Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work of fiction are not mine and I do not lay any claim, either real or imagined to the likeness, reproduction, or otherwise. This work is intended for fun only, and is not produced for profit. Please feel free to distribute freely. Writer's Foreword: I'll warn you now, this is a crossover lemon. I've put the cast of UY, the cast of Ranma, the cast of DP, the cast of AMS, the cast of AKO, the cast of.... etc. etc. etc. I tried to break as many boundaries as possible with this, including having Ataru admit to his true feelings (Whatever they may be) Well, you don't expect me to tell you now, do you? You Ranma 1/2 fans may not like what I've done with Ukyou, but feel assured that there is a reason (as always) that I've portrayed her in such a light. You might not like what I've done to Ranma either, but hey, it's my universe. Kei makes a few explicit appearances, and even Yuri has some fun. All in all it makes for some very interesting story lines, so please, read it, and then tell me what you think. Comments/Crits to: inaba@earthling.net Part XI Yuri's Evil Plan #62! "Lum!" Moroboshi's mother bellowed as she stood over a sleeping pair, jostling Lum awake, "Lum! Get up, one of your friends," letting her voice rip through the layers of sleep that clouded Lum's thoughts, "is at the door." As Lum began to move, Ataru stirred slightly, then pushed himself upright, gazing with lazy eyes at the woman who stood over the two, "Okaa-san?" his eyes straining to focus. The older woman blushed, her eyes scanning the room, "Er.. I'll go make some tea." then turned quickly and headed for the door, her eyes shooting an evil look at Lum, then exited quickly, leaving all eyes in the room to gaze at the door. Lum sat, pushing her hair back, her eyes straining with sleep to find the top to her pajamas as she sniffed back a tear. She had never expected things to get so bad, and so soon. She knew what was going on, and it wasn't as if they hadn't gone through this before, but this time, she wasn't so sure she was going to win. Ataru, his eyes squinted slightly, rubbed his hand into his face, trying to quell the dazed feeling that overwhelmed him, 'What had just happened?' he thought, his eyes watching Lum search through the piles of bedding, "What's wrong?" "Oh," Lum shrugged, "just someone at the door." avoiding his gaze as she shoved her shoulders into her black satin, oversized pajama top. Ataru gazed at her form, trying to guess what was going on inside her head, 'She seemed so distant lately, like she was always somewhere else, it hadn't interfered with their sex life yet, but ...' his thoughts turning to Mendo and Yuri, then snapped back as Lum started to get up out of the futon. He moved, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Let me get it." smiling gently at her, his concern evident in his gaze. Lum turned, her eyes questioning him, then, "I don't mind." trying to pull away from his grip on her. Ataru shot up out of the bed, moving to the door, calling to Lum over his shoulder, "You just relax," winking at her, "I'll take care of it." then worked his way out the door to leave Lum to her thoughts. Ten eyed the door as it closed, then turned slowly to Lum, "He's being awfully nice lately." his voice concerned as he inspected Lum. "Un." she replied slowly, puzzled by his quick movements, and thought, 'Now I don't even know what's going on.' *************** "Okaa-san?" Ataru queried as he poked his head around the corner into the kitchen, his eyes resting on his mother as she began to grind herbs into a mix, with mortar and pestle, her hands straining at a stubborn piece of ginger. "Hai?" she queried, smiling up at him with huge eyes, her hands still working nervously. Ataru walked over to her, noting each movement and utensil, "Why are using this old thing?" motioning to the mortar. "Nani?" then looked down at the mortar, it's edges ground out of shape with wear, "Oh, I thought you might like a nice, hot cup of tea, the way I used to make it." nodding vibrantly at him as he looked on in disbelief, both of them ignoring the slight pecking noise in the background. Ataru stood, bemused as he looked down into his mother's bright smile, then put his hand on her shoulder, "Okaa-sama?" his eyes full of concern, "Are you okay?" His mother's eyes blank, looked up at him, her hands pulled back from the mortar and pestle, "Of course. Why? Is anything wrong?" then stared blankly, waiting for a response. Ataru gazed blankly at her, then dropped his arms and receded from the room, his mother's eyes following him as he left. He walked slowly down the hall in a daze, 'Strange...' he thought as muffled howls of a male voice pounding at the door echoed through the hall. Ataru stumbled down the hall lost in thought, his father peeked over his newspaper as he passed the living