From Sat Dec 20 00:16:04 1997 Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 13:35:17 +0900 From: Fred Herriot Subject: [fanfic][lemon][UY] "A Remarkable Destiny" Part V "Good morning, Oyuki-sama." Oyuki smiles on seeing Nagisa sweep the area of the front gate of Tomobiki High School. Given the lack of available delinquents, Nagisa and Ryuunosuke had been forced to pick up duties normally allocated to those facing detention. "Good morning, Nagisa-san," the Tritonian sighs contently, her hand gently playing with a lock of her melted hair. Staying more than a day in Earth's warmth always did it to her. "A pleasant day?" "It's alright...quiet, save for them," he nods to a troop of Hitomi's squadron mounted up, doing basic movement drills with their Warsuits. Their commander was counting the cadence via a bullhorn. The tea shop "waitress" then gazes at the princess. "New hair style?" Oyuki blushes. Atop wearing shirt and jeans, she left her crown at Noa's apartment. "I just let my hair down," she breathes in, a sibilant flutter in her eyes. Nagisa gazes intently at Oyuki. He had never seen someone so distracted in all his life. In the very few times he had met the princess, she never struck him as one who'd allow something to distract her. "Oyuki-sama, forgive me...are you alright?!" Oyuki titters. "Nagisa-san, I have seen Heaven. Ta-ta." Nagisa's jaw hits the ground as the Tritonian walks past, a sensual sway in her hips. It was so UN-Oyuki, even HE couldn't help BUT notice. "Oh, my..." he breathes in. About halfway up the front walk, Oyuki glances right to see Deunan nursing a cup of coffee, a map of Tomobiki on a chart table as she reviews her dispositions. The woman's patch was off. Oyuki knew the squadron commander's left eye was badly defective, but instead of having treatment to correct it, Deunan had vigorously trained herself to fight one-eyed. The princess knew it worked; outside *pirpirsiw'r* like Lufy and Pathfinders like Sylia, Deunan was the most vicious fighter in the Sagussan Defence Force. Nearby the squadron commander lies Briareos, her sandpanther. Middle-aged by the looks of him, flecks of grey in his tan fur. "Good morning, Briareos-san," Oyuki smiles. "How are you, sir?" Briareos hums, then responds in a litany of purrs and barks Oyuki now found very easy to understand. It was his first time on another planet, the hunting was non-existent in this city, the local felines were too immature to hold a decent conversation with save for the disembodied one called Kotatsuneko and his pets Deunan and Hitomi were running themselves ragged for something which may never come. "Well, let them do their jobs," Oyuki nods, stroking his head fur. "I know of this Graven. He's not a pleasant sort to deal with, especially after what he endured. The threat is real." He hoped so, Briareos growls back, then lays down. By then, Deunan was gazing curiously at her. "Since when can you talk to him,!" her eyes widen in surprise. Lyna, was it THAT noticeable? Deunan blinks, then smiles. "Congratulations." "Doghma, Deunan," Oyuki nods, her heart skipping several beats. "Are you bonded?" "Hitomi," the squadron commander nods across the way. Oyuki looks. Alpha Squadron's commander jerks, then turns around, a questioning look on her face. She then gazes at the Tritonian, her eyes widening, then she smiles, flashing the thumbs- up with a wink before going back to work. "She says she's happy for you and Honey," Deunan reports. "Blow her a kiss," Oyuki urges. Deunan purses her lips. Across the way, Hitomi yelps in shock, then mock-scowls at her bond-mate. "Deunan!!" "Later, love!!" Deunan laughs, then gazes at Oyuki. "It's good that one of us became your marei'cha, Oyuki. After all Koosei suffered because of us, it's the proper thing to happen." "If you caught Graven, what would you do?" Oyuki wonders. "Me?!" Deunan wolfishly smiles. "Dream up the slowest torture possible with Lufy's or Priss' help, disintegrate his mei'na one piece at a time, then dunk him in the matrix, reprogram him into a living bomb, then fire him at Yethis Seq! It'll happen; you're now one of us even if you haven't been through the matrix. Sagussan justice is yours to call on, Oyuki. Don't be shy on using it." "I'll consider it," Oyuki crosses her arms. "What do you think our chances are of rescuing Lum-chan and Noa-chan?" "Can't say," the squadron commander shakes her head. "We've no idea how much Graven got from Koosei before he iced him. Does he know about Sylia's team? Eluza's? What are our strengths and weaknesses? How we access the Dreamscape; if he's smart, he'll keep Noa doped up to prevent her from slipping in and calling us. Atop that, no idea where he is or when he'll do what he wants to do to Lum. Ki'shi, this a pain in the ass!" "I know," Oyuki squeezes Deunan's shoulder. "But thank you for caring, Deunan. Is everyone getting together later?" "On the 'Lyna'cha' for a beach party at the pool," Deunan smiles. "Lucky thing everyone brought their companion android doubles with them; it effectively doubles our manpower." "Companion android...?" Oyuki purses her lips. "I should get one of myself created. No sense letting Honey-chan be lonely if we're separated." "I'll pass it on to the TES gang; one team's with the Intel squirrels on Warpshuttle One-oh-one," Deunan smirks. "Hitomi and I might give her a try ourselves if things get boring!" Oyuki laughs, her cheeks turning a flaming red at Deunan's unspoken compliment, then tenses as that gorgeous warmth fills her soul. "Honey-chan," she holds out her hand. It is immediately taken by her bond-mate. "How do you feel, Oyuki-chan?" Honey gazes into her eyes. "In Heaven," Oyuki breathes in. They kiss. Deunan smiles as she gets back to work. Unseen by the new bond-mates, their affectionate act is also witnessed by two shocked students from the windows of room 337... * * * "A Remarkable Destiny" a Urusei Yatsura lemon fic by Fred Herriot **** **** **** Based on "Urusei Yatsura" created by Rumiko Takahashi **** **** **** NOTE: All standard lemon warnings apply. This is my second time at this, so please give me a break. I'll try to keep it as spicy as possible without going too overboard. WRITER'S NOTES 1) And still more Sagussan terms: Doghma - Thank you. Short for "Doghma do va" (I thank you). TES - Techno-Entertainment Services. A sub-section of Civilian Administration, they run holosuites, the holovision and radio networks as well as maintain and build companion androids. **** **** **** PART FIVE - A QUESTION OF FAITH "So what do we say to her?" Ryuunosuke wonders. Shinobu shudders. It is noon, with the students and staff heading outside to enjoy a buffet laid on by Deunan's and Hitomi's squadrons in thanks for their hosts' hospitality. It seemed false; after all, the National Diet had ordered that Tomobiki High School be set aside for the Sagussans' use. Still, the forms had to be followed. But that was the least of their problems now. "I don't know," she admits, hands clutched in prayer. "We don't really know what's going on. Maybe it was just an innocent kiss. The Sagussans are mourning her fiance's death as much as Oyuki. They want to help her heal." "Bullshit!" Ryuunosuke hisses, keeping her voice down. "That was one big fuckin' French kiss Honey gave her! Nagisa told me that Oyuki was practically floating on Cloud Nine when she came in this morning! And since when have we seen her dress in anything other than a kimono?! How long have you known Oyuki? Two years?! Have you EVER seen her act like that before?!" "No, because I haven't seen her much at all!" Shinobu replies. "Oyuki doesn't visit often, remember? What sort of person is she like when she's not with us? Maybe she's kept things to herself just like Ataru-kun has. What's wrong with that?" Ryuunosuke bites her lips. She and Sakura had heard about Ataru's destiny right before morning classes, not to mention all the things he'd kept secret over the years. Sakura didn't find news about his grandmother surprising; both Cherry and the nurse's Shinto teacher, Chiezou Budou, was close friends with Nagaiwakai Moroboshi. Sakura, in fact, admired Ataru for his willingness not to push things. Ryuunosuke had nearly been overwhelmed. They join the lineup, eyeing the wide variety of Sagussan foods laid out for them to sample. Readily, Shinobu digs in, taking a mixed plate to one of the many tables set out. Placing the plate down, she offers thanks, then begins. Even still, she couldn't avoid looking at the table closest to Alpha Squadron's command tent, where Hitomi, Deunan, Honey and Oyuki were enjoying quiet conversation, snifters filled with what Shinobu knew was Sagussa's version of brandy for their enjoyment. By the looks of it, Honey and Oyuki were a couple, uncaring of what others thought of them. That was good, Shinobu smiles. Around her, conversation danced between her schoolmates. The rumour mill was working full-steam ahead. While the full story about Ataru wasn't known, the subtle dropping of his name every once in a while had got people talking. It hadn't collated into firm action yet, thank God. She hoped the word hadn't got to Mendou or the guards; they'd love to do anything which would wreck Ataru's relationship with Sagussa. Selfish or what? Still, even if they did plan to do something, what could they do? Sagussa's loyalty to Ataru was absolute, her mistrust of Tomobiki final. It was a loose-loose situation for Lum's most fanatic otaku. Ryuunosuke joins her, then glances across the way. "Jeez, what's this place coming to?" "I can't believe someone like you would frown at something as simple as that," Shinobu nods at Honey and Oyuki. "I can't believe you're accepting it," the tomboy retorts. "Ryuunosuke!" Shinobu sighs, then nods. "You're right. With what I normally believe, what Honey and Oyuki are doing is wrong. But in Honey's society, it's seen as the proper thing. That's the difference between Sagussans and Urusians. Has Lum or Ten-chan ever cared about what we think, what we believed? What about idiots like Rei?! No, of course not. But people like Honey and Sylia do. Honey must've taken what Oyuki believes in into account, then made her move. And by the looks of things, she succeeded." Ryuunosuke quickly notices that several students were gazing resentfully at Shinobu. The boys were obviously angry at her words against Lum, the girls probably angry over Shinobu giving Rei the grill. "You wanna keep it down?" the tomboy warns, lowering her voice. "The natives aren't taking your words too kindly." "So?" Shinobu angrily sneers, flicking an annoyed gaze at her schoolmates. "It's about time someone said something." Before someone could move over to force Shinobu to retract her words, a familiar shadow falls over her. "Hi, Shinobu," Sylia smiles as she slips in beside her, a plate of food in her own hand. "How are you doing today?" "Oh, hi, Sylia," Shinobu smiles. "I'm okay. Shouldn't you be in bed?" "I slept for a couple of hours," the Pathfinder commander admits. "If I'm tired, I'll rack out for a couple more. I don't want to get my days and nights too fouled up." "Any news?" Shinobu wonders. "Nothing yet," Sylia admits, then smiles. "We'll get lucky. That's half the game right there. Anyhow, how'd you like to come up to the 'Lyna'cha' after school? Everyone's getting together to celebrate a few things, including our newest couple," she nods across to Honey and Oyuki. Shinobu looks over. Honey blinks surprisedly, then sees the Pathfinder commander. Sylia flashes a thumbs up. Honey projects a dazzling smile, then kisses Oyuki. The Tritonian looks confused for a moment, then notices Shinobu. A smile twitches her lips. Shinobu mouths "good luck." Oyuki and Honey beam. "They said thank you for your wishes," Sylia whispers. Shinobu nods. "So, a party, huh?" she stares at Sylia. "Will I get a chance to see Ataru-kun?" "You can see him, but you won't get close to him," Sylia nods. "He's still in regeneration; he won't get out until tonight and for the next two days, visits will only be made by doctors." "And after that, he's one of you forever," Shinobu nods. "Good for him." Hearing that, some students pale. Some boys begin to whisper sinisterly. Ryuunosuke notices, then taps Sylia's boot. The Pathfinder blinks, then turns to listen. She nods thanks to the tomboy, then stares at Shinobu, who also heard. "I hope Catty- sensei and Pony-sensei have taken precautions to ensure Ataru-kun isn't hurt," the Terran muses aloud. "Oh, yes they have," Sylia snickers. "Lufy and Makoto