Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work of fiction are not mine and I do not lay any claim, either real or imagined to the likeness, reproduction, or otherwise. This work is intended for fun only, and is not produced for profit. Please feel free to distribute freely. Writer's Foreword: I'll warn you now, this is a crossover lemon. I've put the cast of UY, the cast of Ranma, the cast of DP, the cast of AMS, the cast of AKO, the cast of.... etc. etc. etc. I tried to break as many boundaries as possible with this, including having Ataru admit to his true feelings (Whatever they may be) Well, you don't expect me to tell you now, do you? You Ranma 1/2 fans may not like what I've done with Ukyou, but feel assured that there is a reason (as always) that I've portrayed her in such a light. You might not like what I've done to Ranma either, but hey, it's my universe. Kei makes a few explicit appearances, and even Yuri has some fun. All in all it makes for some very interesting story lines, so please, read it, and then tell me what you think. Comments/Crits to: inaba@earthling.net Part III "Moroboshi! This Is Not A Go-Go Bar!" Lum sat at her desk drawing doodling while she waited for class to start. Her mind drifting back to the night before. 'He was so sweet in bed.' she thought, her mind finding an image of Ataru probing her deeply as she wrapped her legs around him, her back to the wall, 'and just forceful enough to make hmmmmm..' she finished, writing out "Moroboshi Lum" on the cover of her English text. Ataru, his mind at rest for once smiled peacefully as he sat, his feet up on the desk, lounging lazily. He closed his eyes and wondered when the last time he had been so happy had been, he felt fresh, new, alive. He looked over to Lum, sitting beside him and winked at her, Lum catching his meaning, she blushed and giggled, turning away. Megane, watching the exchange, stomped over to Ataru's desk, slapping an open palm on the desk, "Just what is the meaning of this Moroboshi?!" he demanded, his eyes growing narrow as he saw Ataru wink at Lum again. Ataru leaned back in his chair, his hands locked behind his head, answering Megane coolly, "Meaning of what Megane?" his eyes expressing a little concern, "What's wrong Megane-san? You don't look well." Megane steamed, his expression hard, "Just what did you do to Lum-san?!" his face flushed in anger as he fixed Ataru with a glare. "Lover!" came a shout from the door to the classroom where stood a voluptuous redhead in a two piece white outfit, a huge blaster strapped to her side. Megane cringed visibly, his mind going back in time to the night before. He was being pummeled by the girl in white with Chibi's body. When she finished beating him into the ground with Chibi's skull she asked, "By the way, either of you guys a Capricorn?" and he was stupid enough to answer, '*Hai.' through a few broken teeth. [*yes] The redhead sprinted up to them, throwing her arms around Megane as he flinched. "Hi lover! How are you?" she queried, kissing him wetly. "Mmmph!!" "Well, whatever you've got," Ataru began, still lounging and smiling at Lum, who had already pulled her desk up beside his, blushed redly and giggled. "that's a sure cure for it." putting his arm around Lum, who smiled up at him. "Lover?!" the redhead cried, her eyes full of concern, "Have you got a cold or something?" she paused, "You do look a little flushed. Don't worry," she beamed at him, "I'll take care of you." "I'm not sick!" Megane bellowed, trying to pry her arms apart to escape, finding he could not, "Moroboshi! This is all your fault!" he glared accusing at Ataru. "Moroboshi?" the red-head eyed Ataru quizzically, "Moroboshi Ataru-san?" "*Hai." Ataru answered. [*yes] "And Moroboshi Lum-san?" she gazed at Lum. Lum, her eyes proud, "*Un!" with a nod. [*yes] "Oh, what a stroke of luck! Benten sent me with a message for you two, and here you are. I was beginning to think I was going to have to tear the place down." she gazed at Megane dreamily, "It must be love leading me on." Megane flinched, his face contorted with grief, "Aahh." he sighed weakly and hit the floor. The red-head, "Oh! You are sick, lover, you hard headed idiot." "No," Ataru began, "that's pretty normal for Megane-san." Lum nodded in accordance. "What was Benten's message anyway?" dismissing the matter as the red-head hefted Megane over her shoulder, "Oh," her eyes trying hard