room, "Oi, Ataru," brining a slight sparkle into Ataru's eyes, "could you get the door?" "Hai," Ataru mumbled, still lost in the folds of his mind. *************** Mendo stood, pounding loudly on the door, his mind raving at the humiliation he was suffering under Moroboshi, he readied himself to rage aloud once more, when, the door slowly pulled open before him to expose a bemused Ataru, lost in thought, turning away from the visitor and slowly ascending the stairs, his eyes blank. Mendo, his mind caught in the utter abuse he was enduring, bellowed aloud, "Moroboshi!" his fists clenched as he stared up at the ascending Ataru, noticing his slow, precise movements. He halted himself as he was ready to rage again, his eyes taking in the dazed state of Ataru as he slowly ascended, oblivious to the world around him, "Moroboshi?" Ataru stopped on the stairs, his face pale, he turned slowly, and spoke through the blank gaze that clouded his eyes, "Mendo?" he queried, slightly puzzled, then scrutinized the figure, his voice full of contempt, "Take off your shoes." Mendo readied himself to rave, his mind unable to stop the urges of violence that ran through his body, then, as Ataru slowly turned away, his eyes caught the slight sadness that clouded his eyes Mendo pulled himself back and slipped his shoes off, pushing them to the side with his toes and followed Ataru up the stairs, closing the door behind him, not knowing what else to do. *************** Ataru walked dumbly down the hall, his mind elsewhere as he absently led Mendo into his and Lum's room. He opened the door before him as he wondered what the hell he was going to do. He now understood something that he would have rather left alone, yet another obstacle that he did not want to deal with at the moment, especially in front of Mendo and Yuri. 'It's just not fair!' his mind raved as closed the door behind the two, his hand still on the knob. 'What the hell am I going to do?' Lum glared at Mendo and pulled the covers up over herself as she saw him enter, biting down a harsh question to Ataru as she studied his gaze, seeing in it none of the humor that she loved so much. Her lips parted as she started to ask him what was wrong, then thought better of it as she felt Mendo's gaze on her and pulled the covers tight to her. Ataru moved across the room and sat down between Lum and Mendo, his feet under him, his eyes still clouded with his own machinations as he motioned for Mendo to do the same. He felt Lum's hand on his back and laid a hand on her knee soothingly, trying to explain his reaction to the new day with but a touch, "Lum," his voice soft as he spoke to her over his shoulder, "please tell Yuri we have a guest." Mendo stewed slowly as he moved to his position opposite Ataru and put his feet under him, a slow bead of sweat rising as his moment approached, the moment in which he would say his piece and move on, and even now, he couldn't let go of the feeling that he was about to make the worst mistake of his life. He pushed the thought aside forcibly, his mind shunting aside the very notion that ANY woman would be THAT important to him. He hardly noticed Lum pull the covers to her as she moved to leave the room, and the lost look in Ataru's eyes as he watched, for even he, Mendo, was, in that one moment, lost. *************** Lum knocked nervously on the door to the bathroom, her eyes scanning the hall for any sign of life, she did not want to be caught by Ataru's mother wrapped in a quilt in the middle of the hallway with company over. She rapped at the door again and tried the knob, finding it locked then rapped again, her eyes lighting up as the door before her opened slightly showing the green-mud covered face of a very annoyed Yuri. "What is it?" she queried through unmoving lips. Lum, slightly taken aback by Yuri's edged attitude, pushed the door open, "Mendo's here." in a whisper as Yuri's eyes popped open. Yuri gazed at the open door, then at Lum, then moved to peer down the hall, "Chikusho!" she cursed lightly, "My clothes are in your room!" as her face dropped. Lum sighed heavily, her features dropping around her as she caught the intimated point, "Give me your robe." Yuri, slightly puzzled, complied, "What do you need the robe for?" eyeing her suspiciously. "Your boyfriend," she rasped sarcastically, "is a lech." then catching a hard look from Yuri, "Oh," dismissing the thought with a wave of her hand, "like mine's not?" Yuri chuckled slightly then put a hand on Lum's arm affectionately, "I'm sorry," shrugging slightly, "guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." her eyes dancing with light as Lum joined her in a giggle, then shook her head as Lum moved to the door. "Leave it unlocked 'kay?" pushing her head inside the bathroom before moving down the hall, her body half inside the robe as she shrugged it on, smiling up at Yuri