have shoot on sight orders...shoot to kill, of course." Hearing that, the students around them gag on their food as they quickly switch to safer topics. Ryuunosuke can barely hide her giggles. Sylia winks at Shinobu, then returns to her lunch. Savouring her small victory, Shinobu gazes heavenward. They deserved it, didn't they...? * * * After school, Shinobu meets Sylia at the front gate, then both are whisked away by transporter to the "Lyna'cha," in orbit over the mid-Pacific north of Hawaii. The nine-kilometre battlecruiser was de-cloaked, her weapons at first-standby. It was unnecessary; rover units scattered throughout the local cluster would give ample warning should someone be on the march. The only ship inbound was the "Kashin," now passing Toshitto for the run to Earth. Gazing at the beautiful flamingo-like expanse of the command battlecruiser, Shinobu's breath is taken away. "It's like a city in the stars!" "True, but this city can do a lot of damage," the Sagussan bites her lips. "Not as much as a proper battlecruiser of her dimensions and worlds behind the Gatherer, but still enough." Shinobu blinks, sensing the touch of sadness in her voice. "You don't like being forced to do this, do you?" "No," Sylia escorts her from the gallery to a turbolift. "The taking of any life is repugnant to me. I can argue it logically if I wanted to. There are times when lethal force is required against those who have no respect for Creation's ways and wouldn't really care what happened to them. Optimism must give way to pragmatism sooner or later. But I still ask the question: could I do it another way? Everyone on my team, even Priss, is like that. Rei's the most profound. She serves as our medic, actually wants to train as our doctor...yet and at the same time, if there was a sniper better than her, I haven't found her." "Jesu Cristo!" Shinobu gapes, then bites her lips as they walk into a turbolift. "I guess that every good soldier's like that." "They are," Sylia nods. "Rec Deck Forward!" The turbolift shoots down for a kilometre, then forward for three, then down for a couple hundred metres until they reach a large bubble on the "Lyna'cha's" keel. Emerging from the lift, Shinobu gapes on seeing that they are now in a vast dome five hundred metres across. Made of what seemed to be quasi-opaque had to be something else...with a subtle mix of other metals, it gave the illusion that she was walking among the stars. "God! This must be so beautiful when she's in warp!!" "It is!" Sylia laughs. "This way." The battlecruiser's swimming pool is located at the very base of the dome, large viewports on all sides giving them a gorgeous view of the Hawaiian islands not three hundred kilometres away. Walking onto the deck, Shinobu notices that the pool was already quite crowded, with women gathering in groups in the water and in lawnchairs around the pool's edges. Shinobu is quick to notice one other thing. Her cheeks reddening, she turns away. "Sylia!" "What is it?" the Pathfinder commander wonders. "They're not wearing bathing suits," Shinobu hisses. Sylia looks around. "So?" she shrugs, then casually slips off her top. "What's the big problem?" she sits down to take off her boots and pants. Shinobu turns beet red on seeing Sylia display herself like that, then looks around. Passers-by wave friendly greetings to the Pathfinder commander, but no one seems to care about their nudity. Shaking her head at her bout of shyness, she begins to undress. "There you go," Sylia smiles understandingly. "Shinobu, the only men on this ship are companion androids...and none of them will be here if I know April. Besides, they're not programmed to advance on someone without invitation. You have nothing to fear." "Thanks for telling me," Shinobu slips off her skirt, then sits down to take off her shoes and socks. "Oh, Shinobu!" a voice hails from nearby. "Hi, Oyuki!!" Shinobu waves. Oyuki and Honey, both damp from swimming, walk up alongside April, the "Lyna'cha's" Vosian-born shipmistress. "Welcome aboard, Shinobu," the blonde-haired woman offers her hand. "I'm April, the shipmistress. I hope you enjoy your stay with us today." "Arigato, April-san," Shinobu shakes her hand, then stands to slip off her bra and panties. "Thanks for having me." She then feels the shipmistress' approving gaze. "Well, she's adopting well, eh, Sylia?" April winks at the Pathfinder. "Stow it, April," Sylia growls, stepping out of her trousers. "Hasn't Feb been crawling up your south gate recently or have you been forced to use her companion droid?!" April red-eyes her as she escorts Honey and Oyuki away. "What was THAT all about?!" Shinobu exclaims. Sylia laughs. "April and Feb are bond-mates; the latter's our Strategic Defence Director, our master battle planner. Atop that, April can be a shit-disturber when the mood strikes her. She's a great shipmistress and all that, but quite annoying to live with. I wonder how Feb can put up to her all the time." Shinobu snickers. "Sounds like most couples I know." "Anyhow, want to hit the jacuzzi first?" Sylia nods to a secluded corner. "Good way to relax the tension." "Okay!" Shinobu nods. Sylia offers her arm. Shinobu readily slips hers around the Pathfinder's, then they head to the jacuzzi room... * * * "They're such nice people, Mom," Shinobu stares at her mother, relaxing in her guest quarters sometime later. "They've asked me to remain aboard for a couple of days. Besides, classes aren't really happening because everyone's in the hospital." "That's good," Kimiki Miyaki nods. "How's Ataru?" "He's out of regeneration," Shinobu reports. "The 'Hasei'cha' is off-limits to visitors for the next while because Catty-sensei and Pony-sensei still have to figure out a way to teach him what he has to know without outsiders butting in. You should've seen it in class today. Everyone else is agitating for the chance to make the Sagussans drop Ataru-kun, but they're too scared to do anything." "They don't have their normal leaders around," her mother calmly muses. "Lum's disappearance should be getting someone's attention sooner or later. Where's her cousin been?" "After Nene wrecked his ship, they got together and made up," Shinobu laughs. "She promised to build him a new starboat as long as he keeps