to focus, then pulling a slip of paper out of a VERY full top, then reading "she said that she had to go away for a while so she was going to leave Kei, that's me, and Yuri, that's my partner, in charge of the defenses. And not to worry because Yuri would be in charge and she actually has a brain. *NANIII??!! **CHIKUSHO!!" dropping Megane off her shoulder onto the floor with an audible THUD. [*what] [**mild curse] Ataru watched Megane fall to floor, his eyes cool, then trained on Kei, still steaming, "It's nice to meet you Kei-san, and what do you mean by defenses?" "Kei!" a woman with long black hair screamed, popping around the corner, "What are you doing in here? Come on! Kei, we've got work to do!" she screamed, walking over to the pack, Kei pulling a prone Megane up from the floor. "Hold on a minute will 'ya?!" Kei chided, motioning to Lum and Ataru. "These are our charges, Moroboshi Ataru and Lum." Lum beaming happily. "Oh, sorry." the girl blushed. "*NANI?!" Mendo screamed, just arriving, "Moroboshi Lum-san?! **SOONA!!" appearing before Lum on his knees. "Please Lum-san, tell me it's not true." then, noticing a very angry Shinobu glaring at him, "Ahaha, I mean ahah." his hand behind his head. [*what] [**can't be] The dark haired girl, eyeing Mendo brightly pushed her body in front of him, smiling up at him with bright eyes, pushing her chest towards him, "Hi, I'm Yuri. And you are?" Mendo, recovering his composure instantly, "I must be favored by the heavens to witness such beauty and grace," his teeth sparking, "I am but a lowly man in the presence of such as you." he bowed deeply taking her hand. "Please, if you would find it in you to grace my presence I would be honored if you were to call me by my name, Mendo Shutaro." kissing her hand. Yuri batted her eye lashing in the wake of his rhetoric, feeling herself start to tingle from his kiss. Shinobu, steaming in the back of the room, crushed a desk between her hands, "*NANI?!" [*okay, one more time for the slower students 'what'] Lum, watching the exchange, leaned over and whispered to Ataru, "Dahling, let's get out of here before desks start flying everywhere." He nodded to her as the argument began, slipping Lum out of her desk and leaving the scene as voices started to rise. "Ha! A sexless little nothing like you my Mendo's lover?" Yuri said sarcastically, "I can't believe it." "SEXLESS!?!?" Shinobu bellowed, waking a dazed Megane. "Who do you think your calling sexless?!" she demanded. Kei, slamming Megane's head into the side of a desk knocking him cold, walked out of the room, "You can get yourself out of this one Yuri, I'm out of here." Yuri, continuing her spiel, oblivious of anything else, "Who do you think school girl? Mendo needs a real woman like me!" accentuating her remarks with a quick push of her hips to the right. "Please, ladies," Mendo began to intervene, "don't fight over AHHHGGKUU!!!" finding himself crumpled under a desk. "That's it!" Shinobu screamed, her ire flared, "We'll see who's sexless! I challenge you!" Yuri, pulling Mendo out from under the desk turned toward the door, "I accept." over her shoulder, "In one hour at the Moroboshi residence. Don't be late," eyeing Shinobu coldly, "and do dress in something flattering." and with that dragged Mendo out the door. Shinobu, yelling after her, "I'll be there!" then quietly, "Sexless indeed." Megane awake, face up on a futon, his head pounding from some forgotten injury. He moaned slightly, feeling about his head for the injured spot. Something was wrong, he couldn't remember where he was, or how he had gotten here. Then, slowly, the events of the day came to the front of his mind, 'Oh no' he thought, 'Moroboshi is enamored with Lum! And in her present state...' then, slowly as the rest of the scene faded into the foreground he flinched. 'The red headed demon! Kei, that's her name, Kei! She.. she..' then realizing where he was, he screamed in fright, "AAHHHH!" then lifting the covers experimentally, "AAAHHH!!!" he was absolutely nude, covered only by a light sheet. Kei, entering the room, "Oh, your up, good!" moving over to the closet, "Just sit tight while I get dressed." pulling out a white garter belt, stockings, a lacy French cut pair of panties to match and a white spandex mini with a white button down half shirt with starched lapels. His nose began to bleed furiously as he watched her pull out the outfit and pull her top off and walk out of the room. 