as she nodded compliance, then closed the door behind her, throwing the cloth belt around her and tying it tightly. She moved down the hall quickly, then pulled their door open and nodded to Ataru who sat silent, his eyes bright, his face impassive, "Gomen." then grabbed a large bag in the corner along with a bundle of clothes that hung across the back of the light office chair by the desk. She nodded to Ataru and left the room quickly as Mendo's eyes followed her out. She shivered slightly as she closed the door behind her and leaned against the door. There was something so different about Mendo today, something that made her almost fear his gaze, as if everything his eyes touched, he wished to acquire, wished it more than anything. *************** Mendo sat and stewed as he waited for Yuri to arrive, his mind mulling over the humilities he had suffered under Moroboshi through time, and the few moment that he had actually respected the lech, such as this one. He pulled his eyes from the floor to gaze into his rivals eyes, trying to find what had attracted Lum, and even Yuri to him. He wasn't a good looking man, and even his personality sent cold shivers up his spine, yet there was something vital in his eyes, some glint that he could not explain. Mendo adjusted his shoulders uncomfortably and scanned the room around him, finding Ten scrutinizing him, "Nani?" Ten floated a full meter above the ground, his eyes picking at every final detail of Mendo's face, "Hmm." then scowled, shook his head and turned to float near Ataru and lay down on the futon behind him. Mendo, unnerved by Ten's movements, puzzled over what he had seen, his mind scanning every inch of himself, "Nani?" settling on Ten with a puzzled look. "It's nothing." Ten responded, rolling over and pulling a light sheet over his body, a smile starting to creep over his face. Mendo, now seriously concerned, moved his hand to his face and inspected it by touch, "Nani?" Ten looked up slowly and started to giggle as Ataru's attention was drawn down on him, giving him the full effect of a meaningful glare, "Ten." with force. Ten, with an abused look, shrugged and lay back down leaving Mendo to sit and stew as Ataru moved back to his thoughts, soon to be interrupted as the door crept open. Lum stood in the open doorway, a long white dress shrouding around her as she moved skillfully to Ataru's left side and sat, her hands in her lap, nodding to Ataru. "Very well." Ataru stated, his voice forcing Mendo to pull his eyes from the door, "You have come today for a reason." Mendo, lost, "Hai." not knowing what else to do. "Then," Ataru took in a deep breath as Yuri moved across the room, a light red dress billowing out as her movements created a small breeze to sit at the left of Lum, then sitting properly. "let your reason be known." Mendo steamed at the sight before him, 'How dare he!' his mind cried, his muscles bunching as he struggled to remain control, "I have come to speak with Yuri-san." Ataru nodded, his eyes closed as he considered the answer that he was given, "What business do you have with Yuri-san?" his voice with an edge, "And why is it that I should allow it?" "Because!" Mendo fumed with force, unable to control his temper in the presence of such insolence, then with more control, "I have come to demand that she return, or to grant her freedom," then paused as Yuri squirmed nervously, "if it is her wish." "Freedom?" Ataru queried, "From what?" his eyes grinning evilly as he sat, watching Mendo stew under interrogation. "From," Mendo's shoulder's bunching, "from my lecherous nature." then biting the words back as they came, "Gomenasai, Yuri-san, please..." then dropped his eyes as he chewed at his lips, berating himself for the slip, he had not meant to plead with her or anyone. Ataru laughed jovially, "Who is it you address before the man you ask a favor of?" obviously enjoying himself, then catching Lum's cold glare as he grinned at her sheepishly. Mendo's eyes pleaded with Yuri's form as the words he meant to say dropped from his mind, replacing themselves with pitiful sobs that racked his thoughts, "Please, Yuri-san, I didn't mean to sleep with her, I was just..." "NANI?!?!" Yuri bellowed at the words, her mind caught in the ravages of jealousy, rage, and an uncontrollable desire to pull her arm back and strike him across the face, in fact, she did just that. SMACK!! *************** Music Cue: Fatal Passion - Lita Ford Mendo awoke to the sound of soft music in the background, his face buzzing slowly from the impact of Yuri's fist. He pulled at his right hand to inspect the bruise and found that he couldn't move his right arm, nor his left. He threw his eyes open, finding himself sitting upright in an office chair, his hands bound behind him with handcuffs, locked to the chair. He struggled slightly then took in a deep breath, cursing wickedly