quiet about Lum until her father arrives." Kimiki nods. She was speaking to her daughter via Pathfinder Team Two's secure communications unit; Tomobiki district park was closer to the Miyaki home than Tomobiki High. "Oh, by the way, you better be careful," Shinobu's mother adds. "Mendou's bodyguards are out trying to interpret what's going on. Several have been by the house asking for you. By the looks of things, Mendou might be back to school as early as tomorrow." "I've no care for him," Shinobu shrugs. "Besides, he's promised to Asuka. For a whole host of reasons, the Sagussans wouldn't touch him with a ten-metre cattle prod. He won't get far with them and I know Megane and his gang won't." "That's good," Kimiki sighs. "You know, everyone says that Ataru has caused everything which has happened since Lum came. Once something odd occurs, blame him. It's so easy. But a lot of what's happened can be attributed to Mendou and your other classmates. What are Ataru's plans concerning Lum?" "Up in the air thanks to Gaylan," Shinobu shrugs. "I know Ataru-kun'll go rescue Lum; he hasn't become so mad at her that he'll just leave her to be executed. What happens next depends on how much Lum's willing to take Sagussa." "Well, I hope it is for the best," her mother relaxes. "Oh, by the way, I heard what happened to Princess Oyuki. Is there someone...after you, by any chance?" Shinobu jolts, then laughs. "Mom, don't be ridiculous!!" she waves Kimiki down. "Who'd want someone like me?! Honestly!" "Shinobu..." Ataru's former girlfriend sighs. "No, I haven't noticed someone giving me the eye," she admits. "I am making good friends though. Sylia for one. She doesn't force things on me like other people have. She shows what's different, explains it, then lets me take my time in accepting it. That really has made a difference." "That's good," Kimiki nods. "I'll light a candle for her." "God bless, Mom," Shinobu smiles. "God bless, Shinobu." The screen goes dark. Shinobu yawns, stretching. She had been given quarters in the "Lyna'cha's" superstructure; it was the only ship with enough room to allow visitors to relax with comfort. She would've preferred the "Hasei'cha" to remain close to Ataru, but that was verboten for some time still. And the "Kiboo'cha" was parked in one of the battlecruiser's small ship hangars, Pathfinder Troop Six relaxing in their own guest quarters. Adjusting her was quite warm and since there were no men, what was the fear?...she puts on slippers, then goes out to explore. That was the big difference between Sylia's people and Lum's, Shinobu smiles. On her one time aboard the "Kashin," she, along with Ataru's other classmates, had been shoved into the captain's gig, put out of the way so they didn't interfere in the ship's operations. That of course resulted in their being captured by Seven Bake Rose when she kidnapped Ataru to take him to Elle. On the "Lyna'cha," she was given full access to every compartment save those where her life could be endangered. Atop the android crew now up to allow the organics to rest, the battlecruiser also had her own central computer, Bianca. Not surprising, Shinobu muses; the whole crew had taken their names from the same anime, one of Ataru's favourites. "*Shinobu?*" Bianca's cheery voice echoes around her. "*Is there anywhere you want to go? I can get you there right away.*" The Terran stops, then shakes her head. "No, it's okay, Bianca. I don't mind walking. Just tell me if I get close to the warp core or some airlock, okay?" "*Okay,*" Bianca replies. Silence falls as Shinobu heads to the turbolift. Walking in, she stares at the schematic of the "Lyna'cha," then smiles. "Main bridge, please." The turbolift shoots forward for a kilometre before rising a hundred metres to the apex of the battlecruiser's superstructure. It opens onto a light-dimmed room twice the size of her classroom. It is a split-level affair, with the central command area raised above the primary control stations. All of them are occupied right now. To Shinobu's surprise, all of Pathfinder Troop Six is present. Blinking confusedly, she walks onto the bridge, then it comes to her. *Of course! They'd bring their companion androids to help them as well!* With that, she relaxes. "*Shinobu?*" Bianca's voice whispers in her ear. "Yes?" the Terran keeps her voice down. "*If you want to look at them, it's okay. But if you don't want to interact with them, don't talk to them. You can touch them if you want, but no talking.*" "Thanks." Bianca falls silent. Shinobu walks onto the main bridge, then looks aft. She had been introduced to everyone in the jacuzzi earlier, so their android doubles were quite easy to identify. On the upper level were Sylia, April and Feb. The Strategic Defence Director was a tall, stunning dark skinned, tapered-eared woman... Toukonokouen, Shinobu later learned the race name...with long wavy black hair and brown eyes which could melt people's hearts. Her double sat in the command chair, with Sylia's and April's manning the stations immediately before her. In the main group sat the doubles of the remaining Pathfinders and the rest of the "Lyna'cha's" ship's company. Priss manned the weapons console, followed by Nene at communications and Linna at ship's defences. The brown-haired and eyed Yehisrite *pirpirsiw'r* was a bard in her previous life. She was the one who had made the Daishi'cha fall in love with music long before Ataru had taught them joy and love. The crimson-haired, blue-eyed Ellsian was a playful sprite who considered all computers her personal domain. The woman had such a terrifying skill with the keyboard that no one dared piss Nene off; she could do things to people and not leave a trace. Ten-chan learned that the hard way. The black-haired, blue-eyed Fukunokami was the Troop's demolitions officer and physical fitness guru. She loved getting into brawls just for the fun of cracking skulls. Next came the battlecruiser's combat officer Jun, a very pale skinned, black-haired Fukunokami with light coloured eyes. She was very cool and reserved, desiring to remain locked in the bounds of logic. Beside her was May, the Yehisrite-born ship's engineer, a girl with wavy brown hair in a ponytail and blue eyes, packing a playful streak Ten-chan would