'The nerve!' he thought furiously, 'Trying to seduce me away from Lum-san's side!' he began to drool slightly, 'But what a bod!' then changing track firmly, 'No, I must not give in to this enchantment, I must stand firm in the face of evil!' and he was, much to his embarrassment. After a few moments Kei entered the room, the new outfit in place and pulling at her voluptuous body at critical points, causing another embarrassing reaction in Megane. "Hi lover! I'm back!" looking down at him, noticing the bulge beginning to show through the light sheet, "Oh! Look who decided to join the party!" "AAAAHHHGGG!!!" Shinobu arrived at the Moroboshi household five minutes early and dressed for action, sporting a pair of bedraggled shorts that would have made a g-string look respectable, and a flannel shirt tied off at her midsection, the front wide open, showing the world a forest green lace bra. Her feet covered with a soft suede moved up to the door, she stood resolutely and rapped twice. "Yes?" Yuri sneered as she opened the door clad in a towel, "Oh, you decided to show up after all." stepping back to allow her in, "Mendo is waiting upstairs," scrutinizing Shinobu, "keep him company would you? I have to finish dressing." "Gladly." Shinobu reciprocated coldly. Her hips flowing as she strutted up the stairs. Yuri, pulling her towel tightly to her, under her breath, "This'll be easier than I thought." Mendo waited nervously, chatting lightly with Lum and Ataru, his mind elsewhere. Yuri had certainly promised him a wonderful afternoon, and from the looks of things, he was sure to get it. He ran his mind over the scene again, or what little of it he remembered, with Shinobu challenging Yuri, and Yuri accepting and giving the Moroboshi household as place. But what kind of a duel could be fought in a bedroom? Shinobu opened the door and stepped in swaying her hips slightly as she did so, then closing the door behind her, leaning her body up against it, pushing her breasts out with her hands behind her back still on the doorknob. "Ohayo, Mendo-chan." her lips wet with fresh dark pink lipstick. Then, walking over to him she bent down, kissing him firmly then parted with a gentle caress. "Lum-san, Ataru-kun." nodding to each respectively. Lum, now out of her school uniform, wearing a tight white half top and a skin tight black and white tiger stripe mini, "*Ohayo, Shinobu-san." prodding Ataru with an elbow, his chin still on the floor. [*good morning] "Uh, *ohayo Shinobu-san." staring unbelievingly at the new Shinobu, getting another elbow in the ribs, then a pinch on his arm as Lum, clearly annoyed, glared at him. He eyed her back, slipping a hand down to waist and moving upwards slowly, an evil grin showing through. [*good morning] "Dahling," Lum, blushing, "not now, we have to referee!" kissing a disappointed Ataru slowly then whispering gently, "Later Dahling, da cha?" [had to do it, just had to do it] Ataru, disappointed, but with a reign check, sighed and sat on the cushion firmly, waiting for the next contestant to arrive. Mendo, stunned by Shinobu's appearance and her behavior, queried Lum, "What do you mean 'referee'?" Ataru answering, a little annoyed, "Why the duel of course!" his eyes registering contempt. "But what KIND of duel!?" Mendo demanded, a bit peeved. Ataru, grinning madly, "You'll see." Shinobu, edging her way over to Mendo, "*Ne, Mendo, do you like it?" pushing her breasts into his face. "I worked so hard on this outfit," she paused, "just for you." leaning in and running her hand down his neck, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. [*in this context, say] "Ahem!" Ataru interjected, "No fondling before the contest begins." his arms folded across his chest. "Hmmph!" an annoyed Shinobu grunted, "But Yuri has had an hour to work on him!" she pleaded. "No," Lum answering for Ataru, "he has been here with Ataru while Yuri and I prettied ourselves." "Hmmph." Shinobu retorted, her arms folded across her chest as she sat and waited for Yuri to arrive. A few minutes passed, with only idle chat about the room, then Yuri opened the door, showing a full mane of black hair, dressed in a one piece wet leather mini-dress that zipped seductively down the front, the zipper residing just below the gentle curves of her breasts, the dress pushing them together. She walked over to Mendo, showing off Lum's spike heeled knee high