From Sat Dec 20 00:15:08 1997 Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 13:33:01 +0900 From: Fred Herriot Subject: [fanfic][lemon][UY] "A Remarkable Destiny" Part I The first world of the central system of the Fourth Cluster. The woman known commonly as either the Ashi'cha or Aiuoeiioei bites her lips as the shower's throbbing spray danced over her body. It was shy of lukewarm, the cold sending sparks through her nervous system, making her more mentally alert. Most races view cold showers as death to one's inner lusts. The Sagussans, a race that looked more to the psionic than the physical, yearned for every chance to escape the bounds of their personal meipyokgh, feel life as it was truly meant to be felt, with one's very soul. Already, her meijasha were hardening, as if Oioai-oiiiui had spent time giving her some personal attention. The Elder Mother liked the doctor as a friend, but found the woman's lust for her irritating. Didn't she see Eiuoiiaoii giving her the droopy eyes of a lovesick sandpanther every time they met in the Dreamscape? Well, it wasn't her problem. If the de'ne couldn't take the hint, she wasn't going to waste her time telling her the facts of life. How many times does one have to say "no?" Shuddering, she shuts off the shower, then steps out of the stall, taking towel in hand to dry herself off. Normally, it would be back to cryostasis for her until she was asked to be Duty Daishi'cha or else go put out some fire somewhere. But a rover unit had flashed her an update on worrisome events on Earth. An environmental disaster had nearly destroyed the planet's ecosystem, stopped when Yaminokuni's crown prince had removed ecologically devastating native mushrooms from Earth's biosphere. Details were still sketchy, but according to the rover unit, both the Daimon'cha and the one suspected of being his Other were somehow involved. It grated her, not to mention the other Daishi'cha, that the time wasn't right to reunite with the one who claimed their hearts a dozen years ago. The galactic situation around Earth was, put simply, volatile. Their mei'aidoei cousins on Zephyrus weren't interested in enforcing the Galactic Non-Interference Treaty despite the Daimon'cha's grandmother being a very influential member of one of their churches. The Federation worlds were so busy shivering from the threats of the Seifukusu Dominion and the Ipraedies Empire, they didn't once consider what their presence on Earth was doing to the native culture. Yet, if Sagussa stepped in, what? Would it lead to peace or the Keiseiri'cha's final victory? Suddenly, a voice echoes around her. "*Noa?*" She looks up. That was the name the Other gave her fourteen years before, in days so innocent, she wondered now if she was ever that same person. "Yes, James?" "*A private message from Koruneko-sama,*" the Chamber of Eternity's master computer reports. "*Koosei Ryooki is dead.*" Noa looks up, her indigo eyes suddenly tearing. Surprising; she had never met the man. "How?!" "*Supposedly, Niphentaxian rebels who could have deduced his connection to us, then seen an opportunity to bring down the Church of Lum,*" James sighs, a sad tone to his voice. *Oh, Lyna, not them!!* Noa grits her teeth as she reaches for her black-and-gold duty jumpsuit. "Does Henry know? What's Koruneko's reading on the threat to the Daimon'cha?" "*He believes the threat is presently more against Lum than Ataru,*" James muses. "*Still, given the fanaticism the Church shows towards Lum, they could readily conclude that the 'Great Evil,'*" the sarcasm in his voice was real, "*...was responsible.*" Noa shudders as she rapidly dries her chestnut brown hair, walking out of the shower room and down the long corridor lined with cryogenic chambers and their sleeping inhabitants. "Damn!! Okay, threat against the Daimon'cha!! I'm going to Earth to take a look! Get Honey up! Put the 'Hasei'cha' crew and Pathfinder Troop Six on first standby!! Have Shuttle One-hundred ready!" "*Acknowledged,*" James responds... * * * "A Remarkable Destiny" a Urusei Yatsura lemon fic by Fred Herriot **** **** **** Based on "Urusei Yatsura" created by Rumiko Takahashi **** **** **** NOTE: All standard lemon warnings apply. This is my second time at this, so please give me a break. I'll try to keep it as spicy as possible without going too overboard. WRITER'S NOTES 1) This is my first attempt at a real lemon fic, though in my eyes, story comes first. Though this includes the Sagussans, the Niphentaxians and the galactic situation as espoused in UY-TSY, I wouldn't classify this as an alternate Tales of the Daishi'cha. This story is somewhat inspired by Todd Hill's "The Prince and the Lecher." A special nod to him, of course. 2) Sagussan terms (for those not familiar with them): daimon'cha - First Father. Ataru's first title on Sagussa. daite'cha - First Citizen. Ataru's other title on Sagussa. ashi'cha - Elder Mother. Noa's unofficial title. daishi'cha - First Mother. Generic title for all Sagussans at this point. Other - The Sagussans' reference for Lum. te'a - That Which Is Above mortal understanding. The divine nature of Existence. Creation - The progressive force of Existence. Entropy - The regressive force of Existence. keiseiri'cha - Master of Entropy. tomobiki - Place of fools and madmen. In Romanized Sagussan, would be spelt "toghmoghbiki." mei'na - A person's living soul. ki - Profane expletive. de'ne - One who doesn't use one's mind. Idiot. mei'ne - Soulless person. One who doesn't care. mei'aidoei - Half-life. Lowest insult on Sagussa. Dreamscape - The Sagussans' mental World Wide Web. Lyna - Sagussa's patron saint, heroine of the War of Clone Rights. paratanun - Windrider. A bird with large wings and a small body. Sagussa's national symbol. ran-jugh - Sagussan brandy. Sagussan numbers: ai (1), ei (2), ii (3), oi (4), ui (5), ao (6), eo (7), io (8), uo (9), o (10), oa (100), oe (1000), oai (10,000), ou (100,000). A Daishi'cha's sequence number like Noa's (19282) is usually read "Aiuoeiioei" (One-nine-two-eight-two). When a zero appears in the sequence number, like Catty's (40435), it is read "Oioai-oiiiui" (Forty thousand, four-three-five). And terms concerning relationships and sex: marei'cha - One with whom you raise a child. Equivalent to the bond between parents. surei'cha - One with whom you bear a child. The person you choose to be your child's co-parent. do vanan'cha - Short for "Igh do vanan'cha" (My heart is yours). The oath of bonding. mavan'shagh - Time of no secrets. The lowering of psionic shields to forge a psi-bond. tamgh va ragh - Lover's dance, an erotic motion done to show the love one has for one's marei'cha. These days, the phrase is used to describe sex. namghmun - South gate. A woman's vagina. namghmuntogh - South gate door. A woman's hymen. namghmuntapgh - South gate tower. A woman's clitoris. namghsuyang - South ram. A man's penis. namghsupgh - South forest. A person's pubic hair. meija - Life bag. A man's testes or woman's ovaries. meijasha - Life bag hills. A woman's breasts. pughmun - North gate. A person's mouth. Oral sex is frowned on between surei'cha but seen as quite acceptable between marei'cha. meipyokgh - Spirit walls. One's psi-barriers. meisuyang - Spirit rams. The psi-bolts used to tap at one's psi-shields. 