love matched to a love of engines Montgomery Scott would admire. And then there was Janny, the ship's plans officer. A silver-haired Tritonian with strangely tanned skin...she could be mistaken for a Yehisrite...Janny also had a black star tattoo on her cheek. That was won thanks to her taking combat courses under Lufy's guidance; Janny had a zeal for hand-to-hand that matched Deunan's skill at knife-fighting. Reinoevan...Rei to her friends...was in the watchmistress' chair. The Troop's first officer was a silver-haired Tritonian with crimson eyes. Some said that was why she was such a good sniper; she saw blood every time she looked in the mirror. Shinobu had learned how much a lie that was. Beside Rei was Asukanoevan, Asuka for short. The brown-haired and eyed Oni was the emotional counter-balance to Rei, lusting for the first officer with a passion that matched all the boys' lust for Lum. Shinobu knew that in this case, Asuka would eventually win Rei over; it was only a matter of time. Staring at them busily working, Shinobu feels a touch of disquiet in her heart. It was so hard to believe they were androids. In fact, staring closely at Priss, Shinobu could see her chest rise up and down. Biting her lips, Shinobu then touches the coxswain's neck pulse. To her surprise, a steady heartbeat sends jolts up her fingers. Gaping at the android, Shinobu then places herself near the turbolift. "Bianca?" she whispers. "*Yes, Shinobu?*" the computer responds. "Are you sure they're androids?" "*Of course they are,*" Bianca titters. "*They breathe because their bodies need oxygen to run the fusion reactors which give them their primary power. Atop that, it's a great temperature regulator. And the heartbeat comes from the energy pump that sends the reactor's liquid fuel through the micro-turbines in their bodies to produce the energy for them to operate.*" "Wow! They're so lifelike." "*They're supposed to be that way. Didn't Squadron Commander Sylia tell you why the Daishi'cha use them?*" Shinobu nods. "She did. Thanks, Bianca." The computer falls silent. Shinobu returns her attention to the androids. These were used literally as living advertisements. If someone...Asuka for example...wanted to seek someone marei'cha, rather than risking the embarrassment of a first date, Asuka would go to Rei's companion android double and date her. This could continue for as long as desired. The system was fully confidential; no template could ever know who had been with her double unless she caught the android with a date, which was rare but did happen. That had led to Jun and May becoming marei'cha, April had told Shinobu. The androids were fully functional sexually and meticulously programmed to display every facet of their template's personality. Atop that, they were great for when one's marei'cha was off somewhere and the one still in the hearth was lonely. It was perfect. Walking back to behind Rei's station, Shinobu gazes at the stars, then looks back at Sylia. To her surprise, the commander's double was gazing directly at her. Shinobu blinks; she knew she hadn't said a word directly to the android. Curious, she walks up to the command level. Sylia's eyes remain locked with hers. "Is there a problem?" Shinobu wonders. Sylia smiles. "Onee-chan asked me to make you a little more comfortable if you came to the bridge. I hope you don't mind." Shinobu blushes. "Of course not," she looks down. How sweet of Sylia to watch out for her. "I'm not bothering you, am I?" "No, of course not," Sylia shakes her head. "Bianca has all primary controls under her command anyway. We're just active to ensure that if something goes wrong, someone can quickly respond." "I see," Shinobu nods. "In fact," Sylia turns to her station. "Bianca, take complete control, please. Execute program Sylia-April-Gamma-One-Six." "*Acknowledged, Sylia,*" the computer responds. Most of the flashing lights on everyone's screens dim. There are enough overhead lights to keep everyone in view. "What did you do?" Shinobu wonders. "I had Bianca take total control of the ship," Sylia sighs. "It's quite alright; you needn't fear a Westworld-like situation aboard a Sagussan starship." "How'd you know...?!" "Onee-chan told me," Sylia smiles. "Please relax, Shinobu. I really don't want to scare you." "It's okay," Shinobu hugs herself, then notices that all the androids are unearthly still. "What's with them?" "Oh, they went down to secondary power as soon as Bianca took control of their stations. It's alright. They can't hear or feel anything right now unless Bianca makes them wake up. Of course, Onee-chan kept me independent in case you visited." "Ah!" Shinobu stares at Feb. She had rarely seen someone with such lovely skin before. "She is very beautiful. April's lucky." "Yes, she is, isn't she?" Sylia muses, then smiles. "Say, you want to have a little bit of fun?" "What?" "Well, you did play with dolls before, didn't you?" "Yes, I..." Shinobu's eyes go wide. "You mean...?!" Sylia smiles. "I...ah...oh, gee!" Shinobu stammers, then shrugs. "Well, I suppose there's no harm in it! Will they mind?" "They'd love it!" Sylia asserts. "C'mon." The two kneel beside the unmoving Feb. To tell them apart from their organic doubles, the androids wore civilian clothing unless they needed special clothing in case of nominal hazards, which the duty uniform was well-designed to counter. Feb dressed her double in a white knee-length dress tied at the waist. Sylia gently draws on the belt, then setting it aside, unbuttons the dress. Shinobu breathes in as Sylia parts the dress, exposing the android's beautiful body. "Whoa! She is lifelike!!" "Yeah!" Sylia playfully titters, then slips the dress off the android's shoulders. "Here, let's get it off." Shinobu pitches in, then folds the dress as Sylia sits the android back down. "Can I see her insides?" "Easily enough," Sylia reaches over and touches a point under Feb's breasts. A circuit hatch opens, revealing a maze of wires, motherboards and deep inside, a circular object with several leads heading up. "That's the fusion reactor," Sylia points, then touches a point above Feb's breasts. Another hatch opens, revealing a muffler-like device with many leads. "And that's her regulatory pump, her heart if you will. She