boots. "*Ne, Mendo-san, why don't you stand up and greet me correctly?" [*in this context, say] Mendo got to his feet, and bowed deeply, taking her hand and kissing it gently, "I am honored by your presence Yuri-san." Yuri, a little annoyed, pulled his face up to hers with two slight fingers, pushing away a stray lock of hair out of his eyes, pressing her ruby lips to his, pulling him to her. As Yuri broke from the kiss, Mendo stood stunned, off in a dream world full of Yuris, all wearing a one piece black wet leather dress. A bit of drool dribbling from his mouth he sat down heavily, his eyes still glazed over. Ataru looked to Lum and nodded approvingly, as Shinobu steamed in the corner. "And now," he said, picking up a set of stage hand blocks as Yuri sat down beside Shinobu, pleased with her effect on Mendo. "let the duel begin." clapping the blocks loudly, bringing Mendo back to reality. "The rules be now explained," he continued, "only contact legal is flesh to flesh, the one who climaxes first be the loser." clapping loudly. "*NANI?!" Mendo squealed, producing a grin from Ataru. [*help! someone save me from twitdom!] "*Ne, Mendo-san, leave this to me." Shinobu grinned widely as she approached him, his jaw dropping to the floor. [*in this context, say] Lum, a stern expression on her face, "No, Shinobu. You compete with Yuri, not Mendo." Shinobu, her jaw on the floor, regained her composure and set her features, determined. Then, turning to Yuri, she smoothed up to her, pushing Yuri's hair back and urging on a kiss. Yuri, her body flowing to respond, moved to accept the kiss, then taking the lead, shoving her tongue into Shinobu's mouth. Shinobu squirmed slightly then relaxed to the sensation of Yuri's tongue moving round her mouth. She moved a hand up, finding Yuri's breast, moving up to her neck, slowly, smashing Yuri's wet lips to hers, her body already starting to tingle with excitement as Yuri slowly rounded her fingertips up Shinobu's thighs, teasing her skin into goose bumps as she moved higher, tugging at the knotted flannel shirt slightly. Shinobu, pushing her breasts outwards, waiting for Yuri to fondle her bosom, pulled at the zipper of Yuri's dress, pulling it down, Yuri's breasts jiggling slightly as the dress opened up. Shinobu, breaking from the kiss, slowly moved her tongue down Yuri's neck, to her bosom, her tongue teasing Yuri's flesh as she traced the outline of the zipper, it's cold metal accentuating the pleasure Yuri was feeling. Yuri, pulling open Shinobu's bedraggled flannel, began to slowly stroke her breasts, running her fingers lingeringly about Shinobu's nipples as Shinobu suckled gently at Yuri's bosom sending waves of emotion through her. Shinobu felt Yuri's hands move behind her back and tug at the lace bra, making her itch with anticipation. Her bra snapped open, leaving her bosom uninhibited as Yuri slowly moved her hands to Shinobu's shoulders, then down slowly, dragging the straps of Shinobu's bra off her shoulders to the floor. Shinobu's slight breasts heaved with sensation as the cold air ran against them, her nipples already firm with emotion, as Yuri moved her hands slowly toward them, using only her fingertips to touch and tantalize, then gripped her heavily with an open palm. Shinobu moaned heavily as she bit down slightly on Yuri's nipple causing her to pull in a sharp breath in the ecstasy of the slight pain. Ataru and Lum sat absolutely still as they watched on, suppressing a giggle as they saw Mendo's manhood rise to the occasion. Ataru took Lum's hand in hers and pulled her a little closer, then ran his fingers across the fabric that covered her rear, obviously turned on by Yuri and Shinobu's performance. Lum leaned over onto Ataru, aroused by the situation, she caressed his chest and watched on as Mendo's eyes bulged out at the sight of Yuri's untamed body as Shinobu pulled away the wet leather dress to expose only a pair of black lace French cut panties. Yuri looked to Mendo and ran her tongue around the outline of her lips as Shinobu still suckled at her breasts slowly working Yuri's sex with two fingers. Mendo laughed nervously, blushing, as Yuri moved her fingers down Shinobu's body to her shorts, throwing them open with on swift pull, showing all that Shinobu wore nothing underneath causing her to moan as the thin fabric of the shorts rubbed unmercifully against her. Mendo sat and stared as Yuri ran