3) Sagussan vowels are short unless they're followed by "-gh," which while silent, serves the same function as the "-e" in bite. For example, namghmuntogh is pronounced NAME-moon-TOE. When "u" appears before "-gh," it sounds like the "u" in up. Sagussan phrases are always in VOS (verb-object-subject) order. **** **** **** PART ONE - SURPRISE REUNION *At least the rebuilding's going on schedule,* Ataru muses as he dispassionately watches lines of construction equipment head to different parts of Tomobiki from his window seat at a coffee shop near the Ginza. Observers would see a lanky seventeen year old, plain by many people's standards, a vacant stare in his eyes. The natives saw him as the idiot of idiots, cancer of Class 2-4 (soon to be 3-4) of Tomobiki High School, and the sole cause for all their misfortunes. For the most part, Ataru's behaviour didn't contradict their viewpoints, nor did he do much to change his behaviour, even now. His demeanour is truthfully a carefully constructed lie, one which had duped almost everyone living close to him. It disguised an unsure young man wondering where his life was actually going. He feverently believed that if he leaned in any direction, outside forces would seize him and drag him off. THAT he loathed. He wanted control over his life, total control...yet there was nothing he could do to help him take such control. For now, what he'd done seemed the best solution in such an awful situation. Act like he didn't know a thing, pretend he was what other people some respects, he actually BELIEVED their words...and hope that something would come along that could change the situation. Of course, knowing what was truthfully going on helped. The recent mushroom infestation was said to have spread over most of Earth. He knew it hadn't gone beyond Tokyo, courtesy of Zephyrite wind-daises imported from Maigaru by his grandmother Nagaiwakai. The wind-daises, a breed specially grown to interact in Earth's biosphere, decomposed and ingested the mushrooms faster than Rupa's pigs ever could. There was no threat to Earth from that quarter. Ataru wondered if Rupa had seen it from orbit. Probably not. And if he did, what could he or Invader have done? The wind-daises were very prolific as well as brutally proficient; one cargo ship's worth was enough. And even if more were required, Ataru doubted the Yaminokuni or the Urusians were crazy enough to interdict a ship from Maigaru. That was grounds for war in the Holy Republic's eyes...and if that greatest of galactic states so much as sneezed, the tiny Federation states would be knocked over like dominoes. He was able to relax and worry about stopping Lum from using her memory-erasing device. It turned out to be quite unnecessary, but the thought of never seeing the Oni again had struck a deep chord. He wasn't ready to admit he loved Lum; even now, he wasn't sure if he did or ever will. But having her gone...he couldn't have that! Thank the gods that she had accepted that he didn't want to forget her, then thrown the race on the last day. Ataru exhales between clenched teeth. No place to go. If he gave in to Lum, he'd be off to the nearest chapel in the blink of the eye...and Nagaiwakai Moroboshi would have the Oni assassinated six hours later! Ataru's part-Vosian grandmother loathed Lum with such passion that EVERYTHING she did was suspect. He knew the Second Tag Race would just make Nagaiwakai worse. There was no way he could go plead Lum's case; Nagaiwakai wouldn't listen. And if he revealed Nagaiwakai's existence, it could lead to the slaughter of everyone he knew. Tomobiki had a mindset when it came to Ataru. He was the bottom of the pack and there he would stay. Learning he was the heir to Earth's richest woman, one with galactic connections Oyuki would envy, would be too much. They'd try to destroy Nagaiwakai to ensure Ataru couldn't run to her...and commit suicide. With Zephyrus' power at her call as a Righteous Gentile, it was simple arithmetic. A Oni chief's daughter, a Tritonian princess, a Fukunokami chief's daughter, a warped Seishin teen and her brainless boyfriend, two priests, two rich zaibatsu families and a district of a hundred thousand didn't stand up to a ten millennia-old galactic state of two hundred-plus worlds and technology light years ahead of anything Ataru had seen to date. Trapped. No way out. At least he'd get three weeks peace from the idiots around him. His great-grandmother Kimaenowakai's bodyguards, the Sunin, saw to that; they were brutally efficient when it came to dealing with those who tried to hurt him. Ataru didn't want them to come to Tomobiki more often; it would've made even that idiot Mendou suspicious. That he didn't want. Everyone, even Lum's friends from space, were now in Tomobiki General, in bodycasts as they recovered from the beating the Sunin gave them after the Tag Race ended. Lum was there now, visiting her friends with Ten-chan. Even his parents had been put in intensive care; no hearing "I wish he never was born" from his mother over the next while. He couldn't run away even from them though he was tempted. Who could he turn to? Lum? Nagaiwakai? Even his uncle's wards in town? No, those routes lead to trouble. No way out. Damn! Trying to figure a way out of this mess was like actually getting his harem. Ataru's eyes flick over a pretty girl heading to school. He smiles, then turns back to his coffee. Not now... * * * Lum bites her lips as she stares at Benten. The Big Men in Black (she called the Sunin that to tell them apart from the normal MiB working in the U.N.'s Special Committee on Alien Activities) left her best friend with a crushed rib cage, shattered lower legs and a lot of internal damage. Not fatal, but the message got across: leave Ataru alone. The Oni was grateful that they hadn't come after her like they did after the gang had dealt with Elle. *Maybe they like me with Darling...whoever they are,* Lum muses, then taps her friend's shoulder. "Benten!" The Fukunokami's eyes flutter open, then she coughs, wheezing as the pain lances through her body. "H-hi, Lum..." she tries to smile, then coughs again. "Y-you o-okay...?" "I'm fine," the Oni titters, looking as if she minded her friends being hurt. She knew she was in enough trouble from them because of the Second Tag Race. She hadn't minded the Sunin's actions...too much. "How are you?" "Sore..." Benten grunts. "Fuck, they really let us have it this time..." "You're lucky," Lum muses. "This was just your second time. Everyone in Tomobiki got another dose a few months back." "That pseudo-war thing you told me about?" Benten stares at her. "The one where you lost your powers?" "*Tcha,*" Lum nods. "I wish I knew where they came from..." "Ask Moroboshi; he has to know," Benten tries to shrug. "Every time I try, he runs away," the Oni frowns. "I guess they're something he likes to keep to himself." "Wonder what else he's got up his sleeve," the Fukunokami grunts. "If he's hiding things from you, I guess that means he doesn't really care for you..." Lum jolts, then feels her body shudder. Did he? Didn't he? Her questions about Ataru's desires hadn't been answered by the Second Tag Race. "I won't forget you," he had said. Not "I love you" like she wanted him to say. Did that mean...he didn't love her? He just tolerated her, put up to her, used her, ignored her