<<<<<>>>>> Starring in Attack of the Full-Moon Fiend, Part 1 Adrian Makes the Scene A piece of Fan Fiction Written by Wesley Reece A.k.a. Bowser_DaHound or Bad Boy Bowser LEGAL STUFF: Okay, the names I will be using have been "borrowed" from the comic book "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. I will be using English names for all the good guys, all the included bad guys, and my original character. This text is the property of Dawghouse Internet Productions and Bowser's World Literature Distribution. No copyrights were broken on purpose with this text, which may not be distributed for profit. PROLOGUE: by Bad Boy Bowser d::-) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello, all you happy people, and let me welcome you back to my imagination! This is my fifth Sailor Senshi FanFic. The reason for this is that I actually wrote this story as a two-parter, using what are now Parts 2 and 3. After writing them, however, I decided that a "prequel" was needed to provide some background. Anyhow, my story represents an alternate time line for the Sailor Senshi. This story occurs after Rubeus and the Twisted Sisters appear on the scene, but before Catsy actually defects. Furthermore, all of my future Sailor Senshi FanFics beyond this trilogy will occur along this alternate time line, which won't actually fork until after Catsy does defect. So, now that I have said that, on with the story! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (FADE IN: INT., CROWN GAME CENTER, AFTER HOURS) (We see Luna and Artemis seated at one of the games, reporting to Central Command.) Luna: Central Command, this is Luna, checking in. New password, true strength lies in friendship. Artemis: This is Artemis, reporting for our new recon check. New password, trust conquers all. Central: Passwords accepted. What do you have to report? Luna: It seems that the Sailor Scouts have forgotten what makes them strong. Artemis: Yes, it is as if every time you turn around, there's another argument. Luna: I agree. Raye and Serena are the worst ones at this. Central: Then you must bring the group back together. Luna @ Artemis: Okay. Central: We have new information for you. Please touch the screen to continue. (Luna and Artemis touch the screen.) A new ally will soon appear. Luna: What? Artemis: You mean another Sailor Scout? Central: No, just another ally. Luna: Do you have a picture so that we can find this new ally? Central: No, he'll find you. Artemis: What do you mean, this will be a male ally? Central: Precisely. That is all the information we have for you at this time. Luna: Very well, then. This is Luna, checking out for now. Artemis: This is Artemis, signing off. (The game screen dims to black.) Luna @ Artemis: Time for an emergency meeting. (Fade to black.) (FADE IN: EXT., THE CHERRY HILL TEMPLE, THE NEXT DAY) (We see the five girls who make up the Sailor Scouts sitting on the steps.) Mina: I wonder what all the commotion is about. Serena: Yeah, Luna sounded more anxious than usual this morning. (At this point, Luna and Artemis appear.) Artemis: Hello, everybody. Luna: We are going to try to stay calm. Now, you girls need to remember that we can't function as a team with you guys fighting all the time. Do you understand? Girls: Yes. Artemis: Good. Now, we have received some new information from Central Command. (Turns to Luna.) You tell them. Luna: Okay. (Faces the girls and clears her throat.) Ahem. We have just been told that a new ally will soon appear. Ami: What? Raye: You mean that there will be a sixth Sailor Scout? Luna: No, just another ally. Lita: I wonder what this new ally is like. (Fade to black.) (TIARA SCENE SHIFT: INT., A HOUSE'S DEN, LATER THAT NIGHT) (We see a young man sitting at a computer, taking part in a 3-D chat. He is fairly tall, somewhat hefty, and wears glasses. This is Adrian Atkinson. As he looks at the screen, someone approaches his virtual persona. A voice-over is provided for both the person and Adrian.) Person: Hello, Adrian. May I have a word with you in private, please? Adrian: Certainly. (The two enter a private chat room.) Person: Adrian, I have been searching long and hard for you. Adrian: Why me? Person: Because you have been chosen to partake in a very important mission. Now, you should've received a package today. Adrian: I did. Person: Have you opened it yet? Adrian: No. Person: Well, open it now. (Adrian does so. He discovers a staff, two pieces of paper, a capsule, and a small chest.) You have always thought you were different from everybody else, haven't you? Adrian: Yes. Person: Well, I am here to confirm that. You are not truly of this world. You once were a part of a great civilization called the Moon Kingdom. You were known to some as the Full-Moon Fiend, a general evil type. But to others, you were known as the Midnight Rider, sworn defender of all that is just and good. Adrian: Okay, but why do I discover all this now, when it has been so long? Person: Because evil forces have shown up here on Earth, and you are one of a chosen few who will fight them. Adrian: What do you mean, "A chosen few"? Person: Take a look at this image. (An image of the girls and Darien is shown on the computer screen.) These are the others who will help you. While they may not look like much here, do not sell them short. They have already saved the Earth on two occasions in the past. Adrian: Very well, but what else do I need to know? Person: This computer is your link back to me. Not only that, but the capsule in the package will make you immune to the evil magic of the NegaMoon. That will be very important. Everything else will be revealed on the two sheets of paper. (ORB SCENE SHIFT: INT., NEGAVERSE SKYBASE OVER TOKYO) (We see Rubeus