To Protect and Comfort by Kourika Disclaimer: X and associated characters belong to CLAMP ect. ect. Timeline: Volume 9, spoilers applicable. _____________________________________________________________________ "Subaru, arigatou...," and the world went black. He awoke to find Kamui spooned against him, sobbing fitfully in his sleep. "No, Fuuma! Don't hurt Kotori...She'll die! Please stop!!" Subaru gently shook the boy. "Shh, it's a dream. This time it's just a dream," he soothed, embracing the slight body. Dark, tear-filled eyes stared desperately at him. "I didn't keep my promise! All I wanted was to protect Kotori...and Fuuma..." Kamui's dark head buried against his chest, and Subaru's grip tightened. The boy's pain felt so familiar! He too had seen a woman he loved die at the hand of a beloved man...Instinctively he lifted Kamui's head and pressed a warm, comforting kiss against the boy's cold lips. Subaru felt him stiffen, then lean in towards the soothing heat. He lightly flicked his tongue over the corner of Kamui's lips and shuddered in anticipation as they opened invitingly. The moist cavern of the boy's mouth tasted faintly sweet, and their tongues dueled sensuously before intertwining, becoming one. Kamui slid his arm around Subaru's neck to deepen the kiss, and the older man gently pressed him back against the pillows. He turned to the boy's shirt and meticulously pressed a kiss Kamui's chest for each undone button. He nipped one rosy nipple lightly and was rewarded with a sharp cry of pleasure from his young companion. Subaru passionately ran his tongue down the soft, white skin of Kamui's chest as he deftly released the boy's throbbing member, squeezing the testes gently. The boy arched erotically and moaned. "Please..." Responding to the implicit request, the older man ran his fingers over Kamui's sensitized penis, then covered the head with his steamy mouth. He caressed the head's delicate slit with his tongue, teasing and tantalizing. Kamui gripped his shoulders with a vice grip, and begged, "More...please more!" Subaru plunged down and engulfed Kamui entirely. He feverishly kneaded the boy's buttocks and began a steady rhythm of plunging and rising. He could sense Kamui reaching his peak, and at last the boy began to shake with spasms of gratification. He came violently in Subaru's mouth, and the older man swallowed the tangy fluid, then held him until the last vestiges of orgasm passed. "Is this what it was like for Seishirou-san," Subaru wondered fuzzily, "always leading, initiating, yet never fully finding his own release?" A shy touch on his chest broke his melancholy train of thought. "Subaru...I...let me?" Kamui asked, dark eyes still glazed with passion. "Let me?" he repeated, hesitantly reaching for the older man's crotch, but Subaru firmly pushed him away. "I'll be fine," he said in embarrassment, touched by the sixteen year old's gesture. "Sleep now, Kamui." "W...would you hold me until I fall asleep?" the boy asked, blushing. "If you're here I'm not afraid of the dreams coming again..." His open, trusting gaze wrenched the older man's heart, and he wordlessly enfolded Kamui in his arms. No matter what new trials tomorrow brought, he could protect and comfort the saviour of humanity for this one instant at least. "Subaru...oyasumi." _____________________________________________________________________