until something better came along, perhaps? Looking down, she ignores Benten's stare as her thoughts boil. If he did, why was she wasting her time? Was that her fate? First Rei, then Ataru, then...? No true love? She didn't want that. "What're you going to do?" Benten coughs. "I don't know," Lum sighs, then blinks as a gentle wave of cold washes over her back. "Eh?!" She turns to a nearby storage closet just as the door opens, a mini-blizzard flowing into the room. As soon as the storm settles into a pile of snow, it reveals a small, quasi-humanoid yet feline being dressed in nice robes and a hate resembling a paper hat kids made to play pirate. Brushing his sleeves free of snow, he walks out, then looks around. In one paw is a wrapped book. "Ah, it's been a while since I was last on Earth," he muses, his voice a deep baritone mixed with a purr. "Koruneko-sama, what are you doing here?!" Lum wonders. The famous felinoid, who owned a pub and restaurant on Sakusei Station near Uru, smiles. "Hello Lum. Is Princess Oyuki about?" "Here," a voice summons from the bed across from Benten's. Lum stares sympathetically at Oyuki. Atop getting a point- blank blast from a flame-thrower, one of the princess' arms and both her legs were in casts. Most of her body was swathed in bandages; fire and Tritonians didn't mix, even more so than with other races. "Oh, my," Koruneko muses as he walks up to her, then stares at Benten, Lan and Rei (who had the other two beds). "I must confess, someone must be very angry at you people." "Story of our lives, especially since we met Moroboshi," Benten grits her teeth. Koruneko stares at her, then gazes at Oyuki. "I wish my visit was a simple visit to bring cheer, my dear...but sadly, I come here today bearing very unfortunate news." Oyuki blinks. "About what?" "About Koosei-kun." Lum's and Benten's attention was instantly rivetted on the felinoid. Koosei Ryooki, a Terran kidnapped by the Ipraedies a decade before, who later became a galactic vagabond of sorts, was a good friend to them as well as Oyuki's unofficial fiance. "Koosei-kun?" the princess innocently asks. "What of him?" Koruneko closes his eyes, looking down. Even after thirty- five thousand years over a half-dozen consecutive lifetimes, he had never got used to this. "I am very sorry, Oyuki..." Hearing that, Oyuki turns sheet-white as the implication hits. "No!" she hoarsely exclaims, then shakes her head, tears flooding her eyes. "No! No!! It's not possible...!!" "It happened about a week ago," Koruneko stares at her. "He was on Gomiana, in the capital's Upper Town, when he was attacked and stabbed to death. I'm so sorry..." "NO!!!!" Oyuki screams as her strength escapes her. "NO!!!! PLEASE, NOT HIM!!!! KOOSEI-KUN!!!!!!" Lum runs over to take the wailing princess into her arms. The ward's door then flies open to reveal Sakura and Ten-chan, both untouched by the Sunin. "What's going on here?!!" the nurse, dragooned to help the hospital staff, demands. "Oyuki-chan, you okay?!" the younger Oni gasps. Lum stares at them, her own face damp. Oyuki shakes her head, her face in the Oni's bosom, tears flowing in torrents down her cheeks. "Koosei...Koosei...Koosei...Koosei...!" she moans. Sakura jolts as memories of her old classmate flow back to her. "Koosei?! Koosei Ryooki?!! How do you know him?!" "How do YOU know about Koosei-onii-chan, Sakura-onee-chan?!" Ten-chan spins on her. "Please." Eyes lock on Koruneko. "Koosei-kun was taken from Earth a decade ago, Sakura-san," the felinoid announces. "Yes, I know of you, child; he told me you were long friends." "He's in space?!" Sakura exclaims. Koosei's fate had always bothered her over the years. But admittedly, even she couldn't've imagined THAT happening to him even after meeting Lum. "Yes...he WAS in space," Koruneko sighs. The weight of that statement hits the Shinto priestess like a ton of bricks. "No...!!" she drops to her knees. "He can't be..." "I'm very sorry," Koruneko looks down. Ten-chan stares at Sakura, failing to control her tears, then to the wet-cheeked Lum and Oyuki, then back to Koruneko, his young eyes suddenly very older. "He's...he's...he's gone...?" "Yes," Koruneko nods. Ten-chan wails as he flies into Sakura's arms, happy memories of his favourite babysitter flooding back. Koruneko remains silent as the others mourn, then turns to Oyuki. "I wish I could give you time to mourn, Oyuki, but sadly, there is business to be done." Oyuki stares at the diminutive felinoid. He reaches to her, his furry fingertip glowing. A second later, the bandages explode, her wounds healed. Oyuki breathes out, then immediately rises to dress. "Wow!!" Sakura gapes. "Can he do that with everyone else?" "I've never seen him do that before," Lum admits. A moment later, Oyuki stares at her friends, once again the Crown Princess and Heir Apparent to the Throne of Koori. "I'll be back," she nods, then follows Koruneko into the space warp. Everyone watches as the warp disappears, leaving behind a closet full of snow. "Wonder what that was about," Benten muses. "Interesting fellow," Sakura muses. "He does things for his own reasons," Lum admits. "Usually, they're right on. I wonder what he has in mind..." * * * Moments after leaving Earth, Oyuki and Koruneko relax in her reception room in Koori City. Neptune loomed like an angry sea god over her largest moon, the blue of her upper atmosphere hiding the brutal scars the Seifukusu Dominion left behind a millennia before. If there was any proof needed for the Galactic Federation's desire to keep Earth away from the Dominion's influence, it lay across the surface of the eighth planet of Earth's very solar system. As soon as the two relax, the doors open, revealing a host of couriers and two of Oyuki's cousins. "Princess Oyuki!!" her lady chamberlain bows low, her shock breaking through the characteristic Tritonian calm. "We heard the news! Are you alright?!" "I' fine," Oyuki tries to keep calm, then shudders as more sobs escape her. "There, there, cousin," Pukaze, Oyuki's second cousin and the Lady Constable, commander-in-chief of Triton's armed forces, kneels to allow her to sink into her embrace. "Let it out. It's okay." "Koosei-kun...!" Oyuki tearfully burbles. Toji, Oyuki's first cousin and the next-in-line to the throne, joins Pukaze in a group hug as the crown princess vents her grief. The others remain silent, then blink as a soldier walks in. "My liege, forgive me for interrupting your time of sadness," he bows. "Y-yes?" Oyuki stares at him. "President Oogi of Phentax Two is here," the soldier stoically reports. The respect a Tritonian would normally show to a leader doesn't go as far as his eyes when it came to THAT head-of-state. "He humbly requests an audience with Your Highness concerning Ryooki-sama's assassination. He says he bears news on who did it." Oyuki blinks, a disgusted shudder tensing her body. Oogi was one of the most annoying creatures she had ever met, even lower in the Tritonian's eyes than Lum's fiance. His mad worship of the Oni as a living goddess was comical at best, frightening at worst. Still, Niphentaxian help was better than no help. "Send him in." The soldier bows, then leaves. A second later, a handsome man looking like a pointed-eared Mendou, right down to the cowlick and the silver uniform, walks in, bowing very low