her fingers around the edges of the shorts then down, out of sight and into Shinobu, who, caught in a wave of passion moaned loudly, digging her nails into Yuri's back. Yuri, arching her back, let out a moan, rubbing her nipples against Shinobu's face, forcing her down onto her back. Yuri grinned mischievously at Mendo, who sat stunned as she moved her head down Shinobu's quivering form. Gently running her tongue round in circles as she moved lower and lower to find Shinobu's sex pulsing with emotion. And with a smile to Mendo, Yuri pulled at the buttoned edges of Shinobu's shorts, dragging her fingers across her sex as she pulled the shorts off. Shinobu, caught in the waves of sensation that ravaged her body, moaned deeply, her throat harsh as she bit down hard on her finger causing Mendo to gulp in excitement as she awaited Yuri's gentle touch. Yuri basked in the anticipation of victory as she watched on as Shinobu writhed beneath her, caressing her breasts. Yuri dove down into Shinobu's wetted center with her tongue, then slowly working through the folds, suckling at each puffed, pink, flanking fold. Yuri ran her fingers round in gentle motions, excising from Shinobu a sweet fluid, to coat Yuri's tongue and the floor beneath. Yuri, sure in her victory, lifted her head and motioned to Mendo, grabbing him by the shirt when he did not respond, tearing at the fabric as she pulled him to the prone Shinobu, throwing her lips to his violently. Yuri explored his mouth, teasing with her tongue as she pushed his shirt off his body, running her hand round his chest, still working Shinobu with the other. Yuri broke from the kiss, leading Mendo to kneel before Shinobu, then urging his face into her sex as she moved around behind him moving her fingers down his back then round to his manhood, stroking it gently as Shinobu grabbed at his hair and pulled his face to her, needing his tongue inside her. Yuri pulled at the strap of his trousers, letting them fall open as his member bulged out, escaping their restrain. She pulled slowly at the sides, her need evident as she stripped him of his clothes leaving not a stitch behind. Mendo moaned slightly as Yuri stoked him admiringly, Shinobu writhing with passion beneath him. Yuri lay on her back between Mendo's legs, using her fingers to tease him into hardness as she looked on him greedily. Then, running her tongue down the length of his shaft, she held him firmly, pointing him strait to her and kissed and suckled at the sides. Shinobu quivered under Mendo's touch, starting to flow continuously, the waves ebbing firmly, growing in strength as she gripped at his hair and pulled his face closer to her, deeper into her. Then, all at once, Yuri took him in fully, her manhood filling her mouth completely as her throat complained. She slowly drew back, then drove down greedily, her hips and head rocking gently as she did so, the first bitter taste leading her on. Her head started to bob violently, moving back and forth faster and faster as Mendo's hips started to move in time. Ataru, his body bulging at the sight, moved a hand around Lum's back to trace the curved outline of her breast, as she moved closer to him, gently starting to stroke him through his clothes, also anxious to follow suit as they watched on. Shinobu let out a cry ass her body quaked, letting fly a mass of essence, covering Mendo in her wake, as he lapped up the bitter-sweet essence covering her thighs. Shinobu, spent lay motionless, her boy slightly quivering with exhaustion in her release as a new fire rose inside her. Mendo grunted as Yuri drove her mouth down around him deeply, the back of her throat pushing against him as he drove his tongue into Shinobu, passing along the passion that ebbed within him. Yuri slowed her pace, still devouring him then, with her teeth she gently etched along the skin, pulling at it slightly as Mendo let out a scream, then drove her mouth around him as he let loose a flood of his seed, Yuri gulping and trying to catch her breath as it slid down her throat, her body quivering with excitement. Lum watched on as Mendo lay, spent, her own body burning with lust as Ataru gently traced his fingers up her inner thigh. She started to sweat as his index finger moved up under the protection of the miniskirt, placing it between her and the fabric. She quivered gently, soaking her panties with sweet essence as she grabbed him heavily, trying