takes in air and food to her reactor, which converts it to a plasma state, then it goes to the pump to be sent through her body. It's quite simple, really." "Can I see yours?" Shinobu gazes at her. Sylia projects a warning gaze. "You'd have to put me to secondary power to do that safely...and you don't have the command codes to make Bianca release control, remember? Feb and April'll be very angry if you left no one in charge up here. When our reactors are working, they do emit a small dose of radiation. No sense in keeping the doctors busy, don't you think?" "Ah, good point!" Shinobu nods. "What else can I see?" "Well, I could take her face off," Sylia points to Feb's. "Ugh, no!!" Shinobu winces. "And there's this," Sylia points to a place under the android's belly button. Another circuit hatch opens, this one taking a lot of the space between the navel and the top of her pubic hair. Shinobu sees a large tube leading right to her vaginal opening connected to small sample capsules. "What's this?!" "Well, if a man should have sex with her, she's constructed to capture all semen samples for genetic processing," Sylia points to the android's neck. "She has other sample tubes up here for oral sex. Sagussans don't like doing that; it's a waste of fine semen if you ask me. I know it grosses Ataru right out. But other races wouldn't be so bothered and we really don't want to waste a drop." "They're built for everything!" Shinobu whistles. Sylia nods, closing the android up. "How'd you like to see what she can do?" "Can I?" Shinobu gasps. "Sure," Sylia nods, then shrugs. "I can have her do it with me, if you want." The Terran blinks, then shakes her head. "" She then wonders why she didn't like that. Looking left, she points at the blonde-haired android. "Have her do it with April instead." "Okay," Sylia nods. "You get April ready." Shinobu smiles as she walks over to April. The blonde-haired android was staring blankly ahead, her hands frozen over the console in mid-program. Like a mannequin, Shinobu smiles as she shifts the chair around to give the android a clear view of the command chair. April was dressed in a button shirt, knee-length skirt and blazer. Easily taken off since her arms and legs could be moved like a normal person's, just with a touch of resistance. In a couple of moments, the blonde is as she was built, allowed to sit down in her chair. Sylia notions Shinobu to sit on the console beside the other chair. "Ready?" the former asks. Shinobu nods. Sylia sits back. "Feb, April, awake. Execute program Sylia-Sierra-Seven-Seven-Oh." Both androids blink, then take in a deep breath to get their internal systems working. "Feb," April coos, seductively rising. "What's a beautiful woman doing sitting there all alone?" "I don't want to be alone, April-chan," Feb pouts. April titters as she walks slowly over to kneel in front of the dark-skinned android. "Can I warm you up?" she hums. "Please," Feb sighs. Shinobu's eyes nearly shoot out of her head when April inserts her tongue right into Feb's south gate. With very dainty licks, the blonde taps the brunette's tower, causing Feb to spasm with orgasmic delight every time. April wraps her arms around Feb's hips to dig in, increasing the speed of her licks. Feb moans with delight every time the other android's soft tongue gongs her tower. For Shinobu, the effect is instantaneous: her own body begins to respond to the visual stimulation before her. Sylia glances over to see the Terran's legs rub together, the awestruck look in her face transforming into a mixture of concern and desire. As April still continues to suck Feb's namghnum juices, the latter's moans picking up in intensity and frequency, Shinobu is barely able to fight down the desire to masturbate. It wasn't sinful, Father Cristobal had once told her. The need to have sex is as natural as breathing and eating. In that way, the priest from Acapulco had been light-years ahead in his thinking. Father Cristobal had told Shinobu that the Church fathers were still thinking in terms of the Middle Ages, when sexual desire was seen as a sin and the reproductive urge being to the left of witchcraft. His point was easily proven: by denying one's drive to mate, one could confront situations like the sexual abuse of young, vulnerable children in orphanages. Sex was okay if one fully understood the consequences, Father Cristobal told her one day after she had a particularly wet dream about Ataru and Mendou pleasing her and admitting it in confession. To experiment was alright as long as it was mutually consenting and if proper precautions were taken to avoid things like an unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Pre-marital sex was still something to be avoided if one could...but in these days of faster physical and social maturity rates, he had long concluded that the old standard of no sex before marriage was wishful thinking. Shinobu bites her lips, hoping to get somewhere private...when she looks left to see Sylia's pants around her knees, her hand diving into her south gate in pace to April's and Feb's lovemaking. Her eyes were closed as her fingers gently played with her tower, the tips of the others soothing her aching gate. That surprises Shinobu as she gazes at April's face now buried in Feb's muff. Sure enough, the blonde android's face was covered in a film of something akin to sweat. Wow, that IS realistic! Realizing that no one was really looking at her, Shinobu fights down her embarrassment as she opens her housecoat, then reaches into her love canal. She was still a virgin and proud of it; until she met the right'd NEVER contemplate allowing her cherry to be taken. Her choices were limited. Ataru was in all sense gone even though she still dreamt of him from time to time. Mendou was gone AND not wanted, especially since he had long proved that his ultimate target was Lum. Inaba was available, but could Shinobu actually sustain a relationship with a being like him? All the other boys were too busy pining after Lum and Sakura to pay attention elsewhere. For a girl Shinobu's age, Tomobiki High School was safer than a nunnery! The moans from the two androids in the command chair continue to increase. Sylia and Shinobu pick up the tempo, drumming their towers with