to one he considered one of the Goddess Lum's Holy Company. "Oyuki-sama, my people have sent me to present their sympathies after hearing of the passing of your beloved," he announces reverently. If she hadn't've been broadsided by Koruneko's news, Oyuki might have laughed. Oogi had gone to incredible lengths to make himself look like Lum's classmate. However, despite her annoyance at the Niphentaxians for a host of reasons, Oyuki did recognize genuine feelings from their president. "Thank you, Oogi-san," she nods. "But surely, your ambassador might have relayed your words to me instead of having you personally come from Lumukyou." "That is true," Oogi rises. "However, I bear tragic news. We've learned who is responsible for the dastardly act which forever denied him the chance to be one of the Holy Company." "Who?!" Toji demands. "They're pagans from several of the Niphentaxian Union's remote colonies, those who've not accepted the True Faith of Lum," Oogi sneers in disgust. "While we have no motive as of this time, we do suspect that this may be a preliminary step taken before they move to destroy the Holy Company and Lum-sama Herself." "What?!!" Oyuki bolts up. "Are you sure about this?!!" "Their friends on Phentax Ten practically boasted it to our agents right after news of the nefarious deed came!" Oogi growls, his fists shaking. "I've sent troops out to locate them! As of yet, they haven't been found...but be assured, when we do...!" "You will bring them to me," Oyuki announces. Oogi stares at her, then nods. "Yes, of course we will," he smiles. "But, Oyuki-sama, my agents may be so angered at the pain the pagans have unleashed on you and Lum-sama, they may not be able to control themselves when the time comes..." "I understand!" Oyuki growls. "Bring them to me, alive! I'll have them face Tritonian justice!!" Oogi blinks, then nods. "Of course, Oyuki-sama. Please excuse me, but I have to return to carry out the search." "Of course, Oogi-san," Oyuki nods. The Niphentaxian swiftly departs. The Tritonians and Koruneko relax. "What an infernal creature!" Pukaze spits out. "Were the implications not so grave, I'd laugh at their stupidity!!" "Agreed," Koruneko smiles. "But in comparison to others, he is small. In the meantime, my friends, I must ask you to leave us. My present business with your princess must be conducted alone." Everyone stares at him, then nods. There were few people who could ever make a demand like that concerning Oyuki, especially in her own chambers. Koruneko was one. Rising, they swiftly exit, the lady chamberlain closing the door behind her. With that, Oyuki stares at Koruneko. "What business?" the princess wonders. Koruneko unwraps the book in his hand. It is black leather, a gold symbol on the front. "My dear, I know how much you two shared in your brief time together," he smiles. "Still, at my request, Koosei-kun kept one secret from all, including you." Oyuki breathes in, her eyes locked on the bird-like insignia on the cover. Resembling a phoenix, it was, she knew, called a paratanun. Depicted with its vast wings ascending to the heavens, the creature had three stars under its tail and one between the tips of its wings. Only one planet made use of this symbol. "The Maidens of the Eternal Voyager," she nods... * * * "Why's everyone so sad?" Shinobu wonders. Lum stares at her. Having been at the edge of the crowd at Tomobiki High when the Tag Race ended, Shinobu had escaped the worst the Sunin unleashed. One arm was in a sling; even her great strength was hard pressed when dealing with two hundred very well trained sumo-ninjas, the smallest weighing two hundred kilograms. Her health verified, Shinobu would soon be discharged. Lum, Sakura and Ten-chan now sit in the hospital cafeteria, all with damp faces. "Hi, Shinobu," Lum weakly smiles. "We...just got news of the death of a good friend." "Oh, gomen nasai!" Shinobu sits beside them, then staring at Sakura, shudders. "Who...?" "Someone you don't know," Sakura assures her. "A former classmate of mine...who, I've just learned, became the first Terran in intergalactic space, a decade before Ataru." "Oh!!" Shinobu breathes out, relaxing. "I'm so sorry. Did you know him well, Lum?" "He was Ten-chan's babysitter," Lum indicates her cousin, then looks down, "...and Oyuki-chan's fiance." "Oh, no!" Shinobu covers her mouth. Of Lum's friends, she respected the Tritonian princess the most. "Does she know?" "*Tcha,*" Lum nods. "A friend of Koosei's...came down, healed Oyuki-chan, then took her back to Triton. He said it was something very important. I just hope Oyuki-chan's okay." "I hope so, too," Shinobu bites her lips, then stands. "I'll pass it on to the others. Where's Ataru-kun, by the way?" "He refused to come," Lum wryly grins. "Just like the other times everyone got stomped by those monsters!" Shinobu shakes her head. While still angry at Ataru and Lum for allowing the mess with Rupa to happen, even she wondered what her former boyfriend was like, what went on in his mind. Right to the end, he refused to give in, say he loved her. What did that mean? Was he finally sick and tired of her? What would it mean for everyone else? Things seemed so unsure now. It was scary. "Miyaki-san?" a nurse comes up. "Yes?" Shinobu stares at her. "As far as the doctors are concerned, your free to go," the nurse smiles. "Just give your arm time to set in properly. We'll call if we want you to come in for a check-up." "Thank you," Shinobu stands. "I better call my parents." "I might as well go, too," Lum stands. "I'll get to my ship and call Triton to see how Oyuki-chan's doing." "Lum-chan, I'll stay here, okay?" Ten-chan stares at her. The older Oni nods as she flies out. "Behave, Ten-chan!" "I will," Ten-chan waves. "'Bye, Shinobu-chan." "'Bye!" the Terran teenager follows her classmate out. Once alone, Sakura shifts the young Oni to face her. "Now, why don't you...tell me what Koosei-kun did after he left," the nurse manages a smile, fresh tears in her eyes. "Okay," Ten-chan nods, his own eyes tearing... * * * Ataru ignores the frightened stares people project his way as he walks into the district park. The rumour mill had spread the word fast. He didn't need any grief from them, so picking a spot under a cherry tree, he sits down and stares at the clear sky. Almost two years before, his life had been turned totally upside-down. Intent on invading Earth, the Urusians were willing to give his people a chance if he'd take their champion on in a game of tag. He was knocked head-over-heels when he saw who he was meant to race. Then he got knocked around again when he tried to catch the Oni and tag her horns. Only with Shinobu's encouragement on the final night...and a suction-cup gun...did he succeed. But thanks to that encouragement, he wound up with a jealous alien capable of firing huge bolts of bio-electricity as a "fiancee." Why didn't he say something then, prevented this whole mess from starting? One call to Nagaiwakai would've solved it right there. He couldn't believe the Zephyrites would've allowed the Urusians to be so brazen not five light-years from their frontier colonies. He was going to leave his parents, unwilling to remain in an unloving home. They wouldn't've minded it; right after his "engagement," his mother had told him to write home from