to keep her thoughts conscious as Yuri kissed Shinobu lightly, pulling her down to Mendo's manhood, leaving her there to work on him as she moved up his chest, encircling his nipples with her tongue as he worked her breasts lightly. Then straddling his chest, she rubbed her sex against him through her lace panties, now soaked with her passion. Mendo sat stunned, Shinobu's lips around him, taking him in and suckling gently, Yuri, slowly moving towards his face, then grinding her sex against his chin. He could feel her urgency as she turned her self around, pulling off her panties slowly, showing him her naked sex. She arched her back, slowly bending down towards Shinobu as she pulled at a prone Mendo, her efforts starting to take effect. She ran her tongue up his length, meeting Shinobu's going down, and kissed around his member. Mendo grunted and pulled Yuri's hips to him, his own hips working slightly as the two women tongued him gently. He licked at her sex slightly, his tongue quivering, producing a moan from Yuri as she stroked Shinobu's breasts gently, still licking at her tongue around his manhood. Mendo explored the folds of Yuri's sex slowly, prodding inside her with his tongue, then with his fingers, the gentle vibrations of her body urging him on as he delved deeply with his fingers, their entrance aided by the gentle flow of essence that trailed down her thighs. Shinobu, working Mendo into a frenzy looked pleased with herself as she smiled down at his rock hard sex. Yuri, grappling at his manhood, took Shinobu's face in a hand and pulled Shinobu to her, kissing her firmly as she pulled Shinobu's hips to his manhood, grinding her sex against his throbbing member. Shinobu moaned through the kiss, her body quivering in anticipation as she felt the wetness of her passion start to flow. Yuri, held him upright, moaning as he delved deeper and deeper, twitching his tongue round inside her body, as she pulled her hips forward quickly, letting his rod penetrate her. Shinobu gulped down a cry and gushed as she felt him enter her, her body quivering slightly with pleasure as he pushed gently against her hymen, causing her to moan slightly. Yuri, both her hands on Shinobu's hips, stifled a wail, then pulled Shinobu firmly down onto him, letting a slight gasp pierce the air as she, herself was pierced, filling her with his manhood. Shinobu, straining under the waves of her emotions, lifted slightly, pulling her hips forward, then rocking them back on the downstroke, producing a grunt from Mendo as sensations ebbed inside him, urging her on. Yuri bit down on her lip tightly, stifling a scream as she felt her passion mount inside her, screaming for release, Shinobu's hands squeezing Yuri's chest furiously as she rocked her hips faster and faster, sending waves of painful ecstasy through Mendo's body. Yuri, arching her back in agony, bit down slightly on Shinobu's nipple, sending a shriek of gentle pain through Shinobu's body, moving her emotions toward their limits, then suckling lightly as she tried to pour out of her the extreme need that built inside her. She let out a cry as her mind blurred with sensation letting waves of Mendo's slight motion overcome her now quaking body. Shinobu, quaking in her own right, pulled violently at Yuri's head, her lips demanding a kiss from Yuri's wet mouth. Mendo bit gently at Yuri's sex as his seed splayed Shinobu in one quick motion. All three of them lay motionless, their arms wrapped around one another as they awaited the end of the slight ripples leave their bodies glowing in assured release as Ataru delved in Lum's mouth with his tongue hiss hands searching her body. "So," Yuri said finally, "who won?" Ataru, his eyes wide as Lum unsnapped his jeans, broke from the kiss, "Uhh, uhh.." embarrassed by his inattention. "Don't bother," Shinobu sighed heavily, hefting her body off Mendo. "You won him, fair and square." she nodded to Yuri as she petted her affectionately, "take care of him would you?" and with that she left, he clothes gathered in her arms. "Shi.. Shinobu." Mendo began, his hand outstretched. "Don't worry, honey." Yuri said snuggling up to him, "She'll be back." Kei lay, a smile spread across her face as she snuggled tightly against Megane, his eyes wide, a puzzled grin on his face. "You were wonderful lover." Kei beamed, her body warm against his. His glasses slightly askew, he sighed deeply and passed out.