gusto as that beautifully warm flood flows through their bodies aching for a release. Feb's moaning increases with April's ministrations until finally, Feb emits a shrill cry as her orgasm program kicks in. A second later, Sylia emits a hoarse gasp as her body bucks and writhes from her hand's dancing. Shinobu's cry of pleasure is louder, but just as pleasant. After a moment, Feb's breathing returns to normal. "Like?" April stares knowingly at the other android. "Your turn!!" Feb suddenly growls, leaping forward to knock April to the floor, swamping her with a kiss. By then, both Shinobu and Sylia are relaxed. "Doesn't that hurt?!" the former wonders. "They're pretty sturdily build," Sylia muses. "Besides, the carpet here isn't designed to cause friction. They'll be fine." Shinobu gazes at her host. Sylia's face was finely covered in sweat from her masturbation, her fingers unbuttoning her shirt to allow the heat from her body to escape. Blinking, the Terran gazes at Sylia, then looks back to Feb and April. The androids did produce vaginal juices but their skins were as dry as a rock. She then gazes back at the Sagussan, eyes widening in shock. "'s really you, isn't it?" The Sagussan offers a weak smile. "How'd you guess?" Shinobu blinks again. Sylia intended for her to find out, wanted her to find out! If she was playing a trick, she would've done everything to keep matters secret, wouldn't she? That fills the Terran with a strange warmth, something she was finding she liked. "They're dry, you're soaked!" she thumbs April and Feb. "Well, their heat dispersal system's more efficient than ours, I'm afraid," Sylia shrugs. "Feb, April, freeze." All movement from the two androids stop, their bodies still locked in a tight embrace, their mouths open, tongues touching. Shinobu gazes at them concernedly. "Are you sure it's okay to leave them like that?" she gazes at Sylia. "They're alright," Sylia nods. "Deactivated or on secondary, their minds still run their orgasm programs. My double admits she likes being switched off; it's more enjoyable than being active." "Different strokes for different folks, I guess," Shinobu bites her lips. "Alright, why?" "Why?" "Why did you place yourself on the bridge to await me? Why did you provoke me into watching this?" she indicates the unmoving April and Feb. Sylia sighs, then stands. The pants fall away, then she slips off her shirt. Turning to face the Terran, she reaches up, then gently tugs the housecoat from Shinobu's shoulders. Suddenly, for the first time, Shinobu realizes that she isn't embarrassed being nude in front of a Sagussan...especially THIS Sagussan. Standing, she allows the cloth to fall to the deck, gazing intently into Sylia's brown eyes. What comes next doesn't surprise her. Sylia places her hands on the Terran's shoulder, then leans up. The kiss is warmer than before. Sylia is trembling, though it didn't show from a distance. What she was now admitting scared her. Was it Shinobu? No, Sylia certainly had nothing to fear from the Terran. Was it...rejection? Sylia wanted it to happen, but was afraid that Shinobu would run away. Did she? Didn't she? Shinobu then jolts as she feels Sylia's tongue gently press against her lips, wanting to get in and explore her mouth. Had Sylia ever done this to someone else? Shinobu strongly doubted it. Instinctively, Shinobu opens her mouth, allows Sylia's tongue to slip in and tap hers. Shinobu decides to close the distance, allow Sylia to draw her into an embrace. At the same time, her tongue presses back against the Sagussan's, drifting in to explore her mouth. The obvious difference is the canine teeth; they were sharp. However, Sylia opens her mouth further to ensure Shinobu didn't cut herself on her fangs. Their arms tightly wind against each other, their breasts pressing close. Sylia wanted to let go so much, give Shinobu the time of her life. But not yet. She had to admit it vocally, then receive Shinobu's reply. If it was negative...oh, Lyna, please don't let that happen! Shinobu was the one, she had to be. Finally, a wonderful eternity later yet agonizingly too soon, they draw away, gazing into each other's eyes. "Is that a good enough explanation?" Sylia wonders. Shinobu breathes in. She had kissed so few people in a romantic sense that she could easily compare the kiss with others from those who've wanted her. Ataru's were too wet, always driven by his lechery. Mendou's were stiff, as if kissing Shinobu was more formality than real love. Soban...ugh, he didn't deserve any consideration. As for the couple of times she had kissed Inaba, well, they were sweet but lacked real passion, as if he was diving into something that was strange and alien. But Sylia's... "It's not enough," Shinobu gazes knowingly into the Sagussan's eyes. "Sylia, my belief does espouse confessions, you know." Sylia's eyes widen. Shinobu really wanted to hear it. With that, her hesitation and trepidation vanish. "I love you, Shinobu Miyaki." Shinobu smiles, then draws Sylia in for another kiss. This, the Terran throws herself into it with gusto, her tongue dipping into the Sagussan's mouth with fervour. Sylia almost has her breath taken away as Shinobu tightly embraces her, showing no desire to let her go anytime soon. Lyna, she was even stronger than anyone suspected! But Shinobu's desire to hold her, hang onto her, is as much a narcotic to Sylia as someone doing mavan'shagh to win her as a bond-mate. There was no need to fear that now. Their kissing continues for some time, then they slowly part. Shinobu smiles, stroking the unruly lock of Sylia's hair on her forehead, then she gazes intently into the Sagussan's eyes. "I love you, Sylia Aruka." Sylia blinks. "Sylia Aruka?" "Well, of course," Shinobu nods. "Your name WAS Syl Aruka, remember? Did you expect me to call you Sylia Stingray? That's the anime character you took your name from, isn't it?" "Yes, it is," Sylia laughs, then kisses her. "Well, what do we do now?" Shinobu looks over at the frozen androids still locked in their passionate embrace on the deck. "Sylia-chan, we can't let them lay there," she shakes her head. "I could activate them all and bring them up here," Sylia muses. "We could have a really good time, you know." "An orgy?!" Shinobu reproachfully