hour. But the pain in her heart and feeling of loneliness that hung on her dulled her mind to the coldness of the air. Instead, it focused upon the coldness in her heart. She had spent so much time wanting Haoumaru that she had been taken in by Genjuro…but that was only at first. Genjuro had been here for her, had shielded her from the loneliness, had even filled that void in her heart, even if it had only been for one blissful night. He had made her feel the spark of life again. But her doubt and her wishes for Haoumaru had pushed him away, as well as her own wounded pride. Now she feared that they were both gone forever. Just then, ahead on the street, she saw a man holding a large bamboo umbrella over his shoulder. As the man turned slowly towards her, she could see that it was Genjuro, his tunic pulled over his shoulders. Charlotte's face betrayed a look of hope and longing as she looked over at him. But Genjuro's eyes were drawn into slits of fire that still seemed to burn from being rejected, even after the night that they had spent together. Hoisting the umbrella over to his other shoulder, Genjuro simply regarded her in silence. Charlotte felt the coldness in her heart start to spread to her feet, and she felt faint. But just then, the rain tapered off, and in its place, snow began to fall. The gentle flakes of ice began to coat the ground, and Charlotte's head dropped as she opened her hands and looked at the delicate treasures before they melted and disappeared. Genjuro's voice echoed in her head, "Beauty is fleeting…seasons change in both life and in the world." It was too much for her to bear. Charlotte began to weep heavily, but no more than a moment later, she was enfolded within the warmth of Genjuro's embrace. Genjuro whispered, "Baka…Anata o aishiteru yo…keshite wasuranaide…" ("You fool…I love you…never forget that…") His warm hand ran itself through her wet, matted hair, and his strong arms held her tightly. Charlotte gave into this warmth, and held him back fiercely. Then, raising her chin up with his hands, he kissed her cold, wet lips. Then the two simply looked up, and watched the beauty of the snow as it fell. Charlotte snuggled closer to Genjuro, realizing that the beauty of winter that was her life had just begun. End This is my first Samurai Spirits Lemon, so please tell me what you think. The biggest problem with this series is that all of the girls in it, with the exception of Charlotte (and now, Nakoruru…happy 18th Birthday BABY!), are UNDER-AGED!! Oh well...I'm attempting to get a web-page started, but any works I come up with will still be posted to the Sakura archive. Till we meet again...I can be reached at either, or Mata na, Vegeta