and the four Sisters facing the center of the room. Soon after the scene starts, the Wise Man appears.) Rubeus: You have some news for us, Wise Man? Wise Man: I most certainly do. There has been an energy fluctuation recently near where you are stationed. This is extremely potent energy that we can use for our cause. Rubeus: So, is this a person or an item? Wise Man: It is a person, and this is what he looks like. (Shows a picture of Adrian.) You will find him in the park every day at sunrise. Make sure that you get to him before the Sailor Scouts do. (Disappears.) Rubeus: Yes, sir! Now, which one of you Sisters should I send after him tomorrow? Prisma: I'll retrieve him for you, Rubeus. Rubeus: Very well, then. I want you to spend the rest of the day preparing for this mission. Considering how important it is, we definitely should not go into it unprepared. Prisma: You got it. (Fades out of view.) (TIARA SCENE SHIFT: A BENCH IN THE PARK, AROUND SUNSET) (We see Ami and Lita sitting on a bench, talking.) Ami: It sure is a beautiful sunset today, isn't it? Lita: It sure is. (As she says this, Adrian jogs to a stop in front of their bench.) Adrian: Hello, ladies. Ami: Why, hello, sir. Lita: I haven't seen you here before. Are you new here? Adrian: You bet. I'm Adrian. Pleased to meet you. Lita: My name is Lita. Ami: I am Ami. Adrian: Good. Now, I need to find a bridge that is not often used. Ami: Just follow this path that way, and take the first right. (Points to her left.) Why do you want to know? Adrian: I like to practice my martial arts by moonlight on a bridge. (Starts to leave.) I gotta go now. Bye. Lita: Bye, Adrian. (Adrian leaves. After he does, Ami's wrist communicator beeps. She answers it.) Ami: This is Ami. (The screen splits to show Ami and Mina.) Mina: Ami, I just finished talking with Greg. He's had a vision which says that the NegaMoon will strike tomorrow at sunup. Ami: Who will be the target? Mina: Somebody named Adrian. (Suddenly, Lita pulls open a window for herself.) Lita: Well, you better come to the park, then, because we just spoke with somebody named Adrian. He may or may not be the one you're talking about. Mina: I'll be right there. (The screen returns to normal.) (TIARA SCENE SHIFT: THE BRIDGE, THIRTY MINUTES LATER.) (Ami, Lita, and Mina are watching Adrian work out.) Mina: That's our guy, just as Greg described him. Ami: What should we do? Lita: Why don't Mina and I come back here at sunup tomorrow to make sure he doesn't have any trouble? Mina: I'm good for that. Ami: I'll tell the others. (Fade to black.) (FADE IN: THE BRIDGE, SUNUP THE NEXT MORNING) (We see Sailors Venus and Jupiter hiding behind some bushes. Soon, Adrian appears and approaches the bridge. As he does, he takes what appears to be a capsule out of his pocket and swallows it.) Jupiter: There he is. Venus: That's him, all right. (By this time, Adrian has reached the bridge and started practicing.) Adrian: What a day this is turning out to be. The weather is absolutely perfect! (Suddenly, Prisma pops into view.) Prisma: Come with me, Adrian, if you know what's good for you. Adrian: I'm sorry. Do I know you? Venus: That's our cue. Ready, Jupiter? Jupiter: Let's do it, Venus! (They spring out of the bushes.) Prisma: Sailor Scouts, this is none of your business! Venus: Well, we'll just have to make it our business, won't we, Jupiter? Jupiter: You bet, Venus. Anything involving the NegaMoon is our business. Adrian: Wow! This is great! It's only my first week here, and already I've got three lovely ladies fighting over me. (Sweat drops form on the girls' heads.) Jupiter: Mister, you better go hide. This could get ugly. Adrian: All right. I'm outta here. (Hides behind some bushes.) Venus: Okay, you! Jupiter: Let's rumble! (Suddenly, Avery appears.) Prisma: Avery, what are you doing here? Avery: Thought I'd help even the odds. (Telepathically.) Where is he? Prisma: (Telepathically.) In those bushes behind the Scouts. You get him while I distract the girls. You ready? Avery: You bet! Let's go! (Prisma attacks as Avery vanishes. As the fight goes on, a rustle is heard in the bushes. Soon after that, Avery appears with a tied-up Adrian.) Adrian: Let me go! Jupiter: Uh oh! Venus: Give him back! Avery: Sorry, but finders, keepers. (She and Adrian vanish.) Prisma: As much as I'd like to finish this, it appears I'm already late. C'ya! (She vanishes.) Venus: We better tell the others. (Activates her communicator.) (ORB SCENE SHIFT: INT., NEGAVERSE SKYBASE OVER TOKYO) (As the scene starts, Avery and Prisma appear with Adrian. Absent from the scene are Birdie and Catsy.) Rubeus: Well done, Sisters. Avery: No sweat, boss. Prisma: Piece of cake. Rubeus: Now on to business. Wise Man! (The Wise Man appears with the NegaMoon Strobe.) We are ready. Wise Man: Good. (Touches Adrian's head with the Strobe, causing a green Crystal to appear.) As long as you bear this Crystal, you will work for us. Adrian: (blankly) Yes, sir. Rubeus: Excellent. Now, go down to Tokyo and befriend the Sailor Scouts. That way, they won't suspect you. We will summon you when we need you. Adrian: You got it. (He vanishes.) (TIARA SCENE SHIFT: INT., A HOUSE'S DEN, LATER THAT DAY) (We see Adrian and his informant in another 3-D chat.) Adrian: Phase 1 is now completed. Person: Very good. You are to follow the plan to the letter. Otherwise, we will not be able to advise you. Adrian: You bet! (Fade to black.) <<<<>>>> CLOSING NOTES: I shall make the conclusion short and sweet on this one. I still have no E-mail account to speak of. Not only that, but I will be working on a Sailor Moon Saga which will see them meeting characters they never thought they'd meet face-to-face, including your's truly. So until then, sayonara.