gazes at her. "You'd be surprised to know how many of us grab as many droids as possible for a one-night blowout." "Well, you better not be one of them, Sylia-chan," Shinobu playfully growls. "I want my bond-mate to be loyal to me!" Silence falls as Sylia stares at her, disbelief and hope in her eyes. "You're willing to go that far, Shinobu-chan?" "Well," Shinobu muses. "You're the first person who's ever loved me in the intimate sense of a married couple. Ataru-kun was never ready to get married. Mendou-san didn't consider the matter in the time we dated, then he was taken away. I certainly can't marry Inaba-kun given where he works. That leaves you. Marei'cha is your equivalent of marriage, isn't it?" "Yes," Sylia nods. "The bond between those dedicated to raising children. That would be the same." "And you wanted to bond with me tonight, didn't you?" "Yes." "So this would be our wedding night," Shinobu smiles. "I won't let you take me before we bond, Sylia-chan." Sylia laughs, then nods. "Okay. Now?" "Now." With that, Sylia adjusts her fingers to touch the psi-link points on Shinobu's skull. Thumb over the sinuses, index fingers at the centre of the forehead, middle fingers well into the hairline, ring fingers at the temples, little fingers above the ears. The Sagussan concentrates. The Terran feels something flood into her mind. At first, it is maddeningly incoherent, then in forms into wonderful images. Time stands still as Shinobu watches the events of Sylia's life replay themselves. Her first life as Syl Aruka, noblewoman turned freedom fighter. The sharp pain of a sniper's bullet in Freedom Square which ended that life. The warm bath of the matrix healing her, breathing new life to her, cleansing her of most of her previous memories. New programs, a new life, a new purpose. Meeting the others of Pathfinder Troop Six, accepting their loyalty, taking command. Nene's and Asuka's arrival making the Troop complete. Training, the dull routine of Duty Daishi'cha, the endless discussions in the Dreamscape. Ataru. Everything changes. Suddenly, there are fits of laughter. Tears of sorrow. The joy of discovering new things. The greatest discovery of all: love. Then the greatest sorrow: loneliness. Nene and Linna bonding. Asuka locking sights on Rei. Priss, friend and confidant, but never potential marei'cha. All her other friends, wonderful but never enough. No one taking interest in her. No proper chemistry...until one day in Tomobiki. Shinobu. The Terran gasps as the Sagussan replays her life. Growing up a Roman Catholic in a sea of Buddhists and Shintoists, part of a religion which couldn't accept the convergence of faiths which made theology in the Orient a jumble too disorientating to a Westerner. A part of the crowd, yet alone. Her wonderful cousin Hitomi, who one day moved to Nerima. Loneliness. An offered daisy. A dirty boy telling her it would be alright. That was Ataru to Shinobu. That was the day she fell in love with him. Time passes. Ataru's slide into behaviour which ensures he never had real friends. Shinobu staying with him, knowing the good soul within. Then the First Tag Race. Lum. Those mistaken words which changed everything. The fighting, the pain. Too many mistakes, too many assumptions, too many times did Shinobu turn her back, leaving Ataru to the Oni's "mercies." Then came Mendou. A possible respite, perhaps? The pain and betrayal in Ataru's eyes. She was too frustrated with him to care. No looking back. In that sense, Ataru could've decided that they wouldn't even be friends. It would be some time before he'd start admitting his growing feelings for Lum. Such a lonely time for him. Looking back on it, Shinobu feels a wave of guilt. Why did she blind herself to what was really going on? Why didn't she stay and fight? Was it easier to run away than stand up to the Oni whose presence was destroying, changing so much? Still more. The cool relationship with Mendou. Knowing she was with him yet subconsciously realizing he wanted someone else. Asuka then arrives and it ends. Now Shinobu felt loneliness, but for a short while, for then came Inaba. But that wouldn't really work out. Sweet, but just a dream. Reality soon crashes in with the Second Tag Race...and Sagussa. Sylia. Time then speeds back to normal. Shinobu gasps as her mind is once again her own, save for a beautiful warmth flowing through every corner of her body. And there was something else, too. A sense of dislocation...that not all of her was in her body. A part of her was elsewhere, touching a kindred spirit in ways no physical touching could compare. Oh, they would have sex tonight, no doubt about that. But it would be a joining of both body and spirit, something she could never do with anyone else. Sylia breathes in, then kisses her. "Do vanan'cha...marei'cha-Shinobu." My heart is yours, my love. "Do vanan'cha...marei'cha-Sylia." As mine heart is yours, my precious one. With Eternity as our witness, in the eyes of Those We Love. Now and forever more... * * * They quickly dress, then hand-in-hand walk to the turbolift. "I'm just wondering how I'm going to tell my parents about this," Shinobu sighs as they reach the turbolift. "We'll go together," Sylia gently kisses her. "And to Father Cristobal, if you want." The turbolift arrives. The Pathfinder looks back. "Bianca, restore to previous mode of operation." "*Yes, Commander,*" the battlecruiser's computer replies. Control consoles return to normal as the new couple step into the turbolift. The other androids resume their normal duties, not caring that an hour had passed. By the command chair, Feb and April blink confusedly, then gaze at each other. "Feb, what are we doing naked in each other's arms?" the blonde android wonders. "Um...I don't remember," the dark-skinned android shakes her head confusedly as they rise to dress. April feels between her legs. "Someone had us doing something intense," she reaches over for her shirt, then slips it on. "You'd wish that organics would learn to put us away properly before shutting us down." "Yeah," Feb muses as she reaches for her dress, then smiles. "April?" "Yeah, Feb?" The brunette android gazes at her. "Care to finish?" April blinks, then smiles. "Let's." Both laugh... * * * To be continued...^Z