Uru! Why didn't his grandmother do something? Ataru never felt so alone. It went downhill from there. Megane and his squad forming up, at first wanting to take Lum for themselves, then vowing to ride Ataru to ensure Lum's happiness. Shinobu dropping him for Mendou. Mendou with his huge private army and that damn sword. Lum's alien friends. Worse, her brat of a cousin. Her former fiance, Rei, who probably still hadn't accepted that Lum no longer wanted him. All the incidents. Why didn't he say something? He had almost given up hope when Elle came. His parents and Lum's bullied him into saying "yes" when they demanded he marry her. Then he was dragged to Uru to get married...and just as he was trying to escape, the Sunin sent everyone to the hospital. He wasn't alone! But had Nagaiwakai and Kimaenowakai sensed what he really thought, then allowed him the chance to make up his mind? So many questions. Still so many questions. Ataru breathes out. The chief of the Sunin had announced to the bleeding wedding party a year ago that any engagement between him and Lum was null-and-void and there was nothing no one could do to change that. Yet Lum just carried on as if the Sunin never existed. Was she THAT dense...or was he just a coward? Who was to blame here? Her? Him? Both? Everyone? He looks across the path at a small rose garden. The flowers were in full bloom, soaking in the afternoon sun. Standing, he walks over to gaze at them. Red roses, his favourite. He always liked roses but never understood why. Kneeling, he sniffs at one, then gazes back at the cherry tree he had sat under. Ataru then blinks as a shower of light sparkles under the reveal what to him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen! Gaping, he shakes his head, then freezes as her eyes lock on him, a warm smile cutting across her face. "Tell me, Ataru...what is the logic of presenting a flower?" * * * "I can't take this." Koruneko stares at Oyuki. The princess was tearfully gazing at the book in the felinoid's hands. "Why not?" he wonders. "Surely after what they did for your people a millennium ago, you would be more than curious to know who and what they are." Oyuki blinks. "Admittedly, I am," she sighs. "But there are said to be some secrets no one is meant to learn, for fear of the damage such secrets may unleash. Many feel the Voyager is one of them. I assume by know who the Chosen One might be." "It's in here," Koruneko admits. "Then it's best I remain in the dark," she shudders. "Whoever that person would I look upon him? An ursuper? A blessed individual? Someone who could bring peace or Armageddon?" Koruneko smiles. "You passed the test," he places the book in her hand. "Oyuki-chan, Koosei-kun trusted you never to ask about his time with them. Those of us in the know locate trustworthy people to take their place should they die. Dakejinzou-chan chose Nassur, for example. Koosei-kun chose you. It...proved how much he loved you, Oyuki-chan...and how much you loved him." Oyuki tenses. He was doing this for a noble reason, but he had hooked her. Invoke her love for Koosei and the princess leapt high. But what would this text reveal? "Very well," she nods, placing both hands on the book. "I accept." "Wonderful," he pats her arm. "You may find the identity of the Chosen One...disconcerting. It has always bothered Koosei-kun, but to the end, he never told them. I insist that before you indulge your curiosity, you read everything about them. This text is as detailed as possible. You'll find some things fascinating. Some things disturbing. They're not gods, Oyuki-chan. They're people. They have dreams and goals, just like we. Be objective." "I will," she bows. With that, Koruneko departs. The princess sighs, then looks at the book. She was curious, very curious. Not just about who the lucky man might be, but all about these women, dead once and reborn, living on some strange planet thousands of parsecs away. Should! Do as Koruneko advised. Sighing, she proceeds to a chair, sits down, then begins to read... * * * *I just died and went to Heaven!!* Ataru wonders how much time has passed. She seemed not in a hurry, content to gaze longingly at him. His passions, able to bubble forth at a moment's notice, had risen to the occasion again. was different this time. Not the urge to harass some passer-by for her name and phone number, begging for a date. Not the thirst for the chase, with Lum howling after him. Different, but how? More content. She didn't fear him, hate him. She cared for him, was attracted to him. Like Lum...almost. Unlike the Oni, to whom the concept of "compromise" was obscene, this chestnut- haired beauty seemed willing to give him the choice to accept her desires or back away. Freedom of choice. Freedom! Was she what he was looking for? Was his girl-hunts a private yearning to be free of Lum? He'd have to think about it. Even better, she'd give him the chance. Not just freedom, but safety, too. The strength which bled from every pore on her body was overwhelming! She was here for a purpose and woe betide those stupid enough to get in the way. And that purpose...was him. *I'm gonna get burned!* one part of him warns. *No!* another laughs. *You're gonna be roasted alive!!* Recovering, he moves to give her a look-over. She remains in place, smiling contently as he indulges himself. Beautiful! Hell, NO ONE was like this!! Lum's height, but bustier upstairs, slimmer downstairs. Not a blemish or excess weight. Not anorexic like a model, but certainly not stocky. A dependable woman, the type any man would want. That she was an alien...Lan's race?...didn't bother him. The ears were elegant, their tips barely covered by her hair. The eyebrows, partially hidden under chestnut bangs, had the barest hint of upsweep. The canines were not too prominent. Even her clothes accentuated her looks without revealing much. White shirt, loose blue jeans, running shoes, purse slung over one shoulder. No bra, Ataru feels his pulse accelerate on seeing the dark circles of her nipples in the fabric. Small nipples, he noted. Perky breasts. Probably no underwear either. She seemed simplistic concerning how she covered herself. No makeup, not even eye liner. Even a little bit would be excessive. Finally, they gaze into each other's eyes. She was physically nineteen, but the eyes spoke a different story. Ageless, or near to it as one could get. Knowledge, far beyond anything he could dream, added to the ability to get more by whatever means possible. Wild passion; oh, yes, he'd be roasted if he got close...and he would, no doubt about that! A touch of innocence, which was so damn erotic, he hoped he wasn't drooling. As close to perfect as one could get. What'd he do to get THIS lucky? He then reflects on her question. "I don't think people here'd appreciate my taking roses the city grows." She laughs, a haunting sound reminding him of wind chimes. "I asked you that question twelve years ago, when I saved you from some bullies who were harassing me," she muses. "I was looking for someone. They were interested in sundering my namghmuntogh like most adolescents from your planet. I wasn't interested in giving them the indulgence. Then you came and told them to leave me alone. They decided to punish you for your interference...and I chased them off. That's when you