in his thoughts as he examined the situation, the music growing harder and harder until it broke into a mass of confusion. Yuri stood in the doorway to the large room dressed in a tight fitting black dress that cut just below her upper thigh, leaving her legs covered only in black fishnet hose, her shoulders bare as the top of the mini ran its border around her, showing Mendo a tasteful view of her full breasts. She posed just inside the doorway, facing Mendo with her left hip pushing out slightly, her right foot in front of her as she slowed to a stop to the right of a low table, her slight fingers pulling a match from a cup placed beside a single red hand dipped candle. She leaned over the table, her left hand on her hip as she turned her body, her eyes on him, pushing her chest out slightly, then ran her index finger down the length of the match to its end, then purposefully dragging it across the edge of the table, it's glow illuminating the skin atop her breasts that the dress left bare. She moved her hand slowly to the candle, letting the fire pass from one to the other, then lifted it to her rounded ruby lips, and blew, then threw a slight wink at him, grinning evilly. He stirred in his seat as the music began to thump and boom around him, her body starting to sway with the motion of the melody, then jutting out her sex as the beat commanded, squinting her eyes shut slightly, running a single hand down her form as she strutted to his side, then rounded his body, throwing her head down to tease him with her hair. She moved to the front of him, slowly addressing him with one finger then running it down his cheek across the bruise, her eyes never leaving his. She picked herself up, moving her chest forward before him, then turned abruptly, swinging her hair around her head, then strutted away swinging her hips as the music commanded. She stopped and turned to let him see as her hand ran down her form, letting out a slight audible moan, then turned her eyes to his as her hand ran down to the inside of her thigh, then shot back up the outside of her body as she began to move and sway with the music, always in motion. She grinned at him, her eyes alight with mischief as she moved to him, her spike heels pounding out the rhythm on the floor. She stopped in front of him and sat, spreading her legs wide, in his lap, pulling her chest away from him, then slowly moving her body down the length of his lap, pushing out slightly with her breasts as clasped onto his neck with her hands. She pulled herself up, grinding her body against his as she began to buzz with excitement, sweat starting to bead across her soft skin. He stared down at her mutely as she lifted a single leg slowly, pulling it high, then swung it quickly over his head, turning her back to him as she pushed at his sex with hers. His mind cried in exquisite agony as she moved slowly down the length of his lap, then pushed him back into the chair with her hands as she pushed herself up. She began to bounce and sway with the movement of the music as it moved into its final score, teasing him with her hands and body, then, moved to him again, throwing her body onto him, crushing him with her chest and slumped down as the final beat hit. She pushed herself back and onto her feet, leaning over him, staring back and forth from his lips and eyes as he waited for her to move. She stuck out a finger and ran it around his cheeks slowly, then moved it to his lips, scraping the border with the very edge of her fingernail as his mouth hung agape. She pulled it back from his grasp, then moved it to her lips, showing him its length then kissed it lightly, her eyes squeezing shut, she let out a slight moan. She opened her eyes, righting herself slowly and turned, dropping her hand to her side and moved away, headed for the door to leave him there, alone. He felt the cold pangs of regret flow through his body as he watched her recede, his mind struggling for something, anything to do, to say. She stopped at the door, her hand on the knob and peered at him over her shoulder, her eyes alight with mischief, and grief, "Ja ne, Shutaro." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer's Notes: And here it is, the last of the Mendo/Yuri ep, hope you liked it. I sure did (snicker). But how can you leave him like THAT?! Simple, he deserved it, ne? And this way, he might actually learn something, not likely, but anything is possible. But I didn't think Yuri could be so COLD! Yuri uses her sex the same way Lum does, she's a tease plain and simple, and that's what makes Mendo want her so much, ne? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J**** F*****' C***** MAN! WHAT.... ABOUT..... SHINOBU???? Not too worry, I'll give you a hint: "the last of the Mendo/Yuri ep..." I think that says it all, don't you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------