gave me the rose." "I take it...that you didn't understand what that meant." "Put bluntly, yes," she nods. "Back then, emotions were alien to me. You helped me, you helped my people allow us to understand what they meant, how we could use them." "So what brings you back?" "The process is incomplete," she muses. "You were just a five year old boy; we didn't get the complete picture. Further, as we grew, we became fiercely loyal to you, in ways which would outdo anything this tomobiki could ever do for Lum. They've threatened they would kill in Lum's name. We wouldn't threaten. We WILL kill in your name and we could do that on a planetary scale. And I now suspect we'll be killing for you sometime very soon." "I wouldn't like that." "I wouldn't either. But it is the way things are now, Ataru. If things weren't so urgent, we'd've waited until matters around Earth calmed down. However, we now suspect things will get very exciting quite soon. The first domino has fallen. How many more will fall depends on what you do, what you'll decide, over the next while. Your innocence will be shattered in ways Lum couldn't, wouldn't dream of. For that, I am truly sorry." He stares at her. Her eyes were glistening, the look she projected pleading for his forgiveness. "I don't remember the time we first met," he admits. "But something tells me you'll get me back up to speed concerning that, right?" "Yes." "I can't speak about anything I don't fully understand," he smiles. "But I thank you for caring. It's been...a very long time since circumstances have given me the chance to accept or reject things without someone insisting I make the choice they wanted." "You're welcome." "What's your name?" She smiles, her eyes glittering in the sunlight. "Noa." * * * Shinobu breathes easy as she proceeds down the path. It was a sad day for Sakura and Oyuki, but if she was needed for emotional support, she'll be there. She hadn't failed her friends in that regard. She cared for those who came into her life, even Ataru. Damn, wouldn't things around him ever make sense? In the times she spent in a hospital thanks to the Sunin, he never visited once. Probably gloating in private over their misfortune. Where would it lead to? She wish she knew. When she first went into the Destiny Management dimension, Inaba had given Shinobu the chance to create her own future. She had created one where nothing had changed, all remained in chaos. She was comfortable there, admittedly. But that future had been destroyed when Inaba's co-workers tried to kill them, along with many others. What would the future bring? She wanted to know...but would she like it? Her eyes look left, then she stops, her brown orbs widening in disbelief as her mind overloads trying to register what they see. Ataru. A girl. Both kissing passionately. If Shinobu's jaw was any lower, it'd be on the ground! The two seemed oblivious to the world, their mouths inventing new ways of becoming acquainted with each other. They were in a relaxed embrace, his hands holding her in place, her fingers trailing up and down his spine. Their eyes were closed...and they were crying! *Gods, who is she?!!* Shinobu wonders, a mosaic of emotions thundering through her. Ataru had never given Lum that sort of passion, certainly not Shinobu. She couldn't be a relative; the kiss was a monster French kiss passionate lovers would exchange. Finally, an eternity later, Ataru and the woman break apart, gazing into each other's eyes. Even for a novice, their intent was very plain. No lechery on Ataru's part. That was LOVE Shinobu saw...and LOVE was what the stranger projected back. They head out of the park, ignoring everything save each other. "Impossible...!" Shinobu gasps. Ataru couldn't give himself so totally to ONE girl; it went against everything he professed to believe in! What should she do? Tell Lum? Oh, would THAT be a scene, especially so soon after the Tag Race. Or...would it now matter? Had Ataru actually come to the point where Lum no longer counted? Was he going to unveil what secrets he had and destroy those who'd stop him from getting what he wanted? What WERE Ataru's secrets? How did that girl fit into it? What? What?! Shuddering, Shinobu feels her legs propel herself after her former boyfriend. No matter what, she had to find out. Gritting her teeth, she moves to run after them... ...when an arm snakes around her throat. In the blink of an eye, Shinobu is piledriven into the concrete below her, two fingers as hard as diamond on her throat! Her vision quickly focuses on another woman with unruly red hair standing over her, her green eyes boring into the Terran's like lasers. "What do you think you're doing, Miyaki?!" the stranger growls. Shinobu's eyes widen as she tries to absorb details. How did the woman know who she was?! The clothing exactly matched Ataru's new friend. However, she had two white batons in hand, one of which was pressing against her throat, the other on her wounded shoulder. The woman was taller and bustier, but whipcord lean and in great shape. The steel in her eyes warned that she wouldn't tolerate anything Shinobu did which hurt Ataru or her companion. "Wh-who are you?" the Terran stammers. "Name's Honey," the alien smiles, her fanged teeth and tapered ears also hinting at Urusian ancestry. "Do yourself a favour. Turn around. Walk away. Don't look back. Ataru is lost to you and all your friends. Interfere in any way and you'll die. Not metaphorically speaking. You'll DIE and never come back! I'm a nice girl so I'm letting you off easy. Some of my friends aren't nice...and they don't like you for what you've done to Ataru, especially ABANDONING him all for that kimei'ne Mendou! Killing you will be child's play no matter HOW strong you are. Remember this, Shinobu: there is ALWAYS someone stronger than you!" Honey stands up, then stows the batons on her belt. "Use your brains for something other than keeping your skull bones apart, Shinobu. You're a smart girl; strange coming from a native of this tomobiki. Use the brains Creation gave you. Live your life...but don't count being near Ataru as something you can depend on!" With that, she walks away. Shinobu breathes out in relief, then slowly gets back up. Looking around, she blinks, a shiver running up her spine. Gone! How did someone move THAT fast?! Shinobu looks down at her hands. Being so strong, she could easily defeat anyone she could imagine. Honey had taken her down without breaking a sweat. What was going on here? Had something finally happened, something to bring forth a power which could take on anyone trying to control Ataru? What would she do? Shivering, she turns away. Things were complicated enough. Perhaps Honey had a point. She knew things Shinobu didn't. She guessed Shinobu might not be able to take whatever Honey knew, wanting to save her from it. Should she accept that and walk away...or learn more? What would she do? What would she do...? Watching her from the branch of a cherry tree, Honey sadly sighs. Her brief contact with Shinobu told her a lot. Ataru's former girlfriend liked things the way they were, felt safe in all that chaos, knowing her strength would save her when the chips were down. So innocent. Lyna's Soul, so innocent...and so vulnerable. They would all suffer. Even Honey, even Noa, even the Sagussans back home. But there was no way out now save allowing events to play themselves out to their logical conclusion. Honey smiles. Shinobu has such passion. Properly prepared, she would make an excellent Daishi'cha. Suddenly, a deep warmth thunders through her body. Honey was as lonely as Noa, thirsting for the passionate touch of body and mei'na her sister would soon receive thanks to Ataru. Absently rubbing her hardening meijasha, she wonders if she could find pleasure in those hands, hands which could shatter trees and rend steel like tissue paper. Should she try? Would Shinobu back away? Oh, no, Honey smiles. Shinobu wouldn't run. She would come back, determined to learn the truth. Her innocence would be shattered, dreams turned to dust, her spirit battered by forces so strong, it could crush her. Experience would hammer the perpetually angry girl into a mature woman. Honey just hoped someone was there fore her at the end. Maybe her, perhaps...? * * * To Ataru's surprise, Noa owned a studio apartment in the central part of Tomobiki, not a block from Toranoseishin Finances. It was registered to "Noa Aruka," a businesswomen who spent most of her time overseas, but wanted a stable hearth to come back to when she returned to Japan. Ataru found it impossible to believe that an alien was permitted to get away with this much. Seeing his surprised look, Noa laughs. "The United Nations has been aware of us for over the last decade, Ataru. Unlike the Federation, we DO acknowledge your rights as a sovereign species, so we're permitted more leeway when our business brings us here." Ataru whistles as he takes in the decor. Elegant but simple, just like Noa. He knew that citizens of the Federation such as Lum were restricted to living within Tomobiki and were never permitted to travel beyond the borders of the Kantou region unless special permission was given, say for class trips. That was guaranteed by the Zephyrites, he later had learned. An unspoken invitation by Nagaiwakai to leave his parents and get away from Lum should the need eventually arise. But that didn't bother his host. Damn, whoever Noa's people were, they were a force to be reckoned with. Burned alive... Gazing into each other's eyes, they feel a growing need. Wordlessly, they drift into another kiss. Noa's eyes didn't have to glance down to see that Ataru's ram was straining to get at her south gate. The pressure on her lower abdomen spoke volumes, the hunger in his eyes trumpeting his desire. He wanted her. No, he NEEDED her. Body and soul, especially the latter. That aroused Noa like nothing ever would. She had to give it to him. She had to show him the delights only a Sagussan could enjoy. She had to awaken him to the vast world he was entitled to, that he would receive without question or objection from Noa's people. Yet... Lum. The Oni's image flashes in the Sagussan's mind. Innocent in so many away, just as innocent as the one she wanted to marry... *Ugh, what a revolting concept,* she mentally frowns. *And who's fault was that?!* one part of her accuses. *Anyone could've done it,* the other leaps to the defence. *What would Oioai-oiiiui have done? Same thing. Anyone would've made the comparison to Ram and Atar. We were ALL innocent then.* That was true, Noa gently bites her lips as Ataru begins to kiss at her throat, his hands moving to take her shirt off. Still, regardless of how it happened, Lum was the Other. Noa knew it better than anyone; she made that possible. Wouldn't it be more proper for Ataru to sunder Lum's south gate first? Ataru summons all his willpower to slow things down, his hands sensing Noa tense, more from concern than desire. This was as much the Sagussan's first time as it was his; he had no right to rush it to the point where she'd feel left out. But...damn, how could he NOT want her? There was a hidden dimension to Noa, a part of her few would ever take the time to really see. He felt its presence as soon as he laid eyes on her. It was even more intoxicating than just her looks. He lusted for that as much as her body. Yeah, he'd be roasted...and reborn, too. Everything before this point was hollow, useless. Every girl he had once desired were nothing but mindless flesh when compared to Noa. Even Lum paled before this. Lum? Oh, shit! Was that what Noa was worried about? Wasn't the Sagussan as strong as he first suspected? Had he just waltzed into another damn cycle of lust and pain? They gaze into each other's eyes, her shirt gone and his unbuttoned all the way. Ataru felt Noa's power flow into every fibre of his being as he gazes at those heavenly live-giving mounds. No doubt. "Put her out of your head, Noa-chan," he gently strokes his nose on her forehead. "It's hard, Ataru-chan," she breathes on his breastbone, her hand automatically moving to unzip his trousers. "Lum can't understand, not now," he trails his tongue from the tip of her ear down her neck, arching her back to get at her left nipple, eliciting a throaty purr. "If she wants to, she can be shown the truth later. If she doesn't...then it's over." "It's all my fault," she bites her lips. "My fault..." "Then blame everyone," he draws her back to him as her hands push down on his jeans. "We've trapped ourselves here. We all have to break free. You freed us, Noa-chan...freed us all..." Noa gazes into his eyes, feels the light of his soul deep in those brown orbs. All his attention was on her. That was even more intoxicating than aged ran-jugh. The desire, the hunger, the thirst a would-be surei'cha can give. He intrinsically understood the Sagussans' purpose, the primary goal of the Grand Design. If Lum couldn't understand, she'd be cast aside and forgotten. Tragic but necessary. Loss of innocence. Couldn't be avoided anymore. Sagussa's Elder Mother feels her inhibitions wash away as her First Father tugs at her jeans, drawing them away. A slight intake of breath from Ataru confirms his suspicious about her lack of underwear, his immediate approval on what he could see. Her whole body was afire, her namghmun screaming to be vented to the outside, feel his namghsuyang shatter its togh, quake its tapgh to the point where she'd lose all control of her body and from there, her soul would be exposed for him to see and know. Without a second's hesitation, her hands grab his underwear, yanking it down to free his suyang, then with a crouch, she rolls onto the waiting futon, he landing softly atop her. Their lips interlock as his legs absently brush away the last bits of clothing. His ram was at full power, brushing over her forest, her hairs sending sparks of passion into that stiffening rod. Their hearts were at transwarp speeds now, their minds yanking away the barriers to expose their mei'na for the other's inspection. It would happen very soon; her sense of self-control was almost gone. Ataru gasps as his straining member dances over her pubic hair, the curly chestnut locks sending bolts of passion which threatened to have him explode all over her. No, Noa wouldn't want that; if he came, she wanted it to happen inside her. That meant he'd have to get to work downstairs quickly; he didn't know how long he could hold it back. With that, his kisses begin to dance down the centre of her body, her musky scent drawing him in like his mother's sukiyaki or his grandmother's shepherd's pie. Oh, man, he was going to enjoy this. Suddenly, her fingers press lightly but firmly on his temples. His eyes automatically lock with hers. Revulsion flashes in her blue orbs. Whoops! Bad guess. No tasting her honey then. Guess lapping up a woman's love-juices was something Sagussans didn't like from their men. Probably the opposite was true, too. It was a relief. He had once smelled his seed after a good wet dream. Damn, how could a girl swallow THAT?! No problem, he nods as his kisses began climbing back to her breasts; Ataru had other ways to get Noa really going. He'd figure out the whys of it later. Noa relaxes as Ataru's north gate begins to dance back up. A woman's tongue in her namghmun was okay, but to force a man to do that, actually BOW to a woman? Ugh, regressive or what?! Sagussa was still a matriarchy but damn, they didn't want to shove that fact into people's faces all the time. Now, what would he do...? She cries out as the tip of his ram strikes her gate tower, sending a torrent of passion throughout her body. If Ataru had the powers of a Sagussan, he'd be getting a full blast of mavan'shagh from Noa; she doubted in what last seconds of sanity she had left that her meipyokgh were erect anymore...and he hadn't done it using any form of meisuyang. Lyna, he was perfect in every way and he wasn't even Sagussan! Wait until the others had their chance!! Ataru grits his teeth as he tries to do what he felt would really drive Noa crazy; dance the tip of his member from her clit down one side of her opening and up the other, repeating again and again before finally taking her cherry. But jeez, it was getting so damn hard to concentrate. Noa's body temperature was the same as his, so why was she so damn warm?! His whole body was aflame, the passions overwhelming what rationality he had left. Was this it? Was this what Noa, what all her people, could offer? This was great! Unconsciously, his ram stopped its orbit of her gate, then dove past the tower right for the door. Noa barely notices as Ataru's engine slams into the barrier, then with another surge, he smashes it down. The awful pain one would expect of that break is almost non-existent to the Sagussan; her nervous system was too busy transmitting the data it absorbed from Ataru's mind to her mind, overwhelming all her senses with a storm of images. Oh, Lyna, was this what it was like?! The pains. The pleasure. Grief. Happiness. Uncertainty. Desire. Wonderment. Fear. Hate. Love. Everything that was Ataru Moroboshi was Noa's for the knowing, the touching, even the taking should she want to go down that dark route. She was the first. All the others would see this, know this, touch this...but they would also know that Noa had taken him first, shown him the full extent of what he could do if he took the chance. That was just as intoxicating as he filling her with his seed. Gods, what's happening to me?! The centuries of immersion in logic. Not even understanding what they were missing. The years of cryosleep, minds touching each other in a gentle place, the Dreamscape. *Was this what Noa really was?* Ataru wonders. The search then began, leading to an innocent day in Tomobiki, when the destiny of two worlds were forever changed. The discoveries that followed: happiness, sadness, anger, pain, love, all the emotions. A hundred thousand like Noa, all wanting him. What would he do? This made his dreams look so meaningless. It was perfect. So perfect... * * * A dizzying eternity later, Ataru feels his sanity return. He was still locked inside Noa, his member deflating after expending itself. Panting, both gaze at each other, then he gently lifts her off him. The overwhelming musk of sweat and sex keeps them down as the Sagussan reaches for a blanket to keep them from being chilled. They gaze into each other's eyes. "I didn't remember half of that," he admits. "Damn, is that what it's like?" She shrugs sheepishly. "As soon as you get your powers, after you teach yourself some control, it becomes a lot easier if you're more inclined to the physical tamgh va ragh. But believe me, the mental tamgh va ragh is so much better. At least I think so." "I guess I'll have to become one of you to really understand, eh?" he muses, gently kissing her nose. "I guess you will." Ataru smiles. This was it, then. No going back. He was burned...and he was reborn. "Then whatever you desire from me," he draws her into an embrace, "'ll have me." Noa shudders. The first step was done. No going back, for all of them. "Thank you...oh, thank you..." * * * In a hotel room several buildings away from Noa's apartment, Honey gazes in her sister's direction. Her senses had picked up everything. Ataru had agreed to accept his destiny. Everyone would be happy back home. As for this dump...oh, well. If they fought it, too bad. They'd get one warning, then they'd regret even knowing Ataru Moroboshi. But that was for others to decide. Honey had someone else on her mind... * * * Shinobu tosses herself from side to side in her bedroom, her thoughts storming. By now, Ataru would have done something he had dreamt of for so long. Not only would he be filling his private lusts with a beautiful woman, he'd be exploring that which he had long avoided with Lum or Shinobu: love. What did it matter to her? Everything. The past was dying, the future unfolding relentlessly. Would she be overwhelmed or would she survive...? * * * In her scout over Tomobiki, Lum relaxes in her bedroom. The pains and uncertainties of the last few days now had crystal focus. When she called Triton, Toji and Pukaze had told her about Oyuki's meeting with Oogi. Great! What the Oni DIDN'T need was that lifeless moron sticking his nose where it didn't belong. What would happen if Ataru found out about the Niphentaxians? Would it bind them together or break them apart? Would Benten's warning actually come true...? * * * "Fates!" Oyuki, daughter of Fuyu and Samui, heir to the throne of a one-planet kingdom, a small player in the vast game of galactic politics, had just learned how small they ALL were. What had they experienced, even the older races, which could BEGIN to compare to what a hundred thousand women over the last ten millennia had become privy to, had been reborn and mentally programmed to repair? Koosei's notes were as exacting as Koruneko had promised. Oyuki once believed that the secret of the Sagussans was something no mortal person had the right to know. Oh, Fates, how right she was! Especially the last page. The page that told of the event which had forever altered Sagussa's destiny...and would forever change the destiny of every planet-state which for one reason or another coveted the third world of her home solar system. Feeling tears brim her eyes, Oyuki places the book down, then gazes at the twinkle of the distant Sun three billion kilometres away. On that third planet now lay a man who had once seemed so insignificant. Why one of her best friends wanted to marry such a creature had long escaped the princess. Especially now, when Lum faced the greatest threat she would ever know. What was worse, Oyuki had sworn on Koosei's memory that she would NEVER tell anyone that secret. Not even Lum. Ataru Moroboshi. The Chosen One of the Eternal Voyager. "Oh, Koosei-kun, why me